Thursday, July 28, 2005

A couple of things.

First, I am sitting --- no wait, really I was lounging on the couch finishing a letter to my penpal, Jeannette when I heard two cars stop outside.

"What the FUCK where you doing driving that fast down this road and then turning like that?" yells young, white man a blue Buick.

The other man in a black SUV mumbles something.

"That was really FUCKING IRRESPONSIBLE! I have my kids in the car and assholes like you have to drive that! What the HELL were you thinking?" Hollers the buick.

"Mumble mumble mumble," SUV replied.

"I ought get out of my car and kick your muther fucking ass!" Buick threatened and with an exaggerated shake of his head, they part ways.

I had to laugh and give the blue car some thumbs up -- even though he didn't see me. I mean they DO drive to fast down our road and many of them are asshats.


Hilary came over with her daughters, Mina and Leta and we all went for a walk. It was going to be a good walk, a nice stretch of legs on a beautiful summer day in East Moorland. We walked up to the Catholic church and tried to see when the St. Dennis festival was going to start (probably tomorrow), and then I saw a sign for a garage sale. Off we walked to the garage sale with Mina collecting sticks along the way.

The sale was nice. Great display, and someone there was a serious Wannabe -- I haven't seen that many chintzy, brightly colored native american crap since I was at the flea market in Hudson. I did buy some wrestle mania stickers for 10 cents though! One woman stopped and smiled down at Mina. The young lady took one look at the woman and screamed loud enough to signal a tornado warning. The woman's face fell and she uncomfortably made her way around the screaming child. I could just imagine the woman later sitting down with a bunch of bridge friends for lunch:

"I think I'm losing girls, the other day I was at a garage sale and saw this adorable little girl with brown curls. I smiled down at her, she paused a moment and then screamed and started throwing a fit! I know it's god telling me that I am a terrible grandmother and that I need to mend things with my daughter," she'd sniff into a martini.

"NO no," the ladies would crone, "She was just Satan's daughter."

Which brings me almost to my next bit, but first I have to bring up the second bit -- we left the sale and walked to the saddest, little park in Dane County. Mina "whee'd" back and forth on the only swing for a bit, and Leta stretched her legs. Since there wasn't much there, we decided to go the better park just down the road. We walked through the grass, and I had just finished commenting to Hilary about how I loved to get rides through the grass as a kid (in reference to Leta in her stroller).

A sharp pain lanced across the top inside of my foot. I shook it and said "Ouch!"
"What's wrong?" asked a concerned Hilary.
"I just got stung by a bee!" I whimpered and limped to the curb to put some saliva on it. "I wish I had tobacco -- that would draw the poison out."

Hilary then suggested I buy some...and I almost agreed. Well, Hilary being the Mom she is, decided that we needed to head back. On the way we passed a house that had a sign declaring "The Five Day Club."

"What is the Five Day club?" I asked her.

"I don't know, it looks like Girl Scouts," she guessed and we crossed the street for a closer look at the sign. Before I could get a good look at the sign a young, elderly lady approached us with a beaming smile.

"What is the five day club?" inquired Hilary.

"It's a Christian get together for children where they hear stories and songs about Christ," she glanced from Leta to Mina. "Why I think you might enjoy it." She half suggested and commented to Mina.

Before Hilary and I could even draw one uncomfortable breath, Mina looks at her and screams.

"Well, I guess not," the woman said, a little surprised. "No, I guess not," we replied and turned away. Satan's Daughter continued to put on a fabulous show fake crying across the intersection.

Anyway. My sting swelled up. I came home put ice on it, and then a freshly brewed tea bag mixed with crushed aspirin -- and in no time the sting was gone.

Monday, July 25, 2005

Two things...first I updated TCEKU with my latest choker (that I actually like).

Second, WEEK IN PICTURES has been updated with a collection of photos from the last two months.

I went to a craft show this weekend -- it was mostly crap crafts. I don't get this whole retro housewife/crafty thing where the girls in their cat glasses and revamped 50's dresses can think making crappy, pointless crafts has anything to do with housewifery. For example, felt stuffed animals? And crocheted yarn flower brooches? A real housewife wouldn't pay for that -- she would pay for something that is functional AND kitschy (because she is frugal). These kids these days just don't get that. I ended up buying some soap and bath products.

I am a real fan of handmade soap with all natural ingredients. I can't tell you how much my acne has cleared up since I switched to handmade soaps. DH's skin has improved drastically too! I think the quitting smoking has had an effect as well -- but we have done that before it wasn't this dramatic.

I am thinking I want to learn how to make my own soap now.

