Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Our poor Pluto is hurt. He's limping and the xrays from the vet showed that he is missing some bone in one of his front toes (the limping one). It could be from a fracture, it could be bone cancer. He's on antibiotics for a week to see if that helps. If it does then he goes on them for another week. Then we have another xray, and in the meantime he has blood work sent out to test for infections/etc. Based on that, we may or may not have a biopsy to see if it's cancer and then make a decision. Apparently bone cancer is the one thing that greyhounds do get. :( I really really hope it's just an infected bone fracture....I'll keep you updated.

Other than that, I tried to have a darling appreciation day for Tim because he's kind of down in the dumps. I don't think I was very successful. God, I wish I could be good at that. At buying him something he likes, or whatever. Sigh.

In other news, there is cat litter on Arkham's nose. It amazes me how he does that.

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Heya, how's it going?

I heard on the news this morning that if your front walk isn't shoveled by noon today that you could get a $100 fine. The two houses to my right aren't because the renters who are living in the RV parking in front of the house ... probably can't find their shovel. Plus, they usually can't be bothered. Then the house next to them is vacant because the owner died a few months ago and trust me, his family was a bunch a losers who were living off of him - classic elderly abuse. I have shoveled these two sidewalks twice -- when no one was there (the RV hippies do take trips away). But this snow is too sucky for it, and the house on the end of the block has a freaking snowblower. One time I shoveled all the way to within a sidewalk square to where his property started...I figured "He'll connect it."

Did he? Hell no. He went only to his property line and quit. So, there was a patch of snow there for two weeks. Geez.

This house is a MESS! I won this bet I had with the DH two weeks ago about the name of a coffee house on Atwood. He said "Cafe Zoom" because it's and speedy like, you know ... zoom. I said "No, it's not. It's Cafe Zoma." We argued, and then he said "I'll bet you a weeks worth of dishes, and you wouldn't even have to lose anything."

I said "No, I'll do garbage for a week."

We drive by and guess what? It was Cafe Zoma. *pats self on back*

But I said I wanted to use this dishes in parts...not one whole week, but seven days worth of dishes. Well I tried to redeem one of them on Saturday...but he only did half of them. I daresay it managed to make the kitchen even messier! Then we had three little ankle biters we were watching and I just didn't want to bother. I mean, you can't walk three feet when they are around without almost stepping on one them. Especially if you are in kitchen (they are looking for scraps). Now I have a whole house to catch up on.

I still need to send out State taxes too.

We are dog watching our friend's bulldog starting this ... Thursday or Friday to Sunday. I wonder what that will be like? I mean that is like SUCH a different kind of dog that our sweet, delicate, quiet Pluto.

Well, I suppose I should get started on making my "list" for today. Today is the kind of day that needs a list because there is so much to do. Things like: showering, dressing, dishes, sweeping, vacuuming, finishing a letter, cleaning the desk, organizing that crap, making the bed, putting clothes away, figuring out some kind of dinner (venison lasagna I think...), write a scene for a play, package up some mail, made a CD liner, go to the post office, work on my latest crochet project (slippers for Leta with Irish rose flowers on top)...well that's a start.

Sunday, February 25, 2007

Saturday, February 24, 2007

Tick Tock. I should be in bed. It's almost midnight, but ... I'm not. I'm just not that sleepy. I woke up this morning at 7.30 wide awake, and then later tried to take a nap at 3..and just daydreamed. No actual dreaming occurred. The rest of the day has been spent crocheting, writing and watching movies (I did fry up some fish and found some potato's o'brien in the freezer) for dinner. It's not often I get to sit up and write in a quiet house, with a blizzard going on around me. It's the first blizzard in memory, so that's gotta be it. It's my primitive instinct telling me "Don't go to sleep! You'll never wake up!"

And "Don't go to sleep....EAT instead. You are hungry. VEEEEEEeeeeerrrrrrr hungry."

Yeah right.

Speaking of food, yesterday the husband and our afterwork beer friend (Oliver) and I all went out to eat at Tutto Pasta on King? The one next to the Majestic. The decor was great, the appetizers (fried cheese) was wonderful, the main course was interesting and just right AND we had the fanciest desserts I've ever had -- a cannoli and a chocolate mouse in a chocolate cup! We really enjoyed our meal in celebration of Tim's work bonus. One thing that does bother me though, is why, when there are MANY open places in the resturant, do they always sit the group of five right next to us? I mean, so close that I have to scooch my chair up to avoid having our hair make out. I realized at one point that the woman sitting behind oliver was only about 10 inches away from oliver's head and listening to our conversation. I don't think she intended on it because she had no choice. Sheesh. It's really annoying. Luckily we were done and wanted to get home before the snow made it hard.

