Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Dinner tonight:

Fresh, hand made guacamole (made with woodman's ingredients)

Veggie Salad (made with CSA vegetables and topped with Parmesan cheese, fake bacon Bits -- my stepdad glued some fake leather fringe around a can of it and sent it with mom's shower gift. I thought it was hilarious -- and useful!) and fat/taste free ranch dressing. :P

Shepard's Pie (made with ground turkey and csa potatoes, onions and garlic, two cans of cream of chicken, and leftover grilled corn from the summer)

All very boring, but yields awesome leftovers for lunch.

Tonight we are going to be shucking a lot of eggs, and I am sure I will be helping Tim get his devilled eggs on for his little work party tomorrow. He read in a magazine of mine to put little olive bits on it to make them look like spiders or something. Oh my darling.

I need to be looking at those magazines too to find something to make for my little, Last-Day-Halloween party (though I am there on Thursday too, but no one else is). I could bring in the guacamole that I just made since Janet is bringing in some of her salsa....but I would also like to do something a little festive. Hm.

I still can't believe its the last week of work. October went by so fast! Heck the whole summer did. I feel like it was just yesterday that we were getting ready to go on vacation to Portland. Now it's nothing but a collection of pictures -- oh yeah and memories.

Well I managed to get stuff done today. I cleaned the living room -- complete with arranging book shelves, sweeping, vacuuming and mopping the floor, fixing the hallway rug sticky things (so that the rug stays in place), washed all the dishes, made dinner, wrote some thank you cards, took a nap -- and will later walk the dog and work on making treats OR watching a movie. Though Tim didn't seem so keen on watching a movie while cooking.

Last night I worked on the hospital bag some more. I went through and picked out an outfit for Bacon Bit -- I packed two onsies, a sleeper/jumper/full suit onsies -- whatever the heck you call it, a hat, little mitts, a receiving blanket, and two other baby blankets. That might be overkill, but what if it's cold the day we bring Bacon Bit home? I want to have options man. Options.

My bag includes: old jammy bottoms, two nursing bras, the boob pad samples that Sarah gave me (there are three...), toothpaste/wash/brush, burt bee's shampoo/conditioner/wash/lotion/lip balm, a comb, contact solution, the spare phone recharger, two pairs of socks, two pairs of underwear, three unread magazines (Good Housekeeping, Red Book and Ready Made), some snacks for Tim -- and that's it so far. What am I missing? I need to make a list of things to stuff in at the last minute like:

black yoga pants to wear home
some kind of shirt (do I need one or two?? I don't have any shirts that button down the front...)
hair thingies
contact case
purse and it's usual contents
mp3 player

I already feel like I am over packing....Tim and I are grade A underpackers --- so this is a tough one. I suppose anything I am missing Tim can run home and get. I mean he has to go home anyway to take care of the cats and sleep...right? Or is he expected to spend the whole time there with me? I wonder....

I think I had my first, feelable braxton hick contraction tonight! I was sitting here, minding my own business and chatting with Hilary when suddenly I felt a cramp come on and realized "hey I need to go pee!" So off I went. After I was done, I noticed that the cramp went away. So that is a contraction right?

My 38 1/2 week doctor's appointment is tomorrow when the doc is going to take a look at what's going on down there. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't curious to see if there is any sort of progress. Oh the shepards pie is done. Time to eat.

See? I wasn't kidding about lots of posts.

Monday, October 29, 2007

I had too much pizza tonight and am suffering for it -- as in the too full feeling. I have also been distracted with my awesome TV night by putzing around on the computer.

When I got home, I worked on rearranging the living room to accommodate the new glider. I am proud to say that it's done and it looks AWESOME here! It's just so much better...and it will look even better when it's actually cleaned up, dusted and organized. Just gotta do that and then move onto the office....and finish cleaning up all the other rooms in this place. Oy.

The cats, by the way LOVE the glider. I would really like for them to not scratch it up though...we'll see how long I can protect it. And I don't notice the problem we had with it before....awesome. :D

What else...oh that was it for now. Man, I am tired. I could go for a snooze right now, but Journeyman isn't over yet. Oh I do remember the other thing. We got another package in the mail today, this time from Tim's old coworker -Mohammed. He sent us a baby monitor and hands down, the cutest little 3-6 month outfit. I am blown away by his taste! It's SOOOOooooo adorable.

Bacon Bit is kicking around right now and causing me to lose my breath. It slowly gets squeezed out and at the same time I realize I have to pee. Sure signs that someone is stretching.

Sunday, October 28, 2007

  • Got TWO Bacon Bit packages in the mail this weekend. One from our very thoughtful and good friends Kate and Eric that included a Target Gift card, a handmade, fuzzy, soft fleece green blanket, the cutest darn long sleeved owl shirt (I started at it for many minutes and can't wait for Bacon Bit to wear it), a Bauhaus onsies (it's for the later months so you can be sure the Bit is going to get a lot of use out that puppy), and a blue/green striped sweater. Oh it's cute -- we liked it all. :)
  • The second package was all Halloweenified and from Heather who sent along - three green froggie onsies (awesome!!! Pink is way over rated), a really super soft (but not dirty soft as Tim refers one kind of blanket that me and the kitties love...chenille I think...) green blanket and an eyeore stuffed animal! Awe! It's Bacon Bit's first stuffed animal.
  • We bought a glider off of Craigslist this weekend. We picked it up from a very nice lesbian couple with two kids. It's a Dutailier Glider which is sort of a high end piece of work, which we were getting for $140. Yes, it was 40 more than we were expecting to pay, but 140 is still cheaper than any other NEW glider you can get, plus it came with the ottoman. We expected it to be a yucky blue, but when we got it was actually more like a dark green...cool.

