Thursday, August 31, 2006

The postoffice is TOO SLOW! Damnit. Priority mail is 1-2 days...not 1-3 or 4 days...right? Maybe I shouldn't have bothered and went with regular mail because that seems to move faster. Maybe it got

I made chili today. I totally winged it. Now THAT is a sign that I can cook. It's weird to think of that. It's simmering right now for the next hour or two. Simmering = better.

This morning I decided to sleep in. So after not being able to sleep in at 6.40 because the cat was scratching obessively in the box, the alarm kept going off and that damned chipmunk is chirping I got up to eat some cereal and look at the news. Man, Charlie Shortino has grey hair! He is a much superior weather man than that other woman that was subbing for him. I want my Charlie telling me to have a good ____ morning. Anyway. After Tim left, I went back to bed.

Pluto started whining. I told him to go to bed and lay down. He whined more...and after awhile I managed to ignore it all and fell asleep. A brief sleep because soon the sun woke me up (I dreamed it was a car crash). Pluto was whining again, so I said "FINE!" and got up to let him outside again. He went out to the yard right away and started pacing. I thought he just had to go poop and probably didn't go this morning.

I let him in after awhile, he does more whining and pacing and finally settles onto the couch. I figured he was depressed. Then I got busy with my morning of cleaning, internet wasting, and writing. Later on, I was looking for my sandals so I could take laundry out to the line and bring in that red sheet that has been there for over two weeks....and stepped in something. I looked down and see that the entire floor in front of Pluto's crate is covered in dog barf. Great. I took my sock off and went to call Tim and tell him how horrible of a owner I was.

Poor Pluto was just telling me that he wasn't feeling well...and I tell him to go to bed. :(

So I played with him this afternoon in the backyard, and he gets a walk this evening. Tim fed him old meat and we think it went bad.

-- oh wait, my brother said that they DID get the package. Just no one ever tells him.

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Copco 2-1/2 Quart Teakettle Prescott, Sunset Red

I forgot to mention our newest addition to the household. The newest item makes the dehumidifer look lazy. We got a new tea kettle! You see, I had this really old, aluminim type one that I had inherited from a roommate ... oh about 10 years ago. For the last ten years we have used this kettle almost daily, and over the years calcium builds up on the bottom. Last week I had this cat dish I couldn't get clean because of the calcium build up, so I poured vinegar in it and let it sit for a day. It was clean as a whistle in no time!

I did the same thing with the kettle...except it wasn't working the same. I think there was just too much calcium for it to do any magic...and I would have had to use 20 gallons of vinegar to clean it. After I poured out the first vinegar I decided it would be a good idea to poke it with a butcher knife. Poke, the calcium I mean. I slowly started to break off chunks of the calcium build up that had been softened by the vinegar. I counted at least 3 or 4 layers of different calcium, but eventually started to get bored and did little "drill bits" in the thicker parts to break it up more. Well, I think you can see where this is going.

I accidentally drilled and poked all the way through in about 4 spots. This tea kettle was done. I went and reported the sad news to the DH and told him we needed to go buy a new one (especially since I wanted tea that afternoon). We headed over to Orange Tree Imports on Monroe to on our bikes (and for the start of that big bike ride), and hemmed and hawed over the outrageous prices. But since we had already been to target earlier we couldn't justify going back. We ended up getting the 20$ model, with a high handle, little trigger to open the spout and the color red. This is the most amazing purchase ever, folks. I can't believe we gimped along so long with that inferior tea kettle before.

Now in like 5 minutes (instead of 15) we have hot, boiling water from a tea kettle that doesn't require you have an oven mitt on to touch it AND it lets us know when it's done because it whistles. Geez...if you don't have a kettle like, I suggest you go out and get one, because anything else is a waste of energy, time and money.

