Thursday, June 28, 2007

Alrighty, first off, I added a few things to the side bar to make it easier to see whatever new collection of photos I have up. That said, I have updated June 2007 which includes photos of camping, a wedding reception for Chuck and Kathleen, Hilary's Birthday, and some miscellaneous items.

Since week 20 is the start of start of another montage, I won't put it up. Instead you can just click on the pregnancy link to the side to see the progression so far.

But today's shot at 20 1/2 weeks!

The first one is the one I will use for the montage because it matches the format better, and the second one I just really like. :D

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Okay a few updates.

One, my Mom is home again and doing well. They think it was a combination of too many prescription drugs...but mostly it was an anti-smoking drug call Chantix. If you read the little script regarding side effects, you'll see that it fits the bill. In any case, aside from complaining to me about her entire experience at the hospital (yeah Mom, you didn't want to go, you didn't know you were there for three days, and they saved your life and yet ...those bastards have crappy food and made you have oxygen in your nose the entire eight days, and almost wouldn't let you go home after they had completely unclogged the stents in your heart from the heart attack five years ago...AND added a new one). *sigh*

She told me she hadn't taken a whiz for TWO WEEKS! She hates going to the doctor that much. Aside from this last month she has taken no real steps in doing anything about her health pretty much for the last 20 years. Quitting smoking for a month isn't going to erase a lifetime of bad habits. Gah, enough on that. She is at home, I am annoyed with her and all is well and as it should be. :D

She totally guessed the gender too, and told me how she just "knew."

Yesterday I celebrated our good news and went shopping for some maternity clothes. I have some clothes from friends but the few shirts I have are way too big -- meant for later on. I needed something for now that looked nice, would have room to grow and short sleeved. I headed to the mall and two and half hours later emerged with 6 shirts, 1 cami, four pairs of underwear, and two bras. All for great prices (except, well underwear always seems to be so damn expensive). I wore one of the shirts today, but really it's still more of a coverup shirt than one of those that emphasize everything. I have a few of those and still need the guts to wear them. I'm sure that will come in the next few weeks when the belly gets really round and not just overly chubby. ;)

I started a new crochet project, making a heirloom, popcorn type blanket for a friend. I watched the Bourne Supremacy while figuring out the pattern. It's coming along! I am so proud of myself for figuring out how to 1. read another crochet pattern and 2. learn the popcorn stitch.

Ahh I have the day off tomorrow. Thank goodness. I need to clean the living room STAT! Oh crap, I need to clean the basement work area right away in the morning. We have a HVAC person coming tomorrow to tune up. Right now there is dirty laundry everywhere. The DH get's a discount because he works at an energy company (it's their service). Cool.

Lastly, before I sign off to go to bed and read another chapter of Waiting for Daisy (another Infertility book), we booked our vacation! We waited until after the results of the ultrasound and word that my Mom was going home in case anything rotten were to happen. Well nothing did -- so now we are going to Portland, ME for the second week of August! We have never been there, and it's only my second time going to the East Coast ever. We are really looking forward to it, especially since the next vacation probably won't be until Bacon Bit is ... older...old enough to stay with the grandparents while we check out France. Or you know, maybe we will be the kind of people that don't trust anyone to even look at Bacon Bit without passing a series of standardized tests first.

Monday, June 25, 2007

I don't know how well this is going to work, but several folks requested that the sex of Bacon Bit remain hidden from them. We are going to do our best to stand by those wishes ... though it's really kind of hard, and I make absolutely no promises that it can actually happen. Especially since this journal is so public. I am going to write my own thoughts of the sex in a comment, so click comments to see it if you want to know more. For the most part, we will still refer to Bacon Bit as Bacon Bit.

That said, we met with the genetic counselor today and went over our risks, and risk factors etc. We had the ultrasound and thankfully, so thankfully, none of the four indicators of DS came up, so we are put at ease that Bacon Bit is absolutely fine. We were going to save our actual decision regarding the amniocentesis based on the results of the ultrasound and then go with what our gut told us. I am so glad we didn't have to make that decision.

Bacon Bit's placenta is located in the front ... so covering my stomach which makes it hard for me to feel baby kicks. I guess I am thinking of it, as I am super lucky to be feeling anything and no wonder things still feel like squirms to me. I guess Bacon Bit must be kicking SUPER hard for me to feel anything. :) It might take a little longer than I expected for Tim to be able to feel anything too. I guess I'll be keeping my fetal doppler for another month.

