Friday, September 30, 2005

This weekend we are going camping up north to kettle moraine. You should ALL go. Much wood to be burned, and fires to be had. The good news is we are supposed to have FANTASTIC weather -- practically a first. :D

Tigger the wonder yorkie is being watched by neighbors and we are taking Pluto with us, to keep the tent warm. I think we have almost come to a decision on Tigger too, and unfortunately it isn't in his favor. Mostly because I found blood in Innsmouth's urine on Tuesday. We took her to the vet, who could feel no stones or crystals and gave us a prescription for antibiotics. It just pounds home, the extra vet bills clause. All three cats are due for shots and wellness check, in addition to teeth cleaning. Plus, we do ALOT of greyhound fostering and will be swamped with dogs well after the Geneva track closes.

Innsmouth has been taking her pills like a champ -- but we also noticed urine in the bathroom, and poop in the guest room. There is no doubt about it, having Tigger around has changed the fragile truce between all animals. For some reason, an extra greyhound doesn't bother the cats ... but a small dog is a different story. Even though he is VERY sweet.

After being on a high for conquering my tournament fear this weekend, I went ahead and decided to abolish another one. I applied for and was accepted to be vendor at the Mad Craftmas event to be held at the High Noon Saloon Nov. 26-27th in Madison. I went ahead and did this knowing I have small amount of inventory, but am enjoying the idea of the challenge. DH of course, has expressed little faith in my adventure which makes me a teeny bit sad, but at the same time this isn't HIS adventure to succeed or fail at. It's ultimately mine. I have, however convinced Hilary to utilize some of her amazing painting skills into making small crafts to sell as well. I also called my Mom and told her to make some magnets (I'll provide the magnets). I think they are cute and can be sold inexpensively. I know she would appreciate ANY amount she could make on them. Now to just figure out how much space I have, to make a display AND to make the actual inventory. I also have to make a matching martingale collar, key chain, necklace, bracelet, and earring set to donate to the Greyhound Gala.

I am busy!

Tomorrow we have to drive BACK to Madison to attend a baby shower. Lots of driving, but we had thought the baby shower (for SIL Sarah) was going to be on Sunday. Whoops.

DH is also going to be gone for two weeks this month in Chicago. I don't think I'll be able to go with because I get to possibly take care of THREE dogs, three cats, my stupid fish and my bitey possum. :(

I need to remember to take a shower when we get home. There is nothing worse than to head out to camp all dirtified. For now, I need to leave work, ride home and not get hit by any garage sales, get the camping stuff out, go shopping for food/booze, get the animals stuff ready, shower, deliver Tigger, and yeah....

Sunday, September 25, 2005

I DID IT! I went to my first tournament. Something I have been nervous about since Wednesday -- not even a full day after I decided to participate. All that worry and fretting over a few minutes -- but whoa...those few minutes are intense. I got a chance to fight unknown women at my rank. It was great! I felt like I should have done better because it whooped me...I felt like I was sloppy and doing the same kinds of moves over and over....and now I can think back and see all the things I SHOULD have done if I hadn't had been so tense...and well.

Anyway. The end result? I won! I got first place in the Adult Women's Green/Blue division! I am still so wired, it hasn't really set in.

I think what made it great was that I had people to hang out with. Scarymike, his friend John, Instructor Eric from the Rings and fellow student (Rings) - Louis. So Eric didn't compete. Louis is an old hand (two years), my first and John's first and Mike's first in 10 years. We ALL kicked ass! Seriously.

Now I wish I had just relaxed more -- but you know, it's par for the course. If you are going swimming you have to get wet sometime. But you know, it's just like my wedding -- all that preparation and worry for a day that just blurs by. UNLIKE my wedding though, I can do more tournaments. :D

So cool. I'm really happy.

Friday, September 23, 2005

Update: I wish I had a working camera. I took Christian & Cecci to that Laotian place next to the Barrymore because they are super vegetarian friendly. They didn't want their leftover, so the DH and I are having curry and noodles for dinner!

Afterward we took a stroll through Olbrich Gardens.

Then more dog petting.

After they left I took those jokers for walk. It was going along fine until halfway through they all decided to dawdle, stand in my way, go off to the side. It sucked! I was trapped by leashed dogs AND carrying poop because Tigger took TWO craps. :( So then I short leashed the hounds and walk Tigger on the other side and went home. It was going to be a short walk anyway because of Super's operation and Tigger's chubbiness.

