Saturday, December 31, 2005

I'm tired. I need to take a nap before we dazzle at our appointed parties tonight. I tried looking for new shoes again today but everything has been picked through. When are the stores going to replenish their stock? Is this really going to require me taking a trip to Chicago just to buy new shoes?

I'm getting a camera for my birthday. Now normally, I don't want anything for that particular event. Why should anyone but myself or my mother care about when I was born? However, I find it's a convenient excuse to get something I have wanted for some time.

Last night the DH and I went on a impromptu dinner date at TGIF -- we used a gift card that he got for Christmas from work, so our steak dinners, complete with coffee and dessert was 50% off! What a deal! Then we came home and spent some quality time together playing Baldur's Gate -- I have been saying it wrong. This is Baldur's Gate NOT Champions of Norath. Though, if you play either game you know how similiar they are.

Today I have spent most of the day reading. I wish I had a direwolf, but I guess Pluto will just have to do.

Okay. Gotta sneak in a real nap before I have to get ready.

Happy New Year everyone!

Friday, December 30, 2005

Man, you start writing more frequently and people come to expect it. Heh.

Today the weather outside is truly frightful! I mean seriously, dark grey and cold, and gloomy. It's just awful. Walking home in it depressed me. At least it waited for that weird sleet/snow thing to start after I walked in the door. I hope tomorrow isn't as tenebrous as today.

Nothing much to report. Lots of hanging out with the Hilbird -- exchance of gifts on Wednesday and a little shopping on Thursday. I am now the proud owner of an exclusive, one of a kind skirt. :D It's made out of my favorite wintertime material - fleece!

I should really do the dishes. They haven't been done for awhile.

Wednesday, December 28, 2005

I am the only one here today. I think. I mean it's one hour into it and I am fairly certain that trend is going to continue all day. Actually, I might be wrong -- I think the head honcho might come in today, but she usually comes in later, that still means I got about an hour.

Not that I need the hour to do anything mind you, no one is posting anything juicy -- with a few exceptions. I remember that I had this kind of time at Northwestern. Man did I write there -- I did all kinds of things, that was awesome. It's amazing how much more you write when you are at work then when you are left to your own devices.

I am eating popcorn. You know from those big tins? I don't know why they even put butter flavor in there -- no one ever eats it. Everyone knows the best one is the caramel, followed by the cheese. My Mom used to get one every year when I was kid. We always ate the whole thing. Now if I get one, it rots and becomes one big pile of mixed soggy corn that gets regulated into the basement until I have the gumption to clean it out and recyle the tin.

Okay, what is the fourth day of Christmas? One beer, two turtlenecks, three french toast....what is the fourth? Jessie? I *know* you know it. Spill it.

So I started rereading A Game of Thrones -- and this whole rereading thing isn't bad at all! I don't remember everything like I thought I would. I mean, the story is still good and when I get to pivotal points I vaguely remember something that is about to happen. It's cool! Of course, it has also been like four years since I last read it.

Since I cleaned the whole freaking house yesterday, it was nice to retire to the bed to read and drink a glass of wine. I even got the old man radio and plugged it in, turning it to a classical station. Just like in high school! I used to have the radio on as background noise 24/7. I couldn't sleep, read or stare into space without it. It was a little static-y but I fixed that with a piece of tinfoil. In fact, I didn't stop listening to the radio to sleep until I met Tim. He couldn't stand to have noise -- that took some adjusting too. But now, I need absolute silence to sleep, so much so that I have to wear earplugs if the dog is breathing too loud. The reason I started wearing them was because Tim snored, but that has really been reduced since he lost weight, started working out, quit smoking and quite drinking.

But habits are hard to break.

I am also listening to my new Franz Fernidad CD at work. It's quite good, I am on my second round right now. Track 5: Auf Achse is my favorite right now.

I kind of wish I was in europe or travelling right now. After April when Bekah and Greg go back, we will have room and board for France visiting, if we wish. We will go -- I mean, I never pass up an offer of free room and board.

