My friend Eric is thinning his MASSIVE RECORD COLLECTION. If you like vinyl I suggest you check this out -- he rented a booth for the WLUW record fair in two weeks - so here is your chance to get a head's up.
Wednesday, March 30, 2005
Monday, March 28, 2005
FYI Week in Pictures is updated. Click here to get to it.
Thursday, March 24, 2005
Holy crap! When I republished the WHOLE last post (the one I am referring to in the just previous post) disappeared! Is this some kind of conspiracy?
Well, if it is then I am going to keep it. I don't feel like posting that all over again.
Eric just pointed out to me that the comments feature for the last post is not working. So, I am now posting something else to see if that would correct it by republishing the whole index.
Eric also said he would help with my grandiose project. :D
I am busy cooking and cleaning up the kitchen. It's Scrabble night at my place and I am making asparagus soup (vegetarian) and Cabbage Kielbasa skillet (super good too). I am looking forward to kicking some scrabble ass. And eating.
That too.
Wednesday, March 16, 2005
Hadjare sat at her beat up, old Office Max desk that Tim had bought her for her 23rd birthday. She joked that it was really the red necks equivalent of a state-of-the-art surround sound system for pick up truck. Days after the desk was assembled, a computer founds its way to roost on top, with Tim as it's perpetual companion.
"Man," she thought staring at the screen, "I have nothing to write about." A sinus headache, only slightly dulled with generic tylenol, drained her creative energies. Minutes dragged by as she debated whether or not it was appropriate to put quotes around thoughts, and a dog squeezed a squeaky toy in the background. From the living room plants, buttons, books, and people screamed as they were picked up by a large, sticky rolling ball. Hours earlier she had played the same game herself rolling over chickens, boxes, cows and eventually buildings, boats, light houses, whales and sea monsters. It had been two days since she beat the game and yet she still couldn't get enough of rolling over crap.
"Whoever thought of Katamari Damacy is a freaking genius," she whispered as she typed. She stared a moment longer and then decided she would include a Week in Pictures in her small publication to make up for the lousy article. "Tomorrow," she stated and turned off the computer for the night.
Monday, March 14, 2005
Tetra Birthday, MADISON - Three
Three, age 67, was a long time resident of East Moorland, Madison WIS, passed away surrounded by her family on Friday, March 11, 2005. She was born on September 27, 1938 in the slums of Y'anthlai. She had numerous brothers and sisters and was given up to an orphanage at the age of 3. She attended the Reformation Unity School until she was 14, at which time the Taylor Revolution forced her and thousands other to flee the city. In 1955 she reached the shores of New York and underwent the Optimal Selection Process (OSP). A process, still used today, that focuses on size, color and pure luck. Consequently, Three struggled with self image and confidence issues for much of her life. She and two of her sisters were admitted and settled in Ithaca, New York where they worked in a state run laundry facility. In 1968 she obtained her GED and two years later she packed up and headed to Madison,Wisconsin and in 1981 Three fulfilled her lifelong dream of graduating from college with a degree in Independent Aquatic Transportation with a minor in Suspension.
Three especially enjoyed spending time with her family and friends, but also loved watching the changing seasons in southern Wisconsin. On Sunday afternoons, she was glued to the TV set cheering on her beloved Packers. She also loved to take care of her bipedal pets spend time with them.
A rare genetic disorder prevented her from working full time and eventually she and her sisters moved to a modest house on the east side. They were active participants in alternative and meditative healing. She firmly believed the bodies ability to heal itself without invasive medical techniques or pharmacology.
"It comes a shock to everyone that knew her, she was in perfect health and her favorite activity was to swim laps." She never married and insisted that her two sisters "Was all the family she ever needed." She is survived by her two sisters; One Tetra and Two Tetra, her long time friend Cory Feldman, and many friends.
Funeral services were held at 8.30 AM. on Friday, March 11, 2005, at her place of residence in Madison with close friend Hadjare officiating. She was honored with a one flush salute. A memorial fund has been established in her name and contributions can made to Hadjare. Three was a friend to everyone and will be missed by all.