Gah. Now look, it's 4:00 and I have done nothing of significance today except visit with old friends. Well, I suppose that is significant. :D

I should throw in the towel for the rest of the day. Sometimes you have to just stop, enjoy the weather and take the rest of the day off.

Battlestar season finale is on tonight.

I feel like Timmons -- when he had that insane amount of cats. Except for just animals. We have three dogs and three cats (of course there is still the possum and the lone fish).

Super -- our short term foster, here until Monday (if she is good) and Friday (if she is not). She'll be gone on Monday though -- this girl is SUPER (pun) sweet. Seriously. She is people orientated. Although she is scared, like they all are in the beginning. She just shivers with fear, but unlike Taz (who is still afraid of overhead fans) she participates. So far Super's quirk is: she gets on the couch and then whines because she is scared to get off.

Oh dogs.

We are still undecided about Tigger. He's just so damn, insufferably cute.

Busy day I think. I gotta shower, walk some dog, I thought I might do something with Hilary but it looks like she has better things to do this morning. So. I am going to go and write. Then reward myself with a little NEW katamari action, clean up, write, and then do something with Christian when he and Cecci roll into town. There's a buncha of other crap too (library, grocery store, garage sale?)....

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Fuck. I was having a good day and now I am overcome with an episode of low self confidence. It's stupid really -- but since I don't seem to be aware of it, I feel even MORE aware of it.

"I guess you had some garlic recently, huh?" asked my coworker. She sat at her desk working on a laptop.

"Why, yes!" I replied happily, "I made chili last night."

"You must have used a lot of garlic," she replied with a quick glance.

"Actually yes," I said, starting to get a little suspicious. "I used a whole head of garlic." Suddenly I realized what she was getting at. I consciously stepped back from her and added lamely "It was chili after all."


"How could you tell?" I asked the question anyway. "I even took a shower this morning, and..."I grasped for some kind of defense "Garlic is good for you."

"You can get the same benefits from onions too," she smiled.

"Oh," I replied "I put five or six of those in there too." I wasn't going to win this. This woman has the nose of a bloodhound and apparently I am exuding garlic and onion from a 10 foot radius. "I had no idea anyone could smell it."

She concentrated on her computer and tapped in a word or two.

"I mean," I continued while sniffing my arm and hand, "I can't smell it at all."

Tap. Tap. Tap.


I should also mention 1: She is the same one I said was babbling last week, and 2: I ate another bowl of chili when I got home. So there.

Monday, September 19, 2005

What kind of a dog goes best with Pluto? Another greyhound? They make such a pretty silhouette when we foster. but actually adopting another greyhound is out of the question. They are simply too big for our car. We could go with another dog, a smaller one who could fit in with the cats and the master hound. Perhaps a little humane society dog, some kind of undecipherable mix of canine adoration and potential. As long as the dog wasn't 80 pounds then we would be fine.

You see, on Sunday we drove to Milwaukee to participate in the death gasp of a Lutheran Church. Like all passings, this congregation included, the dearly departed had possessions that must be rendered to the living. In this case, Tim's parent's have five small dogs. Each of these dogs must find a home because the parents own living situation is uncertain. I could go on about, how if Tim the Greater had only been a catholic minister then his future would not be uncertain, how the church would have looked after it's own and found him a calling or a job, or at the very least provided a roof over their heads. No, instead, this particular protestant sect decided that after the sale of the church the presiding minster should be left to his own devices. I could go into depth, but I won't because we are discussing dogs.

The dog was disgustingly smelly, impossibly short, and infuriatingly cute Yorkshire Terrier. His ears are huge and his fur was riveted with patches of clumped dandruff. Against our better judgement, we decided to give this train wreck a trial run. We clipped our noses with pins, tossed it in the car with Pluto and drove home. It has since been brushed, bathed, fed and petted. It has met our feline guardians and survived. Thankfully it isn't a barker. He is gentle and so far has fit in quite well with the rest of the "family." Tim put is best when he described him "as a small footprint."

For two weeks, we will try this dog out, or until the end of October when Tim's parent's finally have to vacate the parish. Then he would head off to a Yorkshire Terrier rescue.

