Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Alright -- I know some of you have been waiting for it. I have updated May Photos. Check it out here: May 2006 Photos

If you know me, then you know that I take lots of pictures -- but isn't that what new camera's are for? Also, if you want the full fledged version of a photo for print, then let me know.



Look at the difference!
Andrew before at age 13 and now at age 15 (you can see more photos of him in the gallery)

Amazing, isn't it?


So updating the photos is what I spent most of today doing. It's nice and breezy out, and loud because the city is cutting down branches across the street. I wonder if they leave that wood there, I am quite interested in going over and helping myself to a big log. IT might be too heavy though...but what a nice bench it would make for the back yard!

I really don't want to go back to work tomorrow. :( I hope it isn't rainy or sucky. That would make it better I guess. At least they are half days and I actually have both of my two days off to myself until the third week of June! Nephew doesn't need anyone to hang out with him until then.

Well, I suppose I should go to the store to get some grub and see if they have any CRL. That soaking it in paper towel, with a plastic bag and rubber band is a good idea. I hope it doesn't eat through it. Hm.. maybe I should test drive it. ALTHOUGH, I seemed to have solved part of the problem by pushing the whole faucet to the left. If it's pushed overall the way it doesn't leak. I know it's quick fix solution...but I like those!

I should sit outside for awhile with some ice tea and work on a letter. Get away from the computer for awhile.

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Also -- I still dont' see how CLR would help. It's the cold faucet turner to the bathroom sink. I cannot get the damned thing off -- how would I put it into a bucket or bowl of CLR. If I could do that then the problem would be solved.

Instead, I would have to figure out how to spray it on the sink and risk damaging the porceline, and counter top. It cannot be immersed unless people have figured out how to do that upside down.

Whatta weekend. I am glad that I have today and tomorrow off, although in reality I kind of wish I had the whole damn week. When I think about it, I think that is what I wanted and tried to push for, but work has been really needy lately, and pushing back just as much to get me in there for my allotted time. I guess it's time like this that being an LTE sucks. I don't quite have the freedom to just take a week off and feel entitled to it because I don't have those kinds of benefits. Plus, since I technically have every other day off .... people think I should shut the heck the up and quite complaining. Well, screw that, it's my life and I can complain about not having a full, freaking week off if I want too.

Sigh. I am little bothered by how much this is bothering me. I am starting to feel trapped. Maybe I should change my days to be Mon, Tues, Wed, so I can have four days off at a time...ha. Like they would let that happen. :(

Yeah, so the weekend --- the end result is that I have a TON of pictures to go through, edit and organize. I have a few other things I want to do ... dangit. One of them I just forgot. I knew I should have written them down last night when I had them in my head. Now I only have one of them left...I hope it comes back. I just wrote it down now... But it's part of that -- if I had a whole week off, I could really do something neat.

Weekend included things like: garage sale, grocery shopping, bbq at brother in laws, Harry Potter and Goblet of Fire, cleaning the gutters, mowing the front and back lawns, bbq and visit at my Dad's, picking up Andrew, visit to Choka Don at the powwow, wedding fun, inferno stint, brat fest, vegetable pickup, baked a pie, dishes, parade, Anasazi Boys, and watching for deer.

Whew! You would be tired too. I went to bed early last night to read a bit before crashing into sleep and really getting up at 10:00 this morning. Talk about sleeping in! I really haven't done much now that I am up. To be honest, I don't want to do much. The only thing that MUST be done today is washing the dishes, thinking of and making dinner, tkd and maybe sparring? Just writing that down feels like an awful lot.

But it's only 12.30...I have five hours to slack and keep to myself. Maybe even think about uploading photos...but I could do that tomorrow too. Or later today, it really depends on my mood.

oh and we broke down and turned on the central air last night. The house temp was 84F, and the animals were suffering (or so says Tim). So I relented and let him turn it on. Sigh. It was hot, and sleep would have been hard...yet .... it's heat. It's warm. It's so good. It's all gloomified outside right now and wet, so going outside to hangout is icky.

If it weren't for the animals I would have let it continue to be hot for a few more weeks before turning on the central air.

Friday, May 26, 2006

Yesterday I had the equivalent of a full time job! Yeah, I was there all day helping to move our office from one building to another. The best “tidbit” of the day came from one of the movers.

You see these movers managed to take ALL FREAKING day to do two loads. The first load had desks, and they had to pack up computers and what not, and once they got there (45 min late) they managed to get it packed up and moved in 2.5 hours. Now the second load was five carts that were all on … well carts, with wheels. All they needed was to be rolled to the elevator, pushed into a truck and driven over, wheeled off the truck, into another elevator and BAM…done. How long did this take? If you guess 4.5 hours you are right! If I was paying these movers I would have hounded them the entire time, but of course since it was hour based and university funded…I guess they can take all the time in the world.

Near the end I said “Finally, I can get home. It’s been a long day.”

