Wednesday, May 26, 2004

Geez, I found a book I hadn't read before -- The Thief of Always by Clive Barker and remembered that an old friend of Tim's, is a big fan. I googled his page and found that this man is not only wildly successful but also really good looking. Yeah, I knew he was successful, but I wasn't reckoning on the good looking part. Sheesh, some people have all the luck.

A tree was growing on the far side of the fence in the back yard. It was about ten feet tall and was dropping into the lawn. Tim had mentioned last week that 'something needed to be done about it,' and suggested a saw. I grunted in half agreement and turned my attention to something else. Yesterday we were standing outside gauging whether or not the lawn needed to be mowed. "Do we have a saw?" Tim asked. I shook my head and asked why.

"Because that tree," he pointed with a quick gesture "has to go."
"We don't need a saw for that, just go and break it off," I answered.
"You can't just do that, it's too green," he explained patiently.
"No you don't," I said. "Just go and break it. It may require a little twisting, but we don't need a saw." I imagined an hour trip to home depot, wandering through their massive aisles before facing an economic decision of choosing between five hundred models. Of course Tim would want the best because everything we get a Home Depot is an investment. I felt like we had spent enough money this month and cringed at the thought of shelling out big bucks for a stupid saw.

"Geez," I swore and stomped down the steps.
"What are you gonna do?" he asked as I strode across the lawn carefully watching for dog bombs.
"I am going to break it," I stated and met with the tree face to branch. I bent down, grabbed the thickest part of the trunk and cracked it. Not one single twist was required. I brandished my leafy prize over my head to a scowling Tim. "See?" I shouted, "And I did it with my bare hands!"

Monday, May 24, 2004

This weekend was great! Matt and Sigrid got hitched in one of the best ceremonies I have been party too, the reception was tons of fun, I got to see folks I hadn't seen in years -- Carlos and Michelle to name a few. Plus I got to know a few more Madison people, and Sigrid and Matt's family a little more. I would write a lot more, but the pictures can say it for me (and I gotta take a shower because we meet with the BBBS caseworkers tonight to select our "little brother") and finish up some other things. I do have high resolution images of these pictures, so if you want one be sure to tell me.

Without further ado: Third Week of May (in pictures).

Friday, May 21, 2004

Week in Pictures for the Second of Week of May is finally up. Sorry it took so long but there have been changes a brewing, as you may or may not have noticed. I successfully switching web host providers and now have a lot more space to work with. I am also thinking about updating the website? Changing the layout of the journal...but I also want it to match the rest of the website. I hate it when one page looks completely different from all the rest of the pages. Hm. I'll think about that. I think I am going to change the book section -- since the databases didn't transfer thanks to a miscommunication between Tim and I -- to the section where I review the books I am currently reading. That way it will be a bit more interactive and interesting.

Have I mentioned how much this Xbox music thing rocks? Oh does it ever. week should be good. Sigrid and Matt and getting hitched this weekend. Tons of folks are coming out for it... and it is going to be just like a college reunion. I am so freaking excited.

I just found out the couple that looked at Gypsy and passed. They decided to go for the other dog named Keeper. Sigh. I think Pluto ruined her chances ... or least contributed to it. He is such an attention hungry dog. He makes it seems like his very life depends on your affection. Bah. So next time he is banned to the bedroom for the visit. This totally sucks because next weekend we traveling to visit my Dad and going with TWO dogs in the back seat is not my idea of fun. We were only supposed to have them for "not more than two weeks." While I like having Gypsy around and she is adorable...this is very inconvenient. I may have to postpone the visit to my Dad's for another weekend. Sucky.

Well I have more crap to do today, so I should get to it. Have a good weekend folks.

Thursday, May 20, 2004

Roger that.

Tuesday, May 18, 2004

So I just put some nail polish on before I start to clean the kitchen to "kind of" protect ye old nails from heavy cleaning--so I am going to update while they dry. Tonight we may have a couple coming over to check out Gypsy. Tim hasn't been online all day, so aside from the phone call this morning to ask if it has been alright, I haven't gotten any news. I hate it when he isn't online...and I might be getting fairly addicted to having my family online too. Yahoo wasn't working on my Trillion so I downloaded the version and BAM, four out of five brothers are online. Cool.

I am going to switch web space providers in the next few days...much more space for less money. I have been having to deal with a pasley 50MB for 15 dollars a month. Now I can get all the same kicks and screams for 10 dollars a month, hosting up to three domains with a mind boggling 1000MB to work with. Then I think I could start having archives, and I can definitely put more pictures rather keep them around longer. Which brings me to Week in Pictures...I got them. I just haven't had time to download them. Perhaps tonight I will do it. So a little late, but it will be there.