Monday, August 28, 2006

This just in! I have a new scent. I had tried it on someplace...I can't remember, and I thought it was awesome. I think vacation....yeah that must have been it. It's been in the back of my head since thing, and today when I was picking up something for a friend, I treated myself to a perfume. It's a small roll on stick -- of .....*drumroll*


I can't explain's so nice. I think an important role model in my life must have worn it at one point, but maybe it's more than that. Lily of the Valley is nice...but right now Wysteria is speaking to me.

This weekend was low key. We bought a dehumidifier to help the basement. It got lots of water from all the rain, and had been smelling moldy. Mold is never good, so I cleaned up the water but it wasn't going anywhere because the humidity was so high. The new humidifier is Energy Star approved and works like a dream. It was also on sale at's amazing how much water is in the air.

Tim and I went on a 30 mile bike ride in about 2.25 hours. We were tired at the end, to be sure. Then not an hour later Laima called us asking if we were up to riding bike over to Orton Park to see the modern dancers with swings... (arial dancers). We said sure, because we were hungry. We went, saw some movement and then stopped at the Glass Nickle for cheap drinks and some eats and headed home. It was a good night.

Sunday I .... uh....played lots of video games, and cooked. I made macaroni salad, jello, chicken/apple salad, and some kind of tomato/egg dish ... a fritta as my coworker said it was, with breaded tofu.

I had to ride home in the rain today so I got all wet. It wasn't supposed to rain past noon....dangit. At least I didn't melt. I am thinking of spending the next two hours on the couch with a cup of tea, a dog and some letter writing or newspaper reading. I smell wonderful! I should spend some time with me. ;)

Thursday, August 24, 2006

There was a malfunction in one of the tornado sirens this morning at went on for about 35 minutes...after ten minutes and determining that there was no tornado or impending doom, I went back to bed with some ear plugs. Over all it was a crappy nights sleep, made apparent by Pluto not wanting to get up this morning to do his bidness. When the dog is a slug butt, that tells you that it was rotten all around.

I sprained my left toe! I sprained it at sparring and it did hurt then, but went away. I didn't feel the stiffness and over all "ugh" until a few hours later. Is this my first sparring injury? I think so.

I told you about that one guy that kicked his toe off right? EWww! At least that didn't happen.

Yeah, so I am taking the day off from Monkey Bar today to clean the house, walk the dog and make sure my toe doesn't get too hurt. Besides I have TKD tonight...and house cleaning is exercise, believe it or not. I also want to spend some time stretching today. It's been awhile since I have actually spent 20 minutes doing a good stretch. I can't be confusing strength with I think I have been.

The coffee this morning was not to my taste. I decided to make a pot of chai tea instead....oh and there are leaves all over the ground! Dang it. I thought I ordered summer to stick around for quite a bit longer.... I don't want winter to be here yet....But I can tell it's getting darker again earlier. The afternoon sun is looking more "golden," and some mornings I am beginning to debate the need for a light jacket.

I need to go wash my face now. It feels oily.

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Since I don't want you think I had a BIG head by talking about my estimate of 100 people (two people pointed out they checked from at least three different ISP's). Well then, let's take a look, shall we? I chose to focus on July because it was the most recent complete month.

Year to Date Web Statistics
Vistors --Number of Visits--Pages----- Hits ------- Bandwidth

Jan06 -----827 -------------1467 -------------4308 ----21977--- --191.89 MB

Feb06---- 478 ---------------932 --------------4446 ----16914-----145.00 MB
Mar06---- 582--------------- 1133-------------6385-----22193----183.54 MB
Apr06-- --621--------------- 1115--------------4960 ---15727--- 147.87 MB
May06---- 474-------------- 1006---------- 4404----16997---- 155.01 MB
Jun06 -----400-------------- 813-------------4296---- 14832----- 135.35 MB
Jul06---- 423-------------- 802------------5480--- 24675 ----474.27 MB
Aug06---- 304-------------- 601---------------1839-----7307------79.69 MB

Total------ 4109------------ 7869 -----------36118 --------140622------ 1.48 GB

Page Views – Page views are the amount of pages that are viewed on average.
Unique Visitors – Unique visitors are individual new visitors to your website.