---- Dang -- she who shall not be named has arrived and said that the head honcho is coming in today. I guess that was the end of that bubble. And since she has made herself known she has come three times -- each time asking if I know how to tap into my coworkers computer or open mail, etc and bemoaning the possiblity of a missed opportunity. Well damn, that is what you get for asking somone else to do a mass email that you don't want to do. HA!

Anyway, I guess I don't really have a too lot to say. That didn't stop me from writing a bunch of crap though.

Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Things I would like to do today:

1. Put all laundry away.
2. Organize clothes that I don't want anymore, into a pile so that I can practice sewing/tailer to try and make into something I DO want.
3. Make the bed.
4. Wipe the bathroom counter.
5. Possibly get dressed.
6. Brush my hair.
7. Update blogger.
8. Check out my other internet haunts.
9. Reply to any emails.
10. Send a birthday card to Callie.
11. Find the freebee promotional calendars that I got from work two months ago for 2006.
12. Send a thank you card for my wireless remote control for the PS2 I got from brother in law Mark.
13. Make a leftover Boxing Day ham sandwich for lunch.
14. Maybe get together with Hilary.
15. Think about getting coffee, cereal and fruit from Woodmans.
16. Vacuum the living room floor.17. Consider sweeping the kitchen floor.
18. Work on my puzzle a bit.
19. Put games we never ended up playing yesterday away.
20. Start a letter to someone -- probably Gale. I haven't heard from her in almost 6 months-- always a sign in penpalworld that something has happened.
21. Do the dishes.
22. Write in my paper journal all those deep dark thoughts I don't want anyone to know I have.
23. Water the plants.

I had a dream last night I was in Japan vising Laima and Oliver. They both told me that when I registered with a hotel that I would need to provide the name of my husband -- otherwise they wouldn't accept me. I was excited to be there and eager to explore -- all the japanese I saw moved slowly and wore outrageous clothing.

--EDIT---Updated at 11:04

Bonus items:

1. Put toliet paper away.
2. Put on make up!
3. Cleaned up makeup drawer.
4. Picked up garbage laying around on surfaces.

---Final Update for the day: 7:40 PM -----

5. Took the dog for a walk.
6. Found all the George RR Martin books so I can read them over before reading my new book -- this is big. I have only ever reread one book in my life -- the Secret of Nimh. Also, I have two copies of Clash of Kings -- I can only assume that Sarah gave me Dave's extra...did you?
7. Made dinner - chips and salsa, sausage and a baked potato.
8. Took a nap.
9. Washed that make up off my face and put my glasses back on -- the nap made my contacts gummy.
10. Checked the mail and read two letters and a card.
11. Vacuumed the office.
12. Put my puzzle away for now -- I didn't want the card table where it was anymore.
13. Played Caleb's Christmas present for awhile.
14. Picked up all the mail tidbits and paper things and put them on my desk.
15. Cleaned off Tim's desk.

Monday, December 26, 2005

Wow, was that a cheap move or what?!

Yesterday was great! It was like perfect day. We got up, made some cinnamon rolls and coffee -- took turns opening our presents, and then played with them. We played Star Wars until we pretty much beat it. Then moved into Champions and tried that -- I suggested difficult .. and man was it difficult. We weren't getting anywhere fast, so we started over.

Then there was the long nap. Making Christmas dinner -- that we ate by candlelight (okay and overhead light) in the kitchen with medieval type music playing in the background. I felt like a queen! The cornish hen was perfect, it was so tender it fell off the bones...the stuffed tomatos however had too much basil in them. We didn't actually get to try the sweet potato casserole because we decided to have it be our item to bring today to celebrate boxing day in Milwaukee.

Speaking of which I need to finish wrapping the presents for that.

So, DH was great -- I got the 3rd Lord of the Rings DVD, the new George RR Martin book, a CD: Franz Fernindad, a circular paper cutter, two medium size stamps (cat and butterfly), two video games and the best one....the seven piece stainless steel set of pots and pans! Oh they are SO shiny! I have grown to hate teflon over the past two years.

