Friday, November 30, 2007

We have a weight check for Morella this morning. On Wednesday, after her second lacatation consultation and 1 week check up -- where it was determined that she is AT her birth weight (she has two weeks to do this). We decided to agree to have access to the hospital scale to make sure that our breastfeeding regime with nipple shield and finger feeding would work out.

As it turns out, Morella now only eats from the boob (but only with nipple shield) and has turned up nose at the bottle and most attempts to finger feed. I guess I can take this as a compliment. Her wet/poopy diaper output has finally increased too. In fact we are going to now have to buy some more newborn size diapers to bridge the gap for all the size 1 diapers that we received from the baby shower. At that point I'll put in the order for cloth diaper service.

I am feeling better. Now that she is eating without *constant* stimulation and is catching on to latching (not all are successful though -- ouch!) We have been able to get some sleep at night by: leaving a night light on (pitch darkness wakes her up), humidifier on high (she has our constantly stuffy nose :( ) and bringing the boppy, lanolin cream, shields, hand towels (I got a bunch of these blue hand towels at a garage sale this past summer and they are hands down the most absorbent, easy to use burp clothes ever!), --- uh as I was saying. Now I can actually get some sleep at night by getting into this schedule. Tim hasn't had to get up and help for two nights in a row though. Though I really count on him for the morning though because he changes her diaper, gets her undressed and gives me a few moments to get set up for a real breast feeding session complete with pumping - which I really really need after a night of not pumping.

Also not running around yesterday, and taking a boring warm bath with no soap products have helped the sore issues. The only bad is that I had a rotten headache yesterday afternoon that didn't go away until 2 or 3 in the morning. :( Maybe that is why I am feeling great this morning -- no pain!

It snowed out a little last night. The outside world is dusted with white.

I need to get cracking on getting the hospital photos of Morella ordered and then ordering pictures for a birth announcement.

The other day Hilary stopped by with a bonanza of goodies -- a storage bin full of clothes that included some newborn items, a bottle of lanolin cream, The Happiest Baby on the block book, an adorable little sleeper outfit that I put on her last night and a great card. The Bit has also gotten some congrats cards from Coral, Oliver, St. Mary's labor and delivery staff -- etc. She's such a lucky girl!

Tonight, Tim's parents are coming to help. They are coming later this evening so I am not sure how much helping is going to get done -- but I am thinking that if today goes hectic then I might be taking a nap! They are also bringing pie! I decided yesterday that we needed to have a Morella food toll. You wanna see a baby? You bring us food.

Ha ha ha. Just kidding.


Thursday, November 29, 2007

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Hey everyone, just a quick note to let you know that we are adjusting to life with baby. It was particularly hard because Morella would not latch on and it took a couple of days, several doctor appointments and lots of frustration to finally get to a nipple shield, finger feeding, milk FINALLY came in, lots of pumping solution that we are going to try for the next few days.

I am just so glad that we get to stay home tomorrow and don't have to be anywhere.

I also can't believe how fast it's going already. My little baby is starting to grow! WE have a baby. I have a little girl. A daughter. She so sweet and I just love her to bits.

I struggle with emotional breakouts -- I have taken to warning Tim when I feel one coming on. I am also still pretty sore because of the 2nd degree tearing that happened when she finally came out. It feels like it almost got worse the last two days but that could be because of all the moving around and getting in and out cars and sitting and blah blah blah. I am still also running on hormones which means I can get by with less sleep than Tim -- but I think my days are numbered.

I think I will be able to write more tomorrow when we are at home and in more of a schedule -- or at least figuring each other out.

Having Tim home has been great and I really wish it was for more than week. He's been so good with Morella and helping around the house and dealing with his lack of sleep.

I'll leave with you some photos of the Bit.Morella swimming in her going home outfit. Her first real outfit - all the 0-3 mo clothes just swim on her...we have limited newborn stuff and had to buy some more -- thankfully from the good will of Kate and Eric and their gift card. :D It was too late to by booze from Target though -- though we also got a boppy (invaluable in feeding the Bit), and some jammies for me (same reasoning).

SO freaking CUTE!

A pretty common Morella look. It's related to her Pirate look (also known as Popeye)


Since there were NO winners in the guess the birth day for Morella, we are going to the next category which was guessing weight and height. For that, the closest guess (only off and ounce and inch) goes to Carla!! Congratulations Carla, your prize is almost in the mail. :) Thank you to everyone participated.

Also, THANK you to everyone who wished us well and for your congratulations. We really appreciate it.

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Friday, November 23, 2007

DH here again. It was quite a long day/night, as you can imagine. The DW will gladly receive visitors and phone calls after 1 pm on Friday, November 23. On behalf of the DW, I would like to thank everyone for their prayers and good thoughts during pregnancy and labor. We are truly blessed by wonderful friends and family, and we dearly cherish your support and love.


Bacon Bit's Secret Identity Revealed!!!

After 2 hours of pushing, Morella Adelaide entered the world at 2:43 am on Friday, November 23. For those of you betting at home, she was a little critter at 6 pounds 14 ounces, and 18.5 inches long. DW blames my side of the family for being little. She's doing really well. Her apgar scores were 8 and 9. The delay in posting was because the DW's placenta was being stubborn and wouldn't come out. DW needed a little help from the docs to get it out, which left me on baby duty for a bit. She has the cutest dimple on her left cheek, and she's got a crazy amount of light-colored hair.

I think this will end my guest blogging, but I'll leave you with a teaser photo:

The doctor has uttered some sort of magic words about the cervix being complete. They gave DW the option to start pushing now, but she declined, choosing to 'labor down' a little longer. Her plan is to start pushing in about 30 minutes, but, if I may be frank, I do believe I heard her attempt to bargain with the doctor and nurse, suggesting that perhaps Bacon Bit could kick her way out. The DW still entertains a small hope that it will be just like Morticia Addams in Addams Family Values, and that she will experience only the mildest of discomfort accompanied by a dainty exclamation. May it be so!

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Another rotating of the guard is about to occur. A nurse change is coming up, and we will be bidding a fond farewell to our third nurse during our stay. Contractions are strong, but irregular. Baby is really coming down. The current nurse, the resident-on-duty, and this faithful scribe all agree that it looks like Bacon Bit will be born on the 23rd. While it remains within the realm of possibility that she will show up on the 22nd, she seems to be taking her time. I'm sensing a theme, and already dread the implication that waking her up to go to school will be an Herculean task.

It's time for another cup of coffee for me. Alas, the DW is limited to ice chips, the price of an epidural.

Ahhh, sweet relief!!!!

The anesthesiologist just finished placing the epidural, and the DW is now relaxing comfortably with some classical music playing in the background. The lights have been dimmed, and she is attempting to take a nap.

