Monday, November 29, 2004

Oh boy...two posts in one day. I told Hilary she should post her grocery list... and since I went yesterday I can return the favor. ;) Actually everything is generic....not just the ones I noted. Well, generic as in Shurfine. I love them.

Light corn syrup
Generic Cheetos
Grape Jelly
Creamy Peanut Butter
Cocktail Sauce
2 Mac n Cheese
Instant Oatmeal Fruit and Cream
Instand Oatmeal Brown Sugar
Pumpkin Bread Mix
Pancake Syrup
3 cans of Sardines
2 Sketti noodles
Raisin Brand (generic)
Chicken Noodle Soup
Chocolate Bark
Almond Bark
Chocolate Chips
2 Sugar
Tomato Soup
Cream of Celery soup
Pizza Sauce
Cinnamon Apple Sauce
Raspberry Apple Sauce
Sloppy Joe Mix
Snack Size Snack bags
Sandwich size Snack bags
3 ground turkey
Sausage links
Carl Budding lunch meat
Lemon Juice (pure lemon)
Cortland Apples
Green Onions
Pubcheese Spread(bad Laura!)
Mozzerlla Cheese
Large Eggs
Soy Milk
Frozen Mixed Veggies
Frozen Waffles
Apple Juice
Breaded Clam Strips
Breaded Shrimp Popcorn
Orange Juice
Raspberry sherbert
Jolly Good soda
2 Bread
French Bread
Lemon Pie budding
Chocolate pudding

finally tomorrow
by t. zoEy benally

my friend...
has a Magic Eraser
wipes oil abandoned by former tenants
but i wonder--where?
does it all go?
matter never created nor destroyed
human grease morphs, atoms shift
someplace skids are waxed
algebraic units bounce across equal signs
negative signs hitched
on their hips
fat babies gurgling for milk
alchemy removes what harsh
chemicals and words
Bureau matron hen screech
"what's wrong with you?!?"
Indian left behind
Affairs rubbed away
spit on a thumb
microscopic ink rolled with epithelial cells
message expunged
from a brown-pink palm

Isn't that a great poem? Check out more of Zoey's work at Chimera (link to your left) or by clicking here.

Today I signed up to be a bell ringer at Woodman's East. You know there are TONS of shifts that are still needed in Madison. It's super easy to volunteer for a time slot that is probably really close to where you live or work. Check it out at I am not saying that I am a soldier in the Salvation Army however I do think that it is one of the most recognized charities out there and probably gets a big bundle of money for the needy--at least during the holidays. Anyway, I am going to be there tomorrow from 2-4 at Woodman's East. Stop by and see me.

After I see how that goes I may sign up for most slots. Maybe next week. Yeah.

Went shopping yesterday and got lots of soft foods. Maybe I am starting to get a tad bit nostalogic about my wisdom teeth. "But Mommy do they HAVE to go?" Yes dear, it is their time.

Friday, November 26, 2004

Well, since I am at home again and I am sure many of you are going to be
bored...or not...I am going to make a post. Can I get a whoop whoop?

Man Koopa is running her tail off. I have a feeling she is running there
to make noise and let me know she is hungry. The only thing I have for her
is just crickets though. And apple...but I don't think she likes apple. I
did get some papaya yesterday but forgot it in Milwaukee. Suck. Well,
maybe I'll just give her the crickets so she can get off my back. There is
nothing worse than an angry possum. I have to grocery shop and get
supplies this weekend. I wish those items were all free.

I am eating pie right now. Two pieces for breakfast...the pumpkin piece is
a little small so it justifies it. :P I made half caff coffee this
morning too, so my breakfast is entirely nutritional. You know what I
miss? Northern Exposure in the morning. I love that show.