After dinner we played Runebound: The Isle of Dread (one of DH's presents) until 1:00 in the AM and then went to bed.

Alright, I should go and get ready and finish doing the things I need to be doing: wrap presents, arrange cookies on a cookie tray, maybe take a shower, definitely get dressed and make Tim try on the pair of pants I bought him.

ON a side note...I am going to be doing some serious workouts after tonight.

Oh and James...when are you replacing your website with a site that works?

Sunday, December 25, 2005

Merry Christmas

Saturday, December 24, 2005

Okay okay, so I might have been wrong. I keep forgetting that I have the newer version of Tim. Tim 2.0 Dang. We didn't go shopping, but we did go over and visit the inlaws for a bit and deliver cookies. Did I mention that I delivered cookies to the neighbors yesterday, and one of them blasted me with Reiki hoodoo a few times? I was supposed to feel a breeze. When I told Tim later he made the magic motion and blew on me. Ha ha.

Nah, I think there might be something to that, but standing in their front porch and being suprised with the force...well that's something I can't agree to right away. I mean, I could have been standing there and she could have turned into a gremlin and I would have just smiled and nodded, maybe humming the gremlin theme song in my head.

Uh anyway. Tim, Second Edition -- gave me two of my presents last night. He said it was because he didn't want to wrap them, but we all know it was so that he could play them. So last night and today we spent most of the day playing Star Wars Battlefields. The other game is the Champions of Norath Dark Alliance...apparently we played the sequel but we never played the orginal.

So playing vids all day rocks! We also managed to go out and get his present and food for tomorrow. Yes, in less than 24 hours we shall be dining on sumptious cornish hens, stuffed tomatoes and sweet potato casserole and for dessert? A coconut creme pie. How how delicious! I even bought cinnamon rolls for tomorrow morning to go with our coffee while we open presents.

I am kind of excited to open presents with just Tim. I haven't done that one yet.

The biggest thing raining on my parade today, is that I have a headache again. Ugh. I hates it. I hope it goes away for good tomorrow. That would be a nice Christmas present. It's the second one this week. I took a three hour nap to get rid of it, but I am thinking that an early bed time might be just the thing to knock it down? Hm. I don't know. At least I wouldn't feel it anymore.

Have I ever mentioned how I like robotic voices?

Friday, December 23, 2005

Damnit. It's almost 7 and Tim still isn't home yet. He was going to do some shopping after work. But you know what that means...that means he is going to get home in a crappy mood and not want to do anything.

I wanted to go and get his stupid gift, and then drop off cookies at Sarah and Lukes and maybe visit for awhile. This is one of those special "gifts" of marriage -- the one where you know exactly what is going to happen.

I can't say I am fan of it. Usually because when I foresee the future in situations like these, they turn out to be exactly correct and I am mad. So, if you think about it, because I can see how it's all going to play out and am getting miffed about it right now -- that means EXTRA angry/disappointed/miffed time on top of having it actually happen!

Plus, we have pretty much no food in this house, so if we don't decide what we are going to eat for Christmas -- we are going to be eating nuthing. Well, maybe that package of ramen. But if you know me, then you know I hate ramen. That means that I have to go to Woodmans though. But before I can even think about that, I'll need a list because if I don't have a list and an overtired, grumpy darling DOES decide he wants to do something other than warm this computer seat -- then I'll catch hell for it by not being prepared. Okay, maybe now I want a stupid license -- but only for tonight.

Oh please *rolls eyes* -- perhaps it was everyday except Thursday. Please note however, that I did try to post something last night, but the resident troll was well established in his spot and hollered at me for even THINKING about wanting to use the computer. Then I said "FINE! I'm going to bed." And he gurgled back (my amazing troll decipering) "GOOD! You have been annoying me anyway!"

So I went to the john, read an article, took out my eyes and then headed to bed. At which point the Troll turned into my darling and he said "I'm sorry, you can have the computer now." And now I was a little goblinly and replied "No, I don't want it. I am going to bed."