    What was not cool was that transporting it home must have been the straw that broke the glider's back. It had a hitch/catch in it upon depositing it on our floor. :( We spend all afternoon working on fixing this and after visiting lots of stores and thinking really hard about ratchets and sockets.... I ended up fixing it (mostly) with a rubber mallet and a borrowed socket wrench from Laima. I mean, it's good now and I don't think the average person would be able to tell there is a slight hitch to it...but I just can't make it any tighter...and blah blah blah. I need to readjust my attitude to appreciating that it is works just fine, it's smooth, doesn't make a lot of noise, it's super comfortable and it won't crush any animal toes like a rocking chair would, it's not completely fugly and we are lucky enough to even have one. Things are not perfect in this world and I should stop expecting absolute pristine silence and smoothness...right?

    Sigh. I'll get over it. I hope. I wish I could be hypnotized about it.
  • Last Thursday morning Hilary went and had a baby! I was called over to kidsit really early in the morning. It was cool though. We ate breakfast, went to the park, played with play dough etc. Eventually Hilary's husband came home and we all went off to visit Hilary and her new son, Cullen at the creepiest hospital I have ever been in - Meriter. I swear...walking through that place is like walking through Silent Hill. The baby was cute and good sized -- weighing in at 8 lbs and 12 oz for 39 weeks gestation. Of course, I am obbessed with when people have their babies....well for the obvious reason. ;)
  • I can't believe tomorrow is 38 weeks working towards 39. It's also my last week of work and this makes me really sad. :( I am really going to miss my coworker, flexible hours, variety of job duties, the extra money, having a reason to leave the house three days a week and a reason to walk/ride bike every other day. I know the tradeoff is going to be well worth it -- but since Bacon Bit isn't here yet, I can't really know how it will change.

    There are plenty of women that don't make it working until 39 weeks...but really it's different for them because they are probably working full time. On the other hand I guess I could use the week or two before Bacon Bit to really try and clean this house, prepare easy food choices, work on my recipe box, and all that jazz....all stuff I could do now...but for some reason just ... aren't getting done. I mean I don't have the stamina to do all the stuff I want to around this house. Tim was supposed to help me this weekend clean the house and ... well that didn't really happen. :( I mean it was a productive weekend for me...in that *I* got a lot done ... relatively speaking...but not as much as I would have liked too. I wish Tim would get that nesting instinct since I apparently don't have it. Though I guess there is still time.
  • Oh when we got the Glider, one of the women asked me if we were having a baby. We said yes, and she asked when we were due and Tim replied "In two weeks" and I added "give or take." She got this incredulous look on her face and said "What? In two weeks? You look.....*sputter* .... really good!" I thanked her and wondered how big one should look at 38 weeks...Hm. She was also really happy that we were taking the glider because of a baby. I wonder....who else uses gliders though? Old people is all I could think of...
  • I was at a loss for what to make for dinner, so I did a google search on 'whats for dinner' and came up with site called....well....what's for dinner. I went with it and copied the whole dinner idea. Those muffins are not dessert muffins, let me tell you. The homemade mac and cheese with ham was okay and I we just had steamed carrots and broccoli (instead of the jazzed up version). It was a good dinner and we have plenty of leftovers for lunches this week.
  • My living room is totally a disaster zone right now because of moving crap around. Plus the fish tank has to go. I'll keep the fish in a smaller bowl with the air ....but really I don't know how much longer she has in her anyway. I feel like I have such a challenge with configuring the living room.
  • Okay I have to go to bed, but first I need to take a blasted shower. I am very close to convincing myself I could do it tomorrow morning...but I hate leaving the house with a wet head and taking the bus means I have to get up super early. Blah. I wish I loved showers like everyone else seems to.
  • Be prepared for TONS of posts after this week...I have a feeling I am going to become super chatty with my extra time before the Bit gets here.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

I ended up going to Motherhood and getting two nursing bras -- one for bedtime and one for the day time (not wireless). I think two is good to start and I can just buy more from a different place next time. I also decided to start getting stuff for my overnight bag that can be dual purpose for kidsitting for Hilary when she has her baby on Friday and for the hospital bag for Tim and I. I decided to splurge a little today and I bought the Burt Bee's travel bag (shampoo, conditioner, lotion, body wash and lip balm), and I got a mini toothbrush thing from Walgreens.

When I had gone to Walgreen's -- a place I usually enjoy visiting....I didn't stay long. I felt really nauseous and sick suddenly and so I just decided to leave and go home to lay down. Bacon Bit has been exceptionally active and I think all that expended energy is making ME tired! I was so tired this afternoon -- and yet when I lay down I don't go to sleep. I think that's a good thing because I am sleeping the night's through with one or two breaks to go potty.

I am also getting the infamous hot flashes. Wow....when they sneak up on you they really sneak up on you! It's just so weird to have them because usually I feel like I am perpetually cold.

Speaking of the Bit --all that talking about her made her awake. I don't know. I am getting tired too now. There are some things I want to do tomorrow and going to bed right now will make tomorrow come sooner. Especially since the internet is totally tapped out for interesting content tonight. Plus Pluto wants to go outside...and I am hot on the couch and back to not feeling all that great.

Monday, October 22, 2007

The sucky thing about the rain is that when you come home after being away for several hours, like I did from going to work....you step into your house and realize - "hey it smells like _____" and in our case it smelled like cat pee. :P I hate having my house smell like cat pee. Tim changed the boxes tonight, but you know that extra humidity always makes it worse.

Koopa's cage has been more stinky lately too. We think it's the addition of the applesauce that she's been getting in her old age. This just means that I am going to have to clean it more often, because as it turns out, I don't care much for the smell of an old possum in the house either. And yes, I also feel the same way about Pluto. Though my nose isn't as senstive as I would like (it's always stuffed up), I seem to have a super smell when it comes to pets and my house.

So, I lit a few candles and have been burning them all evening. Ahh...candles seem to make everything better. I imagine that they burn away the bad smell.

