Tuesday, May 31, 2005

I have a ton of pictures...a ton. It's going to take a little work to put them up, and today isn't the day for that.

I tried to sleep in this morning -- I made it to 11:30 with only three interruptions. I then went to Woodman's with Hilary to buy some sandwich stuff, came back here and hung outside for three hours. It was nice. Then I came in and talked Jen for 45 minutes...and now I have just finished my daily soul deposit into the internet. Heather cancelled for tennis today so I think'll go to chop saki.

What a busy weekend!
The house is a diaster.
It's nice to have one dog again.

Saturday, May 28, 2005

I did it. I made a mix CD -- it was hard because we have a supersensitive reader and it picks up imaginary and real imperfections (that you don't hear on a CD player) and then copies ... with the imperfections. SO I had to take out three songs that were just too annoying to listen to and replace them with alternates.

So I am going to make TWO! The first one is a collection of some of my favorite summer songs (mostly non industrial/goth) and the second will be the other half of my musical taste....and should I dare do a third? I have been wanting to do a instrumental one too.

Could you handle three Phil? Does anyone else want some Mix CD's while I am feeling generous?

Thursday, May 26, 2005

It started off bad right away. Seated at the Weary Traveler, I asked the Portequese (after our introductions by Roberta) "So, what are you doing here?" (as in Madison)

He snicked, coughed, rolled his eyes and stuttered a bit before saying "Of course, that question." Stutter, stutter, cough and putter.

"It is a cultural difference."
"Yeah?" I asked, forcing myself to make some kind of eye contact. It was hard, I disliked the man upon hello.

"Yes. Yes. You see, in Portugual you would never ask someone what they are doing here. Perhaps you would ask them how they are doing, or how the weather is, but .... *cough* it is not something that is done to ask them what they are doing here."

I glanced over to Roberta who was giving me a long, knowing stare. It took me a little while to catch onto what I was supposed to know.

My brows furrowed in concentration as he then went on to explain "how indians are supposed to be quiet, polite and just let the conversation happen."

Oy. I guess a Portuguese would know more than me. Maybe anyone would know more than me, I am a very inquisitive person. I like to ask questions. It's when I stop asking them that you should be worried. So I asked him "Are you offended?"

"NO, no. I am not offended..." and then he went on to explain more cultural differences and just how much he wasn't offended that I would ask such a blunt question.

Finally Roberta says "Well, she was just asking as a way to get to know you..."

"And" I interceded, "because Roberta had already made introductions and told me a little about you, I thought the question was okay. If I had never met you, I never would have asked such a question right away."

Of course, I never would have talked to him either, but that's beside the point. I am committed to giving an hour of my time for an american indian enthusiast to "get to know the natives."

Anyway, Roberta quickly said "But let's move on. Laura here is an artist, and a writer...and a ..." but I didn't hear everything she said because I was in shock hearing myself being described as an artist and a writer in the same sentence. She said more about the kind of stuff The Portuguese was interested in learning about -- none of which I can really remember because they were all academic terms that no one ever uses. Let's put it this way, we had a 5-10 minute discussion on "how natives are confronted with colonialism every time they sit down to write something-- anything."

Sigh. It's funny really, if the Portuguese had his dream conversation with his idea of a "real" indian, the real indian ... wait, I guess they would have been exactly like he said -- polite. But they wouldn't have contributed a single word to the conversation, or even spoke english for that matter.

End result? Meeting him was a disaster, I can understand why Roberta asked me (desperate times call for desperate measures), I felt like he was confrontational about his perceptions of what ... how........should...native be and are. I walked away feeling confused and even a little more bitter about....

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Look at how many quality posts you are getting on week! Unheard of. I finished Lost tonight (er..as in the season finale) and ... well I guess my schedule is open now until Battlestar is back on.

And I did meme today and I would like to hear what some of yours are

Six songs that I really enjoy and/or mean a lot to me [in no particular

1. California Dreamin'- Momma's and Poppa's
2. Worlock - Skinny Puppy
3. What Have I Done (to Deserve this)- Pet Shop Boys
4. The Way You Look Tonight - Frank Sinatra
5. Silent Lucidity - Queensryche
6. Northpoint - Mike Oldfield

Oh my goodness. Yesterday instead of doing DDR (it's nice out...we should be outside), Heather and I walked to the tennis courts at Olbrich. We only waited 10 min before we got a court and I proceeded to demonstrate just how far playing tennis four times (now five) in my life can get me.