The latest medical jargon thrown my way is that dilation remains at 5 cm, but that the cervix has moved all the way forward and baby is in Station Zero (Copy, Red Two! Check your six!).

The DW is currently 'relaxing' in the tub, and having pretty frequent contractions. She's told me to shut up at least twice while she breathed through one. The baby monitor can be a hassle, and the DW is finding it difficult to get a comfortable position while trying to balance all the cords and whatnot. She asked me if she could get an epidural so she could take a nap. I said that I didn't think those things were intended to be used recreationally. A anonymous source related to me, the humble DH, would bet, if they were the betting sort, that Bacon Bit will arrive within the next two hours. So far, the Bit has been bucked all predictions, so I remain skeptical. In related news, a friend of ours has graciously gone to feed our pets. We are extremely grateful, and indebted to this kindness.

Water broke at ~4 PM. DW dubbed it the arrival of the Three Big Gushes (she said I could quote her on that). The doctor is going to check conditions in about an hour. The DW is currently perched on a birthing ball, doing cross stitch, and flipping through the channels on the TV.

No real progress from earlier. Mild, regular contractions continue, but we're just hanging out, with me reading a book and the DW watching a DVD.

I, the DH, have humbly returned to provide additional information for all you birthing fans. We have conflicting measurements from two doctors, with dilation somewhere between 2-4 cm, and effacement around 60-70%. What they agree on is that the DW is progressing nicely. Contractions continue at 2-3 minute intervals, but have not started causing much pain. Bacon bit is currently awake and making the fetal monitor emit swishing noises to the back beat of her heart. The DW is requesting tea, so I must away.

Hi, wazika fans. This is the DH guest-blogging live from the hospital. They've got wireless access, which is pretty cool. Anyway, the induction process has commenced. The DW is a fingertip dilated and 50% effaced, and they'll be checking again at 10:30 am. As you may know, gentle readers, there's really no way to predict how long this will take. If we're lucky it will go quickly. But, in my uneducated and amateur opinion, this could take a little time.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Right now she has hiccups. I don't remember feeling the hiccups yesterday, but there was a time when she would have them 2 or 3 times a day. They are so rhythmic and strong, letting me know that there is a fully formed person inside there experiencing something as ordinary as hiccups.

Yet I still can't fully wrap my head around the fact that I have had a real live person hanging out with me for the past ten months. I think I will wait to reflect the end of this episode of infertility until there is a baby in my arms and at home and living past a week...or something. I feel like if I try to imagine too much ahead of time that I am only setting myself up for disappointment. Hence, I have not talked to the baby other than in ways like "Hey Bacon Bit wake up!" Or "Hey Bacon Bit quit kicking me there!" I haven't had a long heart to heart chat. For one, I feel ridiculous doing it.

Another thing I am looking forward too - is holding a baby as long as I want without feeling ... guilty. I think often times people think I don't want to hold their baby, and you know what? It's true to an extent. I do want to hold the baby, but I don't do it for very long. If you had met me 4 years ago that wouldn't have been the case. But over the course of infertility, and when people know or even didn't know...I was afraid that I might get a hungry look in my eyes that they would sense or could see and want their kid back. I didn't want to appear to be jealous or envious or make anyone (including myself) uncomfortable. Now, I have never heard or read about any other infertile woman doing this -- usually they will just avoid kids altogether or not have a problem with it at all. So maybe this was just me and my own curious combination of neurosis.

I think I felt most comfortable with kids when I was babysitting unsupervised -- because then I could really relax and enjoy the time with the kid without feeling weirded out. I also enjoy time with slightly older kids because you can do more interaction with them just physical. Talk, play games...etc.

Overall, I felt I have had a great pregnancy experience. I would go as far as to categorize it as "easy." Which I am grateful for. Easy doesn't mean symptom free. It's interesting that lately I feel less pregnant than I have the whole time. Maybe my hormones finally got used to everything? Or maybe I am just really used to feeling this way. A small check list of the things I did experience at one point or another:

Things I experienced:

-sore boobs
-1st trimester morning insomnia (only lasted 2-3 weeks)
-headaches (thankfully it tapered off a lot)
-red face
-eventual clearing of acne (amazing!)
-drier hair
-increased discharge
-itchy nipples
-constant thirst (lasted the longest)
-carpal tunnel (still have it)
-swelling (but not excessive, just enough to not wear rings or any other shoes than my keens).
-blurry vision with contacts (comes and goes)
-crotch pain
-linea nigra
-incredibly dark areolas
-baby hiccups
-stomped bladder
-increased urination
-maybe one mild case of heartburn
-touch of nesting
-rhinitis (possibly one or the more annoying ones)
-minimal stretch marks -- I have a little 2 inch patch with maybe 3 or 4 stretch marks in it)
-increased bra size
-food aversion
-bad taste in mouth
-round ligament discomfort when exercising
-bleeding gums
-a round or two of moodiness -- nothing excessive
-going overdue

Things I did not experience:

-massive discomfort at my size
-bloody noses
-massive stretch marks
-excessive swelling
-high blood pressure
-gestational diabetes
-sciatica nerve pain
-spotting or bleeding
-leaking of the breasts
-vomiting or bad morning sickness
-strong cravings
-strong braxton hicks contractions
-varicose veins
-popped belly button
-over all itchiness/rashes
-leg cramps
-yeast infections
-accidental peeing
-constant hormonal moodiness
-false labor
-oh shit we are having a baby! moments...

One on hand today feels like any other day. I have energy. I feel fine (if a little crampy today) and I am working on weatherproofing the windows and cleaning the house. I was even thinking of baking some more stuff since we have a little room in the freezer now. I think overall my goal for today is to just go about it as normal. After work I will meet up with Tim and Oliver for an after work beer/kiddie cocktail (did I ever mention that I always thought it was "kitty cocktail"??), come home have some dinner...I don't know what yet...and then probably play video games after watching Pushing Daisies and then go to bed. I thought about going to bed early but that just isn't gonna happen.

Who know, I might start freaking out and getting super nervous between here and there...but if I keep myself busy I should be fine. Right?

Oh and this morning, Migo caught the mouse that has been lurking under the fridge! The three cats have been staking it out for the last three days and finally, today after strict orders from Tim for her to catch it...she did. I have pictures...we are so proud. :)

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

No, no Bacon Bit today. I, just now, debated with myself "Should I have a fourth peanut butter with hershey kiss (what do they call them... ah peanut blossom)?"

And then I said to myself "Hey you are only going to be pregnant for less than two days now. Go on, eat that cookie!"

I did...and it was delicious. Wow...tomorrow is the last full day of being pregnant. this whole thing just flew by! Well, it did after the whole level II ultrasound and positive on the quad blood scare. After that 20 week mark, I feel like we were able to relax and sort of finally enjoy things.