On Sunday I went to the Vila's Zoo with Hilary and two princesses to stand in a long line and trick or treat. It was a lot of work for a small amount of candy, but the princesses didn't seem to mind. Ahh the innocence of youth. I know how much candy you can get...so that colors my view. Speaking of which, I have a six pack of candy bars leftover from Labor Day for smore's that we didn't make. I am setting two aside for Amy's kids when they come over, but the other four are going to four lucky trick or treaters! I can't wait to be that house that gives away full sized candy bars (even if it's to 4 kids). It's not like we get a ton of kids anyway -- last year was our record at 16.

After the zoo, I went to Woodman's with Tim and got some chicken, a candy thermometer, soda, tea and bread. I went home, washed dishes and made an caramel apple pie from scratch. I am talking making my own caramel here folks. Oh my goodness...it's SOOOoooo good. I have a whole mini pan of it. It's in the soft ball stage, but a little too goopy for me to be comfortable with right now...though it's perfect for apple dipping. I had some slices of apple today after work with the caramel and it was heaven. It's just so good! Laima popped over for a bit this evening to drop off some squash and I sent her packing with a big piece of apple pie and a big caramel dollop that had to be replenished on her way out. ;)

Awesome...squash and good sized ones at that. For dinner tonight we had creamy vegetable soup that I added a can of creamed corn to (Tim didn't think that was a great addition) and grilled cheese. There is one leftover chicken dinner for him to eat for tomorrow's lunch so I don't have to worry about leftovers. I have soup for myself with some bread...and I'm good.

I have my 37 week doctor appointment tomorrow. I expect to be weighed, have my blood pressure, pee and fundal height checked and then be sent on my way. They do the first cervical check at week 38 -- next week. But as of right now, Bacon Bit could come and would be considered full term. :) But she can't because Hilary is going to her have her baby on Friday and someone needs to babysit. ;)

After my appointment tomorrow I am going to buy a nursing bra. I thought about going to the mall to get fitted but I also have a coupon for Happy Bambino to get 10$ off...I don't know. I know one of the co-owners and that just feels weird to be trying on a bra in front of someone I know. I feel like I would almost rather just go to the mall and have one of the anonymous ladies at Motherhood do it. Then again we like to support local stores.... What to do...what to do.....

Oh, I am getting hot sitting here on the couch with a fleece blanket and a wonderfully grey kitty. I should head to bed. Besides it's 11.15. Besides I have an early doctors appointment .... heh... early as in 9.40 -- -but that's early to me! I also have to get home to pay bills, though . I had a nap this afternoon, I bet that is why I am still up. I'm glad that I can still sleep through the whole night and only get up once or twice to pee. There are so many other women right now in this stage of pregnancy that are not sleeping well or are in pain, or uncomfortable. I feel super lucky with the way Bacon Bit has gone, I don't feel like I have that much to complain about at all! I am also not super anxious to have it be finished with...maybe it's because I don't know what comes next. Maybe it's because I have forgotten what it's like to not feel this way. Maybe it's because this is something we have wanted for so long, and I sure as heck am not going to look this gift horse in the mouth.

Which isn't to say that describing symptoms is the same as wishing they weren't there. It isn't. I wanted to remember as much of this experience as I can. Okay, good night!

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Since there aren't that many posts out there that are new, I thought I would take a moment and write something. After all, it's sort of like reading a post. I do read my posts after I publish them -- in a couple hours...to see what I had to say.

Friday was really blustery! I was exactly how I imagined Winnie the Pooh and the blustery day to be. After work I stopped by Scott's pastry, which by the way has the best soup around, to see what kind of soup they had and to indulge in a donut or .... two! Yeah I got a muffing as well as a boston creme. Then, I trundled over to Starbucks and got myself a medium mocha to enjoy with the donuts as soon as I got home. Bus ride was uneventful and of course I had to reallly really really pee by the time I walked home. I popped my mocha in the microwave, added some whip cream and then cozied onto the couch with my fuzzy blanket I got from my step mother Barb two years ago to watch The Holiday.

It was perfect! A chick flick, donuts and a drink?! All with no guilt? OH I loved it. Though eating two donuts really did me in and I wasn't at all hungry until 9:00 that night and even then I only had two slices of a frozen pizza.

This morning Tim had to go to work. Before he left I asked him to call me at 8.30 so I could get ready and call Laima to see if she wanted me to meet her at her place or my place. Well, at 9:00 I get woken up by Laima knocking on the door. That chump! He didn't call me!! So I quickly got dress and scarfed down a cheese and croissant sandwich, piece of date bread, banana and handful of nuts. It was actually more than enough food to get me to 3.30 in which I had a few crackers with cheese and a small salad. We are planning on meeting up with Jen and Ben, and Laima over at Takara for sushi before going to a MadRollin Dolls skater derby event.

Um, but until she calls I might play a little Gears of War...

But real quickly, this morning I went garage sailing with Liama and got ...a christmas snowman table cloth (washable), a wooden box I intend to store recipes in (once I get around to putting my favorite recipes onto index cards...that is a large project that I have yet to attempt...but I DO feel like I made some progress by getting a box), and bathroom rug for a buck. :D We also got some cookies and hot coco from two very adorable girls, who helped make the cookies. I am a sucker for capitalistic kids - -each and every time.

After that we went to an orchard where I bought some Northwestern Greening apples with which to make a pie, some cider and oh..some caramel that I just remembered right now! And I helped Laima pick a bag of her own apples. Apparently apples are cheaper if you pick you own. I didn't know that...and it's also cheaper if you bring you own bag!

One more thing, I tested negative for group b strep! Hurray!! Now I can have Bacon Bit in the bathroom if I really want, or the nearest gas station without any worries.

Okay, gotta play.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

I had my 36 1/2 week doctor appointment today. I was tested for strep B and will find the results of that in few days, no protein in the urine. And I was quite pleased with myself for making a decision to not find out my weight gain and ask the nurse not to tell me. I even resisted looking at the chart. I figured I have have been eating healthy as ever, I am not swelling, my blood pressure was fine ... and like I said no protein - so worrying about it is stupid.