Not very far.

Tim rolled in a while later on his skates to watch and threw out comments every other second about how terrible my form was. It was good stuff -- and I wish he had been there earlier because by the time I frustruated him enough with my bad playing to give it a go in his socks with Heather -- my back was nigh upon seizure. Ouch ouch ouch. Seriously, it hurt....I guess learning the how the points go in high school isn't the same as actually learning how to "hit" the ball. But, Heather seemed to put up with us just fine and I think I might be |-----| closer to getting Tim to join us on Tuesday for rotating games (god knows I need the break in between and Heather could use some actual challenge).

And now, .... Dangit Bert! Why did you say something earlier about the whole Detroit thing? I mean we didn't plan this Memorial Day weekend until 2 weeks ago, so could have totally done it especially since it isn't a gazzillion states away. :( Now I am little bummed....what are you doing in Detroit anyway? So I guess that is one request I can't honor. But on another note, we have one free airline ticket (via miles) and another close --- but probably not close enough -- we are still keeping an eye out for cheap tickets there... and then we will rent a car and then..yeah. It's still in the works.

What else? I took pictures of me making tuna macaroni salad yesterday ... okay more like the salad and cats smelling tuna, then me. I also paid a lot of bills, wrote a few birthday cards, worked on a letter, and worked on some new beadwork....I also wanted to implement adsense into the Tceku website -- but chickened out at the last moment for fear of ruining some php stuff...I guess Tim will have to do it tonight. I forgot to ask him last night.

Creative things I need to do: Make a new dog bed (and document it!), make Phil a mix CD, write five or six letters, fix the kitchen faucet -- the bottom of the ... uh....over hanging faucet thing is corroding and little jets of water stream out when the pressure is up high -- is there a plumbers glue that would fix this without having me replace the entire faucet right now?, make a listserv for tceku so members can talk freely to each other about ideas and what not...oh and that reminds me! The first fanmail!!!!

Comment from: MorningStar [Visitor] · http://www.soundwinds.blogspot.com ·

What a great blog. I found your blog as I was buzzing through the internet from one of my blog’s “Next Blog” button, which brought me to Carmen’s blog and then Tiger Lilly and then Zoey’s and a few others that I can’t remember now. What a nice treat this has been today. I planned to do something critical but this is so much better. I used to do beading when I was a kid but never did any on a loom. I bought a loom a while back but lost it in a move. I used to do the single-thread sort that could make a band like the one in your picture but it’s been so long, it would be hard to start again. However, I’ve kept up with crochet and other types of needlework.

Your projects are really nice. If I keep going at this rate, you all are going to get me inspired to do beading and hiking and poetry again. MorningStar

05/24/05 @ 14:22

Monday, May 23, 2005

I have an idea -- a special treat for you, if you will.

Tell me something(s) you want me to take a picture of. It can be something in my house, at work, whatever; just needs to be something I'll come in contact with, and I'll honor your request and post the results for Week in Pictures.

Nothing crude, of course.

I did it! I passed and am now officially a Blue Belt (only three more to go.... next up is Brown, Red and then Black -- but really I should be counting the blue as it's brand new so four). But I did it! I finished the goal of a blue belt before summer -- the only things I messed up on was my suto machie (thumbs were not in) and I mistook a hard style kick for a moving for ONLY one...but hey...I was distracted. Many children were screaming or something in the background. To celebrate I bought myself some hand wraps...now I *really* feel like I am serious (yeah like the full sparring gear wasn't enough) :P So yes, I am feeling particularly accomplished in meeting this goal. Still, I kind of wish I had a good sparring partner -- in magic, wonderland -- a female sparring partner would ideal, but anyone would be nice. Someone to motivate and really practice with...etc. Bah, that's not gonna happen.

The rest of the weekend was good. On Saturday, Tim and I packed Rainy into the car and we headed down to walk dogs in Geneva. There was a family who came to see Rainy -- and after Rainy dazzled them with her amazing skills of "fetch" (kinda rare for a greyhound)and adorable, goofy running -- they were smitten. SO our foster dog finally found a home! She's leaving this Saturday. Yah! I bet Pluto can hardly wait.

