Monday, November 28, 2005

Today is Tim's first day of work at his new job. I hope he likes it there. I *really* hope he likes would better than great if he did. However, the crappy thing about Tim's new job, is my new method of commuting to work == the bus. Normally not a big deal (at least coming home), and the ick of bus taking in the morning is helped by the fact it's only two blocks away -- no the extra blah part abotu the bus today was the fact it was pouring kittens and puppies.

Raining is always an awful way to start the day. Then once I go there, I could only do a little bit of work because we had our "special talk" with all the office mates. You know, the one where there are problems and this is an attempt to make things work? Yeah, one of those. It didn't get far by the time I had to leave -- in fact it had just started to get good...but...I would rather be home and away from all that. At least for the afternoon and next day. I like part time jobs.

The Craftmas show .... eh. I mean, it was our first one, we did were nervous and all that jazz....but we did make a great display. I think our prices were reasonable (very), and we had a great location. Overall, there just weren't that many people who showed up. Who knows what the reason was .... but in the end we did make enough to cover the vending fee -- but my Mom's magnets sold the most and without that we would have been screwed.

I am glad that I am another show THIS weekend -- the Warner Park Community center Craft fair. They are using the whole building and I think I'll do alot better at that one. I am going in on it with the Laimabird -- and she has awesome stuff. This one is only one day, and thank god for that -- I can have the Sunday to myself.

One thing I realized though, is that I do have enough inventory -- at least for this one show this weekend. So I am not going to kill myself by making any more. Another thing I realized after getting on Saturday - -was that I have oodles of free time to put towards other things. After taking a nap, I immediately started knitting a new scarf with this uber soft yarn I got at Target for only 25 cents.

Tomorrow I am going to work on making invitations (or tonight) and I am going to sew winter coats for Pluto and two turd burglers (that we will probably have through the end of this week). That brings up the baby news....

Sarah and Luke had a baby boy, 7 pounds 11 oz on Thankgiving day. Our new nephew's name is: Zeland Paul. Yes, like New Zealand. ;) Except, no "a". I think. Don't quote me on that -- she had a C section, which is why she was stuck at the hospital longer than all the leftovers we have would have liked.

I have a whole untouched pumpkin pie in the fridge. Tim froze the rest of the turkey, and I made a turkey casserole last night ultizing the stuffing, taters, turkey, gravy -- only added a can of cream of celery and some mixed veggies. Maybe having so many leftovers ISN'T such a good idea after all. :(

I have my brown belt test at the end of this week. I don't know how'll I get there or how I will do -- right now I don't think I'll do that great. But I know I am ready for the test -- I just don't feel very physically with it...I guess that's what the holidays do you.

Tim and I bought our first pair of winter boats this past weekend. It's crazy to walk around in the snow with reckless abandon. I mean...usually I have to secure every footstep (you know how you can have sealegs? I think that applies to snow too, and walking in mixed snow/ice). In fact, I wore them to work today all day -- I think I might not do that often though. They get awfully big, heavy and warm the longer you wear them, especially inside. I'll have to do that office wench thing and bring myself a pair of shoes to change into.

Well, I am going to go take a nap now. I have things I want to do -- and I need to distance myself from work. Sleep seems to do wonders for that distancing things. When you wake up from that nap -- or any sleep -- it's like starting anew.

Friday, November 25, 2005

From/by my friends Kino and Zoey (see Chimera on the left):

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

I thought I would give you a little tidbit, just in case you did check this over the long weekend. I mean, for gods sake, what else do you have to do? Sure there is the eating of lots of food, probably a good amount of travel, shopping and watching marathons on cable. Of course you gotta break that up by surfing a little internet and complaining that there is nothing to read. :D

Yeah so. I have a bunch of stuff ready for the craft fair -- of course I wish I had double what I have, but there is nothing I can do about it right now. No, what I need to do right now is to put prices on them, and most importantly make a display for them. I saved it for the last minute. Hilary, one of the copartners of this deal, is coming over tonight to help. I hope we can manage to make some thing quite presentable. She is also bringing her camera, so hopefully I'll be able to share some good pictures so that I can put it here AND on the neglected craft site -- Tceku. I did put the url for tceku on the cards I made, should anyone happen to take one.

Right now there are two pies and mini one (made in a leftover potpie dish) in the oven. It smells wonderful. Last night I made two loaves of pumpkin chocolate chip bread...oh it's moist and wonderful. I don't think you would be surprised if I told you there was only loaf left today. Although we were not responsible for eating all of it by ourselves. I sent half of it (the smaller one at that) with Sarah and Luke when they came to drop of their dogs. So now we have two small ankle biters roaming the house. One looks like a mini tank and barks for no reason sometimes. The other one looks like a just roams around the house picking up dust bunnies. I don't think either of them are used to such a large space, and they certainly miss their owners. The said owners, are off to be induced today. Well, one of them maybe today or tonight we will have a new nephew.

