Friday, March 31, 2006

Hey there. I went out on Wednesday night and mixed too many drinks so I was mostly feeling blah yesterday. Unfocused. Even so I got lots done -- amazing how that is.

While my co-worker was gone I took the opportunity to clean her keyboard and phone. Seriously it was covered in black ick. I couldn't stand it anymore especially since I still put my fingers in my mouth way more than I should (recovering nail biter). Well, guess what? I must have sprayed too much stuff on the phone because now I broke it. Once you pick up the reciever there is no dial tone because that little button/clicky thing is stuck down. You have to pry it up to get the dial tone. :( I am not quite sure how to fix it. I tried stuffing kleenex down there to wipe up any kind of residue. I shook it about it. I even swore at it--all to no avail. Now, the question is do I pretend that I have no idea what happened? Or should I act like it was like that when I used it? But she might notice how clean it is now....damnit.

Uhoh. I think today not much is going to get done.

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

This past weekend was great! We had all the energy we lacked the last time we visited, and better weather sure the heck made a big difference. We drove down to Chicago on Saturday after dropping off the dogs and met up with Kate and Eric for lunch. Followed by some shopping, and then to the going away affair for Greg and Bekah who are moving to France this Thursday. There we ate some pizza, tried to get a baby to sleep, watched Galaxy Quest, played monopoly and had a few beers. We ended up going to bed early.

Sunday Tim and Eric went skating while I wanted to do more window shopping with coffee to enjoy the magnificent sunny, warmer weather. I ended up getting a few books from Women and Children first, and found a ton of great postcards/cards and a lockable tin cash box at Brown Elephant for 5 dollars. (Actually Kate paid for it, and I didn't get a chance to pay he back... :( We drove back, got the dogs, read and went to bed. Sunday was so good that I thought it lended itself to a great Monday.

Monday was Leta's birthday. Hilary picked me up so that we could go to Cool Beans and celebrate the little girl's birthday with Sir Issac Turkey, pasta and potato chips. I gave Leta a present, but she declined to open it. Mina had to do the tough job herself. I wonder how long THAT will last....ha ha Leta letting Mina open her presents.... anyway. Hilary drove me home where I realized that I was locked out of the house! Damn. That's what I get for hasty departures. So she drove me over to Tim's work place where he lent me his key and a ride to the mall so I could catch abus home. IT was raining when I returned and all the sun had left. Blah. I watched Oprah and worked on crafting....a thing I should be doing right now but I wanted to write a little.

I also have to take a shower today. :(

Friday, March 24, 2006

Well, it finally happened. I started getting spam on my comments and had to switch to wysiwyg format.

It's Friday. Apparently I looked do defeated and crushed as I walked out of the house to catch the bus this morning that Tim felt sorry for me. He called out "Wait, just come back and I will give you a ride to work this morning. That you can have an extra half an hour and some coffee."

I thought about it for a moment and then turned around to start another keychain, watch some morning TV and just relax. Warm up to this day -- which kind of feels like it might need a bonfire to get going. Grey, coldish, snowish...blahish.

I am glad that we are not driving to Chicago tonight. What a pain the ass that would be. Instead we get to sleep in our own bed, wake up to take Pluto and Laddy to their respective sitters, and have a nice drive. I have a questionaire that Tim and I are going to go through that should be some really good conversation fodder. Once in Chicago I need to do a little shopping -- I am looking for something cool for Leta because it's the N0 Girl's birthday on Monday. I was thinking something monkey related because she likes monkeys. But we'll see.

Saturday night is the Sibling Only Going Away Party for Bekah and Greg part five. Well, part five is the particular party --- there has been several. They are slated to go away on April 4th to live in France and starve as vegans. Ha ha. Unless they gave that up...I don't remember. I think the vegetarian thing sticks though. I am so glad I am not a vegetarian because last night I had the bestest, meltiest, most delicious pot roast EVER at Birke and Ryan's house for scrabble. It might very well be Sarah's last scrabble for awhile -- at least until summer camping kicks in. That makes me a little sad.

In addition to hanging with the Eric and Kate we thought we might visit Callie/Zeman on our way out but apparently Callie is headed to Missouri. She's so freaking elusive. I haven't seen her since .... September?

