Monday, August 29, 2005

So DH didn't go go karting. Instead he stayed home and we had a wonderful, relaxing weekend. Started of Saturday morning with sleeping in. Eventually I got up, had some coffee and then rode bike over to Laima's to buy some soap and a CD. I then hit 5 or 6 other garage sales and got a few finds -- a nice peacock tile thing for the kitchen, a dragon book, a 100 year old cook book, a mesh bag for the dog park and a long, grey sweater. Total cost? About $4.00.

I returned home, at some lunch, started Harry Potter for a chapter or two (what's with the muggle perspective? -- there has never been that before...I am not sure I approve) and then went out to mow the front and back lawn. The rest of the afternoon was spent playing Champions of Norath with DH. Around 6:00 we went to the Orton Park Festival -- but only stayed for 10 minutes. We had gone to eat but there food was overpriced, crowded and we just weren't that enthused. Instead we splurged! Yeah! We went to the Laotian Place next to the Barrymore -- and it was great. I had a squash curry and DH had some kind seafood mania type thing. Delicious and enough for two dinners. :D Came back...and ... you guessed it...played some more Champions.

Sunday was dog park, showing Taz to a potential couple (they seemed to like him a lot!), read, cleaned up the house a bit, went skating, watched the 4400, played more vids and then went to bed.

See? The very picture of relaxation.

Oh, and Eric I didn't forget your BDay -- It's just a little belated.

Friday, August 26, 2005

Gosh, I am total space case today. This morning, after an interrupted night's sleep thanks to Taz the timid dog, I woke up feeling a little groggy. But not too much worse than other morning. Got up, ate some banana bread, watched a little CNN and got dressed. I got a lite lunch together, gathered up the mail and impatiently asked DH if he was ready yet. I went out side, clipped the mail to the box and started daydreaming about a strange dream I had.

"BIKE!" DH hollered from the house.

Bike? What? What about the ... oh crap! I had forgotten my bike. I went back in and got it. How could I forget my transportation home? I never forget my bike. Sheesh. I put the bike in the car, climbed into the front seat and listened to DJ Underfoot's latest mix on the way to work.

DH pulled into the parking lot, I gave him a kiss, pulled my bike out and rode on into my day. As I was coming up to the bike rack I noticed a man walking in front of me had one pant leg tucked into his sock. "Your pant leg is caught in your sock," I told him. He turned around surprised and then looked down and fixed it. "Thanks," he said kind of sheepishly.

I reached into my bag for my keys and dug around. Nothing. I took out my lunch and wallet and peered into the inky depths. Tube of lipstick, metal clip with blue light, loose change, a couple of pens and the pump part to a small water filter...but no keys.

Gah. Should I leave my bike and go buy a lock? How would I get into my house later? And did I really want to leave my bike unattended for any amount of time?

Thankfully it only took me two minutes to swallow my pride and call DH. He came back, I put my bike in the car and he gave me his keys. I told him that it would have been easier if I had left my bike at home after all...

Anyway. What a start to the day. Now I have to take the bus home...but I think I'll walk a good portion of it. Tonight I get to have Existential Coffee with Hilary and Laima. Tomorrow, DH is going to drive really fast go karts.

Oh, and as of right now, I am an official board member of the new Ho-Chunk Alumni Association. Pretty cool, huh?

Thursday, August 25, 2005

I think there might be rose buds in my hair. I took a bath and used a batch of salts that had been perfumed with rose and real rose dried rose buds. Little things. I dumped it all in and then soaked. I felt like a bit of a princess.

Last night I went out, and it was fun, but today I am feeling like --- well like I am slow auto pilot. It's not a's ... I don't know. You know how that is when you go out and you just have a "life over" or something like that.

So. I spent the morning eating, and watching TV and going through two pots of tea so far. I am now working on my third -- I think I'll make chamomile since I am have such a comfort day.

I need to start thinking about what my September goals are gonna be. It's not something you can just takes a little thought. A little...keeping it in the back of your mind. I shouldn't even be thinking of it as I have yet to finish the ones for this month. But I have a week -- and sometimes procrastinating is the biggest joy in life.