--> Most connect to my site via direct address, followed by links from other pages (not including search engines, and finally search engines.

-->The most popular two days that people check my website are on Tuesday and Wednesday.

-->The average time spent at my site during July: 235 seconds

-->Most people visit my site between 7:00AM and 11:00 AM.

-->I had 423 new people visit my site, which means there are 379 regulars per month.

So, if Sarah, Laima, and other folks each check my site with three different isps, that would still be at least 126 people per month.

I stand by my earlier estimate.

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Hey! Check out it, my long time friend Lori (the mother of my younger brother Andrew) got a Blog! Now she is really new to the world of obessive internet blogging, so be kind and check her out, give her a little encouragement.

The link to the left is: Swamp Tales

Baby steps. This week is already better. Yesterday I met my mini endurance goals of not overeating, exercise, cooking, and coffee with Hilary (though sometimes I feel like a bit of a dud). Anyway...I was a dud who went out and tried.

Today, I plan on doing more of the same except with healthy doses of laundry and putting it away as well as taking a shower. Gah, I hate taking showers. The rubber matt thing on the bottom that I got at Dollar General 3 months ago has disintegrated. I should throw it out before I take the shower. I also plan on wiping down the bathroom counter.

I also have a phone call that I have to make that I don't want too. :(

OH! And on our way home yesterday, Tim and I ran into Andy A! He has brown hair now...he said it grew in like that but under the impression that it was still light. Whatev! It was totally medium brown, no light about that. Anyway, he still lives in Madison with his gf, works two jobs without benefits and has an awesome bike. :)

Monday, August 21, 2006

Last week was pretty rough, culminating in the roughest Friday night ever. Tim did his best to cheer me up, but it was a challenge. Even now I still feel the remnants of that crummy week, but I am going to continue with my motto of "endure."

I know the blues is only a phase. This won't last, and even if it feels like nothing matters because nothing is going to change...that too is part of it. Sure, I don't believe anything with change right now, but I know logically that I won't always think that. I don't always think that on a day to day basis, so it would make sense to know that this isn't going to be forever.

I don't know why I am affected right now or why feel so antisocial, and hopeless about everything. It just happens, I guess. You can't have good times without the bad I suppose. It's not that things are bad either. I have had several moments in the past week where I appreciated just how nice my life is with Tim, Madison and where I am. I like the choices I have made so far, and have felt quite cozy.

I guess when it all comes down to it, I am frustrated by the things I cannot change or that don't seem to be changing no matter how hard I work at it. They say that to persevere is the key. Keep on trucking. Don't stop! Don't be discouraged. Well that is easy to say if things are constantly progressing for you in some way. What happens if you try and try and try and nothing what point do you give up? I mean, I can smash my fist against the great wall of China and hope that one day I'll break through -- but on another level I need to come to terms that this might not be the best method. But the question is, at what point do I give up on that method? Because sometimes -- you do have to give up something in order to find another path. You can't take two roads at one time.

How do you know when to give up?

It's all confusing here. I am talking about knowing when to give up, keeping on moving, enduring, etc. That is how my brain is right now.

And in other news, the end of the world is supposed to happen tomorrow. It would be kind of nice for it to happen. I feel like I have been waiting for it for my whole life. There are many times when I sit around doing something mundane and think "It could happen now, I am ready."

But until then, and if it doesn't happen, then my plan for the next two weeks is to just live a little life and endure.

But to show you that I just didn't sit around enduring I did do stuff.

Friday night we walked Pluto, and went to Borders to buy a CD (I got an Acoustic Guitar Barque CD) and The Anvil of the World (I don't think I've read it....), Tim got a Misty something book ... I should get the name of it.