When is it going to be sunny again? Sure this rain is good and all, but I think a equal proportion of sun should only be fair. I got a few letters the past week or two from Serena, Jen, Mom, Frank, Scifi Kim and ...I think that is it. I have some writing to do! Not just fun letter writing, but I need to get work on real writing. I think I am going to take Jen's offer of proofreading and looking it over since Tim isn't doing jack shit to help. I will have to email her about would be cheaper to just send the files online instead of print it out and sending halfway across America.

Last night we saw Lost in Translation. It was wasn't worth all the hype about it though. I love Bill Murray and he was great in the movie...and it was a great travel brochure to see Japan...but over something was missing in the movie (more than just the two tourists searching for their soul).

I hurt my foot this past weekend. The lady instructor at the TKD place said it might be a strained tendon. Suck! It feels slightly better than yesterday, but walking the dogs last night really hurt. I hope it goes away by this weekend. I was looking forward to dancing.

Oh and the Xbox...oh man. You know you can do this thing where it copies tracts from CD's to make one mega ... mix CD type thing. Okay, it's like MP3's except my surround sound system is MUCH better than my crappy little computer stereo. I think I put close to 130 songs on it yesterday and part of brother Shane said that it can hold up to 500 songs on just one file and it doesn't bother the playing of video games. I guess it must have alot of memory. Tim, of course, is suspicious. When isn't he?

Well the nail polish is dry, the kitchen and bathroom aren't clean, I need to go shopping later, and think of what we want to eat and what I can carry back on my bike, find time to write, clean the cat boxes and avoid getting another headache....this weather has given me such problems in the cranium.

Sunday, May 16, 2004

Oh my gosh. Tim's weekly game was cancelled today, and I told him maybe it was a blessing in disguise because I really needed to find a dress and some new undergarments for the wedding next weekend. Three hours, eight stores later and fifteen dresses, I finally found two...TWO that look good. Where did I finally luck out? Kohl's...a store I have only ever been in once, was my saviour. Tim was an excellent darling, critical, honest and good at finding dresses for me to try on. This is the first time I have ever had a successful dress hunt. Usually I look, get depressed and either "settle" or just wear a skirt and shirt combo. Thank god I don't have to do that again for a long, long time.

We got home and was greeted with a smell that has never before been in our house. Tim spotted it first...a sloppy pile of poo on the hardwood floor leading to the kitchen. Apparently one of the dogs couldn't hold it...I hate diarrhea. However, considering this is the first time since we got any dog in this house, I consider it a blessing. I am so thankful that we got a place with hardwood floors and that our carpets are cheap and replaceable. I am also thankful that Tim did the cleaning up. ;) Still, it was gross.

Now that I am done I feel like a nap before thinking about what the heck we are going to have for dinner. I hope we have enough stuff for Texas Hash....I think I have everything but the green pepper...but I can leave that out.

Oh and yesterday we went to the Pet Expo at the Alliance Center. Pluto was an Ambassadog, and I tagged along for the heck of it. There wasn't that much there...I hate Cat People...but I did get this wonder lint removal thing. Three things for only 26 dollars that is always sticky. You remove the lint with water and when it's dry it is sticky again, all with no residue. It's amazing. I cleaned two blankets last night and put them in the pet free guest room. I can't wait to delint/fur other blankets and stuff.

Wednesday, May 12, 2004

This morning was great! We got up and headed over to the DMV. I felt prepared enough as I had finished reading the driving manual last night. ;) Wow, it's amazing how things change in a decade. Instead of a twenty question written test, I was instructed to sit down and start a touch screen test at a computer. The practice portion of it was confirming that I was the right person taking the test. I aced that part. Next was the Class D test. I started and was answering questions correctly...until BAM, I was hit was a trick question. I gasped in shock as a bright red INCORRECT flashed across the screen. Damn, have to be more careful. A few questions later I was sideswiped with another INCORRECT. What? I was robbed. I had two long was this stupid test anyway? I clicked on the Status button and read: Test of 50. 24 correct, 2 incorrect. Bah....I had half way to go and I could afford no more mistakes. I made to the end with no more errors and breathed a sigh of relief as a green text announced that I passed. All of a sudden I get a notice that the next part of the test is loading -- Signs. What? Geez, luckily I got all of those correct. Whew....I passed. I went back feeling relieved and then he says to take my number and go to the beauracratic side to get my permit.

I walk over and join Tim as he sat quietly reading the latest issue of Time magazine. When my number was finally called I went up to the booth.

"You had your permit before?" an attractive man asks while looking at his screen.
"Uh, yeah, eleven years ago." He nods and instructs me too look into a viewfinder and read the top line and tell me if there are flashing lights on the side. I kicked this ass in the butt!
"Twenty five dollars," he states and immediately looks bored.
"Who do I make it out too?" I ask. He reaches over and broadly gestures to the eye level sign that answers my question directly. I hate that. I hand over my check, he gives me a signature thing and tells me to go over to the photo area. I walk over and make myself comfortable while watching several other ladies get their photo taken. Thank god I wouldn't need my picture taken, I told myself.