I had rough night last night. I woke up at one point with my abdomen in pain and had to inch my way off the bed to go to the bathroom. When I got back I made sure to switch sides, but then realized that the vague cramps were acting up were making me feel yucky. It felt just like a period and I even thought of going to take some tylenol -- except that getting out of bed would have been a pain again. Anyway, this was day two of the cramps and since it was waking me up and making me sleep bad I thought I would ask. Of course I got the standard answer to this question, as well as to why there is a ball of hurt sometimes in my lower right quadrant (I would characterize it as ovulation pain...though it's probably just a tiny elbow, knee or foot poking something). The standard answer being - you're very pregnant and these things are normal. :P

Yeah. Well he did offer to check my cervix since I was having the swab done anyway -- but after thinking about it and being reassured that it was normal, I decided not to have him check it. I don't need to be bothering the state of things down there. Besides, he said that they check it at the 38 week mark...and that is only a week and half away so I decided I could just wait until then. Hey, as it turns out that will be the last appointment I have with this OB too! (he is booked).

So there, I didn't find out my weight, and I resisted a cervix check. Hurray for being strong! Oh and while I was there I got a free diaper bag with some mini bag ...and of course free samples of formula, two reusable ice packs (nice!!!) and a huggies diaper and wipes. Now we have three diaper bags! But really, can you ever have enough of those? One for the car...one for Tim (it's messenger style)...one for me?

In other news, I had lunch with Laima today at Lazy Janes. It was nice and kept me feeling full all the way to 8:00 PM...in which we had roasted vegetables for dinner and a croissant (well I did). I also did a load of laundry and wash the lot of hooded baby towel's I got from someone off Craig's list (10 for $5). I was really wary of doing it because this was my first time buying something used from the internet...or via the net. I am glad to say that it worked out really well and now we have more towels than we actually probably need. That's okay. Anyway, I washed them in free and clear detergent (our only kind ... I want to save the dreft we got as present for a special smelling occasion) and then lined dried the blankets to maximize absorbency.

What else did I do? I washed the dishes, I made roasted vegetables for dinner, I finished making some thank you cards, updated my address book a bit -- I had put everything into a spreadsheet but that was lost and so I have to do it again. I also went grocery shopping, helped put food away and emptied the junk mail recycling bin.

Sometimes Pluto walks through the guest room/bacon bit's rooms and comes out through the kitchen. It's really sort of strange when he does that. I mean, why does he do it? Oh I just noticed that Migo is on the futon .... and Innsmouth is on the couch....so where can a Pluto lay down? His dog bed? Nope. Not good enough. Sigh. Tim is practicing accordion right now and he doesn't like that sometimes. You know because then Tim isn't paying 100% attention to him.

I'm really tired and thinking about going to bed since my plan for this evening was sort of ruined. I told Tim I would go shopping and sort of expected him to walk Pluto while I was there. Well when I came back he was still on the couch and hadn't gone on a walk. So then we ate dinner and he watched TV until 8 --- and then he walked the dog (I didn't go with this time because I had just walked a ton at the store and was just tired and achey) and then had to practice accordion....and by the time he is done it will be close to 9.30 and that just isn't enough time to play Gears of War and get to bed at a decent time. :(

I should just go to bed. I had a crappy nights sleep and I am tired and crabby right now and I do have to work tomorrow. Including tomorrow -- only seven days left of work.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Okay I decided to go ahead and finish up the pictures today.

Look to your left to access Photos or click here:

Portland, ME Vacation:
In which we stay at Kelly's overnight, go and eat a lot of seafood, comb a bunch of beaches and go whale watching.

August 2007: In which we attend a birthday party for our friends Lowen and Brian, my old friend Myrna comes to visit me, Tim, Pluto and I go to the GPA Volunteer Appreciation Day, and Hilary comes over to visit.

September 2007: Mark and Erika's Wedding, My brother James (aka Ditto's) wedding reception, my Dad's turkeys, we find a stick bug, Mina's Birthday party, and Rachel and Mike's baby shower.

---That should keep you busy for awhile...I hope.

In other news, I am sort of glad for this doctor's appointment tomorrow. The last two days have been different....I have started to feel crampy. Like I am getting or on my period sort of cramps that don't have a beginning or end, but are there consistently for long time. Last night I went to bed early because I felt uncomfortable. This morning it was gone, but it has been back again on and off. I am doing my best to drink TONS of water and try to take it easy. Bacon Bit has been okay and been pretty active (thank goodness).

I just wonder, is this the beginning of the end? Or is this just another regular late third trimester symptom?

Since I decided to work on photos a little bit, I thought -- Hey why not take the 36 1/2 photo twelve hours earlier since I am going to be at the desktop computer anyway. And so I did....and perhaps I got a little ambitious, and maybe just a teeny --- uh envious that everyone else is having fabulous makeovers.

That said, here are some pictures for you!

36 1/2 Weeks

Weeks 32 - 36 Montage

While working on straightening up the office, I found my stash of wigs! I think my favorite is a toss up between the two Alien Sex Fiend shots -- it's just so ..... funny to me.

Okay, enough screwing around. I gotta go and figure out what is for dinner and then watch Pushing Daisies...I do believe that is on tonight? Right? I love this show. (Just checked...yep it is)

Also if you want to see any of these pictures in better detail, please visit the link to your left or click here: Bacon Bit Pregnancy. Make sure to click on the thumbnail for the bigger image.

I'll finish the rest of the photos tomorrow.

Monday, October 15, 2007

One of my ideas that I would like to do next October, is to hold a recital. You know in those movies about the old days, a family would invite folks over for dinner and then afterward they would have coffee and cake and listen to a recital -- singing, piano, violin --- accordion.

