Guess who got up early! ME! Yeah, I had a bad night's sleep and then woke up around five and couldn't get back to nod, so I got up when Tim did at 6:00.
Zoey, a four inch scarf is pretty short! You sure you don't want it a little longer? ;)
Guess who got up early! ME! Yeah, I had a bad night's sleep and then woke up around five and couldn't get back to nod, so I got up when Tim did at 6:00.
New office and Bedroom closets are done. Man sorting through clothes is such a huge pain in the ass. First you have to decide what season it is, then is it something Tim would use in a layer, then is it jammy or old t-shirt gear or is it just plain old and should become rags? Followed by 'Do I even wear this any more? (Am I saving it for .... what? Cos it cool looking? -- okay that is valid. But what about that crushed velvet stuff -- I don't wear that, and this shirt is just too pink, and that is too small, and etc" I ended up making a tiny pile of clothes that were good enough to sell at a garage sale. Woo! The last time I had clothes for that...wait...I donated them. It wasn't worth moving them to Wisconsin. Still, it might be worth a few bucks total in the end although it's looking like that garage sale I offered to help my friend with won't happen this year.
Today has been pretty good. I added another layer or polyurthane to the workbench ( in preparation for the ultimate tiling experience), been working on fixing up the new office (Where do I put the cat boxes?? Damnit, they cannot be in the same closet as our clothes. That just isn't right, n stuff. Someone hacked into! Poor Tim, I had to help him straighten it out and gain control of the domain again (saving the day, hey it's all in a day's work).
I have post sick fever! That means, I have lots of mental energy to do stuff but none of the stamina. I took Pluto on a pathetic forty minute walk where he dragged ME most of the way. It's a nice day outside though. Hell the whole week has been pretty nice.
I haven't had a *real* kiss from my darling in three days. Last night was the third longest night I can remember. The first was when I had a bad case of tonsilitis in Finland and the second was the night I got my back brace (right after surgery) in the hospital. I haven't been this sick in such a very long time.
As promised, I updated Week in Pictures. There are a lot of would seem but I guess it has been a long time. Enjoy.
Last night I had to buy Bengay for a back problem