Sunday, January 29, 2006

I keep having these two dreams -- they almost pick up right where they leave off each time have them. The first one is that Tim and I buy another house. It's more of an old, rambling house with lots of sunlight and wood. The house needs a little work, but it's bigger and nicer than the memory of my own house. Of course I realize somewhere along there -- that we didn't need a new house, but it was already done. Spur of the moment.

The second dream is a large apartment for 750 -- it's the top floor of a house and it has no windows. It's fueled by wood heating, it's an open plan with only the room and bathroom -- off to the side. Tim and I are trying to justify why we should move here. We would save money -- but what are we saving it for? I looked it over and over ... inspecting everything but in the end decide that its stupid to move to an apartment when we already have a house.

These are different than my regular house dreams in which I find whole new floors with tons of rooms either in the basement, or the attic or in the shed, or behind a door I never thought to open or on the roof. Those all (according to internet research) symbolize budding interests/talents/skills what have you inside yourself.

But the new house? I can't quite understand what the internet is telling me on that note.


I cleaned today. Watched Comedy Presents, Simon Birch and cut the rubber edges off of my new stamps. I slept in to the sound of the rain -- and felt kind of bad that we had to disappoint Pluto by denying him a trip to the dog park. The rain just wouldn't stop and mud is a recipe for slipping and hurting the dog ...or at the very least getting him very, very dirty.

I was really hungry and toasted two small leftover pancakes and microwaved a small potato. I feel better now, but would rather hurry up and make dinner. Too bad DH isn't home yet -- he still off being a nerd. But now that I think about it, maybe I am more in need of a nap. The silverware can be washed later.

Saturday, January 28, 2006

I woke up with a crushing headache today. I took some tylenol and it dulled it to an ache until it came back later and brought it's friends nausea and the shakes. Then I took a nap and finally downed some excedrine -- I hope it goes away for good. I have plans tonight and they require me to be out in public.

One I am seeing some kind of sengalese (sp?) hiphop thing at the Union Theatre with my friend Roberta. Then after that I was thinking inferno. However, if this headache doesn't go away completely then I am thinking just the show (since it requires the use of a ticket with good seats and I said I would go already).

Tim got a hair cut today. I got a package in the mail yesterday -- all things that go towards a week in pictures deal instead of everyday deal. With this headache - I'm lucky to even be posting text.

Thursday, January 26, 2006

I went and added captions to the January 3.0 album -- (when you get there click on the album (in this case Pluto) to access the rest of the photos. But you might have known that already. In any case...I don't know how to make it look cool like Eric's yet. I need a tutorial of some sort -- but it works for now! That is what counts...right? Right.

Today has been a pretty good day. This morning I woke up in time to take a shower before heading over to watch Nephew for a few hours. He was in a pretty good mood today -- and what a talker! He loves it when you talk with him. He's also starting to look more like a baby instead of an infant and is getting some characteristics of his own. Sarah mentioned he might be left handed like Tim -- good then we can pass on Tim's left handed schawge.

Is that how you spell that? schauge? hm. That crappy stuff that you don't really need? That stuff? You know what I'm talking about.

Yesterday I got a package in the mail! From Zoey -- my first handmade scarf and hat. The last time I got a handmade scarf/hat was from my grandmother when I was 8. If you don't count the crappy red scarf I made when I was first learning to knit.

*Note, I am wearing a spiffy new jacket with thanks to Hilary for her great taste.

The package also came with a DVD of a band -- a grade school band concert. Wow...that's something. Lol -- I mean the drumming was the best part...but those other kids?! Ha ha. Tim said that it sounded pretty good for a first concert. I'll have to agree since I have never been to one. Well...I mean, I have been IN them -- playing ... banging on drums. But I wasn't on key or even on rythym. In fact, I really kind of sucked. No wonder I was fired in 8th grade.

There is one thing with having a camera -- it sure is motivation to keep weight off. I think I just refound my wandering motivation.

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Check it out -- it ain't pretty yet, but it does the job.

Return of Week in Pictures!

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

I just cut the tip of left index finger. I don't know how it happened. Hm. It's still bleeding so it must have been fairly recent.

Today is my birthday. Hm. So far it's been a pretty good. My big birthday present is going to translate into an even bigger present for you! Yes, check back later ... probably by tomorrow.

