Well, since I am at home again and I am sure many of you are going to be
bored...or not...I am going to make a post. Can I get a whoop whoop?
Man Koopa is running her tail off. I have a feeling she is running there
to make noise and let me know she is hungry. The only thing I have for her
is just crickets though. And apple...but I don't think she likes apple. I
did get some papaya yesterday but forgot it in Milwaukee. Suck. Well,
maybe I'll just give her the crickets so she can get off my back. There is
nothing worse than an angry possum. I have to grocery shop and get
supplies this weekend. I wish those items were all free.
I am eating pie right now. Two pieces for breakfast...the pumpkin piece is
a little small so it justifies it. :P I made half caff coffee this
morning too, so my breakfast is entirely nutritional. You know what I
miss? Northern Exposure in the morning. I love that show.
So my ebay adventure ended with no collars selling...but my beaded
Christmas tree did for 10.50. About the cost of making it...so it was
even. I am still a little disappointed about the collars---but after
looking at some more of the ones that people do buy (that are brocade or
made with ribbon or material) it wasn't as nearly as fancy as it could have
been. I did two designs that just weren't as great. Sigh. But you know,
it was a least a first step. My first time ever posting on ebay and even
doing a little promotion elsewhere. I need more balls of steel. I need to
get to work on making my own website so that when I DO do promotions then
it has something to come back to and if they don't like what they see they
can see something else.
Everybody has to start somewhere, right?
We went to Milwaukee for church and food and family games. Once again
there were WAY more dogs than people. Let's see...Casi, Tigger, Hoggle,
Toby (that fucker), Ludo, Rizzo, Wrigley, and Pluto. Hm that is only
eight...maybe it wasn't *that* bad. Compared to humans: Tim and me, Mark
and his gf Erika, Sarah and Luke, Sharon and Rev. Tim, Phil and Candy and
her son Caleb = 11. And Humans have WON! Awesome. Toby that shit,
peed on Pluto's dog bed. I have to wash it today...and that dog whines and
whines constantly and gets into trouble. I thought poodles were supposed to
be smart? Why can't this one just give up on life like Hoggle?
The car has passed 1000 miles...that means I will be behind the wheel
soon. WOOO! Watch out.
Today Roberta is coming over to start looking through her stuff in the
garage. I need to clean up the kitchen table and maybe do some
vacuuming. Maybe take a shower too. I am in a much better mood then I
have been for the past week. Full of zip and pep. I got three little tins
from the mother in law Sharon. I plan on baking presents for friends and
family since we don't have as much moola as I would like. Also making
things. I just can't feel like people like homemade things better than
they do store bought things.
We couldn't find any good door busters for this morning....a 27 inch TV for
127$ was it..but it was at Circuit City and that place is crazy .... I'll
just save up. Since we are quitting smoking next Wednesday when the teeth
are pulled...that will save an extra 50 bucks a month...so in three and
half months we will have enough for our new TV.
Now that Thanksgiving is over I can start to decorate the house and figure
out how to move things around and stuff. Exciting. I do wish more people
would RSVP for the party. But there is still plenty of time yet. I always
rsvp right away...why do people put it off? I get the feeling that people
do that because they are waiting for something better to come along. I
don't know how much better you can do than this party. ;P
What is is notable? I went to the indian congratulation thing for Gary
Sandefur -- the new dean of letters and science at uw Madison. It was fun!
I got to see a whole bunch of old faces I haven't seen in a long time. It
was almost like a reunion of the time that I was there. Apparently
participation from the new students has dropped off quite a bit. I was
sorry to see that...but it was cool to see Gary get the job and
congratulate him. He is the perfect man for it. Humble, thoughtful, and
he was always at events supporting them. At the feast they served buffalo,
fry bread, wild rice (which I don't like) the best mashed potatoes ever,
beans and ... a salad, oh and cake. There were leftovers that they packed
up so I was able to bring one home for my darling's dinner. He scarfed it
all down that night. Hell with leftovers for the next day. Thank goodness I
can make a meal out of a can of tuna and flour. Or something like that. I
think that was my first time having buffalo that wasn't jerky. Too bad
there weren't more indian get togethers like that anymore. Although I
could do without one woman's presence. But since this is a public journal
I am not getting into names. :P
We have NOTHING going on this weekend. Rock on. No hanging out with
littles, no gaming sundays, no dog things...nothing. Just pure,
unadulterated sloth -- and maybe some Champions of Norath. ;)
How was that for something to read? :)