Contacts! I can see three-D now. It's awesome. I might even wear some make up again -- since I am firm believer that most eye make up looks lame with glasses.

Read a lot -- the sunday paper and the CS Friedman book, I have a bit of a backlog still and I have to remind myself that I really shouldn't order any more books until I am done with it. But it's hard not too....maybe what I should say is "I can read more book at once just not more than one of the same genre..."

Played a lot of Champions of Norath: Call to Arms.

Made a crabmeat (fake) carribean salad. It was an "exotic, refreshingly light salad."

Watched Battlestar and the 4400.

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

The sky is all clouded over and dark. I opened the window blinds so I could watch people scurry when the storm starts -- but nobody is out there. It's been a while since there has been a thunderstorm in this city. I wish that this was going to be strong enough to knock out the power.

I think that is always my wish when I am work.

Oh crap! I left all the windows open at home....well it should be okay. We have an overhang all around the house. So no water should get in at all. Plus the gutters are clean.

Anyway. I am the only one here today. I have some things to do, but they aren't screaming to be finished. Rather, if I did them all right now, then I would have nothing to do for the rest of the day except my busy work project (that needs to be done) but nothing hinges on it. Days like that. Anyone else having a day like that?

Last night I watched -- Home at the End of the World -- and it was weird to see Colin Farrell play a part like that. I kept imagining him as bullseye, which made it a little extra hard to imagine him as the sensitive, free loving character he played.

So yesterday felt like a day of. A vacation. My first free, all to myself kind of day. What did I do with it? I got up to look for DH's dental information because he didn't have it. *rolls eyes* then I wrote some cards -- one for my first favorite brother Shane. [I just realized I forgot to call...damnit. HE never forgets...] It was his birthday yesterday, so I bet he thinks I forgot.

Then I sacrificed time to the internet, sorted beads and watched an episode of Sliders, read outside for awhile in the wonderful sunny, mildish weather. I finished sewing a green skirt - that I would have documented for TCEKU.NET except that that the pattern was already cut out, and all I did was sew it together and add an elastic waistband. Not really creative on my part...but it got my machine back to where it belongs, a bobbin refilled with thread, and the ironing board up and ready.

But I feel kind of bad for Tceku -- I haven't had a lot of time to devote to it lately. Something I want to remedy, but the guilt of not doing anything for awhile, even though it was MY idea, is weighing me down man.

After the skirt, I washed dished, wiped the counter, swept the floor, cleaned up that fucking cat's pee, and put laundry away. Then Heather picked me up and we went swimming at her place. I used my swimming suit for the first time in... 5 years. OH that pool was amazing. I had such a good time swimming and thought it was chilly when I got out! I wish I had a pool.

Later on I made a terrible dinner -- the pasta was mystery pasta from when my aunt passed away -- so it was like wheat free pasta or some goofy thing like that. Nasty stuff, and then that with DH's lean turkey bacon (read jerky) I had a tripple chocolate Dove bar for dinner instead. Oh man are those things good.

I have been working on writing again too. Making sure I can get in little bits a day, as long as I keep up with the craftwork, and other obligations. It's been nice to write a little. It makes me feel more like me.

Well, I suppose I should go and see if I can photocopy on cardstock. Maybe more later...I feel like I am in a rambling kind of mood.

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Lazy doesn't always pay off. A few days ago, I quickly put all the dirty pans on the stove into the oven to hide them. Last night I preheated the oven for cabbage roll casserole -- and remembered the other pans ONLY when I was about to put the casserole in.

Whoops! The one time I do it, it bites me in the ass. Must remember, dirty pans ALWAYS go under the sink.

Sunday, July 17, 2005

A day with no responsibility. None. A day to myself. All done with everything. Only me to look after. I slept in. I got up went to church with Tim. Stopped at PDQ on the way home to get a sammich (with grease) and a muffin to go with the sunday paper. Came back to a wonderfully cool house, put on some comfy bed shorts, opened the curtains and read in bed -- read and read until I got sleep and then I took a long nap. Then I woke up later, and read a bit more, then took another nap. Eventually I did get up...poured myself some ice coffee and watched TV while deciding I hated my most recent piece of beadwork and started to take it apart.

I did some weights and crunchs, watched the 4400 and made a grocery list. Then we went shopping. IT was a very expensive outing -- 170!!! But we haven't really gone for two to three months -- there was a alot of restocking I had to -- vanilla, sugars, sryup, dressing, soups, canned items, pasta -- you get the drift.