So my ebay adventure ended with no collars selling...but my beaded
Christmas tree did for 10.50. About the cost of making it was
even. I am still a little disappointed about the collars---but after
looking at some more of the ones that people do buy (that are brocade or
made with ribbon or material) it wasn't as nearly as fancy as it could have
been. I did two designs that just weren't as great. Sigh. But you know,
it was a least a first step. My first time ever posting on ebay and even
doing a little promotion elsewhere. I need more balls of steel. I need to
get to work on making my own website so that when I DO do promotions then
it has something to come back to and if they don't like what they see they
can see something else.

Everybody has to start somewhere, right?

We went to Milwaukee for church and food and family games. Once again
there were WAY more dogs than people. Let's see...Casi, Tigger, Hoggle,
Toby (that fucker), Ludo, Rizzo, Wrigley, and Pluto. Hm that is only
eight...maybe it wasn't *that* bad. Compared to humans: Tim and me, Mark
and his gf Erika, Sarah and Luke, Sharon and Rev. Tim, Phil and Candy and
her son Caleb = 11. And Humans have WON! Awesome. Toby that shit,
peed on Pluto's dog bed. I have to wash it today...and that dog whines and
whines constantly and gets into trouble. I thought poodles were supposed to
be smart? Why can't this one just give up on life like Hoggle?

The car has passed 1000 miles...that means I will be behind the wheel
soon. WOOO! Watch out.

Today Roberta is coming over to start looking through her stuff in the
garage. I need to clean up the kitchen table and maybe do some
vacuuming. Maybe take a shower too. I am in a much better mood then I
have been for the past week. Full of zip and pep. I got three little tins
from the mother in law Sharon. I plan on baking presents for friends and
family since we don't have as much moola as I would like. Also making
things. I just can't feel like people like homemade things better than
they do store bought things.

We couldn't find any good door busters for this morning....a 27 inch TV for
127$ was it..but it was at Circuit City and that place is crazy .... I'll
just save up. Since we are quitting smoking next Wednesday when the teeth
are pulled...that will save an extra 50 bucks a in three and
half months we will have enough for our new TV.

Now that Thanksgiving is over I can start to decorate the house and figure
out how to move things around and stuff. Exciting. I do wish more people
would RSVP for the party. But there is still plenty of time yet. I always
rsvp right away...why do people put it off? I get the feeling that people
do that because they are waiting for something better to come along. I
don't know how much better you can do than this party. ;P

What is is notable? I went to the indian congratulation thing for Gary
Sandefur -- the new dean of letters and science at uw Madison. It was fun!
I got to see a whole bunch of old faces I haven't seen in a long time. It
was almost like a reunion of the time that I was there. Apparently
participation from the new students has dropped off quite a bit. I was
sorry to see that...but it was cool to see Gary get the job and
congratulate him. He is the perfect man for it. Humble, thoughtful, and
he was always at events supporting them. At the feast they served buffalo,
fry bread, wild rice (which I don't like) the best mashed potatoes ever,
beans and ... a salad, oh and cake. There were leftovers that they packed
up so I was able to bring one home for my darling's dinner. He scarfed it
all down that night. Hell with leftovers for the next day. Thank goodness I
can make a meal out of a can of tuna and flour. Or something like that. I
think that was my first time having buffalo that wasn't jerky. Too bad
there weren't more indian get togethers like that anymore. Although I
could do without one woman's presence. But since this is a public journal
I am not getting into names. :P

We have NOTHING going on this weekend. Rock on. No hanging out with
littles, no gaming sundays, no dog things...nothing. Just pure,
unadulterated sloth -- and maybe some Champions of Norath. ;)

How was that for something to read? :)

Tuesday, November 23, 2004

I am a failure today. Don't ask why because me just complaining about it compounds the failure because I will have failed to prevent myself from becoming a whiner. Sigh.

I am self medicating with cookies. Even they are a failure. Cakey. Who likes cakey cookies? Gah. I had a feeling that would happen though so I made them with margarine instead of butter. That means, not only am I getting 1/3 less the fat, but the cookies will be crunchy. And of course the are brown on top instead of light golden because I don't have any pans that will brown them just so. They are all "dark pans." I should just buy or find some stainless steel ones. This teflon stuff is for the birds.