Alright. I suppose. I need to bring in the laundry. Put it away. Write my story. Light some incense. Let my hair air dry. Drink tea.

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Last Friday I took a nap. About half an hour later I jumped out of bed and walked straight with purpose to the kitchen. The dogs flew to their paws and clamored after me, especially Cruiser. I made some tea, looked out the window and then located my keys thereby giving the dogs just enough time to realize I wasn't going to do anything exciting.

Pluto went back to bed and Cruiser disappeared onto the couch. I went outside to the garage to look for a shirt or two to remake, and got distracted looking at books. I wasn't out there for more than five to ten minutes. I come back in with an armload of stuff and find Cruiser standing in the kitchen with a look of pure exhalation.

Stepping into the living room I saw why. Bits and pieces of a brown paper bag were shredded all over the floor and there was something lying on the couch. I felt my stomach sink a bit.

There spread across the cushions, was DH's latest library book. The red cover was half ripped off and several bits of torn paper curled along side of it. I picked it up immediately and turned to Cruiser to holler at him, shaking the book for a dramatic effect. He climbed onto the futon and hid his face underneath a pillow. With the dog properly abashed, I picked up the pieces and walked back to the office to repair it laughing the whole way.

The title of Tim's book: The Other End of the Leash: Why We Do What We Do Around Dogs by Patricia B McConnell.

Monday, August 22, 2005

I did it! I did it! I am so pleased with myself. On Sunday I replaced the kitchen faucet all by my lonesome! It's so nice. It works so well. There is not water sprayed everywhere every time I turn it on. I looked at the bottom of the other faucet and saw that it didn't corrode persay, no it split! Sucky.

This new one's nice. I even replaced the spray nozzle -- and it works SO well. Well enough to wash my hair in the sink if I so wanted too.

DH said "Why don't you become a plumber instead of an electrician -- I would feel safer about that." Yeah, maybe I should. Or maybe I should just continue with my plans to learn as much about home improvement as possible. Go to free seminar's on how to do stuff like dry wall, put in a ceiling fan -- whatever is offered so I can learn.

Because knowledge is power -- and after all, I do have a house. I should do something with it. Mold it to be the way I want it to be. Right? This is only the start of year three in this locale. After we pass year three it will have been the longest we have ever been in one place. So I thinking the longer you are in one place the more interest you have in how it looks/is/turns out to be.

Anyway. We have a new foster. We dropped off Cruiser this past weekend...oh I gotta story about him that I should tell you. I will -- in a while. Anyway, we dropped him off, drove to the kennels to walk dogs and ended up getting another one. This one's name is Taz -- and he is nothing like his cartoon namesake. He is very timid and very, very shy. Poor boy. It's going to take him a while to come around. He's just so scared of everything!

We also bought a new rug for the animals to puke on.

So, I finished the Baker book, and replaced the faucet -- I didn't write any stories or make any phone calls -- but I did finish two more goals. Rock on.

Friday, August 19, 2005

Alright. I am halfway through my goals list for August:

1. Attend 10 TKD classes - not done ( I am 7 -- this was a gimme to boost my confidence)
2. Drop four pounds - compromising ... I MIGHT have time to drop two -- but if bagels keep hurling themselves at me, then it's tough. I also didn't count on DH being out so long with the whole rollerblading thing.
3. Write a short story- not done.
4. 8 Pieces of beadwork - almost there (keychain, four barrettes finished, one necklace -- still need two more)
5. Progress towards on large piece of beadwork -- not done still thinking of idea....
6. Read two books - halfway there, David Eddings second book finished, working on Kage Baker's The Life of the World to Come (great stuff!!!)
7. Sew/remake a shirt - not done.
8. Replace kitchen faucet - not done.
9. Write six letters (so far sam, jen r, mom, jeannette, penpal, sarah -- working on lynn -- so accomplished!
10. Visit with an old friend -- Done, Richard
11. Made three phone calls (one down - Amy, two to go-- Melissa...and who the hell else? Who want's to chat with me?)
12. Vacuum/Sweep basement - not done
13. Scrub bathroom room - done!
14. Think of day trip for Tim's vacation part one - not done
15. Level 20 on Champions of Norath - Done -- up to level 23. I hate this character though...I want to hurry up and finish so I can revive my archer).