Yep. Tim practices almost every day and he's really starting to get good and play songs that I like....well he is playing one right now. I told him this is going to be one of the songs he'll play in the recital. I thought it would be also be neat to maybe have another person play and instrument or sing to mix it up a bit. What do you think? Wouldn't you like to come over for dinner, music and wine? I love this idea and really want to make to happen.

Anyway. I really need to catch up with photos. I might work on that tomorrow so I can be caught up...I have vacation, August and September to catch up with before October overwhelms me. I have them downloaded already, and I think I weeded out the really bad ones. I just need to resize and throw them online. Yes, tomorrow might be perfect for that. I would like to spend some time working on cleaning up that office too -- as I mentioned it's an unorganized disaster. The sort of disaster I love....I mean if it was someone else's house I would volunteer to clean that crazy room in a heartbeat because looking at all that cool stuff would just be cool.

I am thinking about work lately. I only have 8 working days left. That's still three weeks...but since I only work three days a week and today is done, I am left with only 8 days left. That sort of makes me sad. When I came in today, Janet had left an adorable blue and green and yellow outfit made by gymboree which she says is the best play clothes for kids because it holds up well and kids think it's comfortable. It's for an older kid -- more toddler, but I'll just put it with my little stash of 2-3 girl clothes that I got from Hilary. I am really happy that Tim suggested going garage sailing a few weeks back because it enabled us to find these great big plastic storage bins for only 50 cents each! It's perfect for holding a treasure like this. It's funny how plastic storage bins have become the new trunk or cedar chest of bygone eras. Anyway, I am sort of sad thinking that there is only 8 actual working days left because I am going to miss my coworker and little schedule every week. It was such a nice way to get out of the house and keep up with my administration skills. Am I ready to be a housewife full time again? I think so...I mean, I'll do a hell of a better job than I did the first year I tried it. I tell you that learning curve of cooking, housekeeping and all that jazz was steep when you learn it by yourself. I am MUCH better now...but I am also going to be gaining a new role which actually makes homemaker take second fiddle -- I can't actually say the words yet. I don't think I'll be able to really call myself the "M" word until I have a little Bacon Bit in my arms...but you all know what I mean.

Dinner tonight was inspired by breakfast. Rather, I was super hungry and wanted something quick to eat, and naturally thought of breakfast type things. First up was pancakes, but you know, I just wasn't really in the mood for pancakes. Then I thought of one of those skillet dinners with potatos, sausage and cheese with an egg on top --- and I thought I would make a hashbrown casserole. I did and it turned out awesome! We also had freshly steamed, organic beets for dinner, I drizzled mine with a little honey and butter and it was edible. ;) Tomorrow I am making roasted vegetables and something else...I don't know yet. Maybe we'll just have roasted vegetables. We have leftover chili and now hash brown casserole to cover another day or two of lunches.

Gosh I am thirsty today. Can you believe it's 36 weeks today? One more week and we are in full term realm. I was looking at my figure this evening on one of the many trips to the bathroom and it's just amazing how big Bacon Bit is now! Now THIS is what I call a baby bump. You'll see on Thursday but I am fairly sure the Bit is going to be good sized (as in NOT just 6 pounds).

My latest worry is whether or not the Bit is breech. I just don't know. I DO know that the Bit is no longer sideways....and I thought the head was down but today I am not so sure anymore. Hiccups today were strongly felt and seen in the middle of the stomach instead of low down. Also, most of the limb movement is felt in the middle to lower abdomen....wouldn't' that indicate feet moving? Or would it be hands? I don't know. I have an appointment on Thursday and I'll ask the dude then. It's also the Strep B test time. I hope I pass it with flying colors because I thought I would like to try a bath if it were labor time -- and I don't know if you can take a bath with IV in your arm. Actually I don't know much about water and birth at all...it's on my list of topics to research this week.

Okay, I am going to find some water and drink it now. Good night.

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Now it's time for your regularly scheduled Sunday night post. :) Just sit back and relax, dear friend, let's chat. Where shall I begin?

No, it's nothing really exciting, just the same old stuff really. But if you are anything like me, then you like reading about the same old, every day stuff. I like it because it's like a letter. You know?

Last Thursday was the breastfeeding class at Happy Bambino. It was a goodish class. I learned all the different holds, and the pros and cons of each, a little how to on pumping, a bit on the problems that may arise with breastfeeding - but mostly what I learned was the benefits of it and why everyone should do it. I was a little disappointed with that quite honestly because the class was REALLY long. It started at 5:30 and ended at 9:10. That is a long time to go especially since I felt like 1/2 of the class was a infomercial on why you should breastfeed. I mean come on, we were all there weren't we? Kind of like preaching to the choir if you ask me. I got home and was starving! Good thing I had crock potted dinner that night even if the recipe wasn't that great. Anyway, I really hope that I am able to breastfeed....but I have learned my lesson on making any kind of assumptions about these sorts of things (for example conceiving...). I am just going to cross my fingers and hope for the best.

Friday night the DH and I had a bit of a date night by getting Papa Murphy's pizza. I drove there and for some reason some asshole behind me was pissed I was following the rules of the law and had waited when I was unsure if someone was going to drive by me in the parking lot or park. Tim said I should have gone for it right away, but I wasn't sure and so I waited. It's not like it hurt anyone. Anyway the asshole parked next to me and gave me pointed dirty looks for several long seconds. I ignored him and had a discussion of "what the fuck?" with Tim regarding my driving and how I didn't break any laws, speed driving non-aggressively isn't the end of the world. Still, I'd be lying if I said it didn't bother me still a little. I was tempted to get out of the car and ask the man how he was hurt by me waiting for a few extra seconds. For the record he went to DQ and was gone by the time we got out of Papa Murphy's. Maybe this means I am a good candidate for road rage because I am still a little miffed about it? I am trying to let it go...yeah just let it go. I'm blaming this extra emotion on the Bacon Bit effect.

We went home, ate the pizza, cheesy bread and cookies -- watched Jesus Camp and was unimpressed and then played Halo III for awhile before going to bed.