It is a very real possibility. I'd be lying if I said cost wasn't a factor in this decision. The dog has a serious skin condition but that could be managed. What has me really worried, is the wheeze. He can't seem to breath through his nose very well, and so he pants. From the little research we performed, breathing problems are not a common Yorkshire problem. His ears are filthy and if he could, he would itch them into next Friday. However that could be remedied by ear drops or wash. We are also fairly certain he is experiencing a Tracheal Collapse -- which has no cure.

It's the vet bills that scare us. We accepted the cost of Pluto, and I hate to admit it but the cats are a bit behind. Two of the three need teeth cleanings, and they are a tad behind on their shots. This dog would need a check up, and then money to solve whatever ails it. Just getting that checked out is going to cost over a hundred dollars -- a hundred dollars for a "maybe" is a lot of moola in my book. The dog is also older -- about 9 or 10. Health problems are going to come fast and furious each year we have him. Or maybe we need to come to grips with setting a vet limit and anything after that, we just make him comfortable. Already his life has improved just by being with us for twenty four hours. Isn't that what matters the most?

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Gah, I just had a Laima moment. A coworker called to see if we had any more brochures for an upcoming conference, and I said we were out. Since she is at an all day conference/meeting thing, I said "Good luck staying awake." And then she replied that she got good ideas and and stuff out of it, and enjoyed it. Which then somehow turned into complimenting me on how I was a conceptual designer and something about my great ideas and bouncing...and I zoned out.

Then I laughed.
"What are you laughing at?" she asked.
"I think you are more boreder than you think," I replied.
"You think I am more bored than I think?" she questioned.
"Yeah," I said, "Cos now you are babbling."


Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Ho Hum. I woke up with a bit of headache today. It's gone now, but it's always a sign of the day to come. I hope it means it will rain, we could really use it. I made some coffee, kissed my departing DH and then settled down to do my day. Which is going to include a LOT of bon bons, Days of Our Lives, Oprah and brunch.

But until that happens, I need to pay the bills, balance the check book/budget, dust the walls and ceilings, put the laundry away, put all those fracking clothes away -- I don't understand DH's system of clothes on the crate vs clothes on the floor or the slight subtlety of clothes on the cat scratcher. It isn't helped at all by my system of clothes on the floor, vs the clothes on the chair and the clothes on Pluto's crate. Sigh. After awhile the whole system gets mucked up and ALL clothes have to be washed and then put away so that we can start over.

I also need to clean the closet because there are few cat bunnies hanging out in there and growing at an alarming rate.

Before my afternoon snooze, I'd like to squeeze in cleaning off this desk, and my desk, cleaning all my files off the old gateway before it's wiped and handed off to Phil and Kandi, take a shower, write a short letter for my Mom and pack it up with some stuff I got her at Target and then take it to the post office, sweep the floors, go through all the junk mail, make dinner, go to TKD and ... oh wait, that is AFTER the nap. Shoot.

And in other news....

Sunday night DH and I took Pluto for a late night walk. It was cooler but still pretty muggy. While DH dragged the dog along, I walked ahead and practiced several TKD moves -- no one was out so I could afford to look like the fat jedi kid without feeling embarrassed. On our stretch home we passed a few dark houses and DH said "There was a cat."

Huh? I stopped and looked around. Finally, I discerned the cat shaped shadow sitting by a car. I walked over to it and talked. It was still the whole time and the closer I got the more I started to think it might be a skunk or a really weird squirrel. Luckily though the cat finally answered me and stretched and very cat like way and meowed. I bent down and let it sniff my hand before petting it. One little touch of it's back and I knew something was wrong. I had hit a matt. A serious, close to the skin matt, and with a little more petting I felt the entire skeleton of the kitty. I was horrified. It was very friendly, so I picked up and called to Tim. "This cat is a stray!"

"No it isn't," he replied. "Doesn't it live there?"
"I kind of thought so too, but they wouldn't let this happen to it," I replied and caught up to the him standing under the street light. I help up the kitty for him to inspect.

"What should we do?" I asked. "Should we just leave it?"
"No," he replied glumly "We have to take it."
"I know," I said. "It's all your fault for seeing it and tell me about it in the first place."
"Well, it's your fault going back to look and for talking to it," he rejoined.

