Sunday, September 28, 2003

We took Pluto to the dog park today where we had a record showing of greyhound. Seven! They were one hell of a sight to see running around in their pack, and man they are fast!

Tonight we are using the heat for the first time since it is supposed to drop down to 34 degrees tonight. Burry. I have been imagining that we are living in a medieval times and trying to consider ourselves lucky that the house has no drafts, rodents and that 64 degrees is positively balmy. Of course I say that I am bundled in three sweaters, a robe, socks and shoes and considering walking around the house in a blanket. Ohh... there it is...Tim turned it on three minutes ago and I can already feel our space age heat warm up this house. I should have had a few coals in a brazier..... but this is better. I think that if the heat ever goes out, I am going to jimmy up blankets and put us all in the kitchen with the air mattress and make some cookies with our electric stove. It is always good to have a back up plan.

Well, off to bed. But before I go, please note that Mike's (on the left hand side) journal has moved, check it out for some great writing and hint of the author I know he will become.


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