Bonus accomplishments: fostered dog, visit with Laima, random act of kindness, and took care of my DH with his whole dry socket drama.

So this weekend: after work beer tonight at the Weary Traveller, Kennel Days tomorrow morning and dropping off Cruiser to be adopted that day!, pick up contacts, perhaps child sit, write a short story, talk on the phone...and maybe replace that damned faucet.

And in other news, this morning I treated myself to an egg sandwich from micky-d's. You know the english muffin vs the biscuit. Then I go upstairs and find that there are Einstein bagels just because it is Friday. So I had one of those too. Sigh. I'll think of it as a good breakfast....and I'll have a lighter lunch. Gosh, I really feel like hiking today.

Like when I was younger and would just go into the woods to walk around explore. Climb trees, cross steams, hack my way through brush and briar....once I even went through a swamp (that was hard, stinky and sucky!).

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

I woke up this morning to the sounds of my DH in agony in the bathroom, then in the living room, followed by the kitchen. Finally I got up and made him take two oxycodine's (even though it was only two of four left). I tried to make a tea compress -- but he said it was bitter and threw it to the side very dramatically.

Of course he was dying.

After I managed to calm him down enough to go back to bed and "be still." I went online to see if there was anything I could do. In a word? Nothing. Against all of our best intentions, he somehow developed dry socket on his two lower extration sites. The only thing you can do it ease the pain with mediciated gauze, packings and whatnot's. I might have been able to make a clove thingie for him, except I don't have any whole cloves.

To make it all just a little more dramatic, he flew to the Twin Cities today to attend a day conference, so there was nothing else he could do but figure out a way to handle the pain. Well, and for me to figure out a pain management schedule for him. A friend had given me some of his leftover wisdom teeth pills last November -- and hope that they work. Because DH runs out of hi oxycodine stuff at noon today.

I don't think the flight attendant would be as compassionate about his pain as I am.

I can't wait for it to be over with. He has turned into such a pill.

And speaking of pill's...this dog. This Cruiser foster dog of ours -- is pratically a puppy. It has tons of energy, he's smart, he keeps getting into thing and occasionally is picking fights with the cats. Okay, okay, the cats might be picking fights with him, but he's barking back and that's never a good thing. So far, he had gotten into a library book, a paper journal/book and took it apart for me (it's okay because i bought it for the paper anyway), two pajammies, several bowls, shoes, slippers, counter surfing, etc. He did learn how to play with toys right away (it took Pluto 9 months to figure that out), is learning how to play fetch really fast (took Pluto at least 6 to catch on), lay on the couch within the first hour (Pluto = several days), and he loves to walk. I have had to keep him on a two walk a day schedule to manage his energy and make sure he doesn't rip the house apart.

I should take him on one now. I was going to do it this morning, but after being up for half of the earliest part, I slept in until 11:00. Then I ate some bad ravioli from Dollar General. Sigh. That is another thing, I want to be able to eat normal food again. To actually cook, and although I don't always like to do it, at least the food is a lot better.

I have the whole day be myself. It's strange. What should I do? Finish some letters certainly. Walk the dogs, surely. Go to TKD since I skipped yesterday to help the mother and father in law do their taxes. They got two extentions to wait to the last possible minute. Geez. Um. I have two movies that DH has no interest in seeing...and I could do some more crafting. Maybe even squeeze in a half an hour of cleaning -- or at least laundry.

It's strange -- I feel like this is what it's like to be single.

Monday, August 15, 2005

"So do all, who live to see such times."

Oy. We started out around 10ish this morning, stopping for mini breaks, a walk and the 4400, DH quit an hour ago (the whole pain issue) but I kept strong. I just finished watching all the extended Lord of the Ring's in a row.

It was awesome.

Friday, August 12, 2005

I'm feeling bored today. I wish Hilary was back already. Or I wish I could drive and had an extra car so that I could take myself to the state fair. I have never been to a "State" fair before -- and I really want to try one of those cream puffs.