Other news: we decided to go with blue cross blue shield and save ourselves a crapload of money by NOT going with Cobra while Tim in this crappy transition time for his job.

Also -- I was one of those kids that used to say (and still believes) that Apple Jacks don't taste like apples.

Thursday, March 23, 2006

I think today practically demands that I give myself a Five Minute Mask, or a Mudd mask. I feel all greasimified, it's SNOWING again (gah!), and it's tax reckoning day. I have actually already completed the taxes, but I had to make photocopies and then I let that sit, and now I need to assemble them. Why does State need a full copy of a Federal Return? And yes, Federal just wants Federal. Pft. Also, why can't they always provide the RIGHT copies? For example, Tim's last company gave him a Copy B form for Federal, and then two copy C forms....uh...state supposedly wants a Copy 2 form....

Anyway. I am just going to send a copy C form. To be honest, I don't even think I've ever paid attention to that before. I always thought I just send them one form and that was that. I divided them up evenly. There. That is all set. Now Tim had to sign it and it's off. We already spent the return though. Actually, Tim spent it last night on a new computer. Sheesh, it isn't even out the door and already it's spent. I think instead of using the leftover for screw that. I want that TV hutch.... one of those cabinets that close the TV when you aren't using it and hides all those cords. There is one at Target that is 150 and it looks great. That I what I want, and that still leaves me with 200 to apply towards that food deal. So it's more like a discount...

Sorry. Talking money. Since I do the finances in this house, it takes up at least one good day a week with me spent thinking about it.


I have some expensive mud on my face. I got this special mud mix like 5 or 6 years ago -- and hardly ever use it. Well, I decided today was the perfect day to use it. It takes long thaner the five minutes, but unlike Clinque it's all organic and chemical free and it sure feels....more muddy. I also painted my nails, and I think this afternoon I am going to move to the living room to watch A Long Engagement and work on more keychains for the craft fair. I also made more coffee -- and it seems curiously strong.

But first, I need to pay mortgage, credit card and insurance. WOO!

Monday, March 20, 2006

I have a new resolution: I will never wear jeans or track pants on Sunday in public again. Everywhere we went on Sunday that is what women were wearing. I couldn't stand it. IT was too much like a uniform....if EVERYONE including old grandmothers and skanky teenagers looked alike? Then that is too much of a good thing. Saturday? I might wear either on Saturday, but never again on Sunday.

This year we are going to participate in Harmony Valley CSA (community supported agriculture). It's a pretty hefty fee to start, but then we are assured of having food every week for almost the WHOLE freaking year! Just imagine how healthy we are going to be at the end of this, plus it would be cheaper over all I think. I'll keep you posted.

For two weeks I am going to refrain for sugar. Not militantly, just no refined sugar to tea, coffee or eating pastries, or other delicous items. Another way of thinking of this is to just not have any desserty type things? Why am I doing this? Not for any real good reason beyond holding a grudge and seeing if I can.

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

I have been data entry for all the cheese companies in Wisconsin and now I want to eat several varieties of cheese. Right now damnit.

Craft night filled up my time last night. I made my first decorative mosaic tile! It was a LOT harder than it looks. I got the first stage done -- arranging the pieces and gluing them down. Next up is grouting them. I think when it is all said and done I am going to hang it in my kitchen. Laima really does do some of the coolest things ever.

Hilary, of course whipped out another fantastic painting. Gah. Me? I started to bead another key chain. I decided that is what I am going to focus my energy on, and if I think of anything else interesting to make then I'll do that along the way. I did make a bracelet yesterday to get me going and looking through SOME of the beading supplies I have.

This morning I was so tired. In fact, I am still feeling a wee bit sleepimified. I was also cold last night and Tim scolded me for going to bed in just a tank top and jammies. I had to go and put on another sweater. I told him that is what the eskimo's did to keep warm! That they wore less clothing, but then he replied with a factoid about blubber and what not.

Tim got a lot done on Fable. I have a lot to catch up with -- and I am still getting used to all the different controls it requires.

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Uh oh. The doorbell rang moments ago -- and little girls with cookies were standing there. I am now down two peanut butter patties. I have Caramel Delights and Thin Mints after that.

