Thursday, February 28, 2002

Bugboy is out of town on a training trip in Philedelphia. I wonder how the weather is there? He left yesterday afternoon and will be back tomorrow morning (going straight to work). I miss him when he is gone on these trips. I decided that since it is 1.20pm I am not going to go to work after all, but rather putz around on the computer (after lighting some nice incense and making tea). I called pinkdot to ask whether or not she had the fax thing under control and she hasn't called me back. But there is no point in going to work for only three and half hours, is there? I am not that dedicated to my job. Besides, I assuaged my guilt by checking my work email at home and responding to some requests.

Oh the guilt. I need to stop thinking about work. Really, my job isn't that important, and I wouldn't feel indebted to go except that I said I would fax something for a friend. And I can't do that with my imaginary at home fax machine. To go or not to go.
That is the question.

Yesterday I took the day off to hang out with Kersten, who was making a whirlwind tour of the tri state area to visit friends and family. Tuesday night, Pinkdot, Kersten and I all went out to Nocturna (making that first time I have been there in many months), and stayed until 3.30. So yesterday I spent most of the day in my jammies, and hanging out with Kersten. It was nice. We did all the day time activities, (drinking tea, eating cake, talking, watching a wedding story, etc) so much so that I thought it was Sunday. It was an nice day, and maybe went on longer than it should have. I should have gone to work today, but instead I was so tired and felt awful, I pulled the sick card.

Of course now that I wake up 4 hours later, I feel fine and wonder if I should go to work. There isn't much else to do. Other than all the stuff at home I COULD be doing, except for the guilt.

Monday, February 25, 2002

Do you remember life before learning the "double flush" technique? How you had to absolutely hold it, until you could get home or find an isolated bathroom, so far out of the way and use, that you would be assured absolute privacy? I remember that. Then one day in high school I was talking in a group when I overheard another more outspoken girl say "Thank god for the double flush" and I was like ....what?

Then it dawned on me. How brilliant. It works on so many levels. One covers you from potentially embarassing noises, a immediate quick flush at soon at the first one makes a landing minimizes any odor, and to all others it would appear that you are finished with your business (of course when you flush the second, or even third time, it is completely acceptable, because toliets don't always take all the toiliet paper...they sometimes leave that little calling card). People know that, so it's okay. All in all, you can finish the entire job without anyone knowing you proceeded to take a dump in a public place.

Thank you to whoever said that out loud. That has been invaluable advice.

I watched Interview with a Vampire again on TV last night. Of course it was pretty cut up, but I realized I haven't seen that movie in many years. And what a star studded cast! You got Banderas, Cruise, Pitt and that ...girl..what's her name...she gets to keep all the clothes she wears in movies...Dunst! That's it. So you look at the quality of that film and compare it to just the....glimpse that we are getting of Queen of the Damned...and it just doesn't compare. What we are seeing here is another case of sequel death. Queen just looks like utter, over the top, crap. I already hate Lestat...he's one of those teenage boys they scraped up from a rural highschool that wanted to be goth...but just couldn't quite make it (no doubt the gaming the medieval fantasies got in the way). Weak, pathetic-trying WAY to hard. And the Queen? I can't tell what she looks like, her mouth is open the entire time. I just hope it doesn't rain in the movie, or our poor vampires are going to drown to redeath.

But what makes me dread this even more is that Claudia Black in it. For those of you poor saps that don't know who Claudia is, please check out Farscape. I think she has a chance in the 'movie' business if she could only be sure she was going to get good parts that would DO something for her career. I just hope this movie isn't another Crow II, or any of the Batman's 3 and on. But then again, I there are thousands...nay millions of teenagers that are going to flock to this and say it was the best stuff they had ever seen, and soon we are going to have faux vampires running all over the place playing Vampire the Masquerade.

Sunday, February 24, 2002

Wow, So Dave and Karen called and we went to the cool coffee place across the street, but since there was an event there it was super crowded so we went ye Olde Lighthouse where we camped out the rest of the night. It was SO nice to see them and see what they had been doing these past years. Dave has one of them old-fashioned, I am a professional photographer cameras and he took pictures. They said they had a scanner, so I am hoping to see them sometime in the near future. Perhaps, then I could even post it on here.

Why the heck not?

Now I am enjoying some Chai tea, with a little milk and sugar, and am going to watch Sunday morning TV. I do have a movie that I should be watching before we return them, but I have no real interest in watching being John Malcovich, consindering I don't particularily like him all that much. Hey, it was free movie from the blockbuster rewards thing, and I had plenty of others to watch.

Saturday, February 23, 2002

Today I got up at 8.30. Last night after work we went to the Keg and ended up staying there until 9.00, drinking several pitchers and eating dinner. (I had nachos). Then we came home, feed the fish and cats, took Migo potty and then went to bed. So this morning was nice....I had plenty of time to sleep off the booze. Watched Lock, Stock and Two smoking barrels and then went out and ran errands.

We went out to Games Plus so Tim could get his gaming fix, to Petsmart to get cat food and look at fish/cats, grocery shopping (which I absolutely HATE to do on a weekend during the day because the sheer amount of stupid people littering the aisles and bad cart driving), and then home. Of course, being a new cell user I forgot my cell phone, so I turned it one as soon as I got home and my friend Dave from college called. Awesome. I haven't seen Dave in 4 years and he's in town for the weekend. I am really excited to see him and catch up.

But before I do that, I am going to dye my hair. Egyptian Plum from Feria.

Thursday, February 21, 2002

I should really get some lunch

My Mad Lib for the day reads "The Grand Canyon in Wisconsin is the largest car in the world."

Today is such a drab day. After weeks of beautiful spring like weather, today we have light rain/snow, complete with the dark shroud of grey. I feel like since it is lunch time, I should probable go and eat something, but I still have coffee that is making me feel full. Maybe I will venture out at 1.00 and do my double day lunch saver. Which means I pay the six bucks for the medium selection of catered food at the faculty and staff lounge, eat half and save the other half for lunch tomorrow. I wish I just worked closer to downtown Evanston. Without a bike or a ride, it takes 15 (walking fast) to 20 minutes to just walk over there in the area. So, 20 + 20 = 40, with only 20 minutes to actually BE there. Totally sucks.

I need to get a bike and ride it there. But I had the lack of bike paths from Chicago's northside leading to Evanston. Two blocks before me, is where the wonderful path ends. So I am stuck going through shaddy neighborhoods or risking my life on LSD.

Wednesday, February 20, 2002

I guess it wasn't about the file name. damnit. but yet, it is...why can't I get this to work>???

Hmm why does it triple it messages? At least?

Tuesday, February 19, 2002

Oh man, close call

Alright, after some struggle I finally got it up and running on my site. Now I can post where I want, as can everyone else. Well, anyone else that matters anyway. I will work on the design of it in the days to come. Whew. Now I am going to enjoy a victory smoke.

Oh my god, I think I finally succeeded. It was all about the file name!!!


Did I finally figure it out??