So we took the cat home. I went through the back door and brought it directly to the basement. Into the bar room it went and we quickly stuffed the area around the fridge to make it quarantined. In the light, we could see the cat had open sores, large mats all over it's body, was very thin and worst of all, was sick. There was fluid running down it's eyes and nose and it's breathing was raspy. Despite all that, it was super friendly and talkative. I got some food and water, Tim dragged in another cat box, we set up a bed for it and talked about what we should do. Obviously we couldn't keep it, not with our cats and their lapsed distemper shots. We resolved to take it to the humane society the next day after work. We washed our hands well, threw our clothes down the laundry shoot and went to bed.

The following day, in accordance with the Humane's website, DH called the cat in. They said that they didn't have a preference for whether or not we brought the cat in or they came to pick it up. That was followed by, "although it's easier for the animal control officer to decide wether it needs to go to the clinic if they pick it up." We decided to just call and have them pick it up. I called the dispatcher, told them about the stray and she said the Animal Control Officer would call. I sat down to the computer to regale my exciting day to Hilary when I heard someone pull in the drive way. I went to the living room and saw the door was open a bit, I went to open it more and saw there was a woman standing on the other side, she had already opened the screen, and if I had opened the door then a Taz could get through lickety split! Oh wait, Taz is gone...but that terrifying experience of last week lingers. I held onto Pluto and let the two ladies into the house. The younger one saw Innsmouth and said "Is this the cat?"

I paused. Here was my chance to get rid of that peeing all over floor, never covering up her poop or pee when does hit the litter jackpot, and the royal bitch of the house! Instead I replied "No, she's healthy, the cat is downstairs."

I said she was sick, I thought she had distemper, and I wasn't sure if it even was a she because she wouldn't let us look, and because of all this she was quarantined. They went down, we heard and earful from the cat and they scooped her up and put her in a cat box. DH thought they would ask more questions about the cat, but instead the ladies seemed more interested in Pluto. They asked if he was greyhound, was he rescued, commented on how big he was, what his name was, how long have we had him, etc. I suppose to them a greyhound sighting is more exciting then a boring old stray cat.

One thing they mentioned about the cat though, was that it could have been declawed. I didn't even think of that! It would explain why it was so skinny. They also said it might just have an upper respiratory infection and that it might clear up. I doubt that, myself - then again whenever any cat gets sick I automatically assume distemper. After seeing 20 or so cats wiped out by this infectious disease when I was kid, I have a healthy respect for that cat plague.

So that was that. I want to call and see how the cat is doing, however we can't have another cat. Do I really want to hear the depressing news that it probably has to be put down? Ugh.

Now to make this post even longer....

Last night I went to Yoga with Laima. I got us off track only four times during the night with my crappy directions! Damnit it all...things just look different at night! We did make it to the Warner Park recreation center, and my goodness. That place is SO nice. Seriously, it's the fanciest building I have been too in years! So organic, and the interior of it is so cool. Well, I yoga'd and stuff, and I thought maybe my legs would hurt today from some of those movements -- but they don't. Ahh, thank god for TKD. It is a little hard on my lower back, but I have modifications for that. There was about 30 women there ranging all over the map in age, and two dudes, three if you count the instructor.

And finally a small recap of the weekend and things I learned:

I went on a mini road trip on Saturday and returned with: bridal shower cake, bath soap, two candles, jelly beans, three cook books, a hankie, crookshank willow branches, a Christmas cling, a spiced trivet, a tea bag, magnets, envelope templates, a baggie of sequins and a converted flour sack embroidered dishtowel.

Sunday DH and I went to a neighborhood Packer Party across the street and we got to meet most of our immediate neighbors and discovered that we are NOT the third owners of this house, but the fourth. And apparently the owners before us were native American (full blooded Cherokee, but the wife was apparently half Indian too, of something they couldn't remember). But it might explain the Chief decal on the basement door to the work room. Maybe it would also explain why I knew this house was right for us before we even came into it. Perhaps this house, just likes to have American Indian's (and their sympathizers) living it in.

DH's first vacation is done, but I need to start planning the second one. The travelling one where I get to really be on a vacation too! Where to start...we have enough miles for one ticket, just need to find another ticket ... how do you do that? Man, I always went through travel agents.... and then renting a car, and asking if it is even okay if we DO visit some certain friends living in Shiprock, New Mexico or if we should rent a hotel in November and what might be the best time....