“Yeah?” said Mover Guy 2

“Yeah,” I reply with an exaggerated sigh, “I’m only part-time. I am here as long as you guys take.” (Yes, that was a not so subtle jab)

“What else is there to do?” asked Mover Guy 2

“Well, there are dogs to walk and dinner to think of and make, house to clean…” I answer, thinking of all the crap I DO have to do when I get home.

“Ha,” he Mover Guy 2 replies “Forget about it! Just let your Mom do it.”

I was so shocked; I had nothing to say as he left the room. My Mom? Ha ha ha ha. I sure as hell don’t feel like I look young enough to still be living at home.

In other news, my hands are itchy a lot lately. Scratchy scratchy. Everything seems to be the cause.

My bathroom faucet is leaking again. I know I need to replace the washer…but I can’t get the screw/bolt thing off. It’s like super glued shut. Right now I am treating it with vinegar in hopes that it will eat away at the calcium and let me loosen it. I’m gonna give it a few hours and if it doesn’t work, then I will try liquid wrench. If that don’t work? I am gonna be replacing a broken faucet. I hope. Because it maybe all the beating in the world wouldn’t get that thing loose. I know, you are sick of hearing about my faucet issues…but trust me, you aren’t as sick of them as I am.

I was invited to a birthday party for a girl turning 13 years old! Ha ha. She’s in my TKD class, and is the reason I started sparring again. She is just SO into it and I can’t help but to encourage such enthusiasm. I asked what they were doing this weekend to celebrate her birthday and she said they were going to Ultrazone with friends, and having ice cream cakes. I said “oh ice cream cake? That sounds great!” --- which in turn brought about “you should come!”

We figured out on Tuesday that they live a few blocks away, so it’s entirely possible. I said I’d stop by around 7 tomorrow for some cake. J

Last night SIL called to say that her boss was going to have a BBQ on Monday. Well the boss is who bil Phil and his wife, Kandace live – so it’s practically a bbq at their house! Awesome. I was starting to lose hope of a Monday bbq. Of course, a bbq at Jessie’s cabin would have been far cooler and more fun, but one has to make do with what one has been offered.


We are going to ride bike to the Alliant Energy place for a brat tomorrow and also to pick up our vegetables. We got a pack of herbs last time that need to be planted. One of them is starting to turn yellow…I think that happens when all the nutrients are sapped out of the little bit of dirt they are in…right? I was going to plant them in my flower garden that is probably not there anymore because it all probably washed away in the rain we have had, but Tim said that the rabbits would eat the herbs. Is that true? WOULD the rabbits eat my herbs? I thought they only ate lettuce and carrots and stuff. I need to do something because they are fading…I guess I could go and get some dirt from the garden, put it in a pot and then transplant that…we don’t really need super fancy potting soil.

On Sunday we are going to visit my Dad near Neillsville, but first picking up my little bro in Warrens. Ugh…I wonder how big he is now. I mean, we were both the same height the last time I saw him…and I have a feeling those times are long gone. L The Red Eagle men tend to all be very, very tall. The shortest is my brother Doug who is only 6’ 1” (and you can be darn sure I remind him of how short he is too). ;) Then there is shrimpy ole me clocking in at 5’ 8.5” -- pft. It’s a good thing shoes usually bring me up to at least 9…sometimes a respectable 10.

Today though…today I need to pay bills. Important bills like mortgage, cable and cell phone. I was thinking about doing some garage sales…but I dunno. I think I would rather take a shower, get dressed and figure out what fabulous thing I am going to do with my hair and figure out an outfit for a wedding tonigh. Which is kind of hard because Tim wants to walk to the location – about 40 minutes away, so I would need to wear sensible shoes. But I need to walk the Pludog before all of that.

Hm. You can rest assured that I will be taking my camera with me…a camera that incidentally needs it’s batteries recharged…. Good because I was beginning to think May was going to be a boring photo month.

AND…I don’t have to work again until next Thursday! So that means there will be plenty of time for me to get these photos online next week.

Okay, I should really get down to paying bills before the mail man comes.


Oh I watched a movie last night - Born into Brothels -- really good documentary. I highly recommend it. I really enjoyed this little film

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Not a SINGLE email my friends. How freaking sad.

Yes, I realize I might a part of that "problem" but then again, am I really? I mean, I guess I would have accepted updated websites/journals/blogs ... but even that is very scant.

I am quick sick of all of you thinking you have LIVES to live! :P

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

And she's back. Btw, I forgot my list. Oops. :)

two for six dollars, 12 quart (thats six little caplets of goodness): tangerine strawberry with calcium, and the other is just plain old ice tea.

10 pack of bratwurst
pack of wheat brat buns
loaf of multigrain bread
four pink lady apples
two braeburn apples
one red delicious
two bananas
big bag of baby carrots
one mango
quart of skim milk
quart of soy milk
a box of nutty nuggets
Mini word search magazine
peanut butter cookie Luna bar
big bag of peanut butter flavored rawhide pieces

Total cost: $37.61
The most expensive items were the brats, and pluto's rawhide peices...but both seem to last forever.