Saturday we slept in and eventually found our way to the Annual Greyhound Gala where we were rather unlucky. We didn't win a bag raffle this year and to be honest we just weren't that into it. We did our part though by participating, getting Pluto a new bandana and a new T-shirt for Tim. Afterward we went home took a big two hour nap, and I watched The Last Mimzy and crocheted (the movie was disappointing as well). After that we played Halo until 1:00 in the morning when we beat the second difficulty..or should I say third? All that is left is Legendary -- but to be honest we are a little burnt out on it.

Today, I didn't sleep in that late and got up to watch the last half of Sunday morning and eat some peanut butter captain crunch. Hilary called to have some coffee before our cloth diapering 101 class and picked me up. We had a lovely, if very brief, pastry and coffee before heading over to the class in which we were a little late. I missed the introduction of folks and how far along they were (introductions is my favorite part of a new class or anything for that matter -- it's sort of like missing previews at the movies). Anyway. The teacher spoke really fast, but after a while I got the hang of what she was saying. I learned a TON about cloth diapering and feel like I have a really good handle on what we are going to do now. :) I am quite happy with that class. I don't know if Hilary was as much but I did appreciate the company.

After that Tim and I drove over to Target to buy a car seat for Bacon Bit. We got the Flex-Loc Baby Trend infant car seat and some more toilet paper. Since the Bit is getting bigger I have had to start visiting the rest room much more frequently. I am trying to be very aware of how much toilet paper I use every time, and keep to an absolute minimum but when you are going every 1/2 to 1 hour...well we ran out. We haven't installed it yet...it was raining today. I think we'll wait a bit...or rather I'll wait until Tim does it. ;) It's probably a good idea to do it this week sometime so that the dog gets used to having it in the car and can adjust. Pluto is a bit of a whiner.

Car seat and toilet paper in hand we then searched high and low for a used Gears of War xbox game. We eventually found it and headed home to play it for a good portion of the afternoon while the from scratch chili we made simmered. It's a good game so far! I did have to take a little tylenol at one point because learning the new system was some head work for me. In fact, Tim is playing it right now while I am typing this up. I am doing my best to type fast so that I can join him.

Oh, I forgot to say that we had our tour of Labor and Delivery at St. Mary's. I am disappointed to report that I was the only one with any sort of questions during the tour and there were five other couples. Of course we didn't talk to each other at all - -gah what is up with that?! Why don't pregnant people or couples talk to each other? Why is it only okay to talk when we all finally have kids? Because then we talk about the kids? Anyway, the tour was okay, they had cookies and water and some sort of video we never got to see because it wasn't working right. We did get to see all the places we would go too and they even brought out a two day old baby to show us how the electronic tags work. Man that baby was teeny! I asked how much it was and the nurse said it was 6 pounder. One good thing about the place is that they encourage skin to skin contact right away after birth (apparently very important for breastfeeding), and they have wireless internet connection there so we will be able to bring our laptop! Awesome.

Okay, the bathroom siren calls again and I want to play a bit before bed. Night!

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

I am sitting on the couch and just checked out my sites. I am wearing a t-shirt, a sweater, a hoodie and a lap blanket with a laptop on top of it. I am sufficiently warm. I also feel as if, I have to cough, you know like when you are sick and your lungs are full of gunk and it feels more like you are out of breath? Yeah like that. I am fairly certain Bacon Bit moved positions again yesterday and is head down again (or the other way...but I prefer to think head down). My lungs are squished and my bladder when pushed produces and immediate need to stop whatever I am doing and carefully consider how much I need to go pee.

Tonight we went over to Kathy's house to pick up some baby stuff she had generously offered for let Bacon Bit use...and my goodness did she go above and beyond the call of duty by even going as far as to wash the stuff!!! Now that is dedication my friends, and she needs something GOOOOoooooooodddddd as a thank you present because we were totally blown away with the items she had...we are now the proud owners (though if you want the stuff back eventually Kathy, it's yours of course) of:

-co sleeper, sheet and prettifier thing ...uh that goes around it and hides the mechanics of it
-once used (like for what..10 minutes?) pack and play
-swing with little mobile
-running stroller
-high chair
-extra fancy exer-saucer

Add that to Amy's very awesome:

-umbrella stroller
-play pen
-bath tub
-crib mattress

We are debating whether or not we'll ever really use a crib....we'll wait and see. We have a trundle bed that doesn't lay on the floor per say, but is an inch or two from it. What is the benefit to a crib other than keeping the kid hostage when it wakes up? We'll cross that bridge when we get there.

But I wanted to say a hearty THANK YOU to Kathy and Amy for your enormous generosity. I can't believe that we are lucky enough to have such good friends. :) *sniff*

Now all we have to do is set up the co-sleeper, the swing, clean up the boucinette and figure out how to use the pack and play and we are ready! Ha ha...no okay I also need to like organize that room somewhat, pack a hospital bag, buy a car seat, install said seat .... uh what else? I don't know.

I am taking a breastfeeding class at Happy Bambino tomorrow. I wonder if there is going to be anyone else there? I mean, I know there are other pregnant women in Madison, but I think it might be fun to see them or actually talk or interact with them instead of exchanging side long glances at each other. Anyway, I am hoping to walk away with lots of good information like is the pump I have a 60% coupon off for good (it might also be 40%) ...but it's from my HMO so ...and what kind of bottles go with it, how to pump, when to start pumping (for later because I think the DH should have a shot at feeding Bacon Bit every now and then too). But also for me, because while I have been exposed to women who have or are breastfeeding, I don't know anything about the nitty gritty details.

Then on Saturday we are going to Waukesha for the annual Greyhound Gala. I didn't make a costume for Pluto this year because we just couldn't think of one. I think we used up all of our creative energy on painting the room and decorating, and rearranging furniture. Sunday is my Cloth Diapering 101 class, and immediately following that is our Labor and Delivery Tour of St. Mary's so we know exactly where to go when it's time.