Tomorrow is Thanksgiving at our house. First time hosting, first time cooking a turkey. Luckily, I asked my step-dad Frank, who makes the worlds' finest turkey, for his secret. He sent it on a peice of paper two letters ago from my Mom. His handwriting is very old styled...and I can't read it. I had to give it to Tim to read -- and in a way made him in charge of the turkey. Very sneaky, no?

Gosh....we are adults.

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

THIS WEEKEND! Come out and just visit, if nothing else. I have lots of beadwork, really cool magnets, one of kind, hand painted ornaments....SO EXCITING! And all reasonably priced -- we have no illusions of being high minded artists at this point. Maybe later on....

Wednesday, November 16, 2005


That could sum everything up right about now.

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

I am wet after taking a "health walk" with the DH. It's raining and this is supposed to turn into snow later. Bah, I say. Bah.

We went to Target -- and it's like they KNOW I am going to have a cookie party, if you look at the new items in their dollar bins. They have tons of Hello Kitty stuff, cookie making stuff, Xmas CD's and ...well, I just love those dollar bins a little too much. I refrained from buying lots of stuff though until I can plan a bit better.

This past weekend was the party for Tim -- it went really well, with 15 of our closest friends coming -- many from out of town! It was really cool to see James, Eric and Kate, Ben and his new girlfriend, Mark and well as all the local favorites. We made pulled pork and my god -- so delicious. Although after eating it all day the following day tho, I think I can say I have satisifed my craving for the whole year.

This Thursday we are getting up early and heading to Black River Falls to visit my Dad for the day. I haven't visited really since June, so it's been quite a while. We might as well take advantage of Tim's time off to do some visiting.

My Mom sent me the box of things I am going to sell for the craft fair -- wow, this things are amazing. I am going to have a really tough time pricing them. I was orginally just going to do a dollar but after getting some imput I might change that. There are many things I need to do -- make some cards, make up a display, finish making stuff to sell (when is enough enough?) and what not. I can't believe it's only two weekends's less than two weeks. Gah! I should be more stressed...right?

I have several letters to catch up on too. I need to plastic the windows. Make invitations. Do the dishes. Do some laundry. Catch up with some old friends.

Oh, and did I mention Tim took the consulting job? Yeah, so he gave himself a 15K raise! Wow...quitting his job was the best thing he ever did. He starts his new job on the 28th. IT's on the East side -- so just think of the money we are saving in gas and car maintanence. Last night Tim made curry and it was GOOD!

I think I approve of the new Tim. :D

But seriously, now I should change out of these wet clothes, heat up some leftover curry and lay out the beadwork plans for the next choker. Oh and make some tea...some nice hot sunset tea would be awesome. Maybe light some woodsmoke incense and pretend we have hot, merry fire in the corner. At least it can smell like there is one.

My biggest thought this week is...that I am a busy person. I don't have quite as much time as I think I have, and I there are more things I would like to do. I think that might be the craft fair talking....then's like the whole year has been like that.

Thursday, November 10, 2005

I have been having back spasms. How does one stop them?

I am kinda lazy today ... so laze = meme (this ganked most recently from James)

Total Yes = 45

1. smoked a cigar - yes
2. crashed a friend’s car - no
3. stolen a car - no
4. been in love - yes
5. been dumped - yes
6. dumped someone - yes
7. taken shots of alcohol - yes
8. been fired – yes
9. been in a fist fight - no
10. snuck out of a/your house - yes
11. had feelings for someone who didn’t have them back- yes
12. been arrested - no
13. made out with a stranger - yes
14. gone on a blind date - yes
15. lied to a friend - yes
16. had a crush on a teacher- no
18. seen someone die -yes
19. been on a plane - yes
20. thrown up in a bar - no
22. miss someone right now - yes
23. laid on your back and watched cloud shapes go by - yes
24. made a snow angel - yes
25. played dress up - yes
26. cheated while playing a game - yes
27. been lonely - yes
28. fallen asleep at work/school - yes
29. used a fake id - yes
30. felt an earthquake - no
31. touched a snake - yes
32. run a red light - no
33. had detention - yes
34. been in a car accident - yes
35. hated the way you look - yes
37. been lost - yes
38. been to the opposite side of the country - yes
39. felt like dying - no
40. cried yourself to sleep - yes
41. played cops and robbers - yes
42. karaoke - yes
43. done something you told yourself you wouldn’t - yes
44. laughed till some kind of beverage came out of your nose- no
45. caught a snowflake on your tongue - yes
46. kissed in the rain - yes
47. sang in the shower - yes
48. made love in a park - I plead the fifth
49. had a dream that you married someone - yes
50. glued your hand to something - no
51. got your tongue stuck to a flag pole - yes
52. worn the opposite sex’s clothes - yes
53. Been a cheerleader – No
54. sat on a roof top - yes
55. talked on the phone all night - yes
56. ever too scared to watch scary movies alone – yes
57. played chicken fight - yes
58. been pushed into a pool with all your clothes on - no
59. been told you’re hot by a complete stranger - yes
60. broken a bone - yes
61. had a 3-some? - No
62. dipped snuff? - yes
63. lived overseas - no
64. Ever passed out/fainted? - yes
65. blown bubbles in the wintertime - no

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

I am little disappointed in the status of mail -- in both my virtual mailbox and the real one. But it's not just that -- I am disappointed in the lack of content *everywhere.* I am just bored.