I am trying to remember if there was ever a time I posted more about other stuff than just the boring every day crap I do. If there was such a time, let me know. ;)

I babysat this morning and realized as I was riding home that I forgot my hoodie. Nephew was in a bad mood this morning, so I was quite happy when he finally cried himself to sleep and I could sneak off when Sarah got home (and he was still sleeping). :( Damn. My next nephew sitting session is going to be June 23 or something because next week I am maybe toddlersitting Leta and Mina. I hope it's nice, I think I would want to go for a walk... and the two weeks after that the gym is on a bit of a summer break. I wonder what Nephew will look like after a whole month has passed. Probably a lot bigger, talking, going out for coffee and playing darts at Genna's. I mean, isn't that what six month + old kids do?

[I'm waiting for DH to tell me what to get from the store -- keep in mind I am on my bike, so whatever I get has to be life or death important....]

I came home and worked on the flower garden a bit. As in a hoed it, raked it and planted a whole bunch of flower seeds. I haven't yet watered it because I am rather hoping it is going to rain tonight and save me the work. If it doesn't then I'll do it later. Although I am not looking forwarding to hooking up the hose and probably getting wet in the watering phase...wait, I could have DH do that...he was muttering about spending some time doing yard work...

[Still far I have: apples, bananas, bread, milk, cereal]

Then I showered, started a load of whites, and sat outside drinking a tall glass of iced tea and working on a letter. Now I should probably get dressed for public, as opposed to dressed for home, and ride to the grocery store, come back, put it away and then walk the dog before I head off to TKD, and home and then sparring for the first of two nights this week. Somewhere in between there, dinner should be made. I can't keep eating chocolate cake in place of every meal. Chocolate cake - no matter how delicious - is not like a slimfast bar. It cannot substitute for every meal.

Sigh. Still no answer from Tim. Sheesh. You think he's like WORKING or something instead of waiting breathlessly for word from me.

Well, you saw my list...I'll tell you what I actually got when I get back.

Monday, May 22, 2006

I should clarify -- someone else other than Heather, who doesn't have a grill, should invite Tim and I over for a grill out on Monday.

I had a really good weekend starting with a Laura Appreciation Day last Friday. Those usually happen when I start to feel really taken for granted, grouchy and overall pissy about life and want to quit. But I guess life didn't want that for me this weekend.

First after work I met up with Hilary who suprised called me asking if I wanted to have lunch and shop. Two things I did want to do, but I had to settle for one. Although I did get a cookie at the Hippy co-op. We went to Old Navy and I got one of those brightly colored, over the shoulder sack like bags that I have wanted for some time, a on sale brown with flowers do rag, and sunglasses that I paid more than a dollar for. I think the sunglasses are really worth it. They are comfortable and since it has been years and years since I paid for quality sunglasses, I have been taking good care of them. I do wish they had a little more yellow tint to them instead of all amber -- but I guess I'll get used to it. :D

After that I stopped at a few garage sales on my way home and got three fabulous scarves and a really nice queen sheet set. Then I played God of War until Tim came home. When he did...he had a gift bag. Inside was the MOST adorable card I have ever seen (and sweetest) and .... a mp3 player with an action jacket so I can wear it on my arm, and protect the little thing from getting scratched and stuff. IT's SOOOO cool. I spent a good portion of yesterday putting good music on it. I wore it to work this morning and I got here in 30 minutes, I had a great workout, and it was fun and I felt super cool.

Saturday Tim and I went to Kennel Days in Lake Geneva to walk dogs. It was a beautiful day to walk them -- although I was suprised by how many dogs were pooping out by the second lap. I managed to get in four quality dog walks, and I think Tim did about the same. Afterward we came home, and rode bike over to pick up our veggie box. I stopped at a thrift sale on the way back and picked up red curtains for the office and a friendship bracelet how to book for 10 cents. Cool! Then I washed the dishes and made an amazing dish out of nothing followed by strawberry shortcake (because we had leftover strawberries that needed to be used).
Tim got a weed hound and was outside hounding weeds for a good portion of Saturday. I decided to take a nap instead. That evening we chanced getting wet and took Pluto to the dog park. We were the only ones there! I have never been to the dog park and been the only people there the entire time. We managed two laps before Pluto pooped out and we left. Of course as we were leaving a woman with four dogs was coming in. Eh, Pluto didn't need to smell other dog butts anyway. Besides he got a trip to the dog park without having to wear his muzzle the whole time. Lucky dog.

Saturday night we had breakfast for dinner. Tim made the most amazing scrambled eggs with fresh ramps and chives and I mad the worst most wonderful pancakes with homemade syrup (corn syrup with maple). I watched a movie and cut paper while Tim played video games in the office. I stayed up late! I haven't gone to bed at 1:00 since the last time I went to the Inferno. It's weird to realize that...