Tim called it Frankerizing them. After my step dad Frank who used to always make pizza's "golden brown" because he left them in too long.

Yeah. So.

Monday, November 22, 2004

First things first. You are invited to our home for the annual holiday party. Hope to see you there and rsvp. It will be fun, I promise.

Last night we watched Shrek II and laughed our pants off at Puss in Boots with his cute face and Pinnocio "real boy" scenes. In fact we went back and watched it several times. Oh the funny! I hope there is a Shrek III. The day was mostly spent with me working on making a fancy xmas stocking for Tim (one of those beaded and sequined things you get at a craft store...damn they are hard. I finally had to stop reading the instructions and just figure out how to do it by looking at the picture. So far so good. I am going to make kitty toys with the leftover felt pieces.

Saturday we went to Kennel Days and walked dogs. After that we came home for a short nap and then picked up Ty Quan to play video games. Since he didn't get the message that we wanted to play HIS video games (he has sports games) we ended up playing X-Men. He seemed to have fun, but with that kid you can never really tell.

Saturday night we went to the Inferno. I dressed up a bit and now I think I am done doing spooky stuff for the rest of the year. Although it was a great reason to wear my long, black matrix coat that I love so much but have little reason to wear. We had a pretty good time there talking with folks and even meeting some new people. Still I was glad to leave at 1.30 and go home to my own bed. I AM getting old -- which is ironic considering it was Matt's birthday. But I don't understand how he can have that much energy anyway. He's a firecracker!

I am thinking about asking my neighbhor is she wants to craft with me. It would be nice to get to know her and I think she would really like the company.

Wednesday, November 17, 2004

Oh I forgot to mention I got a surpise phone call today from Karen who is living in the Czech Republic! I was like "Karen....uh......" and then she said "Karen and Dave..." Of course! I met Dave my first day at college. My next door roommate and I roamed the hall of Ogg looking for anyone else that arrived early. He was the first person to introduce me to Skinny Puppy, Lords of Acid and Thrill Kill Kult.

Magic Eraser is AMAZING! I bought it today while at the store getting fixings for a pumpkin pie. I had seen the commercials and had heard a friend say it worked but I didn't really believe it. First I used it wipe a kicthen wall that had been splattered with an exploding two liter of diet coke. Wipe wipe -- miracle! Amazing. I wiped the whole wall and then attacked the refridgerator. It wiped up with no smearing or anything and barely any elbow grease. So I went to the front door and wiped wiped ... the grime came off like hot butter. I then wiped the wall where a bunch of WD-40 had been sprayed when I oiled the hinges a few months back -- magic! I then, just like the commerical, walked around the house looking for things to battle next. Then I had an idea.

Two walls in the master bedroom where covered with ... that grime that comes when you put your bed next to a wall without a headboard. It came from the previous owners and when we first moved here I threw everything I had at it. 409, bleach, lysol, soap, oxyclean -- everything I could think of it and it stayed. I assumed that the paint had worn thin and there was nothing I could do about it except paint over it. Except we haven't had the cash or time to paint the room and when it was the office the walls were covered with bookshelves. A few months ago we switched room and I despaired at how ugly and filthy the walls were and figured I would just have to make do. Well, I walked in there with my magic eraser ... swipe swipe wipe -- it started to come off! I couldn't believe it. I wiped some more and sure enough the white was showing through. Huh? Impossible! It can't be! I wiped the whole wall came out clean as a freshly bleached laundry.

Tim just came home and I demanded he come into the bedroom. Of course he didn't notice what was different because it didn't bother him. But when I showed him the miracle .. he just shrugged like typical Tim. Still. I had to go and make a testament to all of you out there -- magic eraser is wonderful!

Wow. Still in shock.

I am skipping fight night this week because I already told them I wouldn't be there last week because Tim was supposed to be on a business trip. Well the trip got pushed back but I just don't feel like going. It has taken me four days to get rid of this monster headache and getting punched in the head is not something I need right now. Besides I am really sore from yesterday. Ach. I will just take a walk with Tim and Pluto to loosen up the old muscles and get the heart moving a bit. That'll be just fine.