To think, that there is a little baby inside just waiting to get out. I haven't talked to the Bit. We talk about the Bit, but I can't .... just can't talk to my belly like it's a person. I think I need to see the Bit in real life. Hold a baby. And then it will finally connect. Yes, I know logically that there is a baby...but ... I guess, well maybe you know what I mean.

I don't know if St. Mary's has a fully stocked fridge for the husband/family. I did see that Meriter did though. I spent the day baking/cooking/grocery shopping today -- so I think Tim is set. I made rice krispy bars, peanut butter blossom cookies, root vegetable au gratin, southwest corn chowder, and I got some more granola bars, some summer sausage, some roast beef lunchmeat (for Tim) and some german dark wheat bread so that he can have sandwiches.

My neighbor came over to visit me while I cooked so I had a good two hour chat with her (hence no earlier post). Then I went to pick up Tim, came back and took a shower, finished making dinner, ate dinner and started playing video games and crocheting.

We think there might be a mouse under the fridge. The cats have been taking turns standing watch. One day that mouse will screw up or leave. Right now Arkham is on watch. The one nice thing about having cats is that we don't have much of a rodent/pest problem. I trust these little buggers to do their job. If not ... well then'll be fired.

More tomorrow!

Monday, November 19, 2007

Well, we finally have some Thanksgiving plans!

The 41 week doctor appointment went well. Bacon Bit passed the nonstress test with flying colors. I am almost completely effaced and Bacon Bit has moved even further down that before, however the cervix remains stubbornly closed and only a fingertip dilated. That means no membrane sweeping was possible (you need at least 2-3 inches dilated for that) and it means induction.

We were given the option of Thursday (Thanksgiving Day) or Saturday. We opted for Thursday because we would really rather not have Bacon Bit share her birthday with a cousin. Plus, it's not like we can travel anywhere. We start on Thursday morning REALLY early at 5:30 AM with the cervix ripening and then they'll start the picotin later in the day. Hopefully, Bacon Bit is all ready to come out and just needs a little prompting.

Things I am worried about (because I always have to be worried about something):

-what are we gonna do with Pluto since everyone is out of town? Tim is going to have to leave a few times during the day to let him out ... and what if he leaves during THAT critical time?

-What is Tim going to eat? Since I can't eat anything (read order extra food) until the Bit is born.

Oh I have lots more thoughts and stuff regarding this. I am still processing it all. I would be lying if I said I wasn't disappointed that the Bit wasn't able to pick her own birthday. That I am sad that this couldn't start naturally -- I had hoped that we would have only needed help in just getting the baby process started.

As a friend said to me today " I know that if I learned anything from the "let's have a baby" process, it's that nothing works like you imagined it would."

No kidding!

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Okay, so I know I told people who had gone overdue to try the Eggplant Parmesan trick from Olive Garden (or wherever you can get it) to induce labor, and so tonight I decided to try it. I mean, when else would be a better time, right?

That said, I convinced Tim to get over his abhorrence of Olive Garden and go on this foolish adventure with me. I'll keep you updated on my ... uh.... scientific experiment. ;)

I woke up pretty early this morning...well not that early I guess at 7.30 because Arkham was having a hissy fit about not being fed on time (half an hour late). I had gone to bed at 1:00am or so....I wasn't that tired. Anyway, so I got up and decided to take a bath. I took a good long 45 minute bath, got dressed, internetted for awhile and then dozed for a bit on the couch until Tim woke up. Oh yea, I had my leftover Come Back Inn breakfast too....anyway. I finished entering addresses in my address spreadsheet (should make xmas cards a bit easier this year) and then decided to go for a walk.

The sun was out, it was crisp but not too cold so I decided to walk to the Wisconsin Craft Market (a 1/2 hour walk there..) to look around. It's a store that has little...shops...which is made by local craftspeople. Really, it's like going to a craft show except it's a store that is manned the people who have stuff there. Sort of like a craft co-op. I went to buy some soap, but also found a few cute ornaments and the biggest surprise of all -- Laima!

Laima and I decided to talk a walk afterward, we stopped at Java Cat to get treats and then tool around the Monona neighborhoods for awhile. Eventually we found our way back to her car and drove to Menards so I could save a ton of money on buying winter proofing stuff for the windows. In addition, I got a caulk rope this year for hard to plastic windows -- namely the kitchen window. While I was there I also bought a 10 pack of C and D batteries for the baby swing and the bouncinette. I figure that we are going to be putting these to good use and it was good to have them around. One should always have a supply of various batteries in their house, right?

Tim called at one point and asked where I was. I told him I was at Menards (about 5-7 miles away from where we live) and he got worried. He said he thought that I was in a dark place regarding Bacon Bit and finally had decided to try a Zoey tactic to have her (which is do a LOT of walking). I laughed and said no, and confessed to having run into Laima. Ha ha.

The walking around was good. I don't feel like I am going into labor though. I did start to feel a bit like I was getting my period but that has since passed since sitting on the couch. I am thinking I would like something delicious for dinner but am not sure how motivated I am to make it. :P Especially since all I have had to eat today is some leftover breakfast from yesterday, some M&M's and a brownie.

I am sort of sad about Thanksgiving this year. Our plan had been to go to Tim's parents for Thanksgiving. They generally put out a good spread. Well, since we have NO idea when Bacon Bit will get here and unless it happens tonight the chances of induction and it happening this week are pretty high. Bacon Bit sort of really should be born by Sunday. So. We miss out on a great home cooked meal that I didn't have to make and are stuck with what? Cold cereal. *cry*

I really look forward to Thanksgiving dinners too.

Who wants to bring us a Meals on Wheels Thanksgiving dinner?

Also, there were NO guessers for today and tomorrow we have Laima's Mom (Zane) and Amanda. Good luck ladies. You are sure gonna need it.

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Real briefly:

-ate breakfast at the Come Back In -- was awesome
-went to bank
-picked up vegetables
-took Pluto to dog park -- awesome for him, cold for us since it was raining
-played video games with the DH all afternoon
-took a small lay down because I was bored
-cooking a bratwurst crock pot dinner
-obviously, no baby

Friday, November 16, 2007


What can I say? It would see that Bacon Bit takes after her Dad's side of the family already. Always late. Always "five more minutes." Tim tried to say that the Bit was operating on Indian time, but we all know that's baloney. If an Indian says they will show up on one day they will -- even if it's at the end of the day.

So. the Bit's room is done as it's gonna be. We don't have a crib. We kept the day bed in there because it will work as a great diaper changing spot, and well, a guest room because Bacon Bit is going to be sleeping with us for a long time - or until Bacon Bit hit 30 pounds. The room sort of looks like a kids room, not really a baby's room though it's filled with baby stuff. Still need to have a place for that stuff. I had just as hard of a time going through that room as I did going through the office! It's organizing things that I have no real knowledge of. I mean, Bibs and burb clothes go together right? They can be in the same drawer? And I sorted through and hung up all the sleepers/coverall type things up and kept the onsies in the drawer for 0-3. Um. I even decided to wash all the receiving blankets because I needed to wash the awesome Finnish snowsuit I got -- and since it needed to a full load I also washed Tim's white T-shirts and used the Dreft soap (because I have it..why not?). Now Tim is going to smell like a baby today! Ha ha.