We have a bunch of little dogs here...let me tell you the first night (Thursday) was really rotten. These little ankle biters were up until 3 or 4 in the morning barking at every little noise. When one barked it would set them off...sort of like the zombie chain reaction Mr. Brooks discusses in World War Z. Thankfully they have calmed down since then. We have the pleasure of their company until Monday when brother in law and his wife get back from attending a wedding in Alabama. Man, I just realized I don't envy them! They live in a farm house that has a bit of a drive way and a walk from where they park the cars to the front door...they are gonna have some serious shoveling ahead of them.

Speaking of shoveling -- a little boy (about 10) showed up on our doorstep asking if he could shovel our driveway. I told him to come back tomorrow. He said okay...but will he? I wouldn't mind using some child labor to help out...and really I can't help myself when it comes to helping children earn their own money. I admire their guts and work ethic. If he does come back and we haven't already shoveled it, I'll ask him to shovel the slanted wheelchair access walkways curb thingies.... What do you call those? I have a bunch of quarters I can pay him.... IF he comes back.

We didn't go grocery shopping, and I am glad. Reading about how everyone was madly going to the store before the "blizzard" hit was rather disturbing. People, the snow is going to inconvenience you what...maybe 2 or 3 days tops? Seriously, do you really need to have that bag of potato chips and whatever the hell else you need to eat for a few days? Shouldn't ALL people have enough in their pantry to last them 2 or 3 days???? What are you gonna do when there is a great epidemic? Go to the grocery store with your guns and make sure you get all the instant oatmeal, coke and butter into your carts as possible? It's not like I'm saying we should all be Mormon's, but I am saying people should be more responsible about these kinds of things.
Our fridge is almost empty but if I had too, I could last two weeks with the canned foods and non perishables I have.

It's this grasshopper living that has Americans in sure a myriad of troubles (debt, obesity, etc). Yes, we value individualism in America, but I think a lot of people confuse their expression of self, with selfishness.

Thursday, February 22, 2007

You know what? We still use the same salt and pepper shakers that we got as a wedding gift from Ben C. he also gifted us a pizza pan and a pizza cutter, both of which we still have and use. Although I don't use the pizza pan for pizza, I use it for cookie and other things that need baking. I like to put my frozen pizza's directly on the rack because I like crispy. I wonder how many people rotate their salt and pepper shakers though...I saw these super cute one's at the overture center for $18 bucks a piece! I mean those are seriously expensive shakers...but they would be great wedding gifts for folks who use them for the rest of their life. Right?

Tonight's dinner is holuski. I ran out of onions so used the last of the shallots that we got back November from the community supported agriculture. Many had sprouted, but I just cut it long as it's not rotten it's still edible right? We are also out of potatoes, milk, soy milk, seems to me that these are important things. We are still on the fence on whether or not we want to go to the store tonight or wait until Sunday night (which is really when we would go). We could skimp by on canned food and stuff... ugh. One onion's worth isn't that great - I like LOTS of onions. I love onions. Onions and I are best friends. Also, I had to replace the egg noodles with pasta shells -- I ran out of noodles. THIS is when we get to fun cooking. Pantry cooking....

I was thinking of making those cranberry orange scones my friend Carla posted about awhile ago. I have two oranges we don't want to eat, and I don't want to waste them. They would be fine for cooking. I gotta find that recipe somewhere.... that would be awesome. Tonight is a good TV night - lots of funny. We should really get that walk done so I can be here when the funny starts.

Last night I went to Hilary's livejournal Meetup wearing my new outfit that I bought. I felt like it was time to have new pants. The last time I got new pants was back in May when I bought the old Navy brown pants. This new pants have stripes on them and are denim. I think I tried on 22 pairs of pants at JC Penny's before I got these. I HATE pants that are "modern fit" -- aka ass cracking pants. These are Bisou pants and just barely get to my belly button, but I guess that will have to do. I don't want the Mom jeans either where the jeans go up to my ribcage. I guess I just need to lose 10-15 pounds so I feel better about it. I'm just waiting for spring and summer to get here because it's so much easier to lose weight when you are riding bike (to and from work) at least 60 minutes a day. I know, I know, I can do stuff here, with my balance ball and cords...but it's not the same motivation. You know?

Also, at that meetup, I found out that several people are fascinated by my old school friend Jessie! When I learned that I said "oh she would LOVE to hear that." So here it is Jessie. I think you need to visit again sometime this spring. Come when it's warm though, you are welcome to bring Becca too if you want...or give the grandparents the time they always wanted with the grandkids. We can have a special craft night (aka party). :) That would be awesome!

I am in a party mood right now. I want to go over to someone's house for dinner. Maybe I should invite some people over here for dinner? Hm.

Well, I gotta go walk the dog now.

Laterz, don't be haterz.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

In that picture I posted, it totally cracks me up to see that Arkham made it into the picture as well. What a funny cat.