I also have to hook up the old gateway computer so I can get some email addresses, and then take pictures of the two collars I want to try and sell on ebay.

For dinner tonight -- ceasar salad and pumpkin pie with whipped topping. YUM!

Tuesday, November 16, 2004

As promised here is your Week in Pictures.

In other news...I have almost all the windows buttoned up. I have had a killer headache for the past three days ...but has been contained for the most part like a vicious monster. However we both know that if I slip the slightest bit either left or right then I am in for a hell ride. Lets hope that just doesn't happen.

I finished another collar. I think I am going to try and ebay it. I have never done ebay so I am going to rely on Tim to ebay it for me.

Yesterday I saw the beginning of Mannequin. I didn't know that it started in ancient Egypt! And James Spader is in it...what is with him and egyptian movies?

I had a weird ho chunk dream this morning in which I attended some kind of meeting. It was modern in a traditional setting with ... conference tables, cheap coffee, hard chairs -- all outside and in a lodge. So when I got up I made some coffee with a little cinnamon sprinkled on the grounds = poor man's gourmet flavored coffee.

And Pat -- you had those teeth out via the dentist? Good god are you insane? Thankfully my teeth are going to be removed by an oral surgeon which means I get to be knocked out. I wouldn't have it any other way. If I had to be awake while they pulled and ripped up crap ... then I think I would take my chances with them rotting out or something. Also, I heard good reviews for Halo II -- with the exception that it is kind of short with only 10-15 hours of play. I am not sure how long the first one is...but we have played for 10 hours at least and I don't think we are near to being done...we are at the part where we have to stop the halo clerk from activating Halo.

As for the hidden fees at the dentist -- it's covered under the insurance and they don't charge for them...(if you have insurance) but if you paid out of pocket then you would. Sucky huh? On another note I wanted to say that this was the FANCIEST dentist ever! They gave me sunglasses to block the over head light thing, they took pictures of the teeth in question and put them on a video monitor so I could see them, they took a panoramic view of my entire jaw line (it the x-ray thing went out my head it was so scifi), and they had coffee and tea, and I got a free toothbrush and floss. This place made my last dentist look SO ghetto.

Monday, November 15, 2004

Jessie came to visit! I was SO surprised when I opened the door with my hair up in a messy bun, wearing sweat pants and a sweater and the house not tidied at all, and the guest room kind of junky. Huh? Seriously though....three times before she didn't make it and this time she did. I guess it just goes to show you that you should always be prepared? When she came I was working on putting plastic on the windows in the office.

It was great to have Jessie over! She was my first friend when I moved to Boyceville in fifth grade, and my only friend for that entire year. The next year I gained two more -- Melinda and Kari. :) Kari is my cousin by marriage and Melinda was ... well. Melinda. Anyway, so I have known her for quite a while and this was the first time she has ever visited me. How cool! We talked, went and had coffee with Hilary where she was able to get her baby fix (she has three kids of her own). That night we drank a lot of wine, watched Spotless Mind, talked and talked and finally went to sleep. Friday after my dentist appointment we went to Misty Mountains (a gaming store right next to TKD) where she met an online friend. That place is HUGE! It's like a mini convention center. I took some pictures which I will put up later. Then we went to Olbrich Gardens to look at the art and Thai Pavilion, and then to Cost Plus. I love that store. It was a harrowing drive over to the west side but we managed to find it and return in one piece. Thank god. After dinner we counted a bunch of change and headed over to the DeJope Bingo and lost it all. But we had fun and that is what matters most of all. Right?

On Saturday morning she left but was happy to be heading home. A week is a long time for a first trip out away from the husband and kids.

So the Dentist.....fuck! I have another tooth that has gotten cavities and a filled one that may have cavities but definitely needs to be replaced. If it doesn't get replaced it has a greater chance of decay and THAT means any extra drilling would require me to have a crown. I asked them what a crown was and they told me it was very expensive.