Last night I made a spicey pumpkin soup and pumpkin gingersnap pudding -- I needed to use the whole can of pumpkin. I toyed with the idea of making candies today -- you know like brittle, bark, fudge, etc...but then Tim screwed around and decided to take the car. Actually he might not have screwed around that much -- I just think he's into taking the car to work and not riding bike because "What if you have a baby." Despite constant reassurances that I won't have a baby within an hour...he decided his way was better.

So I could make some stuff...I mean, I do think I have all the ingredients for some things. Hm. So going to the store wouldn't HAVE to happen.

Anyway. Today I was going to clean. Now that everything has a place and is set, cleaning is gravy! In fact I could have a cleaning lady/dude even come and it would be okay. Or if someone wanted to offer to help clean (not that I think anyone would) but still.

Bacon Bit is really active. Last night her activity was ... hurty active in which I decided that laying down would just be better. There just isn't enough room in there for sitting and that kind of stretching. Which I am feeling now -- so I should just get up and vacuum or something. I bet moving around will put the Bit to sleep.

I should also make some tea.

Folks up today in the Guess when Bacon Bit Finally Decides to Show are: Laima, my online friend Talena (childlight) and my step-dad Frank.

The list of folks is getting decidedly smaller.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

40 1/2 Weeks

(there better not be a 42 1/2 weeks.....)

And now for the entire journey!

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Well, I think the infamous nesting has finally started. I might say it started yesterday but that might not be the truth. I had to clean the office. It was a disaster in there, and I had left it longer than normal because it not only needed a cleaning, but a major organizing and rearranging overhaul. So yesterday I decided it was time to tackle it. Especially since I had a mini panic attack the night before about "not being ready." I successfully squashed that -- and went to sleep. But why put off what you can do today? I am now proud to say that the office has been completely cleaned ... we still need to move some computers around -- but that's minor. It also took me all day to do. I did take a brief break to go to Happy Bambino with Hilary because I was going to talk to the owner about ordering the Getting Started diaper package, but she wasn't there and I wasn't eager to talk to apathetic clerk lady that was. Besides, I don't know if I told you this, but I think Bacon Bit is afflicted with the same magnetic curse that I am. You know, I could walk into a store that hasn't seen a customer in years and within 10-20 minutes there will be five other people getting in my way. Well, with Bacon Bit it has increased that by 2-3 people. The store was packed by the time we left and I hadn't gotten a thing. I decided I would email the owner (still on the list of things to do).

I went home and cleaned, cleaned, cleaned -- and by the time Tim got home I was very tired. However we ate dinner (home made pizza that Tim made!), and walked the dog. Walking the dog was difficult because I had over done it. I was going to visit my friend Laima afterwards but I was too tired to anything but sit and crochet/play vids with Tim.

Today, is Tim's Birthday! Hurray!

We woke up and I made him a hot breakfast while he opened his birthday presents. That chump knew exactly what I bought him because when he took the music stand out of the box he swiftly assembled it with practiced hands and said something about having one when he was in high school and played the trombone. He knew what it was while it was wrapped in the box! At least he didn't know what the other one was -- the task/computer/armless chair that is perfect for both computer and accordion use. I thought the gifts worked well together and were practical.

I drove Tim to work and stopped by Cafe Zoma on the way home to pick up a cinnamon bun and small mocha.

While I was at cafe Zoma, I had to pee really bad and after putting my order in I went to the bathroom. I came out and they asked what my last comment was. I said I had needed to use the bathroom (they thought I might have said decaf). I said "No, give me the caffeine. Maybe that will shake the baby out."

"Are you over due?" they asked.
"Yeah," I replied.
"Drink a glass of whiskey," the brown haired girl said. "My grandmother was like two months over due, and so they gave her a glass of whiskey and wrapped her in warm blankets. The next thing she knew the labor was half over! Or so the story goes."

"I'm not ready for whiskey yet, but maybe by Monday," I replied and got my coffee and bun and left. I'll never be ready for whiskey, I hate hard alcohol.

I went home and tried to catch up with the internet before jumping into the shower for my doctor's appointment.

The doctor's appointment was uneventful. I got checked and the Bashful Cervix struck again! As some of you know I have very, very tilted cervix -- something that has not changed much apparently in the last 10 months. You see, it's so tilted that no doctor or nurse fingers can actually fit far enough back there to tell how much dilation has occurred. Sigh. She did say that it was super squishy and soft, and that Bacon Bit is extremely low down in the pelvis. Which would explain why I know measured only 35 weeks. Seriously, why does she keep bothering? She even said after she took it that those measurements have no effect after 35, especially when the baby moves south. She hazarded a guess at 50% effaced and 1 centimeter dilated, though she did say it could have have been more but she couldn't tell. She also added that the cervix comes down during labor. Well I would hope so!!!! I just wish it could stay that way!

She is going by their due date for me which is Nov. 11 -- and so my appointment next Monday (if no Bacon Bit is here) then I have to have a NST (non stress test) while I am there to make sure everything is hunky dory and to schedule an induction based on the state of my cervix. Let's hope I don't get that far! If anything because anytime starting this afternoon to Friday means Tim would get the two Thanksgiving days piled in and I would have him home that much longer. (He only gets five days).

After that I went to Burlington Coat Factory -- I forgot that they had a Baby Depot...and my god I am so glad I went! Everything there is way cheaper than Babies R Us, Target or Walmart. I found my backseat mirror for 8 dollars cheaper than walmart -- exact same thing! I also got a foam rug/matt for the kitchen sink, a new shower curtain and a closet organizer for the Bit's room (one of those thing that hang down in the closet). I spent way to much time there and when I finally emerged and got myself home it was 12:30.

I immediately went to hang up the closet organizer only to discover that the hooks are too small to fit the wooden rod in the closet. No biggie, I'll use some shower curtain hooks to rig something up....and so I went off to look for that under the bathroom sink. One thing led to another and before you know it, I had completely cleaned and organized the linen closet, the bathroom cabinet drawers and underneath the sink. By the time I hit the kitchen it was already 2!

The kitchen took me 2.5 hours...I won't go into detail about how I cleaned and scrubbed the garbage can, had to sweep up a broken champagne bottle (it was filled with rocks that I had been using a base for a broken lamp) that missed bin by inches. I also got a pretty nasty cut on my knuckle while cleaning it up. Oh yeah, and I did the dishes, baked Tim a cake AND decorated it with my homemade cream cheese frosting.

