Friday, August 29, 2003

Tim ganked my lunch today. :( So made a tuna fish pita pocket (no bread, gotta go shopping...but we are leaving tonight so it can wait.) It's a really nice day, I should go out for a bike ride or something. I watched this movie today called True Women and it was like a four hour biopic. Nice though, lots of indians in it, showing how much we were dissed. Lots of death. Oh that is Tim on the phone.

Thursday, August 28, 2003

Mail Call! I got a visit from the FedEx man today, who delivered 15 gift cards to Home Depot (each containing 50 dollars) of magical home improvement. Woo! I can't believe Lending Tree kept true to their bargain. I am *really* impressed. Tim is eyeing a lawn mover. I am dunno quite yet. Tonight we have to go and get the items we are going to need for Pluto. It's going to be an expensive night. :(

Today, I need to clean up. Switch dressers so we can fit the crate in the bedroom, go to the post office, visit the grocery store (think of something for dinner tonight first), and read. Nice. I finished my mail today so I am completely and utterly caught up. I had the craziest dream last night! As follows:

I was in an amphitheatre. An audience was assembled. I had just found a native american style flute that Tim had made and it was terrible. It wouldn't stay together and the top piece kept slipping. A large demon/monster was on the stage. We were assembled because we were afraid of him. He was bigger than life. He saw that I had Tim's flute he asked me to play. Not in words, but by thought or gestures. I was so nervous. I didn't know how to play well, and I could barely play on Tim's shoddy piece of work.

The room fell silent. They waited. Knowing that if I did well on the flute then the monster would be appeased and not be angry. I played a few strains. It was awful. I wanted to do well, so I asked for a moment to get my other flute. The one that I had made. He gave his unspoken consent.

I rushed into a well light, white and yellow walled two story house. I thought I knew where the flute was, but all I could find a plastic recorder. For a moment I considered playing it and fooling him, but it was the music from the flute that he wanted. I searched and searched with growing desperation. Finally, I made a decision to do the best with Tim's flute that I could do, and went back.

We waited for a while longer. Then the monster returned. Larger than life and came up to me. He gently handed me a fur contraption. I looked at it closely, not understanding what it was. I turned it over and then saw that it was some kind of bladder or balloon type flute. There were spaces for my fingers on each side, and I was to fill it with air and play. I had never before seen such an instrument, but would try my best anyway. The monster was well pleased with the instrument. He had made it, and it obviously had some kind of significance to him. Perhaps from a past life or time.

I took the instrument. The room again fell silent. I took several deep breaths and blew into the flute. Nothing happened, and nothing would happen until it was full of air. Two more breaths filled the flute and just as the next breath was going to create music----I awoke.

Wednesday, August 27, 2003

Oh and I forgot to mention I finally got a new state ID! I had an expired one since January. :) The only thing is, I look like my Mom. Yikes. Not like how she looks now, but how she did when she was younger. Weird. Tim got a new picture and he wasn't really happy with his either. I guess the DOT specializes in crappy pictures. I picked up a motorist handbook, so I can study and get my permit soon. I mean, a permit is just as good as a driver's license, right? And then I can use it to start really learning how to drive and take my time doing it. Our car being a stick is making this whole driving thing a completely new expereince, where I can't really pick up where I left off last. Tim likes to take this opportunity to point out that is has been more than 10 years since I have last driven, but I would like to take this same opportunity to kick him in the ass. :P

It's like a bike right? Once you learn it you never forget?

We also got new plates for our car. Now we are officially no longer FIB's. How bout that?

So we got the dog! He is going to be delivered to us on Sunday afternoon. On Friday we are going to visit my Jaji and coming back Sunday morning. Can you believe driving there to visit is going to be closer than going to Chicago? What a nice change.

Yah dog! Now we gots to get the stuff that you need for a new dog.

Mail: bill, and the Hochunk Worak (tribal newspaper). I should really give them my new address.

Tuesday, August 26, 2003

I just repainted the crappy, press board inn tables that we had so that they are a uniform black. I was thinking when they are dry to paint a stencil in the middle of them. That would be like a project. I also found my storage of material and it is all calico print. I don't think that would do for curtains right about now. Hm. I guess I will keep my eyes open for other items that might be converted.

No mail today. Although I did manage to get one letter out to a penpal. Innsmouth the cat is giving me hell. Tim and I have both noticed that Arkham is giving Innsmouth hell. I wonder what's gotten into him. He just picks on her for no good reason. I guess we have only been here for three weeks so maybe there are some new heirarchies that need to be settled before they are really settled.

Monday, August 25, 2003

Shoot, I had done a post but it got deleted because my other keyboard's space bar stopped working. Everythingstartedtolooklikethisandthatishardtoreadforalongtime. Isn't it?