Friday, September 09, 2005

For some reason, I thought when I quit smoking that, if I ever became ill -- then I wouldn't have to deal with chest wracking, hacking coughs. Apparently that is not the case.

I rode bike to work this morning and made it in 25 minutes. What does that mean, per say? It means I made it to work ON TIME. Holy moly. DH had a dentist appointment this morning for some cavity filling work at the crack ass of dawn, so I was on my own for getting myself to work. It was a bit nippy at first with a cool 55 F, but with my hoodie and a competitive biker behind (and then in front of me), I think we boosted each other for record times.

I had some of my favorite cereal this morning. Last night we went a-shopping at the Woodman's and splurged on a few items: pistachio almond ice cream, funyuns, frozen pizza, Highlander Grogg coffee, and my new all time favorite -- Peanut Butter Cap'n Crunch.

Oh it was delicious and marginally nutritious for me. ;) My favorite used to be Cinnamon Toast Crunch, followed by the Cap'N, and then Special K with Strawberries (something about the texture of those flakes). But then I over did it on the toast crunch when it became a Malt O Meal bagged favorite. And Special K is still ungodly expensive, so it was okay to indulge in a little peanut butter crunch once in a while. To be honest, I think it's been a few years since I last had it. So good.

Since my camera is broken, I am just going to have to tell you all the exciting things that happen in my life rather than demonstrate them with pixels. I had a friend visit this past week who I hadn't seen in real life since her wedding about eight years ago. She brought her two boys, who very polite and inquisitive. I thought it was funny because the youngest one was crying with every slow step towards my house when they first arrived. His older brother though, was far ahead of them waiting on the front stoop with a quick smile. Once in, I brought out the box of toys which has been recently enhanced with the addition of a few "girl" toys from Hilary. Although not ALL of the toys were girl toys, the blocks and strings were non gender specific.

By the end of the visit, the eldest suggested that they just stay at my place.
"Oh, but Rhyse hates it here!" I exclaimed and glanced over at him scrubbing a slate board with a used tissue. He shook his head quickly and said "No, we like it here!"

Now, I know that Mina likes to visit because of the dogs and cats, Leta likes to visit mostly for the food, Sophie and Hannah liked to cook with me, Caleb comes over for the cable and video games -- so it was nice to know I could sufficiently entertain toddling boys, as well.

The visit with Amy was refreshing as well, although too brief. I would encourage her to move down here, but her life in MN sounds really good too (sans hubby).

Oh. When we visited Callie and Jason on Tuesday, we got to chatting and Jason got to offering to build us a new computer! Apparently it's much cheaper. ;) I can't wait, and I know Tim can't wait for the new video game capability.

This work coffee is giving me a tummy ache. :( I didn't bring any snacks either. Frack it all. Hey! Battlestar is on tonight, awesome. We are having margarita's tonight too.

Then tomorrow I am hanging out with Liama for miniroad trip adventure. First off, garage sales beware, followed by fru fru sandwiches, and appropriate Oohhh and Ahhing at a Bridal Shower, followed by a housewarming BBQ in the afternoon. Sounds like fun -- I might have to bring tums with me. ;)

Taz gets adopted tomorrow. THANK GOD! I didn't think I could be annoyed by a dog who is afraid of everything, but I am. He really hates that overhead fan. In other dog news, the Geneva racetrack is closing and that means the Geneva Lakes Racetracks are closing on November 6th, which in turn means that hundreds of dogs need homes. It looks like we are going to be fostering dogs for quite a while. Greyhound Pets of America (GPA) wants to empty their kennel of the dogs they have right now, and then fill it with Geneva Kennel dogs, and I expect some of those dogs are going to be funneled else where around the country as well. If you were thinking about adopting a greyhound, now would be a great time.

To encourage consideration of adopting a greyhound even more, I am going to leave you with at Tribute to Pluto on his second Gotcha Day penned by my favorite darling:

Two years ago Cindy brought a big black dog into our house. I don't know what you were thinking, but my first thought was 'man, you're bigger than I remember'. Laura and I sat at the table, and you and I cast sidelong glances at each other, wondering what the heck we'd gotten ourselves into.