I guess after the this week is over and the cosleeper is up, and the bag is packed (oh yeah and that carseat is gotten) then we could conceivably consider ourselves ready. Maybe. We'll see.

Last night I watched Charlotte Grey -- which was okay but a little ... uh ... pointless......(oh that reminds me to check my Netflix queue before I start getting a bunch of off beat, political, independent or foreign movies all at once.) I decided that I am into crocheting an afghan again because I was able to admit I hated the last design I was working on. It was just NO fun for me to do and I never wanted to do it. I decided to that I was never going to finish it, and if I did I would probably hate it anyway so why not just take it apart and start over with something else? So that is exactly what I did. I also did some research on the web today and found like 15 afghan patterns I wouldn't mind trying out. I found four that I love and want to do .... the next one I will do is a snowflake one. Oh it's pretty....

My darling bought me some ginger ale tonight and it's gooood. He has been keeping it ice cold and full for me and I haven't had to get off the couch much. I mean, I did my minimum of 30 minutes walking today...it's just that getting up off the couch is getting to be a pain at night, and really I just wanted to sit and crochet and watch Pushing Daisies (I LOVE this show), and check out Bionic Woman (which was okay).

Tomorrow is bill day and I really have to do something about that office. It's a disaster zone in there! I should start by putting way the extra blankets and pillows, that will opening it up more.

For dinner tonight we had the dollar butter burgers at Culver's. They came with just burger on a bun, thank goodness I had a stash of ketchup in the car that I was able to put on it. It was a madhouse at Culvers though so we can understand why they weren't dressed up. Of course that means that there is no real viable lunch for tomorrow except for another sandwich for Tim. I think I'll make squash tomorrow...maybe squash soup ... yeah that sounds good. I could make some biscuits too. I guess if I had a craving this pregnancy that would be it. Biscuits, mashed potatoes and gravy -- but especially biscuits. I even bought some apple butter to have with some freshly baked biscuits, which I have yet to try out.

Uh oh, I suppose I should go to bed. I am getting hungry again. This last week has heralded the great return of fatigue, and the surprise arrival from the later comer -- hunger. I haven't really felt that terrible hunger at all this whole pregnancy but oh am I feeling it now! Especially late at night when I should be in bed.

You know what else, I am getting lots of skin tags....and have taken to just yanking them out. It's weird to get them...I mean how do they form? Why do they form? Why do they have to be so yucky to me?

Sunday, October 07, 2007

We had a good weekend. On Friday after I met Oliver and Tim at the Come Back In for afterwork beer (soda for me), we had Brother in Law Ben, his dog and Phil, and his wife Kandy and Caleb over. The boys (sans Caleb) were going to see some musical act at the High Noon Saloon. While they were gone, Kandy and Caleb went to KFC to get some fried goodness and awesome biscuits and we watched the Suite Life of Zach and Cody and Hannah Montana because Caleb wanted to watch it. Ugh, can I just say how much I hate overacting teenagers produced by Disney? I mean do kids really need that over emphasis to get it?

Anyway. It was a late night for me I ended up going to bed around 1 because I wasn't feeling well anymore. Tim came home shortly after and said the show was okay. Ben and Wrigley dropped Phil off at his house and then took off to go camping.

Saturday Tim went off and did Meet and Greet while I cleaned up around the house or putzed...I forget. I feel like I was productive though and probably cleaned. Yeah, that's the the story and I am sticking to it. Later on Sigrid came over to drop off a card to bring to Callie and Jason's Chicago wedding reception (they were originally married on Sep. 15th) and said she couldn't make it. So Tim and I headed down there ourselves. Apparently it was 80's themed...which you will see when I post the photos of the wedding at a later date. But for now you can see the happy couple. Callie looks great! She looks just a like Barbie doll. :)

Rachel and Mike showed up as well, and I couldn't resist the opportunity to take one of those cheese pregnancy photos, especially since we were almost identically dressed.

The next day was Bacon Bit's baby shower held at my friend Hilary's house. Laima and Hilary spent some quality time getting this shindig together, and it went off great! Everything was on time (we kept it to 3 hours), we played three games, there was great food and when I opened the gifts I made sure to tell everyone how I met the person giving the gift (as a way of introducing folks to each other). We got lots of wonderful things like blankets, teething toys, diapers, baby bath stuff, clothes, books, etc.

Here I am checking out an adorable outfit/sleeper thingie...is it a sleeper if it's not footed? I would like to take this moment to say that if anyone else has any photos of the shower to please send them to me. Sigrid did a wonderful job taking photos of me opening the gifts, but I would like to have more pictures of the folks who showed up. :)

I know I don't LOOK enthused here - but this is when we were finished and I was waiting for Sigrid to take a photo of the awesome diaper cake that Jen put together (with a little help from Jessie). I loved he cake, it was so full of cute little helpful things. I tell you, opening that many presents takes a lot of work! I was tired out by the end.
Here we are with the Dirty Diaper Cake that Laima made for the occasion. Despite it's appearance, the cake was quite delicious.

Over all it was a great shower! I had lots of people show up who I haven't seen in years, folks who drove great distances and everyone was so generous. I have to admit, it's nice to have the shower be done now because now I know what I need to focus on getting. In fact, I am making it my own personal goal to go to as many garage sales before the garage sale season is over to fill in the spaces.

On the other hand, I was sad when the shower was finished because I wanted to go back and spend more time with each of the guests and catch up. There is just never enough time to catch up on those things. :( I just hope that everyone had as good of a time as I did.

AND .... it's a little scary now that the shower is over...because ..... holy cow dudes, we're having a baby! All the baby preparation stuff is happening this month and it's starting to sink in a little.