Bacon Bit was super active and liked to stand it's head. I would have loved to have a photo of that but instead we got some side profile face shots that Ultrasound technicians think is great stuff, but for us mortals it's okay. I do like one because I can sort of see BB's face.

After that, we had lunch at Lao Laan Xang, where my "careful" spicy food was super spicy! I ended up eating more of Tim's than mine. Maybe later I'll have more...or deaden it a bit with some vegetables of our own.

SO thank you for all your well wishes, and remember the baby pool game is still on for date of birth, weight and height! So the fun isn't completely over. I need to think of way to incorporate that into my website. Hm. *scratches head*

Oh yeah! Click here to find out the sex.

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Quickie while I am waiting for the 4400 to start. This is your last chance to vote for what you think Bacon Bit might be! We have decided to try and be cautiously optimistic for tomorrow and focus on how great Bacon Bit is going to look. Bacon Bit WILL be the ideal of normal. *please please please please please*

Yesterday we went to Appleton to visit Sarah and Dave, and Ruth --- who was very adorable! I forget how impossibly small newborns are....I was also sad I forgot to take pictures but it turns out today I might not have been able too anyway. Despite having taken the batteries fresh from the charger and putting them in the camera (though not using it it) I was going to use it bright and early this morning for Tim's 1st inline marathon -- and it was completely dead. Kaput. God, I hope my camera is okay and not the batteries. I am trying to charge them we'll see. Maybe it was just a fluke thing. Or maybe I need a new set of rechargeable batteries...

Anyway, he finished his race! He did it! Congrats to my darling!

Oh my show is on.

Friday, June 22, 2007

What's My Blog Rated? From Mingle2 - Online Dating

Mingle2 - Online Dating

It's rated PG-13 because of the presence of the following words:

  • pain (3x)
  • crap (2x)
  • hurt (1x)
I'm family friendly!

Well this week was fired. I'm glad that it's Friday and that my mood has lifted.

First. My Mom was sent to the hospital because starting on her birthday last Friday, she went into kidney failure. She finally went to the doctors on Tuesday just in time for them to do something. So she is still there. At first they thought it might be a blockage, but it wasn't. The last I heard though they were still doing tests, and then my step dad called to tell me that she urinated last night on her own which is apparently a good thing. I hope she can recover from this... I mean I don't know anything about kidney failure so .... yeah. I guess I'll get more updates at they come.

Second, well you already know about the credit card fraud thing.

Third. The stupid quad screening test that we did came back positive for a risk of Downs Syndrome. Thanks for the reassuring Rachel. I know it has a high rate of false positives but even so, knowing that doesn't make it any easier when you get the results that everything is not seeming to be perfect. It put the DH and I into a funk, I won't lie. To give you the skinny:

  • For any woman aged 31, your chances of having a baby with DS is 1 in 586.
  • The cut off point for a positive test results from my doc's office is 270.
  • We have a risk factor of 1 in 255. That means we have a .4% percent chance of having a baby with DS, or a 99.6% chance that everything is fine.
  • The miscarriage rate for amniocentesis is .5%
  • We have an appointment on Monday the 25th for type II detailed ultrasound to look at Bacon Bit.
  • 40-50% of babies with DS will show signs of it in the ultrasound
  • We are hoping very much that the ultrasound will show us that everything is okay so we won't have to make a decision regarding the amniocentesis. The chances of us having a miscarriage as a result of this procedure are higher than our chances of having a baby with downs.
There you have it. It's why I have been silent and moody the past few days. I had a chat with SIL in France this afternoon and she told me that SIL Sarah had the same thing happen to her for Nephew. I don't know what her exact numbers were, but you have to consider that she is younger than I by 6 years and apparently she went and had the amnio done even after the ultrasound. French SIL said "Our family has genetically funny." Right. I am totally curious to know what Sarah's numbers were....but not enough to want to call and have a heart to heart talk about it.

To be honest, I don't want to talk about it so, I'll update you when I know something. I will say that today I am feeling much more optimistic about things today, which is a nice feeling. I don't wear depression well.

Well, I suppose I better go and walk the dog.

Monday, June 18, 2007

Pills from India?

What a day. No what a weekend.

I get home today, not feeling that great because of the heat and too much lunch, and expected to enjoy a nice afternoon being leisurely. I check the mail and Tim got a package from India. I open it. Inside is two packages of pink pill -- high blood pressure bills. There is a certificate of authenticity and some kind of disclaimer, but that's it, no invoice. It has our name and address, including a close approximation of our phone. I call up Tim and ask him why he is ordering drugs from India. He replied with "I didn't. Check the credit card."