"Laura?" A thin, balding man inquires.
"Yeah, that me," I smile. He takes my card.
"Sign here," he says and waits while I scribble my John Hancock down.
"Go over there and face the camera," he points to the chamber of torture.
"What?" I ask confused. "For a permit?"
"Yes, we started taking photo permits in March," he explained. "Some kind of study."
"Oh," I respond and shuffle over to the worn carpet.
"Smile!" he demands. I manage a small grimace.
"All done," he reports and I go back to my seat. A few minutes later I am greeted with the second worst public picture taken of me since the passport fiasco several years ago.

On our way home, Tim and I stop at McDonalds for a fancy Duluxe Breakfast to celebrate. Ahhh...what a great morning. A while later I went to TKD and the dude that I don't like was there, but today I could deal with him just fine. I was just in a bad mood on Monday. I overhear the Ring's say that they are overwhelmed and they need a secretary so I volunteered to come in for a few hours a week and help them catch up. After all, I do have amazing secretarial skills, and they should be honed regularly...right? Besides, it feels good to volunteer, it's all part of being a Community Aide.

Moral of the story: When I offer to drive, I mean it! I just need a licensed driver with me. ;)

Tuesday, May 11, 2004

Tomorrow is my permit test. Wish me luck.

Blogger has some new updates...I wonder if I should include their comment thing....also, Tim and I are thinking about using a new hosting provider. He is thinking about running a mech Team and found this great website with all these awesome options. I have been in the mood to change my website as well...or at the very least...this section of it.

Hm. Yesterday was I had a bad TKD class all because of this dude that I don't like....but I just have to give it time. He won't be there all time and after next week there are only night time classes, so I won't HAVE to deal with him on a one on one basis. It rained. It poured. My garden and garlic is loving it, but the dogs and I, are not. I spent a good part of yesterday doing laundry and reorganizing the linen closet and the bathroom. I have also been working on a new kind of beadwork for me (lazy stitch...I know how to do it...I just have never done anything WITH it). Right now I am working on a hair barrett type thing.

Week in Pictures sucked last week...but one cannot always have great things to post. Of course we did do go over to John's house for more board and video games (Jeremy and I stayed up to 3.30 playing DDR, followed by Soul Caliber and then Tetris because everyone else was stuck in a game that would not end). Then on Sunday I had a suprise visit from Liama --- but I didn't think to take a picture of her as it was suprise and all. I am looking forward to harrassing her on a weekly basis. I could have also taken a photo of our new Xbox, but that would have been lame. That is like taking a picture of our car....(which incidentally, we DO have ---but only because the dealership took a picture for us). Oh, we did finally buy a lawn mower though! It got me to thinking how much free stuff we got because of and their bonus 750$ gift card for getting a realtor suggestion through them. I like to imagine as we walked into our new house all of the "gifts" sitting on the middle of the floor:

a hoe, spade and garden rake set
Two leaf rakes
A large winter shovel
A large push broom
50 foot hose
two small garden spades
Two sets of working gloves
a small plant water thing
14 inches worth of insulation in the attic
a new fan/light switch
plywood and vynil covering (to modify the DDR pads)
entry way rug
back door outside mat
kitchen dog run rug
mop and bucket
angel fern plant
8 foot standing ladder
lawn mower

I am sure there might be a few more small things tucked in there....and I still have 11.20 cents left on a gift card! Thanks Home Depot and Lending tree, you saved us a bundle on starting a home.

Thursday, May 06, 2004

Yesterday was a big day. I went to the library with the three HP Lovecraft books I had, and my checkbook ready to pay for my library sins. The dude checked the books, looked at my ID and then informed me that I was no longer in the system. I was getting away scott free! I filled out a form, he printed me a library card and within minutes I was on my to check out my very own books. I get to the pop culture section, when I hear it.

"Miss?" I turn around and he is waving me back. I walk back and he said. "I checked the system and found your name, is the Red and Eagle usually seperated?"

"Uh, yeah, that would be me." I look over to the blue screen and see the three offending books all described in big capital letters are OVERDUE. Busted. I glance at the monetary amount listed next to them and see a whopping 63 dollars 75 cents.

"So, what I can do it knock these all down to five dollars."
"Yeah!" I respond, a little too eagerly.
"Can you pay for them now?" he asked.
"Sure can! I was ready to pay something today." I respond and whip out my check book. A measly fifeteen dollars is entirely doable. They have a new policy, at least this library, where a cap is set on over due books at five dollars. Awesome! I hand my check over, he hands me a receipt.
"Is that it?" I ask fearing I might have to do some community service.
"Yep," he smiled at me.