Thus, no Thursday post. But I can post TWICE today. That will make up for it, right? As long as there are 7 posts in a weeks time then I am good.

Yesterday I spent most of the day baking, decorating cookies and making gift tins/plastic containers for friends and family. I also paid some bills and chatted a bit with Karen and Hilary. However, I had a headache leftover from the night before that I couldn't shake. I had taken some excedrine in the am -- but by noon it was gone. THen I shook it up a bit and took some Ibuprophen and that worked wonders! It's still gone!

I didn't have the usual coffee with Hilary because Leta needed to go to the doctor. Instead I took a shower and got dressed. My Mom called me at one point to tell me that she got the package I had sent even though it had the WRONG ZIP CODE! Gah. She went on and on about how wonderful I was and how clever the things were (they were just books, stickers, coloring books...etc -- all grown up stuff though). I asked her why she didn't wait until Christmas to open it, and she said "Oh Frank opened it, I didn't."

"Why did he do that?" I asked.
"Because he wanted to know what was inside," she replied.
"But I told you what it was!" I stated.
"No, you just said paper stuff," she defended.
"Yeah! And is there anything in that box that isn't paper? And is there anything in that box that doesn't have anything to do with paper?" Pause.

"Well, no, I guess not!" she agreed. "I guess I didn't get your clues."


Then at 4:00 we went skating at Vilas Park and met up with Jeremy -- Tim's excoworker and skating buddy. He's really good! I mean really. We gave him a cool whip container with cookies. I think they are rather cute and kind of regret not indulging in cool whip every month for the past year so that I could have more.

After a nice little workout, we came home and there was a message from Janet saying to call her back. I called back and she said that taekwondo classes were cancelled for that night. I told it was okay because I wasn't going to go, I was just going to drop off some cookies and a xmas card. She said that was sweet. :D

I didn't get to buying Tim's gift after that because we had to drive downtown to meet up with ANOTHER old coworker of Tim's and have dinner at Frida's. It was my idea to go there -- and I kind of was disappointed with it the second time around. Nothing was the same...the magic was gone! It became boring old mexican fare again. But we did have a good time with Sameer and his friend from CA who is helping him drive there on Sunday or Monday. What we should have done was gone to the Essen Haus because it's where we all met and really got to know each other. I gave him a cool whip container with a potato salad lid -- but it fit! And he liked it. I wonder what he will think of american xmas cookies -- probably too sweet.

So that was last night/yesterday. It was a good day. :D

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Work? What? Huh? It's been that kind of day at "Work." Lots of story telling -- and I got two gifts! One is a basket with a margarita, home made salsa, a little bag of nacho chips, chocolate, coffee and a small bottle of wine. My coworker called the Happy Hour Basket. Cool! Then the head cheese came in and gave me a decorative frame. Now I just gotta get around to putting pictures in them. I would like to get into that more -- except I feel so narcissistic when I only put pictures of Tim and I in them.

It's been a good day. Oh and a big tin of popcorn came in too. So, even better -- and my lunch was an egg salad sandwich. I really like those -- and it's such a treat when I get them. By the way, here is how you are supposed to boil eggs.

Method 1: Put cold eggs in water and bring to rolling boil. Turn off and let sit in hot water for 20 min.

Method 2: Put eggs in water and bring to boil -- boil for 8-10 minutes.

Apparently the 3 minute egg is for those soft boiled eggs that you put in little egg cups. I have decided I need to put that on my garage sale list of things to look for next year after: sifter and double boiler.

This past weekend Tim and I got recreational hockey skates and took ourselves out to the Vilas lagoon. Vilas and Elver are the only two ice rinks open right now. Since it opened Friday, we have gone ice skating 3 times. I think I like ice skating the best of all the platforms. If I had to rank them: ice skating, roller blading and then quad skating. It's looking like a winter of ice skating -- anyone that wants to join in should let us know. I'll tell when we go if you want some company.