I think you will agree with me that this is what you would call nesting. I can't believe it didn't kick in until now! Just THINK of all the stuff I could have done around here if I had extra shots of it throughout the weeks leading up to now. Man.

If Bacon Bit isn't here by tomorrow, then I plan on having breakfast with my friend Sigrid (who will also be Pluto sitting when the time comes), washing all the cabinets, sweeping and vacuuming all the rooms in the house (since everything is finally organized and cleaned to my liking)...and yeah. Then I can wait? Nah...I still got that cookbook to finish, and I decided to go through my magazines and cut out recipes and ideas that I liked.

Like decorating pine cones for Christmas.

As for how I feel? Well, it could be the nesting or it could be that something is finally starting to happen because this afternoon I started to feel rather crappy. I also realized that I might actually have had a contraction or two. At first I thought it was the baby moving, but then I realized that it better fit the description of a whole stomach hug. It was only once or twice though. I am also just feeling...crappier. Maybe I need to take it down a notch. I don't know.

Lastly, I went to pick Tim up after work and we went to Mad City Crab House for some oysters (for Tim) and a drink. Then we went to New Orleans take out and he got a fried oyster po'boy and I got a cod poboy and we came home to eat it. I finished decorating the cake and realized .... for the umptenth time that I cannot decorate a cake to save my hide. However,... the frosting is awesome and I look forward to having a piece of cake after we get back from walking Pluto.

Sorry I didn't update yesterday! I was caught in the throes of instinctual nesting -- getting ready. I hope this long post makes up for it.

There were EIGHT losers for todays guessing! Tomorrow Hilary, Jessie and Sarah are up. Good luck ladies. :D

One more thing, Tim said this morning "This waiting is hard."

I think someone is getting anxious!

Even one more thing -- I wore that floral shirt from the Baby shower to the appointment today...the one that makes me actually look pregnant -- and this woman in the elevator up asked me "How far along are you?"

I said "40 and 2"

"Really?" she replied. "You really look like you are going to explode! Like it's twins in there! It's all right out there in front of you!"

So HURRAY!!!!!! I FINALLY got that comment! I'm so happy. :D It's only in that outfit though. :( When I wear my hoodie and regular other clothes no special privileges are afforded to me. I get asked if I want a beer...etc.

Monday, November 12, 2007

The only guesser we have for today is Dave! Good luck Dave. :D

Today has been pretty eventful. I went to the Original Pancake with Lowen this morning. It was good to get some more potatoes. :D Since the place doesn't take credit cards, I remembered to bring my check book. I had blanked on the date and she said November 12 to which I said "Oh yeah, of course I know this date. It's my due date."

"You are due today?" the black haired lady said and appraised my tummy.
"Yeah, though I don't think she is coming today," I replied.
"You don't look very big for being due today," she stated.
"Uh," I said. And thankfully Lowen said something about how great I looked to change the subject.

How big am I supposed to be?! The truth is, the measurements at the doctors have been a little behind ...the OB quit taking them, but the NP did and the bit measured around 36 week last week. Though she said by feeling my stomach that the Bit is probably around 7 pounds. But they weren't so far behind that anyone seemed worried. Anyway.

Afterwards we checked out the Super Walmart over by Monona/South Town. It's been about two years since I have last been to a Walmart --- and I have never been a super one. I tell you it's huge, but it seems like their selection isn't that much better than Super Target. They just have more stuff -- like grocery, automotive, etc. I did end up buying a few things -- but really I think I'll be fine sticking with good ol' Target.

So no baby today yet! I don't feel any different, just as good as usual. I would like to point out that my the top middle of my tummy has no feeling. It's weird! I read that can happen but I guess I didn't believe it. Bacon Bit has been moving around well -- it's kind of strange to see the whole shape of your stomach undulate, but it's cool. I hope with all this moving around she hasn't decided to flip positions from her good head down one that she has held onto for so long.

We are starting to the phone calls and random visits (BIL Phil stopped by to see how the lawn was doing and, I think, to check up on us). It kind of surprises me, I mean do people think (and by people I guess I specifically mean family) that we won't tell them when Bacon Bit arrives? That two weeks later or something when they call to see, we would say "oh yeah, Bacon Bit came two weeks ago." Sheesh. On the other hand, they hardly ever keep us updated on their going ons and stuff (though they seem to do a great job of keeping each other updated). So maybe they are expecting to be treated like they treat us? I don't know. It's not that I am unhappy with the current situation -- in fact, I am quite comfortable with it.

Whelp, it's almost 4:30 and already it's getting dark outside. How sad. It was so nice today, and I'm glad that I got out and about for a bit. Today and tomorrow is 60 degree weather and sunny. That means there are at least two more days that I will enjoy walking the dog -- even if the walks are happening at night in the dark.

Migo has taken over the cosleeper as her own. Today I bought a pack of those battery operated touch lights that I can put on the wall next to the cosleeper since I can no longer access a bedside lamp. I would like to be able to see Bacon Bit at night without having to get up and turn on the big lights and make a huge fuss. That would be sort of annoying for Tim I am sure. I think I'll try it out tonight and see how my idea works.

Okay, I gotta wrap Tim's Birthday presents now before he gets home in case something interesting does happen before his birthday (which I am sure I mentioned -- I hope Bacon Bit doesn't decide to come on that day...). I also have to figure out what the heck is for dinner. My second breakfast still has me feeling pretty stuffed.

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Probable losers today are: Tiara, Mom, Janet, Chuck and Jen.

Yesterday evening we took Pluto to the dog park -- which he loved, it was the first time he got to go there all year. We managed to get in two laps before it was too dark to walk anymore, but by then Pluto was tailing us and was done. He did lots of running, sniffing and peeing -- complete with that dog show off thing where they scratch the grass. Sheesh. There wasn't even any other dogs around to see him show off.

Right now he in the kitchen helping Tim get dinner started. Trust me when I tell you that Pluto isn't a very good helper. You would think he would be tired after our evening walk, but that is not the case. He'd rather stand around in the way. Enough about my damn dog.

I feel like my bathroom stinks because I used that lysol tilex to clean the tile....and it got it clean but now it has this residue smell that just bothers me. I wonder how I can get rid of the stink. Oh I should take a shower and just wipe down everything. Yeah, that's what I will do.

Anyway, so Tim is starting on the cheesy kielbasa bake -- it's make one and freeze one ... see we are still doing the preparation for the Bit. :D I hope it's good. I bought a package of those casserole tin things that had two in I could freeze one. I think I'll still need to put some of the press seal stuff over it before putting on the plastic cover. The plastic cover doesn't strike me as very freeze worthy.