Anything at the dentist translates directly to expense with me. Anyway, I also have a cavity on the only erupted wisdom tooth (which I only had for two years!) which she isn't going to worry about because it is going to be pulled. SO...the whole reason I went to the dentist was to check out the wisdom teeth and get them out. I wasn't t planning on getting any fillings...that is going to cost 185 dollars. Sigh. So I have all four wisdom teeth, two partial erupted, one full and one impacted, and they ALL grew in straight. I just don't have enough room in my jaw to accommodate them. And even if I did have enough room (as the top one has proved) it would probably get a cavity in it right away. MAN! Since it is oral surgery most of the cost is covered under medical insurance, except that one tooth. Break it all down it is going to cost me about 25-35 dollars. However, and there is always a however.....the oral surgery place requires a 200 dollar deposit. They say they will refund the change after the claim has gone through insurance. That just doesn't seem right. I am offended that I have to tie up 175 dollars for this bullshit.

Sunday was Tim's birthday! Yah! We went out for breakfast the Dairyland Dinner, then he went to play DnD, and then later on his parents stopped by for a surprise visit with a cake! You see, I wasn't going to make one because I would just end up eating the whole thing. Then Tim's sister Sarah and Luke and two of their friends stopped by too and we all had cake and chatted. Tim's parents have never done anything like that in the whole time I have known them. It was a Very Special Birthday.

OH! Sharon (the mother in law aka mil) fixed my sewing machine! And when I say fixed, I guess I mean showed me how to work it. It had something to do with tension -- that I knew all along. What I apparently didn't know, was how to thread it correctly in the tension wheel. She showed me how to do it right and ... voila! Working sewing machine. Wow. What should I make? The curtains are already made. Wait, who am I kidding? I have a bajillion other things to be doing.

I also forgot to mention that Tim I bought for Tim....Champions of Norath and Halo (1). Wow, that Halo game is's the first person shooter I have ever gotten the hang of. It took a while too because I had the controls inversed but I got used to it. And switching back to how it should be would be just too confusing.

Pictures will come tomorrow.

Thursday, November 11, 2004

Why do I feel like I am so busy all the time? I don't recall feeling like this when I lived in Chicago. Now it feels like there are still a gazillion things I need to do at any given point. Today I am putting film up on the windows and foam in places where the sun don't shine. I treated myself to so me coffee and a fancy creamer Tim got for me. Actually the coffee is fancy pants Ethiopian stuff that sil-Sarah got from one of those politically correct coffee houses. It tastes ... strangely fair priced. :)

The Humane Society of Madison needs your help! The shelter is nearly out of cat liter (unscented, unclumping), canned cat and kitten food and dry kitten food. "We currently have 495 cats and kittens in our system," said Jodi Mergener of the Dane County Human Society. "We are in an urgent need mostly because our budget for the year is close to running out, and we can no longer afford to purchase these items." Supplies are also running low because "kitten season" never ended this year.

So this weekend we are going to donate by going buying the litter at Mounds and telling them it is for the Humane Society. We are people that like cats. We would get another but we are maxed out with three -- and even that heirarchy is barely stable.

This week we dogsat Jack. He's pretty much just another version of Pluto. It's weird. Although Jack is a bit of a puller when you take him on walks. Pluto is a good as gold. Although Jack can sit. Pluto just looks at you like....uh....huh? I counted how many words I am sure that Pluto knows....he knows 12. WOO! Understanding 12 English words? That's better than most non English speaking people.

I had a dream about my high school reunion last night. I guess that is all I am going to get since I haven't heard anything about one. The night before I had a dream that we were in France and visiting Than in his French apartment -it was just a long weekend trip. Then I had a dream about my remodeled basement (that looks nothing like my actual basement) that had extra stairs that went down to hell. Oh and then there were the nightmares about Dawn of the Dead meets Gremlins/Critters with Lord of the Rings special effects.