Last night I couldn't sleep. Lots of tossing and turning -- it felt like I was cramped up. You know like you just want to stretch or use your muscles until they are soft and squishy? I feel like I should do something strenous -- normally it would be rollerblading on the State Trail but because my partner in crime can't do anything strenous for a week -- I'm on my own.

Then if I was going to really be on my own, I much rather go for a hike. That would be cool.

I have a horrible looking bruise on right forearm the size of a golf ball. It's pretty disgusting and it hurts to touch it. I also have a bruise on my back where I broke it five years ago. Sigh. Thank goodness there isn't much of a sparring class for a few weeks. It will give me time to get rid of these bruises and look like a normal person. DH suggested I wear back armor -- I told him I just need to move faster and not get hit. Besides, my back isn't gonna break again in that same spot -- it's more solid than ever. Who else has a steel strengther in their lumbar region? Huh? Not many.

Gah. Bored. I did all my work today. I have been working on some barrettes. The house is pretty clean. I don't feel like writing today. I don't feel like reading. I want to do something exciting! Invigorating! Like...going on a safari, a congo adventure, hanging out in a coffee shop in Helsinki, go rock climbing, hiking, fishing, a fun dance club, a water park, go karting, on rollercoasters, eat *really* good food, explore a foreign citie's downtown, sail, horseback ride, meet someone new who is really interesting and cool, go canoeing, see an old friend, shop.

Then I remember my own motto: boring people get bored. Then I get a little deflated. PFt.

Let's see. Why do old people wear swimsuits when it's hot, when they are clearly NOT swimming and instead doing yard work? Why is that okay for them to be half naked?

We are getting a foster dog tomorrow. Short term, will stay with us for two weeks or so until he moves into his adopted home. I hope he is good and doesn't pee all over Pluto's stuff.

Maybe I'll go a little early today, since I'm not doing anything anyway.

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

DH is in bed, maybe sleeping. BIL Phil came over this morning with nephew (why is it that Kandi -- Phil's new bride's, son is just nephew -- when his step dad is my brother in law...shouldn't that make him my nephew in law? Weird). Anyway, he drove us to the east side Unity clinic whatever to have DH's wisdom's extracted. Phil sat in the waiting room on call, while Caleb and I played cards out in the bigger waiting area. I drank two cups of free coffee and he had a cup of oversweet tea. He taught me how to play speed today! Woo. I showed him how to play memory with cards -- he didn't quite catch on to the whole black black idea ... so we just played with any matching number/face card. It made it alot easier. I have to remember he is only seven.

When I retrieved DH from the recovery cot I had to laugh because he looked stunned. He just looked like a stunned chipmunk.

We stopped at Woodman's to get some pudding, ice cream, applesauce, coco wheats, whip cream, sherbert, soy milk, diet clear soda and juice. Then later to Walgreen's to get his drugs. Man, they gave him 30...count them....30! oxycodine pills...while I got only 12. I am beginning to feel like I went to back alley to get my teeth removed last October while DH here gets the royal treatment. Shoot.

He's napping now -- I am gotta get ready to go and fight. Blast, it's hot out there. At least I don't have to cook for the next few days -- I mean making coco wheats isn't exactly hard. :) and I love coco wheats with brown sugar and whip cream. :D We have three movies: the extended Return of the King (which means i want to watch all the other ones first right now....), Below, and National Treasure.

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Because I took too long thinking about what I wanted to send ...

Happy Birthday Zoey!

Mail stuff forthcoming...

Monday, August 08, 2005

Good Morning,

I know many of you make me part of your Monday morning routine. I know this because I make YOU part of my Monday morning routine. Isn't it nice to feel like you have come back after a vacation -- even if it is only the weekend.

Last night was awful for me. I woke up at 2.45 with nails driven into my face. Sinus and lady problems (if you know what I mean). I debated whether or not I should get Midol or Excedrin -- and after another 15 minutes of debate about whether or not I felt good enough to get out of bed, I got the midol. Back in bed, I laid awake for 20 minutes or so listening to the neighborhood. I heard the bird clock click 3:00 AM. I heard branches falling down onto the neighbors camper or car, and I heard three cars drive by. What are those people doing up at 3:00 Monday morning? I wished I could see into their minds and discover their motivation.