Saturday: Kennel Days at Lake Geneva where we walked dogs and took one home with us (transportation only). Man was that dog fluffy! Tim brushed him at the kennel for his bath, and I brushed him at home and there was a whole nother dog underneath! Afterward we got our vegetables, cooked, napped and then headed out for a night on the town to celebrate Brian's birthday. We started with dinner at the an irish pub/resturant called Broache and then went to: Paul's Club, Irish Pub, City Bar, Irish Pub, Genna's and finally the Paradise. Tim and I both overindulged a bit, we rode bike home safely and slowely.

Sunday: I started Kingdom Hearts that my friend lent me. It's not t00 bad so far. We napped ALOT (recovering from the week...we were both really just...tired), watched some TV (4400 and AFV), and made dinner - fajita's, cucumber salad and rice.

Friday, August 18, 2006

I get kind of tired of people saying that my best quality is being "candid, honest, straight-forward, blunt, to the point..." etc. That is not something I work on, it's just there. And I know just as well as everyone else, that this isn't really a compliment and that it can go both ways. In fact, it's a trait that I try to reign in most of the time. People don't REALLY want to hear what I have to say about things or my opinion.

I have been toying with the idea of seeing what it takes to be a "life coach." The idea of it intrigues me, and I think that I am quite good at listening and distilling the information folks give me -- try to organize their thoughts and what not. In that case, being candid might be useful. I could be choosy about the folks I "coach" and try to pick ones who are motivated for real life change and don't just need a "best friend for hire." You know, those folks who are just really looking for someone to complain too, and tell them what to do with their life, or validate all of their choices. Sure everyone needs a little validation sometimes, but you know the kind of people that I am talking about.

If you don't know them, then you are probably one of them.

In other news, I am getting together with the DH, Matt and Kathleen for lunch today at Vientienne Palace for lunch. This will be the first time I will have lunch with my Darling and Matt during working hours. I have had lunch with Kathleen a few times before. I am hungry for it now - and leaving work early for it. I am going to have to make up for it next week, but that's okay.

You know, I get about a 100 hits a day from unique visitors ... no it's not just Hilary checking a 100 times a day to see if anything new is posted....but actually about 100 different folks. I wonder who you all are sometimes. I know about .... 20-30 of you. Anyway, I just wanted to say I appreciate you stopping by and would like to return the favor if you have a site that I don't know about.

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Yesterday and today were those kinds of days where you just resign yourself to not being happy about anything...realizing there is nothing that can be done about, and instead just force yourself to do some productive things while distancing yourself from the world.

That said, I didn't yell at Tim or get mad at things that were out of my control, or weren't going right (although he was creeped out by my calm and kept asking what he did to piss me off...and then would be preemptively mad....he said this morning that he preferred the 'hollering Laura' instead.)

I kept thinking that I wanted yesterday to be remembered for something other than being crabby. This what I did:

-put a metal storage shelf together in the basement, it was very difficult and already had been given up twice by Tim saying it needed major help, vice grips and what not. It really just needed a lot of patience and elbow grease. It's done though!

-I went to TKD
-I went to sparring (not saying if any actual sparring ensued)
-Wrote a long letter to Sam (but couldn't print it, stupid printer/computer)
-Started a hand written letter to Myrna
-Walked Pluto
-Called my Mom (big bonus! And dangerous considering how I get "yelly" at the drop of a hat with them. Last night I got mad because she started badmouthing my Dad. I said "Where are you getting that information?"
"The boys" she replied (referring to my older brothers).
"When was the last time either of them talked to Dad?" I demanded.
"Uhhh...." she quavered.
"I can tell you the last time Shane talked to Dad was at Diana's funeral, and Doug? It's been months." I said.
"Well, I know what he is like..." she said.
"Do you? When was the last time YOU talked to him?"


"You see?" I said, calming down. "None of you talk to him or know anything about anything. So unless one of you actually talk to him within the last three months, I don't want to hear it. Let's change the subject."

She agreed to do that).

-Cleaned up the living room
-Went to bed early.

Okay, gonna go make Lasagna now. I'm hungry!

