Friday, May 31, 2002

It hasn't been that long since I have posted. ;P


This weekend I am going to Minneapolis to visit my friend Xtian. A drive all the way from Chicago to Minneapolis...can it be done on only 8 mix cd's without resorting to the radio? Who can say. I should really get my license so I can help out with the drive, but I will have you know that being a great sidekick is not as easy as it looks. As petty as it sounds, I even know what I am going to wear, too bad I didn't have any hair pieces made to go with it.

Sunday morning, we drive over to Menomonie so I may witness my brother accomplish the impossible. Then I am taking who ever wants to go, out to dinner to celebrate and then look up some old friends. No doubt I will disappointed by this entire day, but that just the optimism in me speaking.

Monday a drive back. I think I might invest in some of that motion sick drug...dremel? So that I can do some beadwork, which means I need to decide on the color and design, and make the leather part beforehand.

Tuesday, a fantastically fun filled, super duper, doctor approved day at Great America!

Wednesday back to the salt mines.

I will have a detailed report when I come back.

Friday, May 24, 2002

I just got home early, and in peace, opened my package in the mail.
It is truly one of the best gifts I have ever gotten.... Thank you Kersten.

"And all I want
is to keep it like this
You and me alone
A secret kiss
don't go home
don't go away
don't let this end
please stay"

Thursday, May 23, 2002

I haven't gone grocery shopping in weeks. I have been scavenging stuff out of the house and buying out. I hate buying out so much, it adds up, and while I can afford it for the first time in my life, it doesn't make it right.

I feel a little dissatisfied with work this week, and maybe last week. Ok, that isn't the complete truth, I feel dissatisfied with my performance in work the past couple of weeks...either I have become terribly efficient, smart etc....or people are just not really paying attention. I think it is the latter. I guess what is really bothering me, is that this is bothering me. Dig?

Only two more weeks until I see friends I haven't seen since high school. It is going to be so weird. My little brother will graduate, and I will finally get to see what a goth night in Minneapolis is like. I have been waiting for that opportunity since I was 17 and in Menomonie. Okay, maybe not exclusively waiting for that moment....

I remember most fondly that one foiled trip to MN the day our junior year ended with Jaime and Rachel. We were looking for prostitutes, and fun and excitement. We didn't want the prostitutes, we just wanted to see them. Or maybe I did. Long story short though, the night ended with Jaime, Rachel and I, high, standing outside of a some man's hotel with four MN police banging on the door.

It was an adventure, and a great story. Ask me about it sometime.

Monday, May 20, 2002

I had a fantastic weekend. The first in such a long time. I went to Hochunk and lost money, I had pasta at Noodle N Company, I went to the Inferno, I had a lovely dinner at Ginza's, I visited most of my friends with the exception of Roberta....(darnit). It was SUCH a lovely time. This next weekend I am going to Black River Falls to visit my Dad. I really hope it is going to be warm. I am looking forward to picking up some more beads and expanding into leather.

I have a few leather books right now that I haven't had much time to read though. I might look over them tonight and copy the pages I want specifically. At least i know what I am looking for in this. I am excited. I love learning new crafts, almost as much as I enjoy meeting new people.

What is going on with Excerpts? Nothing it seems. Damnit.

Monday, May 13, 2002

Check out this sentence, submitted in a personal statement: "My illustrious acomplishments in other fields always convince myself that I can also achieve success by making good use of my ability and wisdom. But, after hardships and crucifixion in the lab, I eventually make it clear that Biological Research is not based on creativity but irksome and humdrum moil: painstakingly designing the process, taxingly validating the seeming accurate results, time and time rising out of the depression of failure, working late into the night."

moil? Cruxifixion? oh dear.

Tuesday, May 07, 2002

I feel a quiet desperation.
A lack of faith in humanity.
Beginning to have a lack of trust in myself that the world is like this, and that it isn't me.


Wednesday, May 01, 2002

I had the strangest dream this morning, no doubt influenced by watching Evolution last night. Which wasn't as bad I thought it woas going to be. I actually somewhat enjoyed the stupid plot and the special effects were indeed fun. In any case the dream. The dream involved working late, and having coffee while waiting for the woman to talk to me. She told me to sit the other room while she finished something, and I do to be nice. But when hours pass and it gets dark, I start to think I should leave. Just then she come into the room, which has changed into a living room, and brings in her son behind her. Although she calls he him He Nu. I say something about how I am a He Nu too, and then realize that he is a Ku Nu. He comes up and shakes my hand, and starts speaking fluent HoChunk. I respond ...somewhat sarcastically "Pe na gi gi" and he pauses and continues speaking in HoChunk. The crazy part was, when I started to really listen and try to understand what he was felt like ... there the language barrior...of me understanding it..became so transparent thin, and I was about to break through.... . Then I went home. Tim was mad at me because I didn't call, and I was late. Then I decided to go in late to work and called, this random temp answered. He said that no one called in or came in today. I said I would be right there. Magically I am transported to outside the building (not my building at all, but something resembling my 5th and 6th grade school). There are abandoned sheds, tires and over grown grass everywhere. It looked like something had gone though, monster or something like (I told you...evolution), but then I noticed that there were hundreds of little kids playing...or pretending at playing. They were almost going manic in a way. I looked around and there were shadows of monsters getting nearer and nearer to them playing their games. I decided there was nothing I could do for them...they were not of this world, and walked into the office, where one was there. Then I woke up.