SO I go to check the credit card, except I can't get access to my account. I tried twice and even tried to request a new password...nothing was working. So I call. I listen to the charges via phone and hear two I didn't recognize. One was from cashtabz dot biz and the second was from Wis Sports Development (which turned out to be okay -- it was Tim's Badger State Games registration for the marathon he is going to be skating in on Saturday). So yeah, Cashtabz for 71.95$ on May 30th. Long story short, the claim is being disputed, I canceled those cards and we are getting new ones. We will be sent a statement where we check the disputed claims and sign it and send it back and then eventually I have to register online to get a new account. Which means I am back to paying our credit card bill by paper for this next time. Sigh. One of the reps I spoke to told me to just subtract that amount and pay the bill. I hope we get the dispute thing first, because I don't want to be charged interest on something like that. That said, I haven't really had a chance to relax. I hate identity theft and fraud. This is the second time this has happened to us -- and we are extremely careful with our transactions! We shred everything, keep all receipts...blah blah blah.

The sky is getting dark and I hear thunder in the distance. We need the rain around here, and I am sure I am not the only one to welcome the cool air that the rain brings. I have all the windows in the house open (except the bathroom one because there is a hole that lets in skeeters) to let in the cool air and take the house temperature down a notch or three.

Sigh. This whole thing reminds me that I need to get over that stupid fear of seeing our credit report and just request the damn thing. The one question I have, is do I only get a credit card report for myself? Would Tim have to request his? Do we have a joint report? I don't know.... Hm. I will figure this out tomorrow. It must be done.

---- The Garage Sale

This weekend was overall pretty good. Long, hot and busy. I had that garage sale and we did .... eh. Hliary did the best at $28, I made about $28 and Laima made about $13. Not really that worth it for cash...HOWEVER...I did get some great benefits out of it:

1. The garage is mostly empty now of my friends stuff. Still have to get rid of a two seater sofa in there. Tim is happy about it. That crap was in there for two years and we found a living family of mice, a dead mouse and a dead vole. Ewwwww.

2. I got SOME cash out of it. But really, what will pay off is that Laima suggested taking it to Goodwill and getting credit for the donation for taxes! Cool. I totally take advantage of that stuff.

3. I got four great, white chairs for the backyard from Laima and she got a bunch of clothes in exchange. Now that is what I call bartering!

4. Quality quiet time with Laima and just hanging enjoying the heat. Though it might have been more enjoyable if we both hadn't had headaches.

5. Crazy bike lady visited us FIVE times! Gah. She is sooooooo annoying. I can't stand her. All she does is talk about depressing or unjust things that happen to her, over and over and over....and yeah, the fact that she came back five times should tell you something. The other time I had a sale and she came, I made the mistake of being polite and she stayed for three hours talking my head off and I couldn't get rid of her. It was finally Roberta that told her to leave, SEVERAL times that she finally left. Then this woman stalked me afterward for MONTHS. Leaving crap on my doorstep, stopping by to visit, or pretend she had lost something on our side walk. Seriously, it took way long for her to leave me alone. You know, we see her walking her bike on the road at night, forever wearing her headphones. There are sidewalks everywhere here, and there is no reason at all for her to be pushing her bike at night on the road...except....

Tim's theory is that she does it so that people will see her, think "oh poor lady" and stop to see if she needs helps and BAM! she had them in her trap. Creepy.

6. The other Not-quite-right-lady showed up on Saturday. I like to refer to her as the "Well Hello There!" lady. She walks all over the neighborhood areas going to garage sales. On Saturday she decks herself out in some of her garage sale finds and goes a-shopping. This time she was wearing at least 50 necklaces, 10 broaches, dozens of bracelets and rings on every finger. She has a strange walk of talking...that I cannot describe for you in the written word, but I could imitate it right on. She showed up at 7.30 and asked if the garage sale was going to start at 8:00. I said yes, since I was the only one setting up at that point. SO ... she sat down and waited.

Starting up a garage sale by yourself with an audience is not an easy thing to do. In any case, eventually it got going and she looked. Eventually she found a few items and came up to me and said "I got blank, blank and blank which equals a dollar." I said "No, actually this one necklace is $1.50. She replied "I only have a dollar" and proceeded to give me four quaters. Feeling awkward and like I just wanted her to go, I said "Well, I guess I can let you have the lot for $1.25." She said "$1.25? Well, let's see. I have some pennies."