After awhile my younger brother Ditto came into the room. He was 14, blond and had just run away from his home. He asked me if he could stay and I said yes. I was sleeping next to my mother. Suddenly fear crept into his eyes and he said "He's here." I told him to lay down and hide underneath the bed, and then pretended to sleep myself. A strange man reached over to me and started to grab my arms.

"Wake up Mom. Mom..Mom....wake up," I struggled to say.

"Wake up Laura, you're dreaming!" Tim said and shook my shoulder.
"Oh," I sighed relief.
"A nightmare, huh?"
"Yeah," I fought against falling into the same dream. "What were you dreaming about?"
"I forgot," Tim answered sleepily.
"Oh," I turned on my side and tried to think of happy things. After five attempts I came across cataloguing bike rides I've had before sleep claimed me again.

So this morning, I felt like I battled ten sea creatures. We woke up late. I wasn't hungry. I decided to opt for drugs and coffee for breakfast. When I was dropped at work, I decided I needed a special drink to help me make this day right. First I went to the University Book store -- but they were closed. Bastards. Starbucks got my money minutes later and I walked out with a four dollar cup of coffee. Mocha with whip cream. good.

Friday night, I had gone out with Hilary for a good old fashioned night of Coffee House. She brought a journal and sketch pad and I brought my journal and a notebook. We ended up at Michelangelo's on State with an ordinary cup of joe. Nestled into a little table against the wall, we started delved into our projects -- a short story for me and sketch for her. Conversation happened, but it wasn't forced. It was good. I had a really good time -- to be honest I can't remember the last time I had such a good time.

Saturday was nothing really eventful. I watched some movies on TV (Casper), did some beadwork, went for an 8 mile skate, played some vids and then got a massive headache and went to bed.

Sunday we took Pluto to the dog park, picked up the paper and our Sunday PDQ muffins on the way home and made some tea and coffee. Later on I cleaned, went shopping and then hosted a BBQ for the family. Tim made his signature margarita's and we talked into the night. It was a lot of fun. :)

That brings me to now. I am at work, I have a small pile of things to do, but since surfing the Internet is usually at the top of my morning to do list -- I thought I would contribute.

I made a list of 15 goals last week for August. One of the goals is to book something interesting for Tim's vacation in the beginning of September. (And this year we are planning on buying tickets to Albuquerque to visit some friends in early November -- but that is vacation part deux). But the first vacation for DH is to just spend time around home and little things. I have a picnic planned for devil's lake -- but I would like something else to do. We have done House on the Rock, Stoughton Troll Way, Go Karts at Wisconsin Dells, anyone have any ideas for something fun to do around Wisconsin?

Pluto has been super cat sensitive lately. We have decided to get a foster so that another dog would boost his confidence about being around cats.

Now to do some work and be productive.


Thursday, August 04, 2005

Have you ever had one of those days where you feel like a badly dressed tranvestite?

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Last night DH and I dined on sumptuously on seafood at the Red Lobster. We both tried lobster and didn't think it was all that -- but we loved the snow crab. Man that's good and it doesn't even need the butter! It was a wonderful day spent reading, doing a few chores, breakfast at IHOP, and quality time spent together. Although, now that we finally got Red Lobster out of the way, what are we going to do for next year's anniversary? Hmm. Maybe Bunky's (if it's still in business by then). That place always looks hoppin'.

So Heather can't workout tonight, and my clothes are on the line so I am going to opt for a skate with Tim instead of doing another TKD night with Master Eric. I mean, he's okay but I was there yesterday and I don't want everyone's schedule to get messed up. Besides my clothes are damp and working out in damp clothes suck.

I gotta figure out something for dinner tonight. Tuna casserole? That might be too much seafood overkill. What else...what else....

The Time Traveller's Wife is REALLY addicting -- in fact, I am going to go and read it now instead of sitting here wasting precious time typing this nonsense.