Sunday I slept in while Tim went to the skate park with Oliver. I got up, made some coffee, showered and putzed. I cleaned the kitchen and living room and spent a lot of time putting music on my new MP3 player. Heather came over around 3.30 and we went for a walk. I suggested we try that french bakery on Milwaukee, so we walked over. We had five minutes to spare before they closed by got an iced coffee, tea, a flakey bun (I forget what it was called) and a scone. After he rung us up, the teenage dude said he threw in a free scone. I thought he meant that he forgot to charge me, but 10 minutes later, seated on a park bench I saw that he meant a whole nother scone! Man, it was one of the best scones ever ... not as good as this place in Evanston Il...but pretty darn close. After we polished off a mid afternoon snack we took a rambing walk around Radar Hill. Apparently it used to be an old frisbee golf course...but was so much fun to walk around in. I did a tick check afterward and was clear -- so not only did we get great exercise in, but I also go no ticks. I hate those little buggers.
Sunday night was pretty slow. I watched the series finale to Charmed, Tim made a fish with sorrel sauce dinner and steamed asparagus...AND....AND! He went out and bought a chocolate cake!

If you have even talked to me in person in the last week then you will have known that I have been hankering for a piece of chocolate cake every single day. He got some AND he got vanilla soy ice cream to go with it! How awesome is that? Is he not the best darling ever? I mean, like Darling of Year kind of darling.

OH and Amy stopped by with a piece of apple pie. IT was good...

The swap is going to be on Saturday June 10th. Bring stuff over and we'll share.

I also might have said I would bbq with Heather on Memorial Day but I am thinking I might have to back out of that. I have been doing too much planning lately. I think I would prefer to just be invited over to a Memorial Day BBQ. (hint hint)

EDIT: I should clarify -- someone else other than Heather, who doesn't have a grill, should invite Tim and I over for a grill out on Monday.

Thursday, May 18, 2006

You ever have on of those days where you don't feel like you got much done, even though you did? I thought I would have the whole day to precious Thursday. However, ten minutes after I kicked Tim out of the house the phone rang. Brother in law Ben was in town for a job interview and wanted to do lunch afterward.

So I got Tim on the horn and we arranged it to be so. Before Ben picked me up though, I wrote a letter to Shane, and card to my Mom and Josh, and washed the dishes, showered, dressed and even combed my hair.

We had the buffet at Pizza Hut. It was okay. I like salads. I don't like dessert pizza though.

Came back and hammered out my writing piece due for today for my writing group. WHew...I hate doing last minute things...I have to remember to try and do it at least the day before so I have time for at least one rewrite. Then I updated the camping listserv and send out a public service message for the best possible camping date -- which is actually only two weeks away. The first full weekend of June, which is the 2nd - the 4th. I just gotta wait and see what the masses think...of course they can't wait long. Sites book up fast.
Now I am updating this, but the dog hasn't been walked and soon I gotta go to TKD class and then blah blah blah .I am boring myself with this post. See, I already feel like this isn't worth doing either because I should be doing something else.
In other news, my Mom has been diagnosed with dymentia. :( She's only 56!

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Hot dog did I get in a lot of "movement" quota today.

--mowed the front lawn
--walked the dog quickly (both lawn and dog done in those brief moments between rain showers)
--taekwondo class
--walking home from taekwondo because someone forgot to pick me up (good thing it wasn't raining then)
--sparring in Sun Prairie with Misty Mountain Dude

I was my pretty typical nervous nancy at trying new things -- a little known fact? Maybe? I mean, sure it looks like I do lots of stuff, and I guess I do. But when it comes to doing something where there are "rules" then I get nervous about breaking them. Maybe it comes from being part of a culture that relishes "do's and don't" and taboos.

Anyway, all the folks at Kicks Unlimited in Sun Prairie were SUPER nice, and I didn't get hurt. I also got a chance to spar lots of different people, so I would have to rate tonight a success. It really helps to have a sparring buddy. :D

In other news -- Christian and Cecci where here on Sunday and Monday for a visit. It was great! On Sunday we had breakfast at the Fairoak Diner...on Fairoak. Our first time there, the food was pretty good and the prices were reasonable. Later that night, Cecci and I made a vegetable curry and MAN! that curry rocked. I think I am getting the swing of it. In fact, today for lunch I had curry from a resturant and realized that my curry was WAY better. That hardly...okay, has never happened before. In any case, I forgot to take pictures until the very there is a shot of them in my front yard. Pretty much the same kinds of shots with Callie and Jason the week before.

Uhh..and Saturday...what did I do on * tap tap * AH yes, we cleaned, did some chores and played video games. Really -- this God of War is pretty awesome. I could have done without the virtual sex, but I know that is probably what made gajillions of teenage boys ... er...and maybe it.

Speaking of which...I wouldn't mind getting a quick...nah. It's too late and I gotta work tomorrow. More stupid rain means riding the stupid bus.