Which is a silly notion considering the things I am doing versus the things I should be doing. Like...I should be crafting -- but I guess i was kinda hoping Hilary would come on, and I would say "Surprise! I am here today and not at work, let's go for coffee."

Sadly that hasn't come to pass. :(

I should probably go to crafts. After all, I just paid the bills and posted, and looked at everyone's site to see what was going on. Thank goodness for music by DJ Cedro

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

I had just started to walk on the bike path behind Woodman's yesterday, when a silver truck beeped it's horn. I glanced behind after two more beeps to see what the fuss was about, and saw a figure inside the truck waving at me. I stopped and squinted to get a better look at the person who was making Woodman shoppers drive around him (next to the car wash on the liqueur side). I finally walked up close enough to discern that I did not know the mid forties man.

He rolled part of his window down and leaned over "OH, I am so sorry! I thought you were my good friend. You know you look just like her!" He gestured long hair with his hands.

"Ah yes," I nodded "That's okay." I began to turn, when he interrupted me.

"It's just that ... well do you know me? You just seem so familiar..." he waited.
"Uh, no, I don't know you. Sorry."

"Are you Italian?" he asked.

Surprised, I replied "No, I am not. I am native American though."

"OH Native American! That's so cool!" he paused. Two cars drove around him rather huffily. "So, are you like from Arizona? Where are you from?"

"No, I am not from Arizona -- I am from ... uh... Northern Wisconsin." I was getting a little tired of this man. I was beginning to realize this was more than just a mistaken identity.

"So," he paused and looked at me, a tad desperately, "So, do you want to getgether sometime? Do you want to get together right now?"

"No," I said "I am going home."

"OH! You live around here? How far? Can I give you a ride home?" I glanced into his truck. It was clean, a box of tissues sat on the passenger side of the car. Everything with a little dingy and grey.

"No thank you," I replied and took a step back. "I can get home just fine."

"Well, can we get together sometime?" he asked again.

"No," I state much more firmly, "I am married, and now I am going home." At that moment I turned around and walked away. From behind me he hollered "Native Americans rock!"

I shook my head in bemused laughter.

"NO I mean it! They seriously rock!" he shouted.

I walked quickly away thanking my good fortune that there was no way a truck could follow me on the path behind Woodman's.

So yeah, I got hit on by an old dude in a truck. I have to admit that one has never happened before. I once had a young, Northwestern man stop me on my way to work to declare that I was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen -- but never a guy stopping traffic. Gosh, where do these people come from? And you know what? He did look familiar -- he looked that guy from HBO....Curb Your Enthusiasm


Anyway. This is DH's first week of unemployment. IT's going fairly well, he already got a job offer yesterday for one place -- but I hope he waits until the end of the week to decide what job he is going to take. He has two more interviews to do .... and yeah. By Friday he should have an answer -- I hope. I want to buy new shoes -- the sensible shoes I got last year ... I hate. They are uncomfortable and sucky, and my other winter shoes are all too old and probably thrown out.

I am having a party for Tim this Saturday to celebrate his birthday-- I'll be making some pulled meat sandwiches and dessert, so if you have time and are able you should stop by for a drink and some food -- at 8:00 ish. Email or call me for directions, or whatever it is that you need.

Now to address some comments: Phil -- nailing a two by four on the roof ... is unthinkable when you live with someone like Tim. He would never in a million year considering ... I think the idea of tying a rope off to a tree on the other side of the house is probably a better option. And we were those stupid people with a ladder that just barely reached underneath the garage, that we would step up on to the roof all dangerous like. But not any more! I found a way of putting the ladder nex the garage and the roof and kind of sheltering it/holding it in. It worked quite well -- and if I did fall it was only from the garage in stead of the house. The difference of about two feet.

Hilary - Yeah I wore gloves -- not that it mattered much because the scooping glove was soon saturated with old decaying sludge. IT was just faster than using my little hand shovel -- and I was all for fast.

Jess/James -- I would LOVE to have a fireplace, but that comes with chaching. I think I am going to insist that the next house (if we ever get one) have at least a fireplace. Heck, I am still waiting to get one of those outdoor fireplaces! I have a ton of brush piling up for that very purpose.