Wednesday, March 09, 2005
"When did you start referring to yourself in the 3rd person?" asked Phil and took a swig from his Spider Ale and waved at hand towards a battered publication lying on the table. They were seated in a booth next to a grimy window at the Hunchback Hideout. It had been months since Hadjare had been there and even longer since she had last spoken with Phil. While the intensity of his eyes hadn't changed, his appearance had undergone drastic changes. The most surprising was the massive mullet that flowed down the back of his head and peeked out behind his ears. "I hope you aren't doing that in real life."
"No," Hadjare tore her gaze away from his hair and laughed. She concentrated on a fishing her cigarettes out from her oversized bag. "I am not that self centered -- yet." She pulled a cigarette from the pack and offered them to Phil. Although she knew he had quite several years ago she wasn't surprised when he accepted. "You see I am not technically referring to myself in the third person."
"You're not?" he pulled out a Zippo and lit their smokes.
"No, I am not. 'Hadjare' isn't really the same because it isn't my real name."
"But using your adopted alias to write about yourself really isn't that different," he argued.
"Well, hold your horses...let me explain a bit." She blew out cloud of smoke and glanced out the window. "I thought about it long and hard. I know it's a bit pretentious to do the third person route -- which is why I refrained from using my actual name. Using Hadjare allows me a little comfort zone to relax in. But I also felt like the publication was getting a little too predictable. You are world renowned journalist -- you know people hate absolute predictability."
Phil nodded "But they also like a certain amount sameness."
"Well sure they do, which is why I haven't completed changed everything," she flicked her ashes into a mason jar converted ashtray. "I have only changed the format."
"You could still have used the first person perspective," he stated and motioned to the passing waitress for refill on their beers.
"Yeah, I could have...but that is too easy. I feel like I have let my writing go to the wayside and the two things I do write about are kind of journal style anyway. My letters and this publication. I need to challenge myself a bit in getting back into creative writing. I also need to get over a fear of letting other see any attempts I have at creative writing."
"So this is your solution?" he raised an eyebrow at her questioningly.
"Well," she sat back "It is something, if not a solution then a start. And besides, it lets me put in some embellishments that may not be true for my world, but it might be true for Hadjare's world."
"Yeah like what?" he turned sideways to acknowledge the waitress's return with refills.
"Like me paying for these beverages," she winked and pulled out her wallet.
Monday, March 07, 2005
Thursday, March 03, 2005
That night after TKD, Hadjare made one of her favorite dinners -- Tater Tot Casserole.
1 pound of ground turkey (or ground beef)thawed
1 onion chopped
4 cups of frozen mixed vegetables (or one bag of frozen mixed)
2 cans of cream of chicken soup (or whatever cream of soup you have)
1 32 oz package of frozen potato rounds
1. Preheat oven to 375F. Spray a 9x13 glass baking dish with grease.
2. Spread turkey into bottom of pan, covering entire bottom. Sprinkle with chopped onions. Layer frozen veggies next. Cover with soup -- straight from can. Make sure to cover entirely.
3. Layer tater tots on top. Bake for one hour. Check after 30 minutes, if tots are getting too brown turn oven down to 350F degrees.
Wednesday, March 02, 2005
Shrieks climbed over each other in the school play ground Hadjare passed on her way home. She tugged a green knit hat further down her head and glanced at the swarm of kids. For weeks she would report to her husband on who the "sad lonely kid" was that never played with anyone. Today it didn't seem to be any one kid in particular. She searched for the purple, coated girl who usually swung by herself on the swings. Today there were two purple coats moving around -- one by the basketball court with a crowd of boisterous kids and another by the school entrance.
The coat by the school entrance seemed the likely candidate as she walked by one other child. However moment later she broke in a scream and ran across the playground to join the larger crowd. Hadjare watched to see who she was running to but lost interest as the purple coats' abandoned friend caught her eye. This, she thought, was definitely the outcast kid of the day. She wore bright, fuchsia snow pants paired with an oversized,leopard print coat, with the hood pulled up over a matching pink hat and scarf set.
Hadjare chucked quietly to herself "Only dorks wear a hood over a hat." And watched as the girl ran past her in feigned interest in a nearby tree - far away from any other child.