Monday, August 14, 2006


Today we discovered the reason why Tim's checkcard was being declined, starting last Friday night. Through atm-skimming, random numbers, or chinese mysticism his checkcard number was stolen and about 160 dollars worth of fraud was committed. It would have been 300 more if the fine folks at VISA hadn't caught it and put his card on hold.

I spent this afternoon at the new Credit Union ... well more like revamped over by Camp Randall. A very nice lady helped me fill out forms and answered all of my questions. Tim is still going to need to sign the despute form in front of a notary, but that is all he is going to have to do. He is also without a checkcard for the next two weeks or so while they work on reissuing a new one.

When he got hit with the gatorade bottle, he had theorized that one more bad thing was coming his way because "things go in threes." I guess this is...although now for the life of me I can't remember what the first bad thing was. I would hazard to guess Innsmouth and her mulititude of problems.

I guess we are going through an unlucky time right now. I guess that has to happen every now and then. Doesn't mean I have to like it though.


As for the was good. We took Andrew back home and Lori (his Mom) had picked us 4 cups worth of blackberries! Awesome! I put them in the freezer and will hatch a delicious plan for them later. We also attended the Madison Area Music Festival....which was really more like a picnic in Warner park. When we first showed up, nothing was working. So we went and had breakfast at Denny's, after that we returned and chilled for a few hours before heading home to get our camping chairs, busy stuff to do, and drinks -- one of which was called Spark Lite. It's a malt beer/energy drink combo -- Let me tell you, that stuff is weird. I had one and half before I had to quit drinking them. Tim and Andrew left to get some pizza, and we stayed until the end.

I was rather tired when I got home, but yet still found it in me to go to the Inferno with Sarah and Dave. I can't pass up a chance to hang out with them -- especially since they are the "perfect" people to go to the Inferno with. They are quite happy to just sit there and chill, dancing, talking or just sitting as the mood strikes. I like that. I even managed to dance a bit myself....but whenever I do that I am more inspired to just go home and do some interpretive dance in my living room.

My knees are killing me folks. I might be desperate enough to try that guacosime stuff. Too bad the bunch we had gotten for Tim -- I had given away to his parents. I was going to get some after work, but was delayed with the bank and the bike route back was condusive to stop by community pharmacy. Besides, I have only 25 minutes ....part of which is being used to write this post ...before I head off to Monkey Bar. I took some aspirin so I hope that helps deal with unbearable knee pain. is what Tim has to say about the "three's" thing. He's such an optimist.

"The 'things come in threes' is a myth. People want to see patterns, and so a pattern they will see. And three is a naturally powerful number in peoples' minds.

Anyway, why do you think there was a number 1 before the Gatorade Incident? I mean, I remember saying something about things coming in threes, but I'm not sure why I thought the Gatorade Incident was the second in a pattern.....

Uh oh. Maybe it's only TWO!! Three has yet to come....."

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Crabby babby bo snabby banana fana bo ....yeah I never really knew how to do that. You get my point. I woke up this morning TIRED, and I realized I forgot to put in my mouth guard last night. That means I must have fallen asleep quickly -- but I hate not sleeping without it lately because I worry if ground my teeth.

My teeth are pretty worn down...nothing is sharp in my head -- except my wit of course. ;)

Anyway. So I laid in bed for awhile thinking of reasons I should get up (aside from work) and enjoying my warm sheets. Tim started to call Pluto to go outside, but he wouldn't come. No, instead he wanted to come by me and get attention. So I petted him, Tim kept calling him and then came into see Pluto NOT wanting to go outside. "Fine, you can take him out." He said.
No! I wanted to say in bed

"No! Call him again!" I said quickly. He didn't. He kept walking down the hall, ignoring me.

That woke the beast. I know he could hear me, and there is nothing I can't stand more than when I am ignored...when I KNOW they can hear me. It makes me furious! (Especially today). So I got up, stomped to the kitchen and did something I regretted almost immediately, on the way to the door.

Three minutes later I apologized. It was something I should never do. :( God, what's gotten into me?