But since I know you need something more to live on than a promise I'll write some more. It's been a really good. I think I offically started my birthday on Friday. I went to the Essen Haus for Boots following a nice coffee get together with Sigrid at the Expresso Royale. God, I haven't been there for years! It was my favorite coffee house back in college. Anyway. So I drank too many Boots (or helped drink) and therefore I am completely surprised I remember ANY of Battlestar Gallatica that night. Heh. I had fun, but the next day I had social regret. You know when you feel like you opened your mouth too loudly and too frequently?

Yeah. So I am sick of social regret. I decided my birthday present to myself is going to be -- no more social regret. What does that mean? No more getting drunk. I'm done with it.

Saturday we got up and drove to Geneva to pick up a dog. We didn't walk any because of Tim's sprained/possibly broken, but more probably sprained hand. He did it last Thursday -- and yesterday jumped through a thousand hoops to drive to Cambridge WI to get a doctor to look at it. UGH! I hate health care.

So we picked up the dog and came back. The dog was a whiner. But that's okay because we were Jack Sitting and Jack kept going to say hello to her. Thankfully we only had her for an hour or two before the foster family came to pick her up. We still have fleas -- and therefore no fostering is still in effect.

That night, I met with Hilary and we had dinner at the Brass Ring (after checking out and driving through several other loaded parking lots). Following that, we picked up Sigrid and headed to the Inferno. Lots of people kept saying Happy Birthday to me. I was surprised and said thanks. Later I found out that Sigrid emailed a bunch of people telling to come because it was my birthday. *Blush* What a night to quit getting drunk -- I got lots of free offers of drinks. I happily accepted many diet cokes, one cider and a shot. It was to wake up the next day without feeling like an ass.

Sunday I pretty much watched movies: Goonies, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, and Ladyhawke. Then Tim and I played Starwars and then went to bed to eat.

Yesterday I worked at my new volunteer gig -- babysitting my nephew Zeland. Then I went to work where Janet had made me a homemade kringle!! It was so good and made with hickory nuts that she picked from her own back yard. I came home, made sketti and biscotti with a recipe I found in a free paper. It tasted good this morning, however you kind of have to soak it in some coffee for a few moments. Hey, at least it's still good and slows you down from eating three hundred of them.

Oh crap, I have three minutes to brush my hair and put some shoes on before Hilary gets here and we go out to lunch. THEN I get a hair cut!

Perhaps I'll update more later. I mean, apparrently I gotta lot to say. But you know, I always have a lot to say. I am starting to figure that I spend at least 2-3 hours a day writing.

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Last night before bed, I felt a mite snuffly. This morning I woke up parched, or at least it felt like it. Now as the day progresses, I am feeling stuffed, tired, hungry and dazed. Damnit all, I have a cold. Well, I drank some green mixed with herbal tea this morning. Now I have moved onto a sleepytime/chamomile mix, with honey. I also took a small dose of dayquil in the hopes that I can relax or at least not feel so crummy.

*cry* I hate getting sick.

In any case, I made sure to wash my hands a lot...and I gotta remember to brush my teeth frequently. It works in making the sick go away faster, it seems. Its probably all just in my head though.

I got a new gig! Yeah, it started today, I baby sit (and I can really say baby, because he's only 2 mo old) my new nephew on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday. He was pretty good for the most part today, until he started crying. But after 15-20 minutes we worked that out and then Sarah came home. It's only for 2.5 hours in the AM.....that time doesn't even equal to the time I spend on the internet!

The mail is here. I am gonna go and see if there is anything good in it.

Monday, January 16, 2006

I was at the Inferno this past weekend talking with Kathleen about my idea of making a list of socially unacceptable things to do -- that people do. Or pretend to do, to be socially accepted.

For example. You are at home alone eating some candy. Part of it falls on the ground...what do you do? Pick up, inspect to make sure nothing gross stuck to it and if it is all clear -- eat it. OR do you immediately throw it away.

Now, I would eat it, often time without looking at it....but that's just me. If I had company over, or was in public I would throw it away without hesitation, and walk away with only slight regret.

You see? Other things I pretend to do everyday, that I have thought of:

-> Brushing my teeth twice a day, or even once. Okay, so I don't always do it. Yet, when I am around folks I have to pretend that it is something that I do everyday (and floss) and that people who don't are imbeciles.

--> Showering. Even though I only shower maybe every other day (or three) I pretend that I am always just fresh from a shower. I think Americans are a little to hyped up on cleanliness and not godliness.

-> Sitting on a public toilet -- most women will pretend they don't.
-> Popping zits.
-> Eating more than one or two cookies instead of like 8.
-> Wearing the same clothes over and over without washing in between (it's my theory that unless it stinks or shows dirt then it's fine).
-> That I always cover my food when I put it in the microwave (I am getting better at this one).
-> Make my bed everyday.
-> Shave my legs everyday.