Yesterday I got up and made breakfast for Christian and Tim, and then he left and we headed out to the middle of somewhere to meet some dogs. We ended up with a big, black, 73 pound greyhound that goes by the name of Pluto. I have decided that he isn't Jaffa, besides which the joke is lost on every single one of you losers. :P

Tim wrote some cute comments regarding that experience which you can read here, along with a link to Pluto picture. Notice that the annoucement says "adoption pending." That is us!! Yah! We are adopting him. When we got home I started to read one of the two books that are suggested reading for getting a retired racer. I started to get a little nervous because they are focus on discouraging the casual interest. I started to think that this was going to an impossiblity....but then again I think can do it. It's ultimately a dog. It's not saving the world. Sheesh. A dog with special considerations though. It has never seen the inside of a house, cats, been outside more than once a week to just play, it has to learn how to play, to go down stairs, etc etc. So, an adult dog learning how to do this stuff can be a bit more tricky than a puppy learning to do it. It's a good thing I don't have a job right now because it is going to be some serious work getting all of us adjusted to each other.

Hopefully Pluto will join our small family this Sunday. :) After I go to my Dad's on Friday and Saturday night. He had called me twice...once the week before and once yesterday. Man, I got one hell of a guilt trip ---and it wasn't from my Dad, it was Tim. Eh. I just don't like talking on the phone that much. I would MUCH rather write (which I did incidentally, which is why he called me.)

Oh! Speaking of mail I got two pairs of the cutest little tinkerbell underwear in the mail today!!! Curtesy of Molly who I saw for the first time in six years this weekend at the Inferno music festival. She dragged Adele along with her who was wearing a corset hoodie! Callie and Jason were able to stop by and see the house and she was telling me about these little silver paper airplane pins she is making (targeted audience = flight attendants). So many creative people surrounding me. I wish it would rub off.

Friday, August 22, 2003

Thank god we had movers. I cannot be grateful enough. Yesterday I rode bike over to Sigrid and Matt's to help with moving. It was chaos. Chaos in an apartment that had to be moved. Ryan, Bierka, Matt and I had our volunteer work cut out for us and combined with a super hot day -- I was heat sick again by 2:30. Shoot. I guess last Friday really put a number on me for awhile. I am not as young as I used to be and recovery time takes a little longer.

Thank goodness they had a second shift of helpers as Tim picked me up (I couldn't ride bike home). Matt said they got most of the stuff done when he graciously dropped off a dresser!!!! and a full length mirror !!!! that Sigrid didn't want anymore. Wow. Awesome. I like swapping things back and forth with them. Now that guest room we have is starting to look something other than a guady pink room with random crap in it.

Christian has the dubious honor of being our first overnight guest tonight. He is here for the big show tomorrow at the Inferno. I have to clean the house up a bit and make it look like it is effortlessly clean all the time.

Speaking of effort I still haven't returned Eric's key. I should email him. I feel like a terrible friend.

Migo is sitting next to me. She's so damn cute. I put the cat thing next to my hutch in the office because there is no room for them to sit on my lap (I am using one of those kneeling chairs). So the cats take turns on who gets to sit next to me. I have never felt so popular in my whole life.

Wednesday, August 20, 2003

I went out and got some really great stamps. The woman there took some time and got me a bunch of 5 and 10 cent stamps along with some really decorative one centers. I also learned that I had the postage all wrong these past few years. How the hell did the mail get there is my question. Was it postage due? Good greif I hope not! It turns out that international is currently 80 cents, while Canada and Mexico are 60 cents. So the old trick of using two domestic 37 stamps is not enough! I have been falling six cents short! I am so embarrassed. Shoot.

But now I know, and knowing is half the battle, right? (go joe!) When I was all finished she thanked me for still writing letters! Yah! Personal recognition from the post office for my letter writing. How cool is that? Also, that post office was SO nice. No lines, service right away and a huge selection of stamps. Unlike the hell hole that is the Roger's Park Post office. My god, you were lucky if you got out of there in under an hour.

On the way back the new neighbor moved in and asked me if we just moved in. I said yes. His name is Jean and his wife is Lang. He was your typical Madison stereotype of an older man, greying, thin hair pulled back into a scrappy pony tail and answering questions even before I asked them! He noticed that we were from Illinois and then told me that they were renting and go the house through a friend of theirs. He also mentioned that he own's a home a fully paid for home in Virginia, but jobs are few and far between. His girl friend is currently doing "high end tech stuff for schools" in Madison. I guess that makes us have something in common. It felt weird to be meeting a neighbor as a homeowner and permanent resident.

I also made some colored sugar water for Tim since he has been complaining that my ice tea is "too bitter." I think I just need to buy some nutrasweet for it, or splenda. I like that stuff (just not in coffee).

Also, I have added chimEra on the list of recommended sites. She writes some really unique poetry you might want to give it a look.

Tuesday, August 19, 2003

Yah! We just did our first home owners duty of cleaning the gutters. Dude, it took less than an hour. Cake, and then I even played with the high power hose to water a section of our backyard that had turned brown. It was fun.