She then proceeds to take out a baggie of pennies and slowly starts to count them out. I think to myself "Dear God" and say "No, look five cents is enough."

"So $1.05?" she asked.
"Yes,"I said. And held out my hand as she counted out five pennies exactly and then asked me for a little sack to put it in. I gave her a sack and she was on her way.

Jumping to the end of the sale, Laima and I had given up and were packing it. Guess who decides to come back. I sort of saw it and quickly closed the box of jewerly (I decided to not give that away because I can always use it for other stuff, at the very least for dress up gifts). She walks over and says "Well what do you have there? Jewelery?"

"Yes," I replied. "But we are done now."
"Can I just have a look there?" she replied, angling in.
"Fine," I said and walked away to find something else to do. About 10 minutes later I overhear her say to Laima "And here is 75 cents.... do you have a little sack for this?"


Moral of the story -- I like going to garage sales more than I like having them.

------ Bacon Bit Week 19

Things are going okay. I feel great, I have lots of energy, and my appetite is back, my acne has cleared up and I no longer have red face. I am starting to feel more and more movement -- though it still feels like slithering. No definitive movement yet where I can say "OH that was a kick" or "elbow attack!"

I had an appointment last week with the NP, and she gave me a prescription for tylenol with codeine should I have another really bad headache attack like I did at camping two weeks ago. Cool, it's nice to have something extra in the arsenal. She also confirmed that I have the most tilted cervix that she has ever seen and had to deal with. (I felt it was only right to warn her, and to save myself discomfort from them underestimating it). The heartbeat was in the 150's, and the size of my uterus is apparently right on target (up past the navel!). I also got blood work done for the quad screening and now am totally regretting it. I am just deathly afraid that I am going to get a call that something is wrong and they want more tests....she said that they wouldn't call unless there are problems. I don't think I like this approach. I want to know whether or not things are fine ... I didn't say anything at the time because then I wasn't as worried as I am now. At the same time, I am not going to call and pester them because that would cause me extra anxiety. Dr. Google says that most people get their results within a week, so .... I can stop worrying on Friday.

Right. Stop worrying. Ha ha ha.

We get to find out whether or not Bacon Bit has He bits or She bits on June 29th between 4-5!! I hope Bacon Bit isn't shy (and that everything on the ultrasound looks perfectly normal and healthy).

So...who wants to take a guess as to whether or not it's a boy or a girl? I'd love to hear them! (Click on banner to enter your guess)

-----------The Rest of the Weekend

The rest of the weekend was spent as such:

-playing lots of Star Wars Legos
-watched The Departed and Dead Man's Chest (we liked The Departed)
-weeded, tilled and planted a wildflower garden in my garden
-plants begonias and some kind of purple flower from Chuck and Kathleen's wedding reception (They were favors)
-Tried five different kinds of Gellato at Crazy Cat cafe (Cake Batter was our favorite)
-cleaned my new lawn chairs and hosed down the patio
-read the Sunday paper
-washed a few dishes and put some clothes away
-tie dyed some stuff
-walked the dog
-went for an 8 mile bike ride (I followed Tim on his skates)

Thursday, June 14, 2007

18 1/2 Weeks!

I think I am starting to show. :D I don't know yet when I'll start wearing svelte, sexy looking maternity clothes with panache.

And then, if you are anything like me, you would want to compare and analyze it compared to the OTHER pictures. Therefore, here is the updated Montage. I think later on I might have to create an album in my gallery and direct you there for all the montages ... or the extended set. Yeah, good idea. I would post June pictures, but June isn't over yet and I think I'm gonna wait a bit on that.

Okay, now that you are sick of seeing up close and personal photos of me (ha ha, who am I kidding, we LIVE for pictures!!!). One of the cats took a giant dump in the living room on the carpet!! Tim found it and cleaned it up, complete with charcoal cleaning, but seriously. These cats are out to get Bacon Bit! First with the jumping from window's onto my stomach, and now with the urge to spread toxoplasmosis. Though, realistically I know the chances are very, very slim that our cats have it because they have been indoor cats their whole lives. Still, the intent is there.

I have an doctor's appointment today. Maybe they will weigh me this time and I can find out how much weight I have gained. My own scale would indicate 2-4 pounds. I bet their's will say something like 20-30. Fucking doctor scales. It's a conspiracy I tell you, a conspiracy.

Yesterday I paid bills and worked on cleaning off the desk in the office. Paper can become so overwhelming! Today I am supposed to be working on garage sale stuff. But hey, it's still early, I have plenty of time to shower, get redressed, go to an appointment, put some rockin music on and get garage sale stuff together.