We came home and brought the first load of stuff into the house. DH was a head of me and he was leaning over reading something. I smiled and asked "What did Laima bring over now?" [I like your suprises Laima]

"I don't think it's from Laima," he replied. "I think it's from your new friend."

I felt a chill and resisted the urge to look around the dark street for signs of her watching me. My new friend is a woman who stopped by the garage sale the previous Thursday. She took a long time looking at items and then when she came to pay she took an even longer time leaving. She sat down and started to tell me .... as if we were having a conversation already, things. She started in the middle of a story. As if we knew each other. She told me how she likes to find the humor in things and then give me examples of horrible things -- that had no humor. Unless, of course you understood that she believed you must suffer, and that suffering is the humor.

TO be honest, I didn't understand her. I tried too. I couldn't follow her way of thinking. Often I was too distracted by her buckteeth that would become covered in foam within moments of her talking. That was all she did. Talk. She talked so fast, and so long, and prayed for Roberta to hurry the hell back so I could make and excuse and leave. I was unresponsive. I looked away often and tried to be busy in something else, but it was all to no avail because she kept talking. Eventually I was parched, she wasn't leaving and I didn't want to be outright rude and take the money box with me inside the house, as I refilled my cup. So I asked her if she wanted some crystal light.

"Sure. Okay. Whatever." She responded before launching into her next thesis.

I brought it out as fast as I could because I didn't trust her. She took it. Drank it. Sat back down and continued talking. I started to feel a little nervous. How was I going to get rid of her?

Eventually Roberta did return. She walked in, said she was going to use the bathroom, came back and sat down. I leaped at my chance "Uh, I need to use the bathroom too."

I went to the bedroom, logged on the computer and started to chat with Hilary. I wasn't feeling good. This woman's negative energy sucked my soul dry. Hilary asked about the crazy lady who turned her stomach with one phrase. I guessed the phrase immediately -- "I didn't want him to live there and stuff himself inside of me whenver he wanted."

*shudder* That has been the crudest thing I have ever heard. Ever.

Anyway, so long story short. I didn't go back out. I couldn't get the will to do it. I tried but ended up taking a nap. After an hour I forced myself to the door --right after i got a drink of water. Then Roberta came in and told me she asked the woman to leave.

I was SO relieved and happy. I knew Roberta would do what I could not. Roberta told the woman that she wasn't interested in having a coversation with anyone, she just wanted someone to dump all her problems on, and that she would like her to leave. She asked her six times to leave - all ignored by the woman, until she finally had to stand up and shout "I want you to leave. You are not making me feel good. Please go!"

THEN, the woman says, "Oh, I'm sorry...." and leaves.

An hour later, I was back out sitting in the garage with Roberta chatting -- and I saw her ride by with her daughter and wave. I didn't wave. I never asked her name, and she certainly never asked mine. I don't know who she is. I don't care too.

Well, later on that night, after we closed up shop and I was dicking around on the computer, I thought I heard a knock. I crept down the hallway and caught a flash of pink through the cinderblock glass. Pink. She was wearing pink. With super caution, I peeked over the window and saw a stupid looking 10 or 11 year old girl and her mother -- that woman. I slowly backed away and watched as she left, looking confused.

The next day I had to work, and afterward I shopped on State Street for Maxwell street days -- I pretty much missed most of the garage sale. I came back in time to help Roberta pack up. She informed me that the woman stopped by again that day with her daughter and son. The bought stuff, and Roberta never gave the woman a chance to start talking. I was glad I wasn't there.

Saturday it was crazy woman free. It was also the end of the sale. I was SO happy to finally be finished with it.

Tonight, on the top stoop was a container of generic crystal light and a hand written note scrawled on a piece of ripped, lined paper.

"Thanks for the Crystal Light and conversation. You made my son, daugther and my day during a rough spot. I thought that you might enjoy this drink mix."

Can anyone guess how much I am NOT enjoying this drink mix? Anyone?

I made Tim pick it up. I imagined she was out in the dark, watching me. So far I have been lucky in avoiding her. But if she keeps this up, there is going to come a day where I have to say something. I have been rehearsing what I will say in my head, but they aren't nice things.

"I don't see us becoming friends. We have nothing in common. We do not even know each other names. My friend card if full. Good luck finding some other sucker. Go away. I am allergic to crazy.....etc."

But I would be a liar if I didn't say that I hate this position I am. I feel stalked.

Wednesday, July 13, 2005

There is a story on CNN regarding the death of a ten year old who was playing the "pass out game" and lost. That is the same name it was called when I played it, and I still remember the girl telling me "You pass out and have funny dreams."