Well, you get my drift. Now that I have this thought process in my head, I have been adding one or two everyday. Trying to be aware of things I do because it's the social norm.


I got new shoes this weekend, actually a pair of new shoes AND boots. They both need to be worked in a bit -- they were on some serious sale, but I like them. I also got Tim to buy a new, more casual pair of shoes. He accused me of trying to make his dress like Eric. Pft.

We watched Mr and Mrs Smith -- and got bored half way through. But we finished it. I also saw The Prince Cat Returns, anime. It was a cute little story. Now I have LadyHawke to see.

I have today off -- I just ate my interesting darling concoction for lunch and even did a load of laundry that needs to be put into the dryer. I think I am then going to vacuum and make my bed! Horray. Then read, and take it easy. After all, it's a day off. Even though I don' work tomorrow either -- that isn't quite a day off.

I am in the mood for coffee! I wish I had someone to go with.

Friday, January 13, 2006

Two things today:

I was on the bus sitting by the window and reading my book. There is a small amount of time that I can read before I get motion sick. About 10 minutes into the ride and three more minutes before I reached my limit, a person sat next to me. It felt like the presence of a man, but when I glanced out of the corner of my eye I saw a quilted cozy covering a romantic paperback novel. Last I checked, no respectable man -- no matter how in touch with their feminine side -- would use a purple, quilted, book cozy.

So we ride along. I don't bother looking at the woman and she returns the favor. Soon we were coming to our destination. At exactly one stop before mine, I put my book away, put on my gloves and waited a moment. I personally dislike it when folks, 2-3 stops before their destination get all huffy and important -- you know that whole "Excuse me, this is MY stop." Then they go and stand in the aisle, wobbling back and forth peer out the window anxiously until the bus stops. I made a decision long ago to never do that (unless it's a really crowded bus or train). The bus I was on, was not crowded. Well, my stop comes and I stand up immediately all ready to depart except the woman sitting next to me wasn't. She looked at me aghast, then to her lap, to her book and then back at me. I stood there politely waiting until she decided to get herself together and move it. It took a long time. People left the bus, and by the time this monolith shifted sideways -- the bus has started moving. I quickly went to the front and said "Sir, can you please stop so I can get off." He gave me a slightly dirty look, but I let it go. After all, it wasn't my fault that I was a little late getting off.

I stepped of the bus, shouldered my bag and started walking. I glanced at the window and there woman sat! She was now near the window and she waggling her nose at me! Shaking her head back and forth and silently telling me off.

I laughed.

For god's sake woman, it's a bus. People get off of it. If you sit in an aisle you should be prepared to move. Everyone else I have ridden with the past couple of months all take my cues just fine and are ready.

The second thing -- the other night I was really proud of myself. I did a real leftover trick. On Tuesday we had holuski (cabbage, onion, butter and noodles). On Wednesday I cooked up a keilbasa, added a large can of diced tomato and a can of kidneys, with a healthy squirt of hot sauce and three shakes of chili pepper. Tada! A whole new meal. It's something Hilary does so well -- I just had to mention it. It was the first time I have ever done something like that. Usually I just eat the leftovers ... as leftovers -- not transform them into something new.

No, make that three --- last night I had the best time playing scrabble and arm wrestling! Yahoo!

Thursday, January 12, 2006

It's been a good day. Sunshine for another day -- two days in a row now. Amazing what an effect it has. I wish I could bottle it in Lord of the Rings -- the sun is my most beloved star. ;)

This morning just as I was thinking about cleaning up the bathroom counter and washing the toothpaste scheear off the mirror I get a phone call. It's from brother in law Ben! He is town for two interviews, one of which he had just finished. He said he called his other sibling and got the voice mail. So I said "let's go do coffee or something," and he said "Is Tim free to do lunch or something?" and I said "I'll email him and see."

He said he would arrive in 10 minutes or so. I emailed Tim and tried to do a "little" cleaning up. The living room was already looking good, and the kitchen and office for that matter. The only room that really needed some surface cleaning was the bathroom. The counter had a layer of dust/water/goo that just accumulates over time. However I had that easily covered by saying I needed to take a shower. A statement couldn't have been more truer. I went sparring last night and so I knew there was at least one layer of sweat on me that could be rinsed away.