Friday, May 12, 2006

The winner of the Laura Quiz is Hilary! Congratulations Hilary, you are the winner of a fabulous prize to reach your mailbox in the next week. I won't ruin the surprise here.

I would write more (like how everyone thought I was way more studious in High School then I actually was, and maybe I should change my middle name to Camilla...), but I got myself a new video game today - God of War...and I only have 20 min under my belt before I had to take a nap. Now that I am refreshed and energized...I got more slaying to do.

Also, does anyone know how I can get set up with an RSS Feed? Anyone?

Thursday, May 11, 2006

I have to go to the dentist in a few I guess I gotta get dressed first. Damnit. I hate hate hate trips to the dentist. All they do is yell at me for not thinking about my damn teeth every moment of the day.

I feel like I should have a few more weeks to prepare for this "cleaning" by making sure to brush and floss twice a day......instead of a two days. They are gonna tell me expensive things that I don't want to hear, like how I need old fillings, refilled.

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

I am totally ganking Carla's idea.


The person with the highest score by Friday night at 6:00 will win a prize worth $30.00! Sent in the mail and everything. If there is a tie, then I'll put your names in a hat and draw a winner. Winner will be posted on Friday.

Go on try it!

Disclaimer: Darlings are incapable of winning, although encouraged to try.

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

I tried to send a package last night at the Post Office, but missed their deadline. Apparently they close at 7 instead of 8. I guess 8 is their holiday hours. Speaking of closing the post office at University Square is closing too. Not that I ever used it much, but still, it's kinda of sad. Wait, I did use it twice in the past year...that's pretty good. So I need to take the package today in the rain. :( This after getting pretty wet riding home from nephew sitting earlier.

I need to take a shower. I have three bad acne spots on my face and want them to go away forever. It's not just a zit either, it's those deep, cyst like ones that stay for weeks and weeks. Anyway, why take a shower before I got out if I am going to get all wet. Then I thought of the bath option, but I don't waste that much time bathing.

Last night, after some serious consulation with Hilary -- we bought a food processor. Our first one ever. Many of the recipes we are delving into require something more .... mechanical. The blender just doesn't cut it (pun!) when it comes to grinding curries. We also bought a new french press to replace the one that I had smashed to pieces earlier in the week.

I suppose I should get dressed again and take that package over there. I wish I could double duty this and walk Pluto....except I can't tie himside the post office. I would be breaking a cardinal rule about greyhounds. Pft. Besides, he would hate the rain and probably poop in front of the building just to spite me.

Sunday, May 07, 2006

I am planning a swap for sometime in June. If you want to participate, email me. I got a whole bunch of books, clothes and video games along with a variety of other cool stuff.

I updated April 2006 Photos if you are interested.

I would like to know how to incorporate that gallery page with my page. If anyone could help me, I'd really appreciate it. I've seen it done on several other webpages....I mean, I have a template for my website that I created (blog page excluded) so it shouldn't be that hard, and yet it is.

The new computer is really awesomely fast. Wow!

Innsmouth must be in great pain today. She is bitchy to everyone, and has peed five times in the course of the morning in places that ARE NOT her litter box. Sigh. She's such a big pain the ass. I wish they made diapers for cats. I am thinking of crating her until this passes....I can only imagine how unhappy that would make her though...and how the other cats would take advantage of the situation.

Tim's off gaming and I am left feeling a little bored. I have already been incredibly productive this morning and ... yeah. I should bake something that doesn't need eggs or milk.

Oh that friendship bread turned out great! We ended eating the entire little loaf by the next morning at which point I decided to send the other loaf off with the DH to his work place to get rid of it. It was that good.

We had a rash of glass breakage. I broke a red glass while washing dishes yesterday. It cracked after another glass hit it. Then a cat broke a vase on the table with flowers...(damn them, they knocked it over 3 times...I suppose it was eventual) and the biggest tradegy of it all --- I dropped the french press this morning. It completely shattered! :(

I hope the breaking of glass stops now. We have reached our quota of three. Things happen in three's right?

Today would be a good day for a nice suprise.

Saturday, May 06, 2006

I had a pretty awesome day yesterday. Afterwork I needed to do some shopping, so I went and did some shopping on State Street. I went to Ragstock, the Soap Opera, the community pharmacy and then to Expresso for a decaf mocha for the bus ride home. I puzted for awhile, trying on my new clothes (massive sale at ragstock), finished my coffee and watched the news. Then Tim came home and Hilary came over and we all drove downtown to the Irish pub to have an afterwork beer with Mark (an ex-coworker of Tims). We enjoyed beer, hashers of bacon and sausuage and a hummus plate before heading down to Buraka for African cuisine.

I don't care for that sour bread too much. Afterward we were all home and in bed by 10:30. We got all the benefits of a whole night out without sacrificing the Saturday.

Today is our first load of vegetables! We are very excited to see it.