And Pluto? Well, he was in a fabulous mood this morning. Gosh, still a little limpy, but chipper nonetheless. Maybe I could take him on a gimpy walk this afternoon.

The bike ride in was ridiculous! Everyone was "out" to show us how fast they were and doing many dangerous things to prove it. Going against reds, passing in front of on coming bikes/pedestrains. God, what a bunch of assholes out there! And Tim was trying to be one of them! I scolded him (about 1/4 of the way left go for him) about what the hell he had to prove and that he was getting caught up in the road warrior mentality.) He admitted he was tired...and I admitted to be overly angry about all the road warriors almost killing themselves and making me be a potential witness.

Anyway. All my angst was going to be directed at a stupid staff meeting I was supposed to have this morning, but happy news! It's next week!

Now I should stop being crabby, although the gums inside of my teeth hurt. I think they were burned from eating corn on the cob last night at high temperatures.

Tonight I will make pot roast.

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Tiring day.

I am a "low" for sparring confidence and have been combating it by "going slow" which is a challenge for many newbies....but also reassuring.

I have a stupid staff meeting for work tomorrow and it SUCKS! I can tell you know all that I want to contribute is ... well what I was hired for -- administrative overflow. You know? Every day is different and not too out of the ordinary kind of stuff? I don't need to feel important at 16 an hour a week job. No, not really.

I wish I could sing. :/

well...not just good, or even average -- although I would take those I want to sing well.

Monday, August 07, 2006

Dear Internet,

I am a Native American living in Wisconsin. I enjoy talking about Native American cultural issues, but these days I find myself hesitant to answer the question, "How much Native American are you?" Complete strangers think it is okay to ask this question because it is "small talk." Attempts to steer the conversation away politely results in further inquiries such as "Is your father Native American, or your Mother...?"

Truth be told, asking a Native American that question is extremely personal, not for the question itself, but for the follow up. "Oh, that is enough to get you benefits, huh? What kind of benefits to you get?" and the ever favorite "You don't look Indian to me."

I am tired of being judged! How can I politely tell these folks that this isn't a polite question to ask. It's no more polite than asking a black person how black they are, or a what percentage a Jewish person is. Attempts at saying "That is a rude question," and "That isn't a polite question to ask.." have resulted in defensive behavior in which I get accused of not participating in "small talk."

Searching for Neutral Ground

I just had a bagel..untoasted, but still tasty.

Sunday, August 06, 2006


A bit of a close call there. Tim went to let Pluto out and saw that the backdoor was broken. I went to inspect and saw to my horror what looked like Arkham sitting outside on the porch. It WAS Arkham. Tim said "The door was wide open."

I told Arkham to get inside and then Tim and I went looking for the other two cats. Innsmouth was in the hallway, but Migo was nowhere to be seen. We called for her, and Tim went back outside to look.

"She's out here!" he called.

I ran to the door, to see Migo on the bottom step...looking as skittish as ever. We called to her softly "Migo, Migo, come inside Migo." We didn't dare go after her. She stood at the bottom, looking ready to bolt. I went back inside and got a bag of treats and shook them. She came running in. Thank god that cat lives by her stomach.

These cats are NOT outside cats. They don't have collars...and despite our close call, I still don't see the need in putting one on them. From now on, we need to be more careful.

After the close call, I felt a wave of the blues. I didn't want to go shopping so late and neither did Tim. We decided to go tomorrow night and just eat lots of vegetables tomorrow for lunch. Besides, there is a little leftover dinner -- pasta and chicken. The potatos were all gobbled up. You see, we never have leftover vegetables. I think that is because it's the only thing we can eat without feeling guilty, so we stock up on them.

Anyway, sorting laundry and putting it away calmed me down a bit. I should really take a shower, but a part of me says "Eh, wait until tomorrow morning." I think I am going to listen to that part. I don't like getting wet, and tonight it would be a godly feat to make me get wet. I think the humidity helps with that feeling. Even though, logically, a shower would make me feel dry and better.