He arrived. Pluto was happy to see him and after getting a few pets and sniffed went to finish the rest of his food. Huh? Damn dog. What am *I* chopped liver? Man. I took a great sunshined filled shower and got dressed. During that Ben got another phone call. Turns out a few of the folks he works with were all down here for the same interviews (apparently there were multiple openings). So he said he would have lunch with them and I, and we all eventually decided on Monty's Blue Plate. I emailed Tim (since he hadn't emailed me back) and said it was too late. We were moving on.

Tim said "Well, if I had known then I would have gone into work earlier."
"Yeah, but none of you ever give each other notice."
"That's what we are all like though!" he replied with pride.
"That isn't something I would be very proud of," I shot back.

Anyway. So off to Monty's we went. I had a pulled BBQ sammich. It was good. Ben and his two other coworkers talked about the interviews....and then it was done. Ben and I then went over to Sarah's to visit for awhile. I held the nephew and he screamed for the whole time. Ha ha. It's a good thing I am used to screaming, but I felt kind of bad for him. In truth, I think he just wanted to be in his swinging/cradle thing. He seemed most spacey there.

So we visited. We talked about money, cars, apartments, nephew, tea and work. Not that great come to think of it. Then I came home and took some asprin. I had been battleing a headache all day. It's gone now. Thank goodness. I hate them.

I have been procrastinating putting together the beaded jewelry in a bod that my step mother made for the craft show and sending it back to her. Sometimes these trips to the post office...I can't stand them. It's impossible. I think it has to do with me walking or riding bike there. If I had a ride then it isn't a problem. I was thinking of skipping taekwondo and going there and then to woodmans' to get some frozen pizza. Hm.

Sometimes there are just certain tasks that take me forever to do. I'll put them off until the end of time if I could.

Wait, I should be free writing like this in a letter. That way I can accomplish more than a fuzzy warm feeling for writing down my day. Yeah. Um. Yeah. If you ever wanted to know what my letters were like -- it's like 10 pages of this. Makes you think twice about becoming my penpal, doesn't it?

Okay. Scrabble night tonight.

Oh and I am thinking of ... drinks at the Come Back In -- specifically BOOTS at the come back inn for my birthday. I think that might be a nice way to hang out.

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Holy cow! It's sunny out today! SUNNY! Do you freaking hear me? SUNNY! It's great. I have boundless amounts of energy and gump. I can do anything (within reason).

I would like to: shower, dress, have coffee with Hilary, take down Xmas stuff, pay middle of month bills, read, play more StarWars BattleFront II, make a hair appointment, return a few phone calls, write two letters, and tidy up the office. Man, I got lots of ambition today. I wish I could bottle it up and use it for later.

Perhaps I will even write more later.

Monday, January 09, 2006

I'd like to bring your attention to the left side bar -- there are two new journals you should check out: Laima and Heather.

Unfortunately, I had to take away James (aka Englishman) because he has refused to start a new blog (or at least one I know about). Man. Think of the children James! The wee little kids. Oh they now cry themselves to sleep at night.

Okay...quick recap of the past week: craft night at Laima's on Friday with the illustrious Hildog and mulled wine. Saturday night I met up with my English Professing friend Roberta for chicago style blues at the Harmony Bar and Grill (a sold out show I might add). Sunday, Tim and I played Star Wars Battle Front II -- yes you read that right. TWO! Ha ha suckers! I forwent new shoes in favor of a very fun video game. Now how's that for dorky?

This week I am very thankful I have a part time. The little bit that I do work has been overwhelmingly busy. Okay. Now that I have done my part and told you bits of my life, and censured and boring -- I am going to now go and play more vids -- at least one battle before bedtime.

I hope I sleep well. Last night I had a horrible knot in my back (off and on all weekend) that not even Tim's Christmas present (the Wonder Log) could fix. In the end I had to take a pain killer. Subsequently, I had a rotten night's sleep.

There is supposed to be sun tomorrow. Sweet glorious sun.

Oh and I saw that the Field Museum in Chicago has a display about Pompeii -- that means I MUST be in Chicago before the end of March. I must see it. With my own two eyes this sight must be saw. That said, what weekend in February works best for a certain Kate or Eric?

The last tidbit -- and the best one of all -- Tim finally conquered that fear and went aggressive skating at the indoor skate park, here in Madison. Eric would love it. It's big, lots of shit to do. Big. Tim rolled back and forth --- but to a complete newbie I guess that is hard. ;) He was certainly all sweaty at the end. I just kinda wish there was someone to show him a thing or two (in a nice way).

Should I do something for my birthday? Post yes for yes, and no for no.

Thursday, January 05, 2006

Oh man. This is getting ridiculous. It's all because women's athletic stuff sucks! It's like the same damn design, except they add in purple or pink and slap on 20 extra bucks. What am I talking about?