HA! Screwing around in the internet is worthwhile. I didn't realize until now that Onsmith (aka Jeremy) had created a blog for updates on his website (as opposed to looking through the whole website for updates). I am a huge fan of instant gratification.

In any case, his link on the left hand side has been updated, but you just want click something right now, then Click This. Lots of good photos and artwork.

It's so windy out! There was a brown, paper bag on my doorstep when I returned from Nephew sitting. Unfortunatly there were no delecious baked goodies inside of it. :( It was just an empty gift from the wind.

Oh wait, maybe the fates want me to DO something with that brown paper bag. To create something! Like what though?

I am kind of bored today. I mean. There are lots of things I SHOULD be doing, first and foremost working on crafts for the craft fair or getting excited about it. Instead I have been looking at the internet. Looking at people I will never meet, gazing at pictures of vacations I don't really care about, and chatting occasionally with Tim who tells me that my only obligation today is to work on crafts so I don't embarass myself later.

It's good advice really. But all I am probably going to do is go to where my stuff is and kind of look at it. Probably heave a great sigh and head to the living room to be in the sun and resist not playing Fable. Then I'll drink some tea and find myself back at the stupid computer wondering if there are any new posts, emails or whatnot around. Or I will be here telling myself that I am going to write that one email -- but half way through writing emails I get distracted.

Alright alright. Get out of here already.

Monday, March 13, 2006

What a day. It's so glum outside, really windy, a little rainy, mostly gloomy. I am glad to be home, but now that I am here I have zip motivation to do anything. I had a rotten nights sleep because of the foster and his squirting poop problems. I ended up on the couch at 4.30 this morning until 7:00 when I heard the alarm in the bedroom and asked Tim if that was the first one.

Well, of course it wasn't the first. It was the third, which means I then only have 12 minutes to use the bathroom, get dressed and be AT the blasted bus stop. I am not really fond of these wild mornings. I often wonder what time I would get up in the morning if it was just me in charge of the alarm clock. I would be in charge of it now, but its hard to hear it when you have to wear ear plugs in order to even sleep.

What I should probably do (after finishing my hot coco with THREE big marshmallows) is to go and take a nap. Everthing will be nicer after a nap. For one it will be darker and then I can pretend this whole day was never here.

Poor DH is glum too. I've been trying to think of ways to cheer him up but I ended up only thinking of a way to cheer ME up. But you know that could I asked him to get me a little something something at Walgreen's -- they do say that helping others and making other people happy can make you happy. What a good way to find out.

Friday, March 10, 2006

A box of the craziest....well...made? Yeah. Okay, let me start over. I got a box in the mail today and inside were a bunch of handmade little boxes decorated Mom style! Now, if you haven't gotten a magnet from me or have seen what these look like then.....

I should take a photo of them. Right, I'll get *right* on that.

I was supposed to be hanging with Sigrid to take some photos and dust the rust off our camera's (okay, maybe there is no rust on MY camera seeing as it is so incredibly new there is still dew on the lens), but I think she is over sleeping. That is okay as well because I have no desire to kennel the foster dog. I have no idea if I could even get him IN the kennel.

He's been....ugh. Let's just say that this morning on the way to the bathroom I stepped in something squishy.

"Ohhhh!" I gasped.
"What? What is it?" demanded Tim from under the covers.
"Uh..." I struggled to understand what had just happened. "I stepped"
"You stepped in dog shit!" he announced grimly and got up to look. Thus he was able to see it on my foot before I was, I think because I was in denial. No, it wasn't dog shit sprayed all over the dog bed, floor and carpet -- no it's just a really, really big hair ball. Yeah, that's it.

Tim stalked off too the kitchen to get cleaning supplies while I stood there on one foot for about 2 minutes before hopping into the bathroom.

What a way to start the day. But now seeing as the day is almost over -- it was okay. Tonight the 90 minute season finale of Battlestar is on and I am thinking of making some blt's? No. Maybe some french toast. We bought some day old that was too dry and isn't good for much.

Oh, and when I came home from work there were indeed more .... dog pies littered around the living room. There is also mud covering every open floor space because of the melty weather. Who said dogs rule again? I wanna show them how poo is the item that actually makes the rules.

Finally -- I wrote a fan letter! Yeah. I never heard back from China Mieville, so I expect the same to happen in this circumstance, but you never know. I did hear back from scifi writer Charles Lint once, that was cool.