I limited myself to four books. A stupid dream interpretation book, the Nanny Diaries, a romance, and some other book. Afterward I headed over to Walgreen's to get some shampoo, soap and cotton balls. Once I walk into the brightly lit room, I remember we also need a new hair brush since I lost our other one in the pre shower rush a few weekends ago. Items in hand I wander around thinking of what else I need, in addition to my leave in hair conditioner for my split ends and payday candy bar, then I see it.

'Don't forget Mother's Day is May 9th"

Crap, I forgot. I wander into the card aisle and begin a frustrating quest to find two mother's day cards that aren't oversized and don't cost four dollars each. It takes me forty-five minutes and a sympathy conversation with another patron before I settle on a 1.99 card, and a 2.45 card. Gah. I mentioned to the check out clerk how much it sucks that Hallmark has a monopoly on Mother's Day cards. She agrees, and I finally realize I could have made the cards myself and saved five bucks (which could have gone into the travel stash).

I get back home, do the damn dishes, think of dinner, eat some cheese curds and start reading the Nanny Diaries. I had wanted to read this book for a long time. I am surprised that it is not that well written and I don't think I like any of the characters that much. I pause to attend TKD, make dinner, walk the dogs, watch Angel, and beat the Temple of the God's boss in Zelda before heading to bed and catching Tim reading my book.

This morning I finished the book and was depressed. I don't know....just to think there are such heartless, thoughtless, rich people out there. Sure they are unhappy but that isn't enough punishment for the injustice that they pass on to other people. Lenore was like that...even though she KNEW better. she turned into that...and now there are thousands of these women out there. It got me to thinking... that I should be doing something more productive with my time or something more meaningful. I don't know. I mean, I didn't particularly like the main character either...she had an air about her that said she was better than everyone else and to be honest, her family was fairly well off too. She was just slumming it in her college days and there is no doubt in anyone's mind that she was off to bigger and better things.

After plunging myself into the blues, I put on some Hank Williams and started cleaning the house, doing laundry, yet more dishes, and put small things away, cleaned the bathroom and cut some lilac flowers from the tree outside. I think I was going to go to TKD tonight too, but I have sense changed my mind.

I think I might try for my permit tomorrow --- but we will see how that goes. ;)

Tuesday, May 04, 2004

Okay, so I need to get back into the swing of writing. I am going to have to fiddle with some prose for now and see what comes up. I have a book of ideas that I have been writing down along the way, so that should come in handy. I tried to start proofing my story but found I was still too sick of it to look at it. Another day or so before I can settle down to do it, I think.

I rounded up all the HP Lovecraft books I borrowed from the public library eight years ago, and found only three. Was that it? I know I wouldn't have gotten rid of any of them. I never let go of books unless they are close to trash. I was going them to the library today, along with a checkbook to redeem myself, but other crap got in the way, none of which should have prevented me from going.

Today I watered the garden, picked up sticks, sprayed weeds with some weed killer I found in the garage, panted garlic and four tomatoes....I hope they grow! I fixed the vacuum cleaner which had gotten a ton of yarn wrapped around the spinny thing, and I found a pen had gotten sucked up and punctured the plastic hose. Suck. I cut off the yarn, spent fifteen minutes looking around for electrical tape, taped it up and then spent a long time vacuuming cat and dog hair from the living room, bedroom and office. Oh an I put together a grocery list and menu for dinner's. Lots of healthy eating this time around, the warm weather inspires me to partake in nature's bounty. I can't wait for my garden to grow something useful.

Last night I dreamed of visiting my Dad...and something else...I don't recall right now. I am looking forward to visit my Dad over memorial day weekend, although that might not happen if we still have Gypsy. more than two weeks, huh? Right. Gypsy now has an unhealthy obsession with the futon and all of Pluto's toys (even though she doesn't really know how to play with them). The futon is littered with any toy Pluto even looked at during the day, and she refuses to give up her seat to anyone. If Pluto or any cat comes near the futon while she is on it, she has begun to emit a low growl. I think it is mostly directed at Pluto....which seems to me to be a bit unfair because SHE certainly has no qualms hopping on the futon and squeezing in, when Pluto is crashed out.

Speaking of cats, all of the cats had a piece of litter affixed to their nose today at some point. Cute.

Monday, May 03, 2004

This weekend I played Zelda: The Wind Waker, which John had lent to me a while back. I just thought of playing it this weekend ---and there went the whole weekend. As of this moment, I had to finish most of my to do list for today before I even THINK about playing some today. By the time you read this, and peruse the April Fourth Week in Pictures, I will be planted on the futon in electronic bliss.

Oh, and on Friday night I went over to Liama's for some great food and punch, and then we headed over to John's for board/card games. Okay, now here is a teaser to get you into the photo gallery:

Finally, now I can play until Tim gets home and we have to go to the grocery store.