I went to fight night last night. Porter, Glass and Iron Man were there, oh and Shaun - who kicks as fast as the Flash. Way more people than I expected. I tried out my new sparring gear and it was cool. The new shin guards ROCK! But the foot pads are too big and I need to figure out a way to shorten the straps underneath...should be a cinch. was fun and I only got hit really hard with one kick to the head and punch to the face. Sigh. Iron says I am getting better...but I just don't feel like it. He also said that in the old days they used to charge extra if you wanted one on one time sparring with a black belt. What? Crazy talk...surely. Also, I got my fourth strip so I need to start practicing and preparing for the next test. I would like to take it before the new year. I need to design a form. Woo. I like forms.

I went to the craft store with Hilary earlier this week and got some great White Elephant items for the Holiday party and some stamps for me! It was fun looking at all the crap they had for sale...and it was even funner to get home and look through the crap I bought last year at their 90% off post Christmas sale. My collection is's cool to even have a collection. It takes years to accumulate a good collection of Christmas crap. I have been at this for ... years? Yeah four years. Imagine what I will have in 20 more years! I will have evolved into yard stuff, and lights for the house or ... inflatable snowmen. Oh...maybe not that far.

Finally, I found a dentist! First Choice Dental Group, next to WPS behind the Post Office -- practically walking distance. It took some work finding a female dentist on the east side...but I did it! Thank god. I prefer female dentists for a variety of reasons. As me and I will convince you of this truth. So yeah I have an appointment for tomorrow at 9.30 AM for a full panoramic x ray view of my jaw, cleaning and whatnot. Total cost? 260 bucks! Good god. Thank god for insurance which covers it all up to 1000. I am looking forward to seeing what these monsters look like, and maybe even having them gone.

Also, I made curtains, looked all over the house for my sewing machine manual only to not find it, cleaned and am expecting a friend who said she would come today to not come. Actually this it the fourth attempt she is making at visiting me. After three I quit believing she would ever visit. So much so that I haven't even touched the guest room to make it ready OR gotten dressed in something other than jammies. Plus she hasn't been online ALL week and that is the a sure indication of avoidance. Or maybe she is online, just hiding from me.

Sunday, November 07, 2004

Whew! The backyard lawn is up to date -- raked, sticks all picked up and mowed. Thank god that is over. We will have one more rake job to do when the last two maples drop all of their leaves but the bulk of the work is over. Man, I am looking forward to that chili for dinner. Except right now I am too pooped to make it. In a bit, besides the frozen ground turkey needs to thaw. Next weekend we are going to tackle the gutters. This week I need to make curtains for the bedroom and then weatherize everything. I don't think we need to use the outlet insulators...anyone want them? We have twelve.

What else? Yesterday we took our little to see The Incredibles. It was a good movie -- my favorite part was with the the Mom in the jet and the kids were seeing their Mom in action! It was great. Ty'Quan squirmed a bit...he liked the action scenes but over all it was probably a little more teenager/adult orientated.

I bought a new filter and air supplier thing for our aquarium. Wow, it's amazing, I had forgotten how it was supposed to work because ours was SO gimpy and pathetic. Now the four birthday fish and all of Waldo's decendents should be happy.

We went out for after work beer at the Weary Traveller on Friday (that place is neat! I really like it. It reminds me of Chicago) and afterward went to The Great Dane in Fitchburg for Chuck's surprise party. I have a picture...eventually I'll put it up. I checked with Madison's social planner -- Matt and decided that the Christmas Party will be held December 11th. Woo! I have lots of things should be fun.

I saw Confessions of a Teenage Drama Queen today while working on a new collar. It was total teenage fantasy. Nice crap to watch while doing something else. I have Scratch (based on Bert recommendation) and Endless Summer Spotless Mind whatever left to see. I heard it was good...I hope it is.

Friday, November 05, 2004

Oh, and you can see more Scion pictures on the photo page...or click here.