Okay, as promised the Farewell Party pictures are finished. Please visit the "Photos" section of wazika, or if you can scroll left then click HERE, and that will take you to it. You may have noticed that I took more pictures that than, but thanks to alcholol and not using the flash on the digital camera, a lot of them turned out blurry. Don't worry, you didn't miss much. :) So, thanks again to everyone that showed up and made the party fun and like we were going to be missed.

I missed the mail man today, and so I was spurred to start on the letter I was going to write anyway today, in addition to doing some computer stuff. I like having the internet. Did I mention that already? I also like that it cooled down today. Good day to clean out the gutters....that is if we don't put them off for another day. Seriously, it will only take a few hours to do it and then we won't have to do it again until right before winter. Cake, and the peace of mind would be .... nice. At least for me-- so it would really be peace and quiet (not having to listen to Tim complain about it having to be done).

Ahh...what to do today? I have decided that I am not going to start looking for a job until ... I don't know. Until I quit obessing over it, I suppose. I wish I could just find the perfect little secretarial ... excuse me... executive secretary position like Kate has. The freedom, the office, the flexibility would be really nice. That would be the perfect job. Maybe I should hold out and only look for jobs like that, or weird little odds n ends jobs. It's nice to not have to worry about getting a job with health benefits though like I did last time because Tim's ex job had shitastic health plan. Although I wouldn't mind contributing to a retirement plan like I was doing at Northwestern.

After Mike and Rachel's wedding this last weekend [and what a lovely wedding it was, the most food I have EVER been exposed too aside from a grocery store], our committments were finished. The ride back to Madison was... freeing. I felt like the world was open before us and all we had to do was step through the door. I don't think it has been a secret that I haven't exactly been super excited about this move. I kept putting other things ahead of it, so that I wouldn't have to think about it. Now that everything is finished: the wedding done, the movers moved, the unpacking done, having cushion money for the first few months, getting the dog application approved (although now we have to get the dog and adjust to it), having the cats settle down, the house not being haunted, the neighbors not being assholes, etc etc.... I am excited. I think I am finally starting to settle down and think about what is going on right now, and get used to the idea of living in a new city. This upcoming weekend will be the first weekend where we are home. What a concept! Home being Madison. The land of easy going drivers, wide open streets, no crowds in the supermarket, target...there being a walmart!, bike lanes galore, cheap beer...the list goes on and on.

The unpacking of the house was the easy part. It was busy work. Take things out of box and put them where they should go. That was finished last week. Now I am at the hard part of putting the "extra" things away, like old files, letters, knickknacks, baskets, crafts, etc. What a mess. I want more storage units. Putting up pictures and decorating isn't easy either. I have a goal of putting up one picture a day. I really need all that time to think about where just one picture should go. I think my other goal for this week is to make curtains for the living room. As classy as having a red sheet strung over the window may seem....the end result is kind of ghetto. Especially since it doesn't really stretch the whole distance. Of course keeping up with mail is a daily activity, but Wednesday is when I get the bulk of it done since Tim is out of the house playing board games at John's house. Even though I went to bed early last night ,I couldn't go to sleep early. So, I slept in until 10:30 this morning. Ack, I need Tim to start calling me at 10:00 at the latest, or at the very least, resetting the alarm. I must not waste the day time. I like the day time! I am really an afternoon person at heart.

Anyway, I know people have also been asking for pictures of the new house. I would like to give those to you, however I am camera handicapped. As in, I don't have one. So. That will have to wait. But in the meantime, you can look at the little montage I put together of the place BEFORE we moved in, HERE.

I am back and in charge! Tim spent all of last night getting our internet to work with the TDS modem which was not an easy task considering we don't have a phone jack in the master bedroom (aka office). But it is nice to be back and feel connected. :)

I got the pictures from the farewell party all set to go. I just have to create a page for them and delete some of the older pictures. Since I have had those pictures up for a long time I don't feel so bad for deleting them in place of something new. That is, after all, the point of a webpage. For you to come back and check out new things, right? Although that is also the point of this weblog...something new every day. What? I heard that. I heard you complain that there hasn't been much new on this page for some time, but consider that I did just move.

Tomorrow then, ladies and gentlemen, I will post the pictures from the Farewell party. As for now, even though I have tons of energy, I need to go to bed so that I don't slip into that up all night, sleep all day schedule that unemployed losers like myself fall into. Gotta get up and watch the Nanny which is on one of the five channels dedicated to women by Charter. There are also at least five different channels dedicated to children....tell me who you think this cable company is targeting and I will give you a high five.

Thursday, August 14, 2003

Hey! I am at Eric and Kate's right now. It's Thursday and he let me use his computer and internet. Ahhh. Internet. We got the cable modem today FINALLY which Tim tried to hook up before we left for Chicago, but we have the wrong cable. Shoot. That means I won't be up and running until Monday. I can't wait to catch up. I like the internet. I really do.

Anyway, we are back in town to clean up the apartment so we can get our security deposit back, and then to attend the esteemed Mike's wedding.

Good night.