Yeah, Garage Sale Tomorrow and Saturday! Come! You know you want too!

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

I really need to put my afgan pictures on Tceku, and the wash clothes. Yeah that is on my "to do list" for this week.

I am so tired because I was so busy today. I came home and was almost bowled over by the stench of cat pee emanating from the kitchen. I couldn't stand it. I cleaned everything out of the kitchen, beat the rugs in the sun, then went back and got rid of all the peed on cat litter OUTSIDE the box, sprayed it and the surrounding area with Petzyme and let it soak three times, while I swept and mopped the rest of the floor. I also did the dishes, baked a rhubarb pie, cooked an awesome dinner with kohlrabi, polish sausage, onions and pasta, cleaned off the counters and table (no small feat) and even cleaned the coffee maker (complete with two vinegar run throughs). After eating, I walked the dog with Tim, then went grocery shopping, put all the food away and now here I am. I was eating a red vine licorice, but I am done with that now, and I can't beat to eat TWO pieces for 140 calories. Damn, I had no idea they were so calorie rich, though they are delicious.

Junk food I got this time: red vines, spirit of America Little Debbie snack cakes, dilly beans, deluxe mixed nuts, sugar babies, cherries, strawberries, malted ice cream and cookies and cream ice cream, life savers (but we always get hard candy for the bowl), pudding and I think that's it. Maybe it isn't as bad as I thought it was. It always seems like it though when I even buy ONE thing that is junk, which is why I think I do a lot of baking. I want something good and sweet -- I have to make it. Then I am stuck with the problem of having a WHOLE pie...anyway.

Yeah, so I am tired and looking forward to laying down in bed. I opened more windows partway and all the ceiling fans are on to cool the place down. Tomorrow the plan is to keep the shades drawn for the day because our house stays pretty cool thanks to all the mature trees we live under. I wonder if it will make a difference...oh I am sure it will. I think tonight is another sheet and one blanket night. I would say sheet, but it's gonna drop to 56 and that's still a bit chilly if you ask me.

Last but not least, I had another headache today, but it finally went away with the help of a second dose of tylenol and a coke by 5ish. Thank goodness. These headaches are such energy drainers. As I told Tim earlier, "I want to do stuff like clean and organize (especially since I have a garage sale I am doing this Friday and Saturday) but I just wasn't feeling good. I was at "take it easy speed" instead of "get as much done as possible" speed.

Whatever, it's gone now and that is something I can hold onto right now. Speaking of which, why am I still up yapping? I still have to work tomorrow.

Monday, June 11, 2007

This weekend I:

-picked up CSA Veggies
-went to three garage sales and found a messenger bag for Tim for $3
-trimmed the hedges
-wrote several cards/letters
-walked the dog
-went to Chuck and Kathleen's belated wedding reception
-went to Phil and Kandance's campfire in the back yard
-bought a new shirt and a dress
-played Star Wars Legos with Tim
-went to MexicaliLAME for margarita's (NA Pina Coloda for me) decided to never go there again. Ever.
-Went to the Mounds Dogfest at the Alliant Energy Center
-played electronic bingo and lost money (as usual) at DeJope
-ate some birthday cake
-made an appetizer that folks seemed to like
-sleep in, and took several naps

Today I:

-cleaned Koopa's cage, including throwing out her nest -- it was moldy. I replaced it with a handful of pine shavings and LOTS of ripped up toliet paper, napkins and kleenex scattered throughout her cage. She is going to be one busy little possum tonight. Tim said as long as she isn't running on her damn wheel it's a welcome change.

-ate a piece of banana creme pie, cooked dinner (bowtie pasta with garlic scraps, onions, basil, rosemary, green pepper and spinach in olive oil seasoned with sea salt.) It was "eh."

-Read more Phillip K. Dick
-Washed a load of dishes and put a load away.
-worked at my job
-looked for Father's Day's cards at Walgreens and gave up. I hate their selection, Target has a much better selection these days.

-posted on some blogs
-napped (man, I was TIRED today)

Tomorrow I want to:

-work some more
-get some garage sale stuff together
-clean the kitchen floor and soak the litter box area with vinegar (the house is smelling a little too cat pee for Bacon's Bit's liking. Tim said he doesn't notice and we both have sensitive cat pee noses -- though not as strong as my obsessive friend Hilary).