It's true...we got a new car last night. It took longer than we thought it would. Steve from the Lancaster showed us absolutely everything, almost every page from the manual, the whole car and how everything works, explained the financing and everything! I even got a free diet coke and Tim got a Red Bull while we waded through the paperwork and details. The new car is great! I mean, it's actually new. I have never had a new car ...nor has Tim... ever. We drove it out of the lot like a newborn baby.

Went to Menards to get window insulation kits and a hair/lint catcher thing to put over the drain in the tub. I am to prevent hair from getting in there from now on. Getting rid of that clog yesterday too ALOT of elbow grease, baking soda and vinegar. Ugh. Butbefore I put the window insulators on I need to make curtians for the bedroom. The material I have is calico. How rustic. Eh, at least it's the bedroom. Our house will never look fancified. Hell, we have wire curtain hangers in the office and guest room. Only the living room and has real curtain rods.

Now I have to go and clean the Saturn. It's piggy. Mark and Sharon (MIL) will be here around 11:00 or 11:30 to pick it up. That car is ... Poision -- never trust a big butt and smile.

Okay, I just wanted to sing that line more than anything. I speak the truth though, the car is dirty.

Oh and we got a first aid kit with the car! How cool is that? And did I mention it has a built in CD player? And the locks open by clicking a button? Now Tim can be the gentleman ALWAYS and unlock the door for me. Ha. A short aside to Zoey, sorry about not getting the Kino car...although it was pretty neat. ;) Break it to Kino softly, will ya?

Wednesday, November 03, 2004

So the new Dynasty Warriors is apparently not two player like the first one was. Why did they have go to and change it? I thought it had enough strategy before...this totally sucks. We were going to get that for Tim's birthday present this month and both of us were really looking forward to playing it. *sigh* Yet another disappointment.

Last night I went to the democratic party at the Monona Terrace. I heard and met Tammy Baldwin, I am happy that half of the people voted for made it...with the big exception of Kerry and the many of the Wisconsin Green candidates. Ahh well. I personally don't see any kind of "healing" that is going to occur within the next few least not from anyone that voted Kerry. I have seen tons of Bush folks today express that they wanted a unified country.....yeah right---as long as we do whatever the fuck they want, follow their moral and religious right and be happy about it.

Anyway at the Terrace, I met that Indian cover boy for the UW Alumni thing...Casey something. He is Ho Chunk as well, and I had originally heard about him (not only from the magazine) but from a girl that a friend of mine was dating. She had gone on and one about how arrogant he was and I had tried my best to ignore the whole conversation. There is nothing I hate more than someone trying to gossip to me about Indian things when I don't even know the person. I get too touchy about that. Anyway, so I met him. And yes, he was arrogant and full of himself but he was also polite and out going. Well shit, he's young, good looking and smart. Time just hasn't had enough time to ... uh get to know him. So to speak. :)

I also was recognized by someone I went to High School with YEARS ago. Actually I didn't go school with him, we more like lived in the same town since he is 4-5 years younger than I am. You see, his mother Carla is best friends with my mother, Aleta. So I have gotten reports on how Adam has been for the last ... well ten years? I was amazed it was Adam. No longer was a chubby blond haired, insecure boy standing he was replaced by a self-assured, extremely good looking and stylish young man. Wow. He introduced me to his roommate (forgot her name) but she is the younger sister of Brad Wilson -- who married my cousin by marriage last year. I used to party with him in High School. It was really cool to see him and that he was able to recognize me. I'll admit, I wouldn't have been able to pick him out of a line up -- he's changed so much.

I then left the shindig to see what else was going on. So I walked over to Jenna's and saw four or five people sitting despondently, walked over to the dice and it was pretty low key as well. I walked over to the Kerry or Canada party at Cafe Momarte and stood with a close clutch of people in a darkened room for a moment while I decided I didn't want to be there either. So I went back to the Monona Terrace to be anonymous and have one more overpriced Miller Light. I ran into Casey again who said he was going to a younger hipper place and I told him there was nothing around the capitol going on right now. I then called Tim and asked him to pick me up and then while I waited talked with Ahmed. He is one of the people that was in my Globalization study book group earlier this spring. I met his wife and we spoke politics for a bit. He was totally trashed. Ha ha.