Thursday, March 09, 2006

It's been a busy morning. I spent most of it uploading, organizing and going through photos. Then I captioned them and arranged them just so.

Go and visit Ablum: February and a Little March for more photos of: Chicago trip, scrabble night at Matt's, tea with Sarah, engagement party for Angie and Eric, and dogs.

We are going to be in Chicago again March 24th. Once again I am not big on the making of plans. Also, why aren't you using the gmail chat feature?

Now, I am going to put laundry in the dryer, take a shower, and work my sewing project. After watching Project Runway I have this delusional idea that I can sew.

One more thing -- if I had to do it all over, I would become a puppeteer.

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Per Zoey's Request

4 jobs I've had in my life:
1 - got up at 5.30 in the am to ride bike 5 miles to kneel in mud and pick strawberries
2 - washed dusty old dishes and moved them from cupboard to cupboard
3 - Called WI residents to survey them on a variety of topics
4 - Bartended at the Inferno

4 movies I wouldn't mind watching over:
1 - Neverending Story
2 - Lord of the Rings
3 - The Last Starfighter
4 - Shrek

4 places I have lived:
1 - Neillsville, WI
2 - Chicago, IL
3 - madison, WI
4 - Wheeler, WI

4 TV shows I love to watch:
1 - Battlestar Gallatica
2 - Stargate SG1
3 - Farscape
4 - The Twilight Zone

4 places I have been on vacation:
1 - Shiprock, NM
2 - Kladno, Czech Republic
3 - Klaukula, Finland
4 - Edinburg, Scotland

4 websites I visit daily:
1 - livejournal
2 - chimera
3 - The Martins (aka twirlgirl)
4 - Hilary Sabonai

4 favourite foods:
1 - lasanga
2 - donuts
3 - mocha's
4 - fresh pineapple

4 places I'd rather be right now:
1 - Atlantis Resort
2 - shopping with someone else's money
3 - hanging out w/ Zoey (part cos of friends, and part cos it's WARM!)
4 - I have always wanted to be where there is blue water, white sand and hot sun.

4 people I'll tag with this list of questions meme:
1 - Hilary
2 - Eric
3 - James
4 - Jess

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Yikes, I was busy today. I read SIMPLE magazine whilst babysitting today and got a helpful hint. Perfect for these kinds of days when I need a little structure because there are some things I don't really *want* to do because they might seem hard.

Well the hint was regarding to housework (which I used it for) and it was to set a timer for like 15-20 minutes. Then you do that task until you hear it buzz, then move onto the next task. It was awesome! I got lots of housework done and I made a lot of headway of TCEKU. Go check it out.

Since I don't have to babysit anymore on Thursday, I see myself catching up on uploading all my photos since the middle of February and even possibly adding some captions. But for now, I have to go to bed. My eyes are gumming together.

Saturday, March 04, 2006

Today I had a bit of a hangover so I planted myself on the couch, read and watched two movies: Adaptation and ... uh...some weird WE wasn't that great really. In fact, neither of them were that stellar, but they were entertaining to watch I guess. Then Tim came home from Pluto's Meet and Greet at Mounds and we headed out to Target, Borders, Einstein Bagels and Preplayed.

Target = toliet paper, expensive conditioner, dish soap, Dollar bins purchases included sunglasses, alphabet stamps and paint brushes.

Borders - They had FREE desserts!WOO. I had one, bought a book and signed up for their borders card.

Einstein Bagels - Toasted Everything Bagel with cream cheese and asparagus soup, with a large vanilla hazelnut coffee.

Preplayed - Area 51, Mercernaries, Guns N Roses- Appetite for Destruction, Celtic Lullabies, World Chants and Meditations, Dead Can Dance ... uh I forget and .. that's it!

Now, since I have been home I have read, taken a hot bath and scrubbed myself clean (with a rock no less), painted my nails, looked at the internet and finished my coffee. Now I think I am going to start dinner -- lasagna and see if I can't get Tim interested in playing some Area 51. He's no so sure about the game....but then again he ain't so sure about a lot of stuff.