So yeah, last night we went out to the paradise because our friend Chuck was in town for the weekend. Since Madison is smoke free there is no real reason I couldn't go. :D Let me tell you that apparently people don't expect full term pregnant ladies to be going out. But I ask you, what am I supposed to be doing? Sitting here looking at my belly button? Yesterday when I was raking leaves my neighbors came over and were a little shocked that I was raking. I told them that it wasn't exactly high endurance and not that hard. Eventually I did have to stop short of finishing the whole two yards because my back was starting to hurt but that went away after I made lunch and relaxed a bit.

Personally I am quite glad that I am still able to move around, be active, walk and not be in huge amounts of pain or discomfort. I think a part of that is attitude and the other part is just doing it. I mean, if I sat around on the couch the whole 10 months then how would I have the energy to have a baby and then take care of it afterwards when all the sympathy help is gone? Hm?

Today we returned the incomplete crib to Amy, saw some wedding photos (I brought them some of the apple cake I made on Friday), came back and then put together the cosleeper. I'm not very happy to report that Migo already tried it out and I have a feeling some other cat is going to be testing it out tonight as well. I can only hope that when Bacon Bit is here that they respect her space (which I am pretty sure they will do). Otherwise the spray bottle is coming back into play. I think we held off on the cosleeper as long as we could -- so I hope that I won't have to navigate getting in and out of bed with it there while being pretty pregnant for long!

Oh Tim needs help with dinner. So baby watchers...there is no baby today!

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Folks up today for the Bacon Bit Guessing Game are: Zoey, Kate and Mike!

Good luck folks.

Oh man, last night I was SOOOOoooo tired that I went to bed at 9:00 PM and woke up this morning at 9:00AM (with a few bathroom breaks in between). I can't believe I slept that much! Where did all that sleep come from? It's not like I have lost any sleep the last couple of weeks, or that I did a lot of stuff around the house. It just sort of came out of no where. I feel pretty good today though (not that I have been feeling bad anyway).

Today we are going to rake the yards AGAIN, clean the gutter, install the car seat into the car and then take Pluto to the dog park for a long walk. It has the triple benefit of getting our walks in, letting Pluto run his brains out, and getting him used to having the car seat in the back.

When I woke up I decided to make a big breakfast -- you know a good weekend breakfast but then remembered at the last minute we only had three eggs left. So I ended up making sausage, french toast and coco wheats. Tim made a pot of decaf coffee which had a little pumpkin pie spice sprinkled on the grounds and now it tastes gourmet. I got that little tidbit hint from my friend Erika back in college. Anyway so I am now full, and our hour of screwing around is almost up before we go and do something productive. Tim said he is going to clean the gutters, I think I'll start raking the front yard. I don't care how much he loves that leaf blower, I think it's tacky to use it on the front yard. :P

Lastly, I was thinking this morning about how I thought I would be SO MUCH BIGGER with Bacon Bit than I am. I mean, sure there is a belly there that makes it a little harder to get out of bed or put my shoes on, but I honestly don't feel like that I am that much bigger than the average obese american. I guess my perception of being pregnant was that I would feel like my belly is twice the size is it now...but it's not. And Bacon Bit is still moving around good and strong. I love it when she does those big strong kicks/punches that completely shakes the whole belly.

Okay the birds toll the hour (yeah, we have one of those bird clocks. My Mom gave us it as a xmas gift three years ago -- and while at first we laughed at it...we ended up loving it.)

Friday, November 09, 2007

First off, I want to bring you attention to the fact that I updated October Photos (which I see some of you discovered on your own even though I had that page hidden on the last page of photos for a week because I hadn't gotten around to adding captions). You can access that by clicking on the October 2007 link to your left, or by clicking HERE to get to the whole album.

Last night we had the food of Tim's ancestors -- german fare complete with german music (which Bacon Bit enjoyed very much) and finished it off with the a slice of the german chocolate cake that Zoey recommended. It was okay...I guess we don't like refrigerated cake...I prefer cake to be at room temperature, especially thick cakes like that or if the cake is a custard type cake that is supposed to be chilled. We came back home and split a bottle of blueberry beer and I really felt like I was living it up. :D

Sleep was not so hot though. Last night was the second time in a row that I woke up for no reason at like 3:00 in the morning. Just wide awake and not tired. I thought it was a fluke the night before, but when it happened again I started to wonder. I mean, this is how the whole thing started. Morning insomnia was my first real, hands on symptom that I was pregnant (of course you know I was obsessively tracking every twinge and possible symptom because I wanted a record of what getting a period was like after taking clomid, and I wouldn't get my hopes in future tries. Who know we would get so freaking lucky??). I eventually did fall back asleep, but man waking up that early is sort of boring. What can you do?

So I was tired this morning and just decided to watch a movie. I watched Knocked Up and didn't like it. I guess I just don't find that sort of dialogue to be that great. I didn't care for any of the characters...yeah. Thumbs down -- even for a chick flick. That reminds me that I need to hurry up and put that in the mail and finish writing some post cards before the mail gets here. Also the microwave is beeping at me that my food has been sufficiently reheated (beans and franks with cornbread).

Hmm the crock pot is starting to smell good!

I need to move and get some stuff done around here. I mean, I should right? Time to put the bra and contacts on! That gets me going more than anything else.

Thursday, November 08, 2007

I am headacheville's not as bad it could be, but it still sucks. I just finished a glass of coke but feel like one more hit of caffeine might do the trick. I don't want another coke though...I should just make a little cup of coffee. I think we still have some actual caffeinated coffee around this house....

Yesterday I spent the day clipping recipes from magazines and finally throwing them away. Ahh what a relief. Then I made a menu of food for the next few weeks and made a corresponding grocery list, so that is what I am going to be doing later this afternoon -- going to the grocery store.

Tonight we are going to go out to eat at the Essen Haus. We have a Bucky Book coupon for buy one dinner and get the second free. If you know how expensive the Essen Haus is, then you know this is a good deal. :D It will be nice to not have to cook dinner -- we have enough leftovers right now as it is.

I watched Eragon yesterday while clipping...well listened to it mostly. The sun was shining brightly on the screen but I couldn't be arsed enough to close the shades. Besides getting sunlight is good for you. Good for the soul, and really the movie wasn't that great. Next up I have the Prestige and Knocked Up.

Well, I have a friend coming over today to visit and she's bringing lunch! I should go take a shower and make an effort to look presentable. It has the double bonus of being ready to go shopping and out to eat later. I also wanted to start a load of laundry and vacuum the living room floor...oh yeah and make some coffee. I am starting to feel a little better.

RIP to the Fish, who lives in a stinky old aquarium for ... 2 years by itself! I had moved it to a much smaller bowl with air but it didn't survive. Poor thing. I just didn't have the heart to flush it down the toilet alive. At the same time, we couldn't have the aquarium there anymore and taking our living room as hostage. I think I am done with Fish. No wonder you see so many fish tanks and hamster/gerbil/guinna pig cages at garage sales in the summer.