Last night I got all of my sparring gear...but I don't know if i am going to use it tonight. Apparently Iron Man showed up last week which is incentive...however since my sparring buddy left to Conn. I don't want to take a chance it is just going to be. I feel like I might want to be waiting a bit until I am sure a few more people are going to be there. It's gets TOO tired and hard when it is just two people and I am the suckier of the two. I think I am going to put the equipment on right now and walk around the house pretending to beat stuff up.

I gotta go grocery shopping tonight. We are getting the new car tomorrow if everything works out. There was no good mail today. I watched Matchstick Men and it was pretty good. I have to take Pluto out. I don't know what to make for dinner. I wish the bathroom tub drain would fix itself. I have to decide on whether or not we are going to have a Christmas Party this year. I need to decide soon so I can plan for it.

Tuesday, November 02, 2004

Week in Pictures is updated. GO check it out.

So yeah, this past weekend was fun. We went to the Zoo, we went to a Party, we had bad hangovers, Tim had to work a LOT over the weekend. In fact he didn't get home last night until 2:00 AM. What a pile.... anyway. This morning he slept in and then I made a delicious breakfast of beans, toast and eggs with coffee. Then we walked down to the polling place to say our four cents ... luckily for us so many people cared about our vote. We had seven calls before noon making sure we knew our way and what to do. How considerate. I even had a visitor to the door today offering to escort me down the street.

It was funny when we were at the polling place which is White Horse Middle wait. Shenk Elementary (the schools are right next to each other) they had set up a few bake sale tables. How brilliant is that? To offer baked good to people walking by. Those sneaky schools. I sure am glad I managed to go to one.

So last night I did call my Dad and talked a bit. Whew go that obligation out of the way. Apparently Aunt Diana is now in a nursing home in Black River Falls...I should send a card but it's hard to do when no one knows what nursing home she is. Family fueds...they really get in the way of doing the considerate thing.

I finished Wicked last night...the ending ... like so many other books I have read recently seemed a tad bit rushed and abrupt. Over all though, I enjoyed the book. I also made some cranberry muffins because the bag of cranberries I had was going south. I didn't know cranberries could go bad that fast. Anyway, the recipe called for only a 1/2 cup of sugar and man can you tell. I don't like them. Of course I had two last night and two this morning...and will probably end up eating the rest of them, but it doesn't mean I have to like them. Too tart/bitter. I like my sweets sweet.

My wisdom teeth are getting inflamed and stuff. I need to find a dentist in Madison and get them removed for once and for all. I am sick and tired of not being to eat like a normal person or clack my teeth whenver I want too. Since I am not working either I can't use extended recovery time as a reason. For heaven's sake, I broke my back and WALKED on it....why I am so afraid of the damned dentist?

And Liama...going over to your place last night would have required me to get wet. Not to mention I had still needed to take that shower which I eventually did. Which reminds me I have to take apart the tub thing to clean out the drain. It's a wickedly slow drain right now.'s that for babbeling?

I hope Kerry wins.

Monday, November 01, 2004

What a vile night. At least Pluto managed the courage to go out and do his deed without us taking him for walk in this crap. Tim is still at work and it's looking like another long night. He had to go in on Saturday and Sunday to pay for the company's ineffictiveness at time management and wild promises. Sigh.

I read most of the day. Curled in bed and later on the couch with a cup of coco and marshmallows. Now I am trying to get that same courage Pluto had and do something significant like ... oh say wash the blasted dishes. They are soaking right now while I type.

I need to take a shower too and that thought is just unappealing. I should call my Dad and see how he is doing since my other Aunt is near death ... maybe gone? I feel terrible for not getting that umph to do it. I have put if off for two weeks now. I must look like a terrible uncaring daughter. Maybe I am. I just don't want to deal with it.

I have a bunch of pictures to put up but today isn't the day to do it. Perhaps tomorrow.

I feel lonely tonight and it's all my fault.