Also, at the kennel was a bunch of greyhound puppies -- like about 5 mo old --- and I can't begin to describe to you how freaking cute grey hound puppies are -- they were so adorable I almost melted (and wanted to dognap a little black and white one named Gunsmoke).

After the dog stuff we went home and I promptly took a nap. I was awakened later by the doorbell and the arrival of Laima. I had forgotten that I said I would attend a retirement party for an old metal working professor. I quickly got dressed (wearing my new target clearance pants -- so nice and so cheap, my blue Edinburgh button down and a scarf around the waist) and headed off. The party was in one of those rich Madison homes. It was a amazing how nice the place was, how much good food there was, the rich array of academics/artsy people, and art on display. I saw Ron and Linda there and spoke with them for awhile and then later on found myself with another entertaining bunch of folks (you know how to goes, it would be useless to describe them all), and I had the best damn pecan pie ever. Oh it was soooooOOOOoooo good. I am drooling now for it.

Fully stuffed and with food in our arms, Laima and I headed out and home. I decided to stay in and we watched Primer. Ugh. Primer....we didn't get it. Then went to bed.

Sunday I got a migraine that pretty much wrecked much of the day -- I did manage to finish a pair of earrings, a necklace and get started on a new bracelet before I had to quit. I also managed a walk with the mess of dogs (I forgot to mention we were dogsitting for Jack too), and later on we watched House of Flying Daggers (...eh, it was okay. I am getting a little tired of seeing tragic love stories with lots of fighting -- although the choreography for the soldiers was amazing! and okay, the main hero was nice to look at). Then I went to bed....and THEN the headache went away...ahh nothing better in the world then the calm, peaceful feeling you get after enduring something painful for hours.

Today I am not focused or motivated to get a whole lot done. I am hungry. We woke up late this morning and so I have to stay an extra 25 minutes....(suck).

I am thinking about a master's today-- after being around so many academics and Laima saying she "had a masters in her waiting to get out." I feel like I should be taking advantage of ... something and get my stupid masters --- but look at what I just said. Stupid. I don't really want one, I only want to take advantage of the "opportunity" of one. Sigh. I feel kind of guilty about it. I know Tim would love to do it....for example. But what would I do with it? What do I want with one? I kind of like the idea of teaching....or being involved with some random research .... or maybe even social working .... I dunno. I am also happy with where I am right now too. It's just that the person I am with isn't happy with what HE is doing right now, and so I guess I feel like I should be doing more.

Speaking of Tim he is into rollerblading right now and got some really nice skates...anyone else into that? I thought about it...but eh.

I have a dollar...I should see what I can scare up out of a vending machine. OR I could save it for a dollar menu McChicken -- but that's two hours away...and I am hungry NOW.

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Aye, it's been a bit. But big things happen....that is life happened. OKay, that sounds way more dramatic than it really has been.

First, Tim and I went to Chicago on an "extended weekend" and it was great! We had three goals in mind, visit, see a show and shop and I am proud to say that we accomplished them all with flying colors. What more, is I took pictures of it and documented almost the whole thing -- with the exception of a visit with Mike and Rachel, the show and the shopping. I can't be a miracle worker here....sheesh.

We visited: Eric, Kate, Mike, Rachel, Aric, Erika, Eric, Jerry, James, Arlette, Elizabeth and her husband, Bekah, Greg, Zach, and some old co workers from Northwestern who showed up at the Hopleaf while we were there. I was quite surprised that the new director (a grad student when I was there) stayed and talked with Kate and I so long. I guess it's just nice to talk and gossip about work when the people who no longer work there. Too bad I didn't get a chance to see Holly (my old boss), I wasn't quite sure she would even want to see me (but then Kate said she would have...) oh well, next time, right?

Of course Chateau Eric/Kate was wonderful and we highly recommend it to anyone visiting Chicago (they have the most incredible rates!). That reminds me that I need to send them a check...oy. Finances, now that is something I would rather put off for a while longer. But the second half of month bills need to be paid this week (before Friday). Sometimes I really hate looking at finances -- especially when I know it could be more if a certain someone had kept to verbal contract with us -- but I can't say anything because it is Tim's responsibility to deal with it and I don't want to be one of those wives that harp and harp on it (even though it affects me too). It just means that the new computer will have to wait indefinitely until we can accrue enough money to buy one.