Callie and Jason are stopping by with a our new computer, and to set it up. Which means I should probably clean up this desk a bit. It's actually clutter free, but it needs to be wiped down.

We need fresh food -- breakfast was stale toasted bread with peanut butter and the last of the strawberry jelly. We need things like, eggs, butter, soy, milk, bread and other stuff.

Tim and Plut are about to head off to do Meet and Greet at Mounds in Fitchburg. For the past two years Tim and Pluto stand there the first Saturday of every month and answer people's questions about greyhound. Pluto loves it for the attention.

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Whatchoo gonna do with all these posts? All these posts inside your tru...

Okay. So...since my last post I have -- mowed the lawn, worked on the garden, finished those letters, showered, dressed, started a load of laundry, read, started to upload photos and my batteries died, put batteries in recharger, cleaned up office, sprayed wd-40 on bike and remembered I left the oil in the car that isn't home right now, and.......

Amish Friendship Bread

[Given to me by the lovely and talented Laima last week at that's Thursday and it was already on day 5]

Day 1. Do nothing. This is the day you receive the batter. Make sure the bag is dated.
Day 2. Mush the bag.
Day 3. Mush the bag.
Day 4. Mush the bag.
Day 5. Mush the bag.
Day 6. Add to bag 1 cup flour, 1 cup sugar, and 1 cup milk. Mush the bag.
Day 7. Mush the bag.
Day 8. Mush the bag.
Day 9. Mush the bag.
Day 10. Mix and divide the started as follows: Pour the entire contests of the bag into a non-metal bowl and add 1/2 cup flour, 1 and 1/2 cups sugar, 1 and 1/2 cups milk. Then measure 1 cup of batter into 4 1-gallon baggies. Keep one for yourself and give the other three to friends along with a copy of this recipe.

Preheat Oven to 325 degrees

To the remaining batter in the bowl add:

3 eggs,
1 cup sugar
2 cups flour
1/2 cup milk
1 cup oil (or 1/2 oil plus 1/2 applesauce)
2 tsp cinnamon
1.5 tsp baking power
1/2 tsp baking soda
1/2 tsp salt
1/2 tsp vanilla
1 large box of instant pudding
optional: add 1 cup chopped nuts or raisins

Grease and flour two large loaf pans. Pour batter mixture evenly in each pan. Sprinkle 1/2 cup sugar with 1/2 tsp cinnamon over top. Bake one hour. Cool until bread loosens from pan evenly (about 10 min). Bread can be served warm or cold.

NOW....what REALLY happened.

The baggie leaked and was in a tupperware container. It was icky to touch and I didn't want to get my hands all ickified to check the date. I trusted Laima. I came home promptly put it on a lower -out-of-sight bookself.

Day 6 until now....I didn't do anything. I let it sit and felt guilty about not following instructions. Today is Day 12.

I was going to throw it out...but then thought...why not? I have three eggs. So I poured/squeezed the slurry into a big plastic bowl and then proceeded to stir it with a big metal spoon. Stir stir stir....oh crap -- I realized by the time I added the flour -- no metal spoon? Whoops. Tossed it and replaced it with a wooden spoon while I finished adding ingredients.

I used sugar free instant vanilla pudding. I whipped it up, threw it into pans and put in my preheated 350 oven. Came in here to start typing this up and realized ... oh's supposed to be 325. Whoops. Ran back and adjusted temperature.

Now I am waiting for 40 more minutes to pass to see what happens.

I went out last night to help celebrate Sigrid's birthday at the Inferno. I wish I could pull off the shirts that Sigrid wears -- one day. Maybe. We got back at 11.30 - I worked a bit on a letter (probably a bad idea considering I was tipsy and tend to write things I shouldn't), then went to bed.

This morning I heard a bird call go "dooo doot doot dooooteey do dooooteeeey do do" and I was like "Hey tim! What time is it?"

"I dunno, like 7.50," he replied from the office.

"What? No way! I just heard the call of that bird that goes 'dooo doot doot dooooteey do dooooteeeey do do.

'"Really? The white throated sparrow?" he asked and came into listen. By then it had moved off -- but I did hear it again about 1/2 an hour later.

Man. That's really gonna mess me up. I'm going to think that it's 10:00 alot today.

Yesterday afternoon while walking the hound, I crossed over the tracks and found Amy's new house. Literally...across the tracks. While I was over there I got bit by a cat (who in all fairness, bit everyone).

When Amy had gone inside to get Pluto some water, the boys ran back and forth in the drive way. I asked Rhyse "Gosh! What makes you run SO fast?"

He looked at me in complete bewilderment and shrugged his shoulders.

"I mean, you are just so quick! What's your secret?"

He looked at me, and with great effort he answered/asked "Vegetables?"

Ha ha ha ha.