So far the big losers for guessing Bacon Bit's Birthday are: Me, Kathleen and Steve. No one guessed for the Bit to be born today....but tomorrow for the 9th, on deck is: Kirsteen, Kathy and Erika.

I have a fabulous prize all ready for the winner. Really I do. So there is still time to get your guess in. Click on the banner to your left.

Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Bacon Bit is outta control! This baby have been moving up a storm for solid hours....if I were so inclined, I might actually record the wakefulness and see if really does correspond later. Last night the Bit was so active I actually played some calming music via the mp3 player to see if that would calm her. I didn't, so I ended up just going to bed, and later waking up because for some reason sleeping on my right side can get so painful that I have to scoot sideways out of the bed because I can't turn around.

It was accompanied by the most painful cramps I have had to date -- but I guess it went away because I was able to fall back asleep laying on left side and woke up fine this morning. As I was feeling crappy the thought flitted through my mind "Not tonight! I'm tired and I need another day!" Yeah...I realized I wasn't this infamous "ready". Even though technically I am...I mean, we have the stuff one needs and really we could always get it last minute right? Hm. Well, I'll just keep up with the cleaning and organizing and today I plan on baking and making cookie dough to be frozen for future use.

I will not go out to eat for lunch today. I promise. Besides, Tim and I are planning a last minute hurrah dinner for tomorrow night. I am almost thinking Chili's...because we haven't been disappointed by them yet...but that seems sort of a cop out. Tim suggested this Peruvian place -- but I don't know. Do I want to try an unproven place as our possible last dinner out as couple? Hm.

Okay I am going to put on a bra , socks and my contacts so I can get this day started. It's looks like a beautiful day! All sunny and clear.

Tuesday, November 06, 2007

This maternity/time before the baby is dangerous. I have eaten out TWICE already this week .... on Monday I went to Monty's for french toast and a side of pototos. Then today after my doctor's appointment I went to Panera for a half sandwich/soup combo. I keep justifying it by saying "I won't have many more opportunities to do this" and "I am in the area, so I might as well...."

Tim seems to think that going out for lunch by yourself is akin to drinking by yourself. I disagree with that...but I should watch it. I don't have any plans for the car to be used tomorrow or the rest of the week so I shouldn't worry. Tomorrow I am thinking of making cookie dough. You know so that when we want cookies later we can just slice off a few and bake them. I'm thinking chocolate chip, sugar and snickerdoodle.

Speaking of cooking, I made some great progress on my 3-ring binder cooking book. I went through a bunch of papers and my daily list journal and collected all the recipes I did like. The kitchen table and bookshelf already looks a million times better. I will continue to work on it tomorrow.

Also today, I paid bills, and spent entirely too much time trying to replace a cord for a lamp (it involved me smashing parts of it on the back concrete steps) and eventually just salvaged parts of it to fix another unrelated lamp. I also did a load of laundry, put all the tissue and gift bags away in an effort to work on cleaning up the Bit's room, hung a bunch of blankets on a towel rack, showered and got dressed and went to my 39 week doctor appointment.

The doctor appointment went well. I scored a 118/72 on my blood pressure and despite not looking at my weight gain, I accidentally saw it anyway -- and realized I only gained 4 pounds since I went on strike over a month ago! Cool. You really do slow down the weight gain near the end, though I tell you that this tummy feels huge! The doc and I talked and we think that Bacon Bit is not going to be a big as I initially thought...I mentioned that Tim was born on his due date weighing 6 pounds and some change. She indicated that Bacon Bit is bigger than that, but probably by just a pound. So now I am thinking around 7 1/2.

I was asked about our plans for birth control afterwards and again had to say that we plan on using none and would in fact, welcome Irish twins. It would be awesome to conceive for free, why muck up our chances? You have to play to win the lottery, right? Ha ha ha. Each appointment has also ended in "If your water breaks or you feel fluid leaking or contractions be sure to call, and also if you have any questions."

Tim later said that they say that so people don't show up at the hospital without warning. I guess he has a point on that. I am trusting that when people say you'll know when you are labor to cue me in on it. The doc did ask if I had been experiencing any contractions and I told her no, not that I am aware of. You know? I actually feel better this past two weeks then I have in a long time! The crotch pain had decreased, I sleep all night (with the regularly scheduled bathroom breaks), I don't have heartburn, I have my appetite back (finally!!!) and I don't feel as tired like I need to nap all afternoon.

Oh my Mom just called, I should talk to her. She's

Okay what else did I do today? I put a bunch of music on my MP3 player so I am one step closer to being "ready" for heading to the hospital. The laundry I did includes my favorite pants right now (black yoga pants I wore for TKD), so I feel like I am ready clothes wise.

I have been burning candles a lot this past month/summer and I am now proud to say that we are open for business on receiving more scented candles into our home. Awesome! I can now buy the super discounted lovely smelling candles and get them as gifts graciously because we can use them. I had to stop buying candles three years ago because we had too many and they needed to be used. I like the idea of using these things instead of saving them for...when? I dislike the idea of saving special things too long -- things like candles, soaps, lotions,'s best to use them so that you can try other cool things. Right?

We had spaghetti with pork sausage, onions and garlic for dinner with a slice of sweet potato pie. I only had a little of each because I am not hungry. I am hungry for lunch ...but after that...oy. Full for the rest of the day.

Walking Pluto this evening, I felt for the first time pressure down there. I didn't have to pee, but it felt like something was pushing down my pelvis. I also felt my first cervix kick last night. It was not that pleasant.

Oh my Mom is on the phone, I have to talk to her. :(

Monday, November 05, 2007

This weekend was pretty tame and mellow. Not a bad thing really. On Friday I met up with Tim at this new cocktail lounge over in our neck of the woods by Javacat -- called Jade Monkey for afterwork drinks. They made the BEST kiddie (....can you believe that is called kiddie? I thought it was kitty forver!) kidding cocktail, and Tim had a few old man drinks. The place is nice and the happy hour prices aren't too bad. I could see doing there more often. I could even see bringing the Bit since it is a smokefree joint after all and there are booths we could plop down in. After having a few drinks and spending some quality time with the DH we decided to use our Bucky Book and try out Buck's pizza -- which is up the road.

When we first moved into this place everyone who lives here eventually said "Buck's Pizza is pretty good." I forget why it took us this long to try it out...I feel like it was bad service or something. Anyway. The coupon was buy one get one free, so we got two two pizza's. We picked them up and they packaged them in paper bags on top of a piece of cardboard. Needless to say, by the time we got home they were somewhat warm and not hot. Hm. They were also...okay. I think I prefer Domino's. :P Friday night we played Gears of War until late and then to bed.