Anyway, thank you to Liama and Hilary for doing such a wonderful job putting together the shower. Both Bacon Bit (I am speaking for the Bit) are grateful and appreciate your friendship, thoughtfulness and overall awesomeness. ;)

Saturday, October 06, 2007

Somebody sent us a a RommMates for Kids Peel and Stick Appliqué with an adorable bug theme. I freaking LOVE IT!!!!! What an awesome, cool, really darn neat idea!!! It's like those window peels except for the walls. I put one up to just see how it looks and it blend's in great and looks awesome on the paint job that we did. We love it...Bacon Bit's room is going to be the coolest room in the house.

Please let me know who sent it so we can properly thank you. :)

Edit: It was Carrie! You rock!!!! It's so awesome you are gonna get ANOTHER thank you card. I have some cool Halloween ones I've been itchin' to use.

And in other news...it's hot today and I am hungry again. But wait, it's 1:00 so that is totally reasonable. Right? Right!

Tonight is the wedding celebration for Callie and Jason. I'm looking forward to seeing them. It might be the last time before they move to California to start their new life together in January.
I met Callie in Gothic Literature back in college. I remember when she walked into class I laughed inside because a Goth was taking Gothic lit...how stereotypical.

And yes, I realize the irony of it for myself. :P

Thursday, October 04, 2007

34 1/2 Weeks

Bacon Bit is now laying sideways, face down -- which explains the pulverizing in my lower abdomen. Oy. Kicks AND punches. I think this weeks photo shows it too.

Other items of note: No cervical checks until week 38 or after. I do have my Strep B test for next time, I gained another 6 pounds over the past month and was instructed to not worry about it because studies show that monitor weight has no real affect of the outcome of a pregnancy...so I am going to try and do just that. I don't know how it happens, I think it's all going to the Bit. Blood pressure was great at 120/60 though...and what else...oh the uterus was measuring at 33 -- but with a sideways laying Bit that is totally understandable. I am gonna have to start playing some music again down low for Bacon Bit to move back down.

Here ya go! (First a reminder of 32 1/2 weeks for comparison)

32 1/2 Weeks

34 1/2 Weeks
(Getting MUCH bigger, if you ask me)

I would write more, but I have been sitting here on the exercise ball and my knees are starting to get really stiff and sore and I need to move.

However, let me leave with you with some more photos of the past two weekends.

Mark and Erica's Wedding (with Rev. Tim and Sharon)

Kelly, Ben's girl friend and my day companion

I had a terrible mood swing at the wedding pretty much looked like this for the duration of it. I promise to never take mood swings for granted again. This one really kicked my ass. :(

Chuck and Kathleen's Going Away Party at the Great Dane at Hilldale (they done gone moved to Baton Rouge)

A Birthday Party for one little girl who turned five!

We drove to Chicago to attend a baby shower for Mike and Rachel (expecting a boy a few days before us)

Tuesday, October 02, 2007

34 Weeks 1 Day

I swear that Bacon Bit has turned around again, my bowels have been pulverized the last two days. Yes, I was expecting the bladder to be punched or kicked a few times, but people, it's seriously feels weird when its .... other parts....like your colon, intestines, ovaries, kidneys, etc.... it honestly feels like the Bit is playing with them! Even though I know that isn't true because the Bit's snuggled safely in the uterus.

Anyway. The DH and I did finish painting the room and putting some furniture back in there. Last night Tim hauled up the crib parts and started to put it together only to realize that it's missing some major hardware. We did some research and I called the manufacture today to see if I could order the missing parts...and alas it is not possible. So, it looks like we are out a crib.

That's okay because at least we have the mattress, and doesn't look like cribs are THAT expensive...for some reason I had it in my head that that they were anywhere between 250-600 dollars! Thankfully that isn't the case. Also, we are planning on using a co-sleeper for the first 3-4 months which should buy us time in case we can't find a crib sooner. That said we still have oodles of great hand me downs from friends that makes having a Bacon Bit totally manageable. Besides, I keep hearing that babies need very little and I have a tendency to believe it.

I guess you can tell that we are starting to actually try and get things ready for the Bit. This month is:

-work shower with my 3 coworkers and lunch on Thursday
-baby shower on Sunday
-wedding reception on Saturday
-cloth diapering 101 (then decide how to progress with diapering ... )
-breastfeeding class
-labor and delivery tour at hospital
-need to look at infant cpr for Tim to take
-need a car seat
-need a crib
-three doctor appointments this month
-I should eventually pack a bag

I am sure that there is other stuff there....anyway.

Today is a busy day. I have made some good progress on getting misc projects done around the house including putting together a white shelf unit I got at a garage sale, making crock pot beef stew, laundry, some emails, a phone call ... I still need to take a shower, go grocery shopping, and I would like to clean up the darn living room. It's been neglected for far too long -- mostly because we had lots of stuff from the soon to be Bit's room in here hogging up space.

Also we are dog sitting Jack for the next ... well week from last night until Sunday. One of his owner's grandmother passed away and they are gone for a week to attend the funeral and what not. That means that there is even less couch space around here than there was before.

I have been trying to think of ideas for making a costume for Pluto for the greyhound gala...but nothing has a come to mind. Maybe we won't do anything this year for him. Kind of sad... but there you have it. We don't have to do something really awesome EVERY year, right? Just every other year. ;)

Oh man Bacon Bit is awake and pushing some very uncomfortable buttons....I think I am going to take the shower right now and get dressed so that I am not sitting and feeling it so acutely. What a little stinker! I am starting to wonder what the Bit will look like, how big, how tall, how cute...how will it feel to be able to call myself a Mom or to call Tim a Dad, or heck to even call each other that?

I also can't wait for someone to ask me when I am due now so I can say "Next month."

Also, it seems like most folks think that Bacon Bit will be later than the due date...I don't think so. I think the Bit will be around 38 weeks. That is my guess...hey I should go and guess for my own game! I should also make a prize and package it up....and whoever wins I can send it to them (because it will be all ready and stuff).

Yeah okay...showertime.