My bike by the way, just has a kink in the chain. A kink. Damnit all. I bought some oil -- apparently wd-40 isn't an oil, it's more of a cleaner. I guess I wasn't aware of that fact. Today I plan on giving my bike some maintence, digging up more of the garden and adding magic dirt....wait -- here's my 'To-do" list:

--clean and oil bike
--finish tilling up garden and add magic dirt
--shower and get dressed
--look at finances and pay electric/gas, car, cable and student loan
--finish letters to Helen E and my Mom
--walk pluto
--conjure up dinner
--put laundry away
--download photos from camera
--burn conference photo's to disk and then delete
--upload other photos and caption
--open up windows and doors to air out house
--sew my tank top (I have it cut out....)
--sweep the floors

eh..that's all I have for now. It's a good outline.

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Happy news first. I got a letter from Carrie A!!!!! I nearly fell over from shock when I saw it in the mail box. Then I secretly hoped that she had typed it....and sure enough she did!!! If you know Carrie, then you know how ... uh.... unique her handwriting is. :) Anyway, the letter includes printed pictures....awesome! She's engaged now and going to marry on October 28th. I guess that takes care of our Twin Cities trip for this year.

Bad news.

The basement is leaking again. This time the leak isn't on the bar side, it's on the workroom side. We thought it might be a pipe from the bathtub, but I don't think it is. I had placed a bunch of papertowels on the desk underneath where we though the leak was from. Sure there was some leaking....but not enough to soak the heavy towel I had on the floor to soak up moisture and water should it happen again.

It rained last night, so I am getting that dreaded feeling that might be something to do with it. I need to pay attention to it when it rains heavily....

I have my first significant cleaning injury. I think I sprained my right thumb scrubbing. It has hurt off and on since then and especially when I use scrubbing type movements. Thank god I learned to type hitting the space bar with my left hand thumb instead of my right (it was a small act of rebellion back in typing class).

My bike is still broken. :(

I'm hungry and my contacts need to be thrown out. Which bring up the whole fiasco of me getting new ones.

Tim is still hassling me about getting my stupid driver's license whenever he views driving me someplace as an inconvenience to his schedule. I don't think he quite fully comprehends the magnitude my driving is going to have on the division of household chores/duties. Up until now all he has to do is take out garbage, clean cat boxes, primarily feed animals, pick up dog poop and drive. That's pretty much it. Sure he mows the lawn -- but he doesn't have to. I can, and often do mow it as well -- I can't think of too much else....uh there is the occasional take the car in for an oil change, and sometimes a trip to the bank to deposit check -- but the check thing I can do on my own really. So the question really is...what chores/duties equal driving responsibility. Dishes all the time? Cooking part time? Laundry? Bathroom? Living room? Kitchen? Hm...

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Today I nephew sat, had lunch with Hilary, Mina and Leta at Lazy Janes and then took a trip to visit the Overture center. It was a nice afternoon, but dude, those girls were totally wiped -- especially Hilary. ;)

Came home. Went to TKD and paid for the first time. I wrote a big check for three months. I don't know how so many people can pay that much and still only go in for classes once or twice a month. It just doesn't make any sense to me. You can bet I will be there as much as possible...well okay. The same as usual. :D

I watched the Aviator last night and thought it sucked. I still don't care who the heck this Howard Hughs was, and the lousy movie caused me to under hear my quiet, unassuming dog when the rain started to pour. He was drenched by the time I got to the door. I felt horrible! Poor Pluto. I made it up to him with an ultra deluxe rub down and a rawhide piece. As the DH says "the good thing about dogs is that they forgive you." Awww-- if only exbestfriends were like that.


Monday, May 01, 2006

Can we have some more PLEASE?
You can see Tim and I standing in the distance drinking some coffee.

The dogs and their hats. Jammer is the dark brindle.

It was a packed weekend, starting off by celebrating Tim's new raise at Outback Steakhouse on Friday night. A lot has changed in the past four years or so - Outback is no longer my favorite chain restaurant. I think that honor has been replaced by Chili's (for the moment, we still have to have a second successful eating experience). Isn't it amazing how quickly you can lose your taste for a bloomin onion? I mean one second you are thinking "hey this isn't that bad" and the next second you never want to see another bloomin' onion as long as you live.

Everything but the bread was just too damn salty and the margarita was too bland. I almost drank the whole thing in one go -- but maybe it was because of the salt

Saturday morning we got up bright and early to take Pluto and Tyra to the dog park. It was another dog's birthday, so everyone showed up for a party. Tryra ran and ran and was ecstatic to be there, as was Pluto all the other nine dogs that showed up for the party. Wendy (jammer's owner) made a dog birthday cake, frosty dog treats and pumpkin bread for the people. Holy cow did Pluto and the dogs love that "cake." In fact, Pluto became one of those rotten "kids" that went around searching out cake from other dogs and was taking cake intended for other dogs out of hands. It was embarrassing! I've never seen him go this gaga over a cake before. Sheesh.

Here's some pictures for you.

....actually it doens't seem to be working right now. ......