And lastly -- I still want my cookie party ....and I think I'll do it December provided we aren't moving. I am thinking the first or second weekend of December -- leaning towards December 11 -- although the 18th is free too. Keep it in mind when you make plans for the upcoming holiday season. I'll know for sure by next week (I hope).

Man, I am hungry. I didn't eat breakfast. Yesterday all I had was cookies.

Friday, November 04, 2005

It's DH's last day of work. We are going to the Weary Traveller afterward to drink. Woo hoo! Booze! And it's SUCH a beautiful day for it too.

Last night I cleaned the gutters. I used the fancy new ladder I finagled out of the storage purgatory and into our garage (you know those ladders that can everything including diapering a newborn?). It only took me about five minutes to figure out how to use it, and then two hours to get the courage to climb up onto the roof by myself. I mean...what would have happened if the ladder got knocked down by a sudden, forceful gust of wind? Or what would have happened if I had gotten blown off the roof? Some serious ouches, that's what. But sucked it up and did it. Wow -- scooping out piles of sludge isn't my favorite thing in the world to do. However, it's better than seeing water drain next to the house and seep into the basement.

I even did a little raking.

This afternoon my goal is to start insulating the windows. Just in case those predictions of a %60 increase in energy and heating are true. Saving money doesn't hurt me in the slightest. I just wish we had some kind of wood burning option -- I can just imagine the amount of heat we would save using that as a supplement. Of course, the extra benefit might get eaten up the extra you pay in house insurance. I don't know what it is because obviously we don't have a fireplace.

I wish I could clone myself.

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

We did a ton of moving this past weekend -- and STILL there was a lot of crap left. Seriously, we tried our best, but was hard because the mother in law wouldn't let anything go. I told her to try and pick out stuff she knew she wanted as opposed to boxes of old used, stuffed animals. No, keep the stuffed animals! And the old boxes of school shit! Keep it all! Sigh. They were going to have to let most of it go...but she just didn't want to come to terms with it. She had one more day (yesterday) to move two u-hauls worth of crap that she hadn't looked at in at least 10 years.

This move should have been going on over the past month, the last year ... they should have been going through this as carefully as they were trying to do this weekend. I mean, it's amazing what we accomplished in two days, with no planning, but if they had a little foresight and less....greed? Then they could have had it all -- ironically.

As Tim said "They have so much stuff and yet they are poor." Truly, it is because of all their stuff that they ARE poor. IT's sad really. I have never seen someone so ruled by having stuff as that mother is -- the father...he was in a losing battle. He could have put his foot down and possibly done something. More packing at least....when he gets overwhelmed he tends to shutdown and can only focus on tiny, little tasks -- like dusting out a rug.

I got a few things out...but I had to smuggle, yes smuggle because if she saw you might take something she was all over you like a dog over meat -- sick yes...considering it was trash and she hadn't seen or cared about about it for so long. I got a roll out cookie cutter thing, a silver belt, some micromachine cars, a backpack, a music maker (out of tune), some fleece that Tim ganked to make a dog coat, and ... I think that is mostly it. Oh and some children books, and five big framed slate things. A spit in the bucket considering all the stuff they had.

Four floors of shit. Four storage units. They don't have any place to live right now because they can't afford a deposit on an apartment. Yet...if you do the math then you could see how if you add the cost of the four storage units up -- then they would have rent/deposit for themselves. Nope...instead...they are homeless while their material wealth enjoys the comfort of a home.

Oh, we also ended up with a box -- of something that the father in law thought might be china. Everything was in yellowed, shredded and stained newswrap. I brought the box home to look at it, and opened each item over a garabe bin. Mouse poop and shredded paper everywhere. Tim jokingly asked me if I found the dead mouse yet, I replied no, but I was sure to see it soon.

It was there. Petrified at the bottom of the box. It's home was in a beer stein about half way through.

They didn't have any help other than their male kids and me. They didn't ask anyone. They were in denial that it was happening to them. Isn't it crazy?

I don't want to be like that. I don't think I am. I mean, I can let go of things I am not using. If you want it, I got it, and want to use it -- go for it. I don't think I have ever said no.... that was most of this past weekend. On Saturday night though, I went out with Hilary for coffee and a pitstop at the inferno. We dressed up as ... well dressed up. It was fun. We finished the night with a cup of joe and greasy food at country kitchen.

Friday I made lasagna and invited Sarah and Luke over for dinner. Sarah says she thinks she'll have the baby this week. Maybe she is right but I think next week. :D

We have another foster dog -- for two weeks this time. He's already adopted....and he peed on the kitchen floor not 20 minutes ago. He had been out only 2.5 hours before that...damnit. He was such a good dog before he did that too.

This week I am focusing on getting a crap load of crafts done. Tim is focusing on several job interviews. Friday is his last day.