Bekah and Greg are in town to help SIL Sarah with the baby while she works again (and for the holidays). We saw them only on Sunday when we dropped off the ankle biters. I hope we get together sometime before the Boxing Day celebration next Monday.

I skipped my last yoga class and hung out with Liama instead on Monday. Her basement is the coziest damn thing ever! I can't wait until she starts craft night at Laima's.

I did a lot of shopping this past week and got plenty of stuff for friends and family -- and a good chunk of stuff for myself. Namely clothes. IT's been forever since I've had decent clothes -- I got: two new skirts, one pair of pants, four shirts and three pairs of tights. I have totally had interest in getting dressed again and have renewed that common vow of "trying to look better than a dumpy housewife."

I finished all my mail type stuff yesterday - man that took all day. So there are a few surprises going out there but mostly just cards. I am terribly inconsistent when it comes to gift giving every year. It flexes -- like with birthday's. Sometimes I remember and do something, other times I remember and decide I don't want to do anything half assed -- and so I wait. I wait until something good comes along. After all, I don't want to celebrate the life of a friend on one day, but rather any day. Because isn't every day that they around a good one?

My friend Hilary needs some cheering up. Anyone have any ideas?

I am going to make a goal of writing something every day for a week on here. So be prepared!

Friday, December 16, 2005

TGIF baby! Today I actually thought it and was relieved. Whew...the week is done. Horray for weekends! Two days off to ... ugh. Let's not think about it. I like Friday night's because it feels like I have endless amounts of time to do whatever I want. Ahh.

So...what have I done since I've gotten off work? I ran some errands, stopped at the grocery store and got some fixings for cookie plates -- the neighbors definitely get cookies -- how else can I keep up their unsoliticated blowing of snow off our sidewalk and driveway? ;)

We got three cards in the mail today -- one of them from my old penpal that I had written off (hehe...get it? Pun? Written off...ha ha LOL). Okay, okay -- get a grip people it was funny but not THAT funny.

Anyway, I hadn't heard from her in ages even though I sent a card or two and an email. Nothing...but now I have an address. I'll send her a card, and I'd be lying if I didn't admit I am excited to find out what happened to her. The last time she had written she was on the edge of a life change...I like finding how those work out. I think if she contacted me then it must have settled down a bit.

What else? There are too many dogs here. I think if Christmas goes the way I think I will, then Tim will have tried my patience for dogs for a good long while. To the point where I am going to put my foot down and say "no more." At least for awhile.

I personally think it's ridiculous to have 10 or more dogs in a packed house for things like big family get togethers. You can't have a dicussion, listen to what anyone is saying to even walk from point A to point B without having to navigate 2308947203497 dogs. Not a minute goes by where you won't hear "DOG! NO!!!!" Or "So and so is peeing," and back to more "DOG...what did I tell you? NO!" and "When did they last go out?" Gah! It's enough to drive me crazy. Even Pluto with his couch hogging pisses me off and he's my dog! Then you can't eat without 928347923847239 dog eyes looking at you for food, nosing up to the table, peeing on legs, getting into shit, chasing cats and whining.

I think when it comes down to it...I am not a fanatical dog lover. I like dogs. I enjoy having Pluto in my life -- but my life does not revolve him or his four-legged canine friends. And yeah, I do admit there is a little cute, chaotic factor into this charade...however it only lasts for 5 minutes, and that decreases with each year.

And now to go make some peanut butter hugs and listen to some christmas music (private collection).

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Today feels like Friday. I guess the specialness of the snow storm translates to Friday -- that and I shopped. This time I did some State Street shopping. Yesterday, after meeting the infamous Dr V with Hilary I did some Willie Street shopping. Tomorrow, I plan on doing some East Town shopping.

They say that shopping is supposed to help your mood. So far I would say that I am enjoying myself.

Tim came home with: flowers, wine, edame, sushi and fancy dessert. Why? Because apparently it was "Darling Appreciation Day."