Yes, I would like Sweet Bread Recipe Carla -- I have been a baking fool lately. :D

I am afraid to try the lotion with cotten gloves remedy -- I mean... it seems kind of serious...don't you do that kind of treatment for hands that are bleeding or weeping? That look like the grand canyon? That are covered in rashes? How often do you have to do it? Isn't every night kind of disgusting? How long do the results last? And wearing rubber gloves is such a pain -- I feel like the gripe on dishes is lessened and heaven's knows I break enough as it is. Plus, rubber gloves seem to be so .... temporary. Like panty hose, they are only good for one use before they get ruined.

Yeah. I am a big complainer and naysayer...but as much as I whine I usually take the advice to heart and try it out. ;) So thanks for the advice. One day I will post about how great it was and how everyone should do it.

Yeah, now about that lasagna....

And Jess, it's a matter of perspective. I can still feel sad, angry and bitter with myself over my own unaccomplished goals, misgivings, or failures, just as you feel the same about your own set of problems. I shouldn't have to feel guilty or have my feelings be lessened because someone else in the world has a bigger problem in that area than me. For example, I shouldn't feel bad that it hurts to run and complain about it because I am lucky I can run at all and there are legless/crippled people out there in the world. I shouldn't feel bad that I complain about housework because there are many people who do not have houses/homes. I shouldn't feel bad that I complain about my husband because there are widow's/widowers/lonely people in the world.

I understand what you are saying and it can seem unfair. There are lots of things that seem unfair to me, and I want to get angry and bitter about something that other people have that I don't. I guess it all just goes back to that old idea of walking a mile in an another person's shoes before making judgements on what you think are their problems.

I guess what I am saying is that I don't want to get into a "No, I have it WAY worse that you do because _____" contest. No one is ever really the winner those contests.

And no, I am not mad that you made the comment -- I rather enjoyed thinking about it, my response and the little debate. It was a good topic to think about. :)

Friday, March 03, 2006

I noticed just now that I had almost dried soup on my black shirt. Bright orange, yellow soup that is -- leftover from last night. Today I don't have too much of an appetite though. Which is okay because I am going to visit the Hildog afterwork and will probably get hungry again around 3 or 4.

Tonight we are planning an after work Beer with Oliver at the Harmony Bar and Grill. After a week like this, I could use a beer or two. Cold frosty ones...yum. Beer. It's been while -- oh who am I kidding it's been since LAST Saturday. So what I should be saying it's been awhile since I have had a Spotted Cow. :D

Plans this weekend include...
Friday - Afterwork Beer and BattleStar Gallatica
Saturday - Nothing planned, probably watch movies and play Star Wars Battlefront
Sunday - Brotherly in law visit with Ben, followed by Engagement Party, followed by picking up a foster dog.

Oh, gotta get back to work.

Thursday, March 02, 2006

5: 25 PM Damnit! I had another update going on and accidently hit the control key. I have no idea what it is supposed to really do, but it always seems to mess everything up and then I lose it. I hate that! Alright, from memory...

My buns weren't as awesome I was thinking they would be. They taste like normal egg buns/bread. Dang. I guess I got into my head that it was going to be sweet (although a friend of mine gave an indication that I might be having TOO many sweets...) I am making a Portuguese sweet bread right now -- it's in the dough stage. I am looking forward to the tasting stage (just a small taste). I also started the soup. I put 3 cups of water, 1 can low sodium chicken broth, two carrots, an onion, and a big cut up yam into a pot to boil and simmer. When it gets soft I plan on blending it and then adding the frozen/already cooked squash....and some garam masala. Yeah! Maybe a little curry powder ... and then see what happens.

But it's going to have to sit while I am at tkd...although...I could throw it in the crock pot on low to cook while I am gone and let the spices spread....yeah....good idea.

Also, other things done....washed and dried dishes, put them away. Wiped counter top again.

6:03 PM - updated my personal journals, put soup into crock pot, Tim is late coming home -- will I get to TKD on time? Or do I have to go on a stupid dog walk?

Speaking of which -- we are going to be fostering a dog come this Sunday. This dog has had a home before so it's not like breaking in a new dog. Oh there is Tim now.

7:55 Went to TKD, ate dinner, watching the Colbert Report -- about to move on to My Name Is Earl. Started the sweet, but not that sweet, bread. I am looking forward to a pot of tea tonight. The soup is spicy!