I was 16 myself and on a visit to my Dad's. My neighbors were two 15 year olds who were well accostumed to being out in the sticks with little else to do. Thanks to these two jokers I got branded with my "party dots" on my right knee.

Vera demonstrated to me how it was done. Victor started to hyper ventilate by taking 30 big breaths in a row, really fast. At the last one he gulped in air, crossed his arms over his chest, and Vera smooshed him against a nearby tree. After a few seconds she pulled away and he collapsed on to the floor. He would out for maybe 3-5 seconds, and when he jerked awake Vera laughed loudly. They did these at least two more times before convincing me that it was safe enough to do.

I breathed and held, and they pushed. Now, to say that you have "funny dreams" is an understatement. You forget you exist. You don't know where you are or even who you are. I was in that space in between for an eternity. When I came awake I was stunned. Two people stood over me laughing riotously and I had no idea who they were or where I was for a full few seconds. Then the memory of what I had done came back to me.

"Did you dream anything?" asked Vera.
"Yeah," I replied slowly, still sitting on the ground. "I dreamed I wasn't here anymore. How long was I out?"
"Like two seconds," she answered.

Oh she laughed at that response. I remember a moment later thinking I should have thought of something better to say. However, to this day the only thing I really remember is flashes of white in black, trying to leave that desert of nothing and my personal vow that I would never do that again.

Monday, July 11, 2005


I collapsed in on myself for tonight's fall. Just when I was thinking to myself "I wonder if I will fall today." My wheel shot back and I just....imploded. My knee totally went the wrong way and my arm was bent just as wrongly.

It kind of hurts. I bet it's going to get sore. I bet it would have been a lot worse if I hadn't been loosened and warmed up from TKD.

Oh and last week my darling bought me flowers -- for NO PARTICULAR reason other than to do something nice for me. Let's just not mention that I told him he had to do something nice for me the week before because by last week, I had forgotten I ever said it. :)

Flowers. They so pretty.

I had a Chipotle burrito today -- and I am still not hungry. It's the only thing I have eaten....and just seems uninteresting. Unless of course you happen to put little cheesecake appeteasers in front of me. I could manage to eat that. Or maybe meatballs on toothpicks. Or quite possibly a piece of fruit pizza.

I am having a garage sale this Thursday, Friday and Saturday. The last time I had one it was a porch sale when I lived a block away from the capital. I woke up and decided one morning to sell some shit and call some people to see if they wanted to sell their stuff too. They did. I wish this time it had been that this time it was a year in the making and lots of patience pills.

Friday, July 08, 2005

I think I am "moody" today.

I splurged and spent two bucks for M and M's and a Diet Dr. Pepper today. Faxing stuff = too much damn time on the internet.

This week I only feel twice while rollerblading (of course the week isn't finished) -- my protective gear rocks! It didn't even hurt at all.

Got my first head kick -- I think it was a roundhouse --- either that or a crescent kick. But it hit head! I was so shocked and amazed and wanted it on film. I am definitly going to be trying THAT more often.

It's amazing how the power of money can motivate a teenager to do yard work! So far Andrew has trimmed the hedges, weeded the driveway and is reseeding out back yard. This is why people have little brothers.

Monday, July 04, 2005

It started on Thursday with a few crackle and pops. Now, four days later, the sounds of a war torn city are still very audible. I guess that is what happens when the fourth is on a Monday.

Yesterday I went over to Laima's with DH and LB (little brother). It wasn't a big gathering, but lots of people we liked to hang out with. We ate. Played some yard games, made fire, sat around it talking, ate some more, guzzled some booze, talked some more. DH and I stayed until 1:00 AM -- we closed the joint. Of course we also had the least distance to travel to get home.

I bought rollerblades. I caved. But DH made it look so freaking easy. It took us forever to find adult sized protection. We went home, I put the stuff on, and I wobbled my way onto the sidewalk. I am not as bad I thought I would be -- I guess all that toodling around Menomonie in Walmart specials paid off.

I tried to read Red Mars by Kim Robinson -- but I gotta tell you...200+ pages in and I am bored to tears. BORED. I am have to let it go and move onto other books. I have that second Freidman book -- that Sarah got me started on last year. I also have the second Edding's books to read, and also the Time Traveller's Wife -- on loan from Sarah. What I want to do is read the Time Traveller's wife. However, the Friedman book is from interlibrary loan and I feel I have some sort of obligation to read it first. Epsecially since I think I need to return them tomoorrow.

We saw part of Independence Day on cable today, I'll leave you with my favorite quote:

"What do you want us to do?" asked Mr. President.
"DIE!" replied alien controlled Data.