-Finish writing a letter to Jeannette
-make a rhubarb pie
-grocery shop
-work on a writing piece

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

I have a dentist appointment tomorrow to fill two cavities in the front. I knew they were caused by a previous dentist who tried to "fix" a chip by making it worse and then in adequately filling it... blah blah. In any case, that is tomorrow afternoon. The crown that I need can wait some more. :P

I also got a appointment reminder for my OB appointment next week and discovered that I still won't meet my actual OB. Nope, I only get to meet a Nurse Practitioner. Well it's a good thing they know what they are doing, and I am still trying to believe that I am a completely healthy, normal human pregnant lady and there is nothing different or unusual about me (other than how we conceived). Therefore, I don't need to see the magic wizard yet..thought it would have been nice. I wonder when I DO get to meet her officially...when the baby is born? Ten minutes before? Never? Hm. Maybe I should hire a doula/midwife.

I saw the Illusionist tonight and have to say...not that bad. Not too bad at all, in fact you could say I really rather enjoyed it. It's been while. I saw Capote the other night and UGH UGH UGH. That is one of those movies where I really should have started another crafty project to justify wasting two hours of my life watching it. I should make another afgan was sort of fun doing one. I don't have a time limit for the next one... I could make one for me? (ha ha, funny because most things I make never end up being for me).

I should really go to bed. I'm tired and sick of being thirsty (one of my strongest symptoms still).

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

I went camping this past weekend with a bunch of friends up at Kettle Moraine. Of course it rained, and rained but there were good long stretched of no rain that made it okay. The sucky thing is, as soon as we got there on Friday I started to get a headache again that stuck around until Sunday morning -- just as we were leaving! Gah. That totally sucks. I didn't bring enough tylenol because I had hoped that the migraine was truly gone -- instead it looks like it had just taken a mini break. :( Anyway. I am headache patrol again....trying to be very careful about making sure one doesn't get too out of control. It's hard when all you can take is tylenol and it seems like the headaches are increasing.

One interesting thing to note, I brought dark chocolate for the smores and for the first time I can remember in the history of our camping the whole setup was gobbled up! All the chocolate, the marshmallows and the box of cinnamon graham crackers (I accidentally got cinnamon instead of normal). In any case, usually only a few smores are had, but not this time! Cool.

Over all it was nice and relaxing and I tried not to let the headache affect things as much as I could. As in, I tried to do things and just ignore the pain. It's better than sitting around by yourself bemoaning how awful you feel. That just seems to make it worse because then you are just focusing on the pain. Anyway. I hate headaches. I wish science could find a cure for them and not just a coverup. I think I get another bad week long migraine I am going to see if an acupuncturist can do something about it.

Because it rained most of the time, I didn't take a whole lotta pictures. I just wasn't in a mood to wreck my nice camera.

Bacon Bit: Week 17

No picture this week, those only come at two week intervals and then depends on how fast I get myself hooked up to the desktop. My appetite is a little stronger than the week before, but there are many times that I still "hit the wall" and can't eat anymore -- including the bite in my mouth that sets off the gagging. I also get full fast, though the time in between eating is getting a little shorter. I felt like I ate a ton yesterday, but in reality probably not. I *think* I felt a tap last Friday while on the internet reading an article and being still. It wasn't gas, it wasn't a muscle spasm, it was definitely one little tap to the left side of my navel. I didn't feel it again and to be honest I probably never would have noticed had I not been super still (and an hour after breakfast). Since I have nothing else to compare it too, I don't quite know if was Bacon Bit yet. I guess I'll just have to wait and see some more. I have an appointment on the 15th I think, of this month. Anyone wanna give me a ride? Sigh. I wish the stupid clinic was on a busline...uh oh. I just remembered I have a garage sale going on that It's in the afternoon though...

Shit that reminds me to find out why I haven't gotten a date for my driving test yet. I should do that this afternoon, right after I am done posting this. I wish I had my own personal driver. :(

Sigh. I don't want do "important grown up stuff" this afternoon. I would rather watch TV I think. I slept in a LOOooooong time this morning and it was great! So great in fact that the DH joined me. We really needed to catch up on our sleep.

Also today I am experiencing a bit of the old "bad taste in the mouth" and "thirstyness". I guess I hadn't realized until now that these two symptoms had let up.

Edited to Add:

My New OB appointment is on Thursday, June 14 at 1.35. At 18 1/2 weeks I will meet my OB for the first time.

My Driving Road Test is on July 30th at 1.35 -- though I am on a list for any sooner dates that might come up. See how busy/hard it is to get a test date in this damn city? Sheesh. I hope to god I pass, otherwise it will be another 2-3 months before the NEXT test.