Okay, I gotta go. I'll write some more tomorrow and talk about Sarah and Dave's going away party -- and even probably post pictures! Woo. MORE pictures. I felt like I could have gone on and on earlier today. But that energy was depleted because I had to write my story for my writing group -- stories based on a horoscope from a newspaper or online.

I missed the bus today because there was immigration rally going on and all the buses were on a detour route. What a pain. I mean, in addition to having to stay a half an hour later, I had to walk way up to Martin Luther King to catch a bus. My lunch sucked so I ended up getting a slice of Ian's pizza to accompany me to Starbucks where I decided I need a large coffee and piece of coffee cake to ease my work angst.

I don't know what my problem is. I have the PERFECT part time job. Great coworker, awesome downtown location, decent money, flexible hours and even a okay wage. The work is varied, it's meaningful and there are lots of different things to do. I think I am just antsy this week (and possibly last). I think I need a vacation -- the last one I took was over year ago for my Aunt Diane's funeral and that wasn't really a vacation because I was working family responsibility the whole time. Maybe I'll take the week of Memorial Day off....I bet that would help. I mean, it's not like there is anything else I would be doing know?

My bike is busted. Actually not completely busted. There is something wrong with my chain. It's that part of the chain that connects the whole chain together that is ... loose? It clunks every six pedals because it isn't catching on the spikes. I have no effing idea how to fix it (I did try squeezing it together with pliers I borrowed at a garage sale -- to no avail). Tim said we should take it and his bike to Williamson bike to get them tuned up. That means my bike is out of commission for the moment. I have nephew sitting tomorrow...I might have to use Tim's bike to get there and hope it doesn't rain on me. I miss my bike already though. I mean, I LOVE that thing (except when it's broken).

That brings up my garage sailing last Friday. Before my bike busted, I got in five good goods for 33 bucks:

two blankets (intended for dogs)
two nice big towels (dogs)
white tank for leta
pink summer shirt for leta
two mardi gras necklaces (leta/mina)
box of old notecards
box of old stationary
paper doll
two wooden rings (for cross-stitch...those things)
quilted flannel jacket for Tim
black/white scarf (or napkin?)
one serving tea pot (cute!)
horse puppet
tall narrow table (perfect for kitchen and most expensive item)
three paperback cookbooks

Yeah, I was sad to quite garage sailing because I still had seven more dollars to spend...but that's is how it goes. The last purchase was the table...and it's price and my broken bike put me out of the mood for the rest of the day. The table, by the way looks awesome in my kitchen. I think I can finally say that kitchen is complete. :)

Almost...there might be more pictures and decorations to incorporate as time goes on.

For dinner tonight I am making porkchops. We are having leftover sandwich fixings from the party tossed with spinach for a salad and hummus and bread. Cos there was ALOT of hummus leftover...oh hell. I might as well talk about the party right now. It was good! After the doggy birthday party we went over to Middleton to help Sarah and Dave pack up their truck with furniture. We rewarded ourselves with an ennteman (sp?) donut -- something we haven't eaten in almost ten years. Then we headed home so that Tim could run off to a gymnastics meet for the Dread Head Nephew and I could prepare for the party.

I made a healthy fruit pizza, using neufchatl cheese and that 80 calorie vanilla yogurt with fruit on top of a thin sheet of sugar cookie dough. I made deviled eggs, and of course made a platter of meat and a huge variety of vegetables for sandwich fixings. It looked great...and the food most of the guests brought was healthy too! I mean the only bad thing for you, aside from the deviled eggs (which was actually made with light miracle whip) was the tollhouse cookies. God damn are those things good. I mean, when I eat one I want to eat another and another and another....

We had a good turn out, and it lasted until 9.30 when we all packed it up to go to the Inferno. I had an okay time there...but we both tired the next day.

Sunday was nice because we napped, ate leftover hummus, artichoke dip and bread, and sandwiches and watched the Return of the King. Ahh.....that is still making me a little .... thinky. Yesterday was the perfect day for that sort of movie with the clouds, the quiet and stillness of the day. Then I read some Good Housekeeping (my new favorite magazine) and a short story collection book of China Mieville -- Looking for Jake and other Short Stories. It's not that great really, I am a little disappointed that every story isn't turning me on fire, however I do feel better in knowing that even great writers write mediocre stories. Hilary lent me Anasazi Boys to read...I am thinking I might start that tonight. After all, the wonderful thing about a short story collection is that you can stop any time. Ditto for magazines.

I bet my pork chops are nearing completion. I should go check on them.

OH and Mark -- Tim's youngest brother became engaged to his high school sweet heart - Erika on Friday. I wonder when that wedding will be....hopefully next year. Probably next year....I mean there isn't enough time this year, unless they do some kind of winter wedding.

Okay okay...dinner .... yeah I don't want to burn the house down. Although the mysterious water leaking in the basement would probably prevent that from happening. Have I mentioned before how much I hate plumbing issues?

Happy May Day dudes. It was three years ago on this day that Tim quit his job and started us on the road to moving back to Madison.