For me. I am that darling. Horray! Flowers -- they smell like summer. I wish summer was here instead of all this wretched snow. I was happy to see that the neighbor had snowblowed our driveway, walkway and side walk when I came home. How awesome is that? That means they are definitely getting a cookie tray next week. :D

Eric/Kate -- when are you leaving town? I gotta send you something...I hope it gets there on time. And James, what is your address?

Monday, December 12, 2005

It was a "rich" weekend and the scale this morning agreed with me. :(

Friday night, Tim and I met up with our after work beer crew -- Oliver and Shane for dinner at the Flatiron. Now if you read that with a fancy french accent, "Le Fla-ti-ron" you pronounced like I have for the past year. The real pronounciation however is Flat Iron. Although if that was the case then why the heck didn't they make it two words?

Anyway, it looked like a cozy, european style resturant -- and it was! Complete with the draftiness. The food was typically american though, and ok. Although our appetizer -- the goat cheese on bread thing was AWESOME! In any case, it was really nice to hang out with Oliver and Shane for dinner AND drinks as opposed to just drinks (although both are fun).

After dinner I headed home to get some busy work and then set off to Hilary's where I would spend the next several hours writing cards and letters and watching TV. I watched Malcom in the Middle (wow, it's still on!), and Law and Order (I think it's criminal intent -- it has that weird cop with the pinched woman for a partner?). It's so easy to babysit when kids are already sleeping, seriously. I also get the added benefit of doing something nice for someone while doing the exact same thing I would have done at home (read -- sitting on couch watching crappy tv).

Saturday we were going to see Chronicles of Narnia -- however that didn't happen. Tim had taken the opportunity of my being away to tie one off and play Mechwarrior late into the night. That means on Saturday morning someone wasn't feeling his very best. I made two breakfasts, cleaned up a bit, slept in really late, and then later went shopping. I got some great stuff at JC Penny for only 15 dollars! I totally want to do more shopping -- but Tim doesn't like to shop and I don't have a car.

No lectures on getting driver's license please - the problem would remain that I don't have a car during the day because Tim takes it to get to work to begin with.

I am thinking of just taking the bus to the Mall today so that I can spend more time looking at the deparment stores and the outer ring of shops. There are SO many sales going on..the sales that used to go on after Xmas are now during Xmas.

So after the little bit of shopping we drove way out to the west side to meet up with a bunch of folks to surprise our friend Kathleen with a party at this fancy pants Wine place called Eno Vino. The party was nice -- but really the food wasn't that great and it was expensive. We had too much cheese too -- I didn't think it was possible to over do it on cheese either.

Then we went home, played some Champions of Norath and then went to bed.

Sunday morning I woke up early and stayed awake because I was excited. I eventually got up when the dogs did, and started cleaning up around the house. I had already put the Christmas decorations up on Friday night, and since Jen is allergic to cats I saved the cleaning for Sunday morning. I swept, vacuumed and mopped (boy did the floors need that!) and baked some sugar cookies and the saltine toffees. I was all ready for the ladies to show up at 12 - -which they did and after noon of baking and chatting began. I ordered pizza at 1:00 from Glass Nickle and ...well it was just a really good time. It's not often as a host that you get to really enjoy the party with the guests. It was really awesome to see Lowen show up (with a great molasses cookie recipe), and Jen with Nate (who is looking very much like a baby now and not an infant), Sarah, Liama, Heather (who took pictures and I am not depending on for reprints), and Hilary.

What it was all said and done, I had a variety of cookies -- although I looked at them this morning and realized -- these really are mostly "brown" cookies. By that I mean, gingerbread, molasses, chocolate, spice kind of cookies. Which are good, but strong in flavor and not to everyone's palates. SO...I know how to fix it. This afternoon I am going to bake up some russian tea cakes, short bread cookies and more saltine toffees, and the rest of the sugar cookie dough and then I'll have enough filler to make at least 8 plates of cookies for family and friends. I want to do it now while I have that great varity of cookies on my table and not in my tummy.