Monday, February 19, 2007

Check it out! I made Tim a hat! It only took me four tries to get it done. There are more photos of the hat over at Tceku, my first post there in FOREVER. I plan on changing that, I really do.

I also updated Photos for you, which you can check out HERE.

The weekend was good. We skated, chilled, watched Monster House and...something else. What was it? Uh...I saw Lake House and it was okay. We ate popcorn, we walked the dog and we slept in. I did cleaned and did things like laundry, write letters, read, do the dishes, and cooked. Phil, Kandance and Caleb came over on Saturday evening/night and I beaded part of one of Kandace's dreads and part of one for Phil. They both really liked it, and it was so easy to do! I should have taken a maybe next time. I am sure it will still be in there hair by then.

Man, it's late and I'm tired. I gotta work tomorrow too since I had to miss today's work for a doctor appointment. On the bright side, I think I got out of a staff meeting yesterday! That's always a good thing, the bad thing is I missed my timesheet. I wonder if I can get away with bringing it over tomorrow... but you know how much payroll likes that.

Tim is gaming at the Wonder Fuck's house tonight....if he comes home with a bad report I swear I am gonna ring that little brats neck. I'll give you more details on that pending discussion. OKAY off to bed with me.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Happy Valentine's Day my sweet readers!

Today was good. I went to work and worked. I goofed around on the internet a fair amount, I took a nap, I watched most of Ellen and entered the contest of the day (I started yesterday and have decided to enter as much as possible -- which is once a day -- until I win). For dinner I made a ring bologna, ceasar salad and corn fritters, and for dessert we had cherry pie with whipped topping. Trust me, going for the "lite cherry canned filling" ain't worth it. You should really just for the extra few calories.

Then we hopped in the car and got gas, stopped at Woodman's for a german reisling and headed over to the ice rink for our nightly skate. It was very romantic. :) Came home, popped open the wine to warm us up and now here I am telling you every gory detail.

How was yours?

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

I got a surprise today! A very important sounding Sarah P. called me -- and when she said her name I was thinking "hey, I happen to know a Sarah with the same exact name! What a coincidence." And then this Sarah kept talking, and said she was in town for a seminar and had an hour or so before heading home. I then realized that this Sarah was the exact same Sarah I knew!

So, she's coming over for dinner -- on the menu for the night? Texas hash and Cherry pie. The only other thing I wish I had was vanilla ice cream or whip creme. Too bad we didn't get out to the store last night...geez, what did I do last night? Oh yes, I shoveled. I hear it's really windy out too -- do I really want to go out in that? Oh I gotta turn the stove off.

Monday, February 12, 2007

I just checked and it IS on again tonight at 10:00. I suppose I'll try and tape it for Tim, but our VCR is kind of broken and doesn't tape stuff. It spits it out sometimes after five minutes. It's the weirdest thing. It was fine, and then all of a sudden it started doing that. Maybe all of our VCR's have to be haunted.

I'm cold *whine*

My nose is never warm. I'm constantly under piles of blankets on the couch. I made macaroni and cheese for dinner with a can of green beans added. I cut the butter in half, so that means you gotta add salt and pepper to taste.

Tim is starting a new game tonight -- so I now have Monday's completely free. I was thinking of a craft night or something this week...I wonder if anyone would be interested.

Charter went out last night and caused us to miss our favoritest show ever - Battlestar Gallactica. *cry* I hear tell it's on again (which I need to check when), or we can download it. But really, if it's being shown again tomorrow night -- and we couldn't even download it until tomorrow night when Tim is home to do it....then we might as well wait, right? Provided it on tomorrow night.

Yeah, so what to do with my night....what to do. A part of me thinks it would be a fabulous idea to take a nap, (which I already did), and another part says -- then wake up and work on finishing Kingdom Hearts - or watch that Netflix movie you know Tim doesn't want to see and work on that crochet project as well as the gump to take pictures and post to my long lost love - tceku.

Oh and Tim is taking the laptop with him. One of the original reasons he wanted a laptop was so that he could take it with him on games. Now his dream finally comes true. So I'll be internet less unless I walk back to the office and turn on the desktop.

And I am not ice skating tonight (and I didn't yesterday). My knee is hurty, and really? I just don't want to go back out there. When I got home from work, I couldn't imagine wanting to come back out into the cold, so I forced myself to NOT go in the house, but to walk around, get the shovel. I shoveled the sidewalks, drive ways and handicap ramps -- all with my bag around my back. Then I shoveled my way up the walk way, on the steps and finally to the house where I ditched the shovel, my boots and winter apparel and said "Enough."

Meaning, I was not going to take the dog for a walk. Walking to and home from the bus, plus shoveling = dog walk workout.