I rode bike home today and it was good. I didn't get rained on, I got a chance to dawdle and leave work a little later, got a nice bit of a workout in and STILL made it home at the same time the bus would have delivered me here. Cool! I like bikes.

Ben the brother in law is coming to town tonight. We are going to get together with the other inlaws who live five minutes away and eat somewhere. Of course that means I can't do sparring tonight --which I am feeling mixed about. You see, Iron Man asked me on Monday if I was going to go, and since I couldn't think of a reason NOT to then, I said yes. Now I feel like if I don't go I am going to be making excuses (even though this just came up last night right before bed). Should I call? That's stupid...I mean...or should I? Sometimes there just isn't that many people there...or would the very act of calling to let the Rings know I won't be there seem kind of arrogant like I assumed that he would be expecting me? God I don't know. All this from a man who makes me nervous and blabbery with his silences. And yet he still talks to me.

Like on Monday before I left, he came up to me specifically and asked me what I learned in class that day. I was still pretty pissed about class (I have a problem with understanding everything Master Ring says -- and I have a heard time controlling my defensiveness when he instantly picks on me for doing something wrong -- even though half of the class may be doing the same damn thing I am -- I am the one who gets the 'Personalized" instruction. Gah! so I muttered something about having to watch my classmates a little more closely to figure out what he said to do, etc etc. My goodness....see? I was starting to blather because I wasn't expecting to be hijacked because Tim was late in picking me up.

Yeah so...I finally got around and asked him how his sparring with the Edgewood class went two weeks ago, an he said "By just watching them warm up, I decided I didn't need to wear head gear or a mouth guard. You shouldn't be able to defend black belts with just one arm. Hell, I get more of a challenge sparring you."

Huh? Hey now wait a minute just there...wait...uh...was that compliment?

I just don't know...I dont' think I am that good -- but how can I really compare when all I ever do is spar black belts. Plus I feel chubby and slow, and slow and slow...and did I say chubbily slow? Cos that's exactly how I feel. Maybe if I could just go for a half an hour....cos I have a feeling we wouldn't be doing anything until at least 7:00....

Hm. okay now to advertise the EXTREME Weekend Pictures in Chicago. I have heard, numerous times that, for some odd reason completely inexplicable to me....wazika fans seem to LIKE Week in Pictures more than than they like my dribble. How can that be? Anyone want to explain that to me? Anyone?

Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Gotta be quick cos there is some scheduled downtime coming up. This week we are going to Chicago to hang out with our Chicago friends, watch a show, drink beer, and have an all around good time. This past weekend was pretty good, with the help of two other hosts we were able to pull off a GREAT bridal shower for Birke. If only the weather had cooperated a little more...sadly I do not have pictures of it. I was too busy and my camera had no batteries. However, everyone else took pictures and if they are ever willing to share them with ME then I will share them with you. ;)

Now, here's some lame eye candy--- Week in Pictures has been updated.

A sampling of the great stuff to come -- notice "Pammi" otherwise known as the Violent Femmes biggest, and loudest fan. I SO wanted to turn around and say "Sing it! Sing it!" (but that would have been rude). You know, at the same time...is looking at someone else's camera considered rude too? I wonder.

Or as Hilary says: "Pammi is about to push us over and yell "Superstar!"

Thursday, May 05, 2005

The whole day, the front tip of my tongue has hurt. Like it is covered with cold sores. I asked Tim if he had something like it -- maybe it was something we ate. He said no, and I went on to further describe "like it's been burned. But how could I have burned it? I don't get it."

Then I remembered back to yesterday morning. I was listening to a coworkers story when I absently picked up my cup of coffee and sipped. I remember thinking "Whoa, that's kind of hot."

I feel like I HAVE to write something today, just so I can say what I did on the very auspicious 05/05/05 day. :) I went over to Hilary's and helped clean in exchange for a favor I busted out of her earlier this week.

We had ghetto mocha's...leftover morning coffee, with soy milk and chocolate syrup. IT was good, all it needed was crushed ice and we would have been in business.