Saturday was a lazy day and we were both just tired and slept a lot. Just didn't get that much done in general. Tim went off to Meet and Greet and I crocheted on the couch. We watched three episodes of Rome, heated up some tortellini soup I had froze for dinner and played some more Gears of War. Ha ha.

Sunday, I felt like I had a sleep hangover from all the sleep I had on Saturday. Thanks to Daylight's Savings time I was actually up and able to catch Sunday Morning with Charles O. Hurray! I made some tea, crocheted and enjoyed the morning. Later on I caught up with dishes and picked up a little around the house. Tim went out and started blowing leaves while I started on my recipe collection -- until Pluto was let back into the house and I got sick of hearing him whine. So I went out to see what the hold up was in regards to raking leaves and decided to help.

My goodness! How is that doing a little raking can tire me out so darn much? I mean, my arms were just exhausted from a little exercise and I kept getting out of breath. I know, it's from months of relative inactivity -- and the little fact that I am 9 months pregnant...but still -- I feel like I can still do anything I want. Ha, except, I have noticed that I am rather unwilling to bend down and get things unless I absolutely have too.

After we finished raking, we went to Border's to use our 30% off coupons. I told Tim he needed to get a book to pack for the hospital bag, and I wanted to get a baby book. I looked at every single one and in the end decided on a Humble Bumble Baby Journal - I know nothing of the characters, but I did like the format. When we were on the hospital tour they said that they can stamp a baby book if we bring it in when they do the other hand/foot stamps. I like this idea! Then we went to Arby's to collect on another Bucky book - buy one roast beef sandwich and curly fries and get a second free. It was GOOOOooooddd and you know, since we were there we might as well pop over to PrePlayed to see if they have any of the video games on our preapproved list for xbox 360. Especially since it's a new month -- we get a new video game.

We totally hit the jack pot and got Dynasty Warriors 5 and Perfect Dark. Since Perfect Dark is an older game it was totally cheap -- so we got both of these games for the price of one newer (but previously played) game. We went home and played Dynasty Warriors while I struggled with the a vague headache and a loose jaw?

I woke up and felt like my whole jaw has come unhinged. I feel like this today to a certain extent..but not as bad as yesterday. I can't help but to wonder if this is caused by the relaxin hormone -they say that it affects most of your joints...and my jaw is a maybe a loose jaw is a pregnancy symptom and a sign of labor to come? Anyway.

While we played Dynasty Warriors I baked a sweet potato pie (from scratch, using fresh sweet potatos), chatted with Karen on the phone for a bit and crocheted some more. We went to bed at a reasonable hour and that now brings us to today.

Today I am doing some laundry and ... looking for other things to do around the house that don't involve eating. Man, I am HUNGRY today! It was so weird to not get ready to go work today. I guess I don't think it has really sunk in....but over the course of this week I bet that being unemployed will. I know, there are tons of things that I should be doing...and I am going to do them! I am! But I don't feel like it's nesting at the same time. I am doing this things because I have the time not because I feel compelled to do them.

I like staying busy, you know? Man, I could use some french toast right about now.

Friday, November 02, 2007

38 Weeks and 4 Days folks!

And here is me acting natural, outside with Pluto -- who, in case you couldn't tell -- wanted to play. I have edited all the photos for October, but my poor knees can't take sitting here that much longer to upload and then caption them. That will have to wait until I am done running some errands and getting out of the house (dropping off monitor to Hilary and then going to Target (to get some stuff) and Michaels to see if there are any good after Halloween sales).

Thursday, November 01, 2007

Well, I am officially now unemployed. I'll get to that later.

Last night we had a record busting thirty four trick or treaters! There was a great age range from little kids to teenagers. I like it when teenagers trick or treat -- what I don't like is when they steal your pumpkin off your front stoop, with the window shades wide open and a darling inside in plain view playing the accordion. I think they felt emboldened because they had just seen me drive away to KFC to pick up some chicken stripes. I guess it's okay that they took the pumpkin, I didn't spend much time on it and really it's the squirrels that are going to miss it more since they had already eaten half of the thing. I just worry about where they smashed it (as surely it was smashed) because it was windy I had put the candle inside a glass candle holder...anyway. Maybe I'll tell Tim we should walk Pluto tonight in the direction that they ran to see if we can see the remains of it anywhere.

It's interesting to see how the costumes change from year to year...this year there were no spiderman or princesses when last year that seemed to be the bulk of them. There were a lot of grim reapers and skeletons though. Costumes I like to think more of classic.

My friend Amy really made my night by stopping by with her two boys - one dressed as a bumble bee and the other as a Canadian goose...oh man was that costume great! I took a photo of it that I will post tomorrow when I upload October. I don't really have that many October photos...or do I? I guess there is Callie and Jason's wedding, the baby shower, my last day at work, Tim's deviled eggs, the goose, and one or two of Hilary and her baby boy Cullen. Yeah so maybe there are some good ones in there. Just think, when I upload November there is going to be baby pictures in that batch! Incredible eh?

Today is a belly shot day -- but since I have tomorrow off I think I'll wait then to do it. Will there be a 40 1/2 week photo session? Time is running out for guessing!! No one has guessed Bacon Bit would be born in October...that was prudent. The first guess up is me, for November 4th. I have a feeling I might be wrong on that. :P Following that is Kathleen on the 6th and Steve on the 7th. Whoever is closest, I think I'll send a little prize. So if you haven't guessed yet ... get to it! Click on the banner to your left.

Anyway, yeah so today was my last day at work. It was going to be just me at work, but my coworker decided to stay instead of going to a meeting because today was also the deadline for applications to the program. It was nice to spend the morning with her, doing just normal work. It went by really fast and before I knew it (just like this whole pregnancy) the day was done. It was time to go home. She gave me some postit's, and I cleaned out my mug and collected the rest of my belongings (another mug, a shawl and some tupperware), filled out my timesheet, hugged her and left. :( At least the day was absolutely beautiful. To keep my mind off of feeling sad, I decided to do what I what would normally do if I had extra time before catching a bus on my last day of work before a weekend -- I shopped, got a donut and a fancy coffee. I also stopped by to see my friend Sigrid at the salon she works at. I had decided if she was free I would have a hair cut (only 3-4 inches of my hair off because it's two shades lighter than the rest of my hair because of the sun). Alas, she was busy so a hair cut/trim was stayed.

I also bought a green fleece sleeper for Nephew whose birthday is the 24th. He'll be two years old...I got him a size 2T but I think it might be a tad too large for him. He seems kind of scrawny, it's no wonder considering how short his Mom is though.

I wish Tim would get home already. I want to take a walk with him and Pluto before the sun sets and it gets dark. This will be the last time - oh wait there is tomorrow...but it's nice today!!! As I was saying, it's the last time it will be light out when he comes home since daylight savings time is this weekend.