Friday, October 08, 2004

Today feels like Mister Roger's Rainy day in the Neighbhorhood in the fall. Yeah, just like that. You know what it makes me miss? Just feeling a teensy bit nostalogic for dmf. Yeah it was a stupid cafeteria, no booze or smoking -- but at the time it okay because I did neither. I would just go to dance and that was tons of fun and since I knew so few people it was easy to just dance and not socialize. Although I can't neglect to mention my two dmf buddies -- Jaime (who quit going as soon as she found a boyfriend and something better to do on Saturday night) and Zoey. I remember she was 24 or 26 when I met her and I thought "Oh my god she is so grown up and older -- yet somehow retains a remarkable level of coolness and style.... huh?" Ha ha ha. Man, 19 year olds can be really really stupid.

I admit it.

Oh an Carl --- spinning man for those of you who never met him. Accountant by day -- sexy dance machine by night. Ha ha. He was actually a chemist. We would go to dmf after sampling his roommates wine and watching the Simpsons, and he would pick me up on Tuesday night to go to the Cardinal and lend me CD's at a time so I could learn more about this whole new realm of music I had discovered. Sigh. Then he moved to California and I lost contact with him. How sad. Carl where are you?


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