Things are not going as well as can be expected today. Or yesterday for that matter. Tim and I both decided to fire yesterday. "March 1, 2006? Pack your bags and never return."

I am glad it took our advice. But to be truthful? March 2 isn't shaping up to be all that either. For one, this post is being written someplace other than blogger because there seems to be issues. I almost used it as an excuse to not post but I figured that was bullshit. I can write just as well right now. I kind of need to reorder my thoughts and strengthen my resolve to make today useful in some way. Make a day that is full of cleaning and organizing if nothing else.

There are issues with Tim's job that aren't as great as we would like them to be. Any issues that you have with ANY job can be translated into stress. We have been eating horribly the last two weeks, and by horrible I mean great. As in good food that is probably bad for you. I know we should stop, take a step back and reground ourselves, but how can you reground yourself when you feel like you are falling out of a plane? Day after day, but never hitting the ground.

Okay, that is a little more dramatic than I intended. I guess a better way to put that we are wandering in a foggy forest...and blah blah. It's spring fever. That's is what it is. The fever heightened a tad today when I awoke to see it snowing. Overcast, grey and cold again.

I am also feeling kind of bad because of that cold I had last week or the week prior. Part of it decided to make a home in my head and I think I have a sinus infection or something. My head feels like pressurized pain, my lymph nodes are acting funny and over all Tim is sick of hearing about it. Moreover, I am sick of feeling like it. I was going to research for a herbal or home remedy way of fixing this problem, but I haven't yet. I have decided to stop taking antihistamines in the hopes that whatever the problem is, it will run it's course instead of having me stop it in it's tracks with drugs.

Plus, I have a zit on my chin. It came this week and has decided not to go anywhere for the next few days. I am too OLD for this! Make it stop! Speaking of old, I have dry hands. This is the first year I ever considered dry enough to put lotion on whenever I think of it. Normally I just scratch the word dry on my hand, laugh and go about my business. But when your darling exclaims "Whoa dry corpse hands!" then you reconsider.

My miniresolve is to not complain at all about any health related thing for two weeks. Nothing. Nada. I am tired of Tim saying "you are always sick with one thing or another." Now I don't think it's as bad as say my Mom or several friends I know -- but it must be something for him to even say it once. Right? Right.

I am feeling like a martyr, and a hermit.

Today I am going to ... just clean. Walk around the house and clean and do things that I see that need to be done. To help me with this worthy goal, I put on some nice soothing music from the X-box - a collection of a lot of my instrumental music, on random. It should go for 6 hours or more... I was thinking of lighting some incense too. If it can't be toasty warm in this house, I can trick myself into thinking it IS toasty warm by burning some wood smoke incense.

I have also been working on backing up/archiving all the posts in tceku. I plan on bombing the current site and layout and replacing it with something MUCH simpler to use.

Omg -- and now I have gotten an email that has made me feel like a horribly jealous human being.

Sometimes I think just being human can be the hardest job of all.

1:00 PM ---- I am just going to keep adding to this post as long as it takes blogger to get it's crap together. But since I am mostly just whining right now, I should go and take a shower. A nice HOT one that will warm me up.

1:46PM ----Sqeakified. Hm I was thinking about making tea, but instead decided to write down every little chore I have done or plan to do today. Okay, I am going to start and make some bread. Also to find my rings and put them back on, and some lotion. :(

2:25PM -- I cleaned Pluto's eating station--scrubbed bowls and wooden stand, washed pantry cupboards and wall beside it, scrubbed the floor extra hard. 2. Made lemon ginger tea 3. Started Egg Rolls bread 3. Cleaned off counter where I will have to roll and beat up my egg roll bread. 4. Put away dishes in drainer. 5. Thought about when I will start squash soup and how I will make it.

2:43: Cleaned mirrors, glass pictures, glass tabletop, and windows that aren't plastic'd. Wiped off kitchen appliances. Pour myself a cup of tea with hunny. Chatted with my darling about crappy work situations. Wrote a few emails. Wrote a congratulations on your baby card.

3:37 - Rolled, cut and put buns in the a warm oven for stage two of buns. Thinking about whipping up some kind of a sweet roll while I have the machine out and prepped. Eating a clementine.