Tim and I own the SAME fucking pair of: ice skates, rollerblades, winter boots and now, athletic shoes. The only difference is the size.

Now we just need to get matching silk jogging suits.

James -- get a new site again already.

In fact, anyone else who reads Wazika on a regular basis -- tell me if you have a site so that I can link it and check it out every day. That would be awesome.

Today I am going to find me some full spectrum/UV lights, and some eye juice. I fancy, I'll just bundle up an walk across the field to Ace Hardware and Walgreen's to find these items. I thought about stopping at the library -- but I owe's them money and I don't need any books. I have my books that I am reading right now. Good stuff...yeah.

Last night I had coffee with Hilary at Michelangelo's...I took a word seek along with me and it was the perfect thing to do to have an easy conversatation. I think that should be done more often.

Maybe I should resolve to look better? To dress up more? Hm. Something to consider. I like to think I might just rip off Hilary's idea and just "make" something every week -- and if I get that camera I have been itchin' for, then it will be fun! OH and the pictures I am going to take. I cannot freakin wait!


Wednesday, January 04, 2006

The downside to warmer weather, beside not being able to ice skate, is that all the snow melted.

I counted 13 dog bombs on my walk home today.

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

I still have ennui and a wee touch of the sniffles today -- I attribute it to the cold dry weather. Oh and we got the gas/electric bill (actually we got it on Saturday, I just left it in the box the rest of the weekend)-- $232!!! Damn. Maybe we do need new window's....

What do you do when you are afflicted with ennui? Clean. And so, I am off to do meaningless cleaning. Empty chores. Transient duties. Temporary accomplishments.

Monday, January 02, 2006

THANKS TO KATHLEEN! -- Here is a New Year's Present to you!

Well there went 2005 and now I am making my first 2006 entry. How about that? 2005 was a good year, a very good vintage, but let's not dwell in the past (that is what archives are for), let's look ahead to the future and all the promise it holds.

I had a nice chat this morning with Tim before he had go to off to play board games. This morning he thought it had been cancelled since no one had called him -- and we were going to go and see a movie. However one of the other guys called and asked him for a ride, thus meaning the game was on and I was left to my own devices.

I did think about going over and seeing if Sarah was about and wanted to hang out, but that is really short notice.

Before Tim left he played two bouts of Star Wars with me. Damnit, I wish I had some friends who would come over and play video games with me today. Or I could go someplace else and play them too! Le sigh. It's that kind of a weekend where I am not in the mood to be overly ambitious. I don't want to make my resolutions yet...I need another week to ponder on that. I like making them, but now is not the time to make it. I need a good one, it's there, it's just waiting for the perfect time to realize itself.

On Saturday we went to a party at Troy and Allison's---and had a great time! I wish we could have stayed longer because it was so nice to see out of towners, but we had promised to go another party before midnight. They had door prizes and I won a calendar! The best part is that it's another Wacky Whiskers calender -- the sequel to the one we already had in the kitchen! We compared and noticed that there were four repeats...oh well. It was free and it tell us the date whenever we are the kitchen and happen to know what day of the week it is.

After that we made it to Laima's where we were greeted with a wonderful seafood spread! Oh the food was good, but I had little appetite at both parties, and so I only had one or two items at each. I have food regret now, let me tell you. I wish I could go back in time and eat food. Let me tell you that sushi with peppermint sprinkles isn't that good though. :( We had sparkler's at midnight, with a kiss or two and then more booze. Laima had the best mulled wine though, I really liked it...

Then to bed by 3:00. No TOO shabby. I took a few pictures but you gotta remember they are on a disposable camera and I'd have to pay an extra three bucks to get them on a disk...and is that worth it? I don't think so. Especially since I could theoretically scan any pictures I *really* like at work. Then email them to me and then put them up.

Hm. Amy called last night and said she had an interview today...we might have hung out after it, but since it's almost two I don't think that is going to happen.

I think I'm bored. But you know, you need to spend time being a little bored and not having anything to do in order to get the creative juices flowing. I know there are things I COULD be doing, but ... why force it? I have one more day of it, tomorrow. Then it's the new year for real, back to work, back to TKD, back to letters, journals, back to eating healthy, all that jazz.

So yeah, that is where I am at right now. A little bored, a tad lonely and thinking about reading the rest of the day away.

NOTE -- and my site is being wonky today. :( It's a good thing that I copied this entry before I tried to post it at 1.52PM. I guess I'll try to post it again later. Suck.