Later, sitting on the couch in the afternoon sun, Hadjare opened the day's only letter.
Hello Hadjare,Tho't I'd write you on this nice sunny day. But it is cold outside so looks are deceiving.
So you think that little mouse looks like your possum? They're were so many nice cute figurines., it was kinda hard to choose from.
Boy, you must have all kind of neat stores in your town. All the writing paper, stamps and interesting stickers to buy. Today we have some excitement. There is a trailer moving in across from us. F is been snooping all morning.
It's a R__ L__ moving there and we owe her money from a bad check at her then bar. Anyway our lawyer said it was too late to collect on it, cause it's been so many years ago. Hope she don't bug us.
F's having a reunion July 16th at Jake's Supper club. We'll both have to buy a presentable outfit. F says he can't wear sweatpants. I guess, but it'll be hard to find us clothes in our size. It should be fun eating out again and not worrying about leaving you kids at home like we did when we went to Kadinger's Christmas party. I used to always worry and couldn't wait to get home.
F is frying up bacon and I'm gonna have a hard egg & bacon sandwich. It's so good.I have to go the drug store today and get F's pain medicine. He still has a sore neck & back from that accident I had 3 years ago. They sure sold all their Valentine candy quick. I missed out on that sale. Guess waiting 2 days didn't help any either!
I got a letter from Shar at church. She moved to Eau Claire. I owe her a letter yet. I keep thinking I'll go to Church but somehow end up never getting there. Maybe when it's warmer I'll go on Sun. mornings. I'd go Wed night but I can't drive at night anymore.
Well we had our lasagna but it burned on the bottom, but it was still very tasty. I think we had the oven temp too high and it needed to be higher up on the rack.
Well, I better go now and eat my sandwich. Write soon and may God bless you both,
Love Mom
Tuesday, March 01, 2005
Morning light shone through the blue curtains in Hadjare's bedroom. Her husband had just slammed the alarm clock and he crashed heavily back into bed. Two cats hissed and spat at each other in hungry frustration at their feet. "Fucking cats," Tim muttered and covered his head.
Several minutes passed and Hadjare realized she couldn't fall back asleep because her bladder demanded immediate attention. She tried to sit up and fell back with a weak groan. The right side of her neck refused to do its part in supporting her head and pain shot down into her shoulder. Yesterday's fall had finally manifested itself into something tangible. Finally she rolled to her side and pushed herself up carefully and out of the warm covers. Cats thudded and howled down the hallway in anticipation of breakfast."Fucking cats," she said and stumbled into the bathroom.
Forty five minutes later Tim backed out of the drive way to face another draining day at work. Hadjare turned from the window, out of the sun's glare on the new snow and ate her cereal. Ignoring Rainy the foster dog's whines she sat down on the couch and read the newest issue of Time and contemplate how to spend her day. One article later she turned on the television to watch morning music videos and realized after a few songs and switching between channels that MTV2 had been added to her cable plan. Immediately she went online to tell Tim.
"Huh," he responded.
"Yeah," she replied and spent the next several hours reading and chatting. By afternoon she headed to the guest room and began work on a new tote bag she had been thinking about. That weekend in a blur of motion and inspiration she had trimmed the too long curtains in the living room. Gathering up the remnant material she began to sew. Suddenly the dogs jumped up from their afternoon naps and clattered to the front door, a bell sounded soon after.
Hadjare looked out the window and saw a blue car parked on the street. She stood tippy toe to peer through the front door and saw a handsome couple standing on her front stoop.
"I had forgot!" she exclaimed as she opened the door to greet her friends Lowen and Jason. "Oh, Jason was just saying that he thought you thought he would forget," replied Lowen, stepping into the house. The dogs immediately swarmed the newcomers clamoring for attention. Hadjare went over to the bookshelf and picked out the video game she was going to lend them. Jason handed over Prince of Persia in exchange for Oddworld: Stranger's wrath. Lowen went on to explain that they had a few hours free this afternoon to take care of errands before she had to go back to work.
They chatted a bit before Hadjare gave them another game to try out and let them out of her house. Smiling to herself she put the game next to the TV and went back to her tote bag. She preferred to keep her mind as blank as possible.