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

I really need to buy new contacts. These are my second to last pair and are starting to gum up by 9. I have one more pair before I am out. I've stretched them out too long. It's just that I hate paying so much for new contacts....and I really could use a new pair of glasses. :(

I got frost nipped tonight on my cheeks and right ear from ice skating. Well, I think it was just too much exposure. Walking the dog for 40 min followed immediately by 40 more min of ice skating? And THEN staying out an extra 20 min after they started to hurt?

Stupid stupid. I put some moisturizer on them and that helped. Well, I'd yap at ya more, but I can barely see though these gummy things and want to take them out and go to bed.


Hey check out my old high school buddies site -- "Brews You Can Use" I put in People, although it's actually more a Purpose (links on your left). No wait, there was linux posting it's more People. :P

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

I gottat tell you. I think I could really get used to have it be my birthday all the time (except for the aging). I have gotten THE MOST mail in the last few weeks than ever before. I am totally mail spoiled right now.

--letter from Heather
--post card from Hilary
--letter from Mom
---package from Jessie (with candles, pancake mix, bread mix, soap, vacuum smelling thing, cool fake fall/colored fabric leaves and a deck of inspiration type cards).
--package from Mom with a GeMagic (think bejeweller) machine that does Rhinestones! NEAT!

I don't know if I have enough denim. Nope..... I don't think I do. I told Tim I could GeMagic a hat or two of his, write his name in rhinestones, or punch up his coat. He refused my offer and said it might affect his masculinity in some way. I said I would only sparkify it.

Hmmm...what could I make BEEEYOOUUTIfulll? Ideas?

Today I am back to my regular schedule, of working on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. It's nice, I gotta tell you. I like having these days off. I get so much more done and we eat so much better. I'm glad it warmer today. I wonder if the rinks are open today -- they were closed yesterday because of the severe temperatures. I wouldn't mind going skating today. It's a great way to clear the mind and relax.

Monday, February 05, 2007

I'm tired of being brave.

This cold sucks. I should really be under a heap of covers and finishing a book.

Yeah...that's the best idea I've had all day.

Thursday, February 01, 2007

What makes a blog interesting?

To discover that answer, I thought about what I like in other blogs. Okay, lets take a sample look at some of the subjects written about in an average blog.

Blog 1: Update on what they did last night, has some great introspective ideas on themselves and the meaning of life.

Blog 2: One word repeated five times "panda"

Blog 3: Update on home improvement project (finishing basement).

Blog 4: Pictures of recent sketches

Blog 5: Thoughts on gender and sex, highly academic with lots of references to books I'll never read.

Blog 6: Advertising for: Band or DJ

Blog 7: Opinions of recent television shows and winning bid on ebay.

Blog 8: Reprinted news article from, cnn or some other newsfeed.

Blog 9: Wonderfully written update on the person's day, complete with dialogue.

Blog 10: Year in review and what they hope happens in new year.

Now....when I look at this sampling, I think, what are my favorites? Quite honestly, it's the humorously written update on the person's day, followed by plain updates of goings on, the year in review and television opinions (especially if I have seen the show). I like the blogs that are personable and treat me like a commarade. A friend. It talks to me like a letter would.

I also like insightful observations on everyday life, adventures in cooking, experiments in clothing/cleaning/anything -- because it's living, breathing, creative problem solving. I like to see how your mind ticks ---why you decided to see if pouring a can of Coke in your toilet would really clean it, or what you did you when you realized you forgot to sew arms holes in that remade t-shirt.

I like honesty. I like pictures. I like stories. I like announcements. I like links to genuinely funny stuff. I like finished crafts projects, especially if it's mixed in with how your day went. I like seeing how my mortal enemies are doing without them knowing I care.

The ones I like the least? I don't know about you, but personally I don't like to be "taught."

For example, I don't care for big reprints of articles (provide the link, and I'll click it if I want, otherwise just tell me why the article was important to YOU).

I don't like huge academic discussions, compete with footnotes and references about something you are passionate about, I feel like you are Professor, and I am in student in your class. The problem with these blogs is that they tend to be so narrow minded and focused and the author is not as open to debate or discussion as they would have you believe. Once in a while they are okay -- especially if it's idea exploration --- but not all the time.

I don't like really meaningless posts with one word, a gibberish sentence, or a meme describing your religious beliefs, political ideas, what kind of fruit you are, or who you would be on [insert tv/movie/book/comic character]. I actually don't mind "interview style meme's" because they require some effort. Unless of course you are sassily talking back to the meme -- then that's just ridiculous because you are sassing yourself!

What is the point of this post? I dunno. I was thinking lately about my blog and whether or not I am in love with it right now. I feel like it's been kind of boring. Maybe I am not living up to my potential by not writing fantastically witty, observant, interesting topics. Maybe it's just February talking. I feel a change in the air....