It was your first time in a house, so you had every right to be nervously panting up a storm. On top of that, you got to meet the little 7 pound feline princess of the house who walked right up to you with an arched sideways display and demanded your fealty. The other 2 cats weren't very friendly either, but you quickly did your best to avoid eye contact, give them their space, and live in peace.

We've had our ups and downs since then: a battle or two with the big D, an ill-behaved dog at the dog park hurting you, the mini-race track you've carved into the backyard, your rather loose interpretation of the game 'fetch', the first day you learned to lay down, and the infamous grassy field turned into duckweed-covered lagoon illusion that had you smelling like a swamp monster.

You're a fantastic ambassador at the Meet and Greets, always calmly eager to have everyone pet you and say hello and always patient and gentle with children of all ages and other dogs, and mindful of those folks who may not be big fans of dogs.

You give the foster dogs a good example to follow when they stay with us. And though I bet it sometimes bothers you that when they first come into the house they often require more attention, attention that is usually reserved for you, you accept it gracefully. You share your toys, beds, treats, and sometimes, unintentionally, your food.

Don't let it go to your head though. You've got your flaws. You might be a little better about letting us trim your nails. Not everyone wants to pet you for an hour, so you've got to give them more space. And, you could be a little less pokey when we go for walks around the neighborhood. But, in my eyes you've still set a pretty high standard for any other dog I meet. I'm sure you'll forgive me for being a little biased.

I know you can't read this and that you are just a dog, but we love you just the same. Happy 2nd Gotcha Day, Pluto. Here's hoping for many more.

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Still recovering.

Yesterday was awful. Taz, the foster dog got loose. He ran his "walk" circuit, and with the help of two bikers, one pedestrian, Hilary and her car, and a helpful neighbor (in which we realized we knew each other from Matt n Sigrid's moving day), we managed to capture him. Thank god he didn't get run over, or lost. I felt terrible about it, and having "let" him escape. He bulldozed his way through the door as soon as I had opened it, but I wasn't prepared and he got free. You can damn well be sure that I will be prepared from now on.

My feet are covered in blisters. I discarded my sandals one block into the chase and the concrete ripped them to shreds.

My chest still hurts from this cold and I haven't gotten a decent night's sleep in four days. I feel dizzy, out of it, and tired.

My digital camera is ... broken. I need a new one. Pictures will be few and scant until then.

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

I crossed the threshold....I am starting to feel better. My voice is shot, and I am having dizzy spells, but overall? A thousand times better than last night and even 6:00 this morning.

Tonight we are going to Streamwood to visit Callie and Jason for dinner. A short jaunt across the border -- not to painful on the car, gas or DH's nerves.

I should put batteries in the digital camera.

I am not getting in ANY tkd time this week. :( Tonight is Callie and Thursday is a board meeting with the HoChunk Alumni folk. Sigh. I was even thinking about entering a tournament at the end of this month.

DH wants the puter, gotta go.

Sunday, September 04, 2005


Yep, that pretty much sums me up. I hate getting sick, this one came to me like a flash yesterday afternoon, evolved into a sore throat all night and left a nasty head cold in it's place today.

I finished Harry Potter. Thank for telling me that whole part about Ginny when I hadn't even gotten there yet Phil. :P Not that it gave away much or anything. I guess in the end I don't know if I have any comments about the book. I mean...I'm following the story line -- the magic of the universe is gone and left with "problems" and good vs evil and blah blah blah. I am glad that the next book will be the last.

I don't feel like watching a movie. It's hot here. I am not tired. My face hurts. My nose is getting red. I don't want to write a letter. I don't want to .... do anything but complain about how I want to do something that I don't want to do.

I talked on the phone for almost four hours today -- with two seperate people, but it still makes me feel like a teenager.

This start to the Labor day weekend feels like an instant recovery time. I hope it gets better. I had things I wanted to do.

I wish I had fruit pizza right now. With cream cheese, kiwi, strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, and mango. It would be tasty. Then I would eat ice cream that didn't make me sick (I'm pretty intolerant to a lot of it), oh no, better yet. Frozen yogurt....the smooth goodness would sooth my throat. I wouldn't matter if I could taste it or not. then I would drink a nice, richly flavored beer in a pint glass. I want to look like I'm not sick.

I want to know what I want. It's gonna be a long night.