I highly recommend a cookie swap party to anyone who wants a bunch of different cookies and an afternoon with friends.

After the cookie swap, I finished cleaning up (surprisingly fast) and had a glass of wine. Tim showed up after awhile and we watched Sahara. Rather, I tried to watch it, but I got bored and decided to go to bed. I told Tim to tell me if they ever found the damned boat though. Apparently they did in the end -- but then blew it up. How typical.

So, now I have no other plans for the rest of this month besides: a very special christmas at home with the DH, Xmas the day after in Milwaukee, and a new year's eve party. I am a little bummed -- isn't every single one of my weekends supposed to be jam packed with family/friend celebrating?

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

I went to Woodmans and the cold air froze my nose hairs. Luckily it was only for a short time. I got breakfast stuff, some potatos and baking stuff. I have been wanting sweet foods ALL day today -- and didn't get anything but stuff I have to bake. I mean nothing easy. Sigh. I made an acorn squash soup with homemade bread for dinner. It was okay -- I don't think I have much of an appetite right now. I just feel like I should be eating more and just keep trying to think of stuff that think might be good.

So, I realize that I eat when I am bored, have some free time or am unsure what I want to do with my time. I usually drink a glass of water whenever I go into the kitchen...but you gotta realize I can down a glass of water in mere seconds and not have it affect me much. Then I make tea -- it's harder to chug tea -- at least until it gets cold. I still drink it all -- why waste tea? It's just ... "ice tea" then. I should make some now, but it's 10.35 and I gotta work tomorrow. :(

They had cheap fleece blankets at Woodman's. At the craft fair this past weekend I saw a woman wearing this fleece poncho. I went and got a closer look and she demonstrated how great this "poncho" was. It was a fleece blanket/throw with a hole cut in the center and a collar sewn on. Uh....a cheesy collar at that. She was charging 25 bucks!

So...I bought me two of them at Woodman's. The last orange one they had, and a green one...came home, cut a hole in orange one and now I am wearing it. Voila! A brand new, state of the art, $4 poncho -- and she is IS warm and easy to wear. Awesome. Tim said "That was it? You just cut it without any foresight?"

What an idgit. I totally eyeballed it twice!

I should make a collar or something for it to class it up a what? I could sew some black thread around the top ... that might class it up a bit... do I really care though? I plan on wearing it around the house because my other two garage sale finds suck. One itches and the other doesn't have buttons to close it in the front. How lame. can I recycle those items? Hm...

Oh...and my hat? It's the saddest thing you ever did see. I'll see if I can get a picture of it...because it is THAT bad. It's horrible. But it fits and it's warm. HORRIBLE! Tim got home and wore it (making fun of it) around the house and making stupid noises....sigh. I should be forced to wear a sucky fleece hat. A dunce hat. A terrible sew-er hat. That's me! Like wearing a placard that proclaims me as the world's worst seamstress. I wonder if anyone would even notice though. All I have to do is wear it like nothing is wrong and give people the hairy eyeball if I catch them staring.

Monday, December 05, 2005

I have a cold and that kind of sucks. Yesterday it started with a nose thing that I thought would go a way -- it hasn't. IT turned into a real cold today. I took some day medicine and that just makes you sleepy -- but not enough to sleep. I am looking forward to taking some night time medicine and going to bed. I think I'll feel a ton better tomorrow. I did use this as an excuse to get out of yoga tonight though. :D

Last Friday I tested for my brown belt and passed! Horray. I am high ranking belt. Only Red, Half-Black and then finally Black to go. But...*said in solemn voice* it is about the journey, not the end result. Although knowing I can kick some ass is pretty cool.

New Zeland was baptized on Sunday. The church was way the heck out in Fitchburg and the service was "alternative." In other words, there was a band and all the songs were karoke. Tim's Dad (also named Tim) performed the ceremony. Sheesh, that dude does everything! He married Tim and I, Sarah and Luke, Candy and Phil...and I believe he baptized his own kids and now he's doing grandkids?! Dang. There was a wonderful little get together at Sarah's house afterward and I learned my lesson to never say anything that might get reported wrong in front of the MIL.