I also have acne breaking out left and right. It's like it's showing up in a matter of hours!

Today in general was a pretty lazy day. Andrew and I played 500 Rummy and Old Maid, watched a few movies and I took a short nap. I think it was a typical Sunday. Maybe that is it...too much Sunday = the blues. Usually after I feel this way, I get inspired to write a lot. But it's late right now, and I don't feel like that is a good idea. I also have like a bunch of post cards that are written, stamped and ready to be mailed....for the last two weeks. I haven't mailed them. I have a letter to my pal Sam from 4 weeks ago, disassembled and scattered. I don't want to send it anymore. It feels like old news to me. I should start fresh. I would love to type some letters, but we are out of printer ink.

Oh! Another email from a long lost friend. Pardon me while I go read it.

Friday, August 04, 2006

Tim's feeling better, but still quite sore.

I just had a bunch of fruit for lunch. Last night Andrew and I made stirfry and blackberry pie, then we watched the first season (miniseries) of Battlestar. It was awesome to rewatch it, two/three years later, knowing what we all know now. He said he liked it. Good, I have more on the way.

Tonight I am forcing Tim to watch the Passion of Christ so that we can send it back. I don't want to see it, but he's insisted on seeing it now for the past three weeks...gah! I hate it when the netflix queue gets clogged up with unsavory movies that we are unwilling to send back. I mean we do want to see them, maybe just not right now...or then..or you know what I mean.

Andrew sawed branches, mowed grass and picked up poop yesterday! He's such a good worker. :) I like having little brothers visit. It's more than that though, it's just fun to have someone to hang out with and do same old same old stuff with. I wonder if he would want to learn

Thursday, August 03, 2006

I was pretty mad last night and ended up going out where I smoked 6 smokes and holy cow am I feeling that today. Ugh. I think the chest/lung hangover is worse than the actual 3 beer hangover. I'm not all that bad though, just tired feeling. I am gonna have to shake it off though. No rest for the wicked.

Monkey bar is hard. Today will be my 5th class. I was so sore from the two classes last week that I could barely sit up or sit down. I had to have help or just kind of flop myself down. Luckily that was gone by Monday. NOW my core hurts as does my upper back.

I am glad that Tim is feeling okay about the whole incident yesterday. I guess it's true that you get mad when your loved one is hurt more than they do.

I hope karma comes back to kick that kid in the ass. Or something.

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Tim didn't pick me up after TKD, so I started to walk. About 6 blocks into it Mr. Ring pulls up in van next to me and tells me that Tim called the Rings to tell me/them that he couldn't pick me up. So Mr. Ring went after me and finished giving me a ride home.

What happened?

This is what happened. Tim was walking Pluto and was about two blocks from home, across the street from Saint Dennis Church/School on Dempsy when a Celica drove by and the teenage passenger side occupant whipped a 3/4 full bottle of gaterade at Tim hitting him in the abdomen.

He went down and stayed there until the 911 came, Andrew went and got Pluto. When I came home, Tim was in great pain but was driving himself to Urgent Care to get checked out and make sure there is no internal bleeding. Apparently he was able to walk home after the ambulance checked him out...but who knows what else. He wouldn't tell me anything else.

This sucks people. I can't tell you how angry I am right now at this stupid fucking world.

The one bright lining to this....was that until one week ago, we were uninsured and had been for 3.5 months.

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

This morning I awoke to a sweet, blue envelope with my name written on it. Inside was a an Anniversary card!!! Awww! It's the first time Tim has beaten me to the punch..and with a card? Shoot. We haven't done that in years!

Tonight we are going to celebrate eight years by going to the dollar theatre to see X-Men 3 and out to eat (all with my brother Andrew). :) We'll do just an "us" dinner later on when Andrew is home.

Today is also the anniversary of our new home! We have now been living here for three years. Wow, that went by really fast. Everyday from here on out is breaking our previous records for occupying a residence.

Now for a shower.