How are you? I am doing fine.
Today is a nice day, beautiful weather. I picked up keys on the way to work today and enjoyed a 30 minute walk in the sunshine and manicured lawns with roses all a bloom. Today we are going to interview three people, (anyone one of them by the looks of their cv and resume could fill my position perfectly). We culled five "yes's" out of a pile of 80 resumes. It wasn't too hard to find them, although the pile of "maybe's" is 15-20. I hope one of them work out. I am still not sure how I feel about being replaced yet. :( I like the authority and responsiblity. I really should have gone into law enforcement.
Fucking A. I am so angry. Why?
eagle1864: hey there
eagle1864: what's new
skatured: Moving to Madison
skatured: :)
eagle1864: oh yeah
eagle1864: right now
skatured: No. Tim is moving there on Sunday and staying with a friend for a couple weeks until the end of the month
eagle1864: oh yeah
eagle1864: and ur staying in chicago
skatured: yeah, until the end of July
eagle1864: u guys find a place or will he be looking
eagle1864: u at work
eagle1864: u still there
skatured: yeah sorry
skatured: I am at work.
skatured: We did find a place. We are buying a house. Three bedroom, hardwood floor, big fenced in backyard
skatured: ranch, with partially finished basement
eagle1864: how much is that gonna cost
skatured: It's my problem. Not all of us are given houses
eagle1864: ain't some one being alittle shitty
eagle1864: talk to u later then when ur in a better mood
skatured: Asking how much it is going to cost is being a little nosy
eagle1864: not really
skatured: yes it is
eagle1864: conversation
skatured: I don't ask yo uhow much stuff is going to cost
skatured: I am tired of constantly being judged on money
eagle1864: i'm not judgeing ur asuming
eagle1864: gotta go,ur acting to white for me
skatured: see
skatured: You judge
Admittedly I was a little defensive...but that is only because I know my brother well. Might I remind you that he is the one that thought he offer to SELL me the the house that given to him last year by my dead grandmother.