Well, Tim is finally off the phone and he mentioned something about some video game playing tonight to "wind down." I am drinking some sleepy time extra tea -- hopefully that will wind me down faster. Real sleep and not dozy sleep would be nice.

I made Hoggle (the fat hobbit dog) a coat was hard because he is really rotund with short legs and a neck the size of Vancouver. Tomorrow I am going to cut the end tippy thing off because it keeps looking cockeyed. Round it out. I am also going to whip me up a fleece hat. It can't be that long as it stays on my head then it works, right? Who care what it looks like. My sewing machine has gotten a lot of use lately. I am trying to think of other things I want to make -- even though everything I make has to be done over three times. :( But seriously, what did I expect? That I would be able to sew with absolutely no previous knowledge and expertise? That I would get everything right on the first try? HA!

It's really damn cold outside. Brrr.

I am also feeling peckish -- like gooey sweets would be good. Feed a cold -- starve a fever, right? Too bad there is nothing good (read easy) in the house to eat. Not even stupid bread -- then I could make cinnamon toast, or least have some with jam.

There is only my pig intestine soy milk left. Kandi - sister in law and 9th level Vegan, said over Thanksgiving that 8th Continent soy milk used pig intestines for some reason. I have not yet researched this to see if she is on crack or not...but every time I pour it in my cereal or coffee I think "Soy milk strained through Pig Intenstines," or the simplier "pig intestined milk." Yes, I always have to say pig....and intestine. They go together. I should research that....the soy milk is 50 cents cheaper and always on the shelf.

Thursday, December 01, 2005

It's the first day you can ... okay...we can use Christmas decorations. I busted out a christmas table cloth I got at a garage sale this summer, along with two 12 days of xmas place mats, and a cute snowman creamer/sugar set that I got from my Mom last year. And I put out the Santa soap for the bathroom from last year too -- it'll take a week or two before everything finds it's place in our home.

Speaking of which, it's clean and cozy. :D

Today I was busy. I got up, wrote a letter to Jen. Met up with Hilary and got a few things at the grocery story, returned my overdue books and dropped off film at Walgreens. Then we went and had a nice chat over some coffee at the Hippie joint. The funniest moment was when Leta had picked up a large plastic bowl and put it on her head (like a hat) and sat at the little kids picnic table with her juice cups and had a little .. .well juice party. She was sitting there all straight and perfect with a big 'ol bowl hanging from her head. Oh that was funny!

Then I came home, put the groceries away, laid down for 10 minutes to get warm and then went outside to shovel the driveway. Thankfully someone with too much time and power equipment on their hands plowed the whole block's side walk -- so I only had to do the walkway and driveway. Then I came in, put a pot of water on for my new favorite tea -- decaf candy cane lane tea.

I got some stamps in the mail -- greyhound stamps...although one of them isnt' what I ordered. I had ordered the SINGLE greyhound with a snowman, and what I got was a snowman with two hounds. :( isn't worth sending back to get it corrected...or maybe they ran out? Still, since we only have one hound, I would have preferred that. I guess maybe we'll get another foster while it's still winter and then it can be correct. The other one is a kitty and a hound. Cute!

Yesterday I made an adorable little dog coat for Amos -- the tinest house guest here. Fobbit (fat hobbit = hoggle) was going to get one today...but I think I might be more interested in making headbands than a coat for him. He has enough fat on him to keep him warm...I haven't seen him shiver to date. Oh, and yesterday I also made Pluto a belly's perfect! Not that he wants to wear it...but if we needed something a little lighter than a winter coat...he now has it.

Winter with it's cold and snow makes me awfully sleepy in the afternoon. But when I lay down to take a nap, I can't sleep. I think it's just that I am sleepy but not really tired. That doesn't really make that much sense.

Last night we watched Land of the Dead -- that can be pretty much summed in one sentence "Equal rights for zombies!"