I just took Rainy with me to a nearby garage sale. I got some fake flowers for the bridal shower this weekend --- and I took Rainy because lately she has been destroying something of mine every time I leave.

And curtesy of Tim:

Cinco de Mayo

The rest of the story!

Most people don't know that back in 1912, Hellmann's mayonnaise was manufactured in England. In fact, the Titanic was carrying 12,000 jars of the condiment scheduled for delivery early in May in Vera Cruz, Mexico, which was to be the next port of call for the great ship after its stop in New York.

This would have been the largest single shipment of mayonnaise ever delivered to Mexico. But as we know, the great ship did not make it to New York. The ship hit an iceberg and sank and the cargo was forever lost. The people of Mexico, who were crazy about mayonnaise, and were eagerly awaiting its delivery, were disconsolate at the loss.

Their anguish was so great, that they declared a national day of mourning which they still observe to this day. The day of mourning occurs each year in early May and is known of course as ..."Sinko de Mayo".

Monday, May 02, 2005

Gah, no time. More listing...sorry.

Friday I took a rare opportunity to meet a wazika fan. While he may not be an actual fan, he did contact me via this website. He's another educated Ho Chunk living in the Madison area, and he invited me to join him and his wife for lunch. I was very nervous -- what to say and all that, but most of you know that rarely stops me from meeting new people anyway. However, at the end of the visit we still had things that we could have talked about, or had broached things that could have been explored more -- and that, in my book, is all you need for it to be a success. I forgot to take a photo of that though...:(

I went with Hilary to see Violent Femmes at the Memorial Union...I took pictures -- mostly of us. :D The actual show as kind of boring...just a bunch of old dudes in hats, sitting and tons of college fans singing the songs like all of the songs were only special to them. Ugh. We did get Chipolte though in a break and even had a lousy margaritta -- they told Hilary she couldn't buy a drink without getting food. She had to promise them that she would eat half of my burrito. Suckers! She totally guzzled it down all by herself the moment they weren't looking...I'm kidding.

We left half way through the show to go to Union South to check out Karoke. It was a sad little bunch of kids...really sad. We stayed for awhile and clapped loudly but didn't sing. We did however, dance badly to one song where the ballroom nerds were dancing. That was fun.

Then we walked back to the car and stopped at Denny's for late night munchies and then went home. It was a nice night...I totally forgot about the block party. Eh...I've had my fill of college nerds for the season.

Saturday: Tim and I landscaped. I have pictures...I will upload them tomorrow for a week in pictures...and also to update Tceku. Other than that, we hung out and had a nice night watching The Office Special. It was okay...I was suprised with the Happy ending. Hey, all you folks with Netflix, gimme your email address so that I can befriend on netflix and then take quizes guessing what movies you liked or didn't like. Right now I only have Chuck and Kathleen on my list -- and we have only been wrong ONCE on their movie picks.

Sunday: Church shopped -- at an Episcopal church. So far, they were the best of the bunch...not that there is a huge queue mind you. Afterward I read the Sunday paper with coffee, and then later went to bed to hang out and try to get warm. This cold is for the birds. Later on we walked the dogs, and then went grocery shopping. It's nice to have food....tonight we are having tuna stuff tomatos.

The Ho Chunk Nation has contacted me twice now about starting up a Ho Chunk Alumni association. I think it's a brilliant idea and am very eager to help out. Typical though, it's going to be based in Black River Falls for now...and will take quite awhile before it's up and going. Still, I don't want to see it stall because ...well I guess I just feel like anything that exclusively happens in BRF tends to stay there and doesn't become inclusive for all members (not living there). Although the program coodinator indicated that she hoped it would include members from all over the state. I hope so.

The more I think about it, the more I would like to see an Native type center in Madison -- a place for the people who have not just in school anymore, but actually out there...living life. I mean, there are indian centers in other cities, like Milwaukee, the Twin Cities and Chicago -- but there are none in the actual capitol for the state of Wisconsin. I think this could be a valuabe resource. Now how do you go about starting something like that when you yourself feel like you're alienated? And maybe a little wobbily on the fine path between native and non-native life?

And last but not least, thanks for the PHP offer James -- I may have some things in the near future that need tweaking on.

Oh, and Phil -- I work part-time -- Monday, Wednesday and Friday...that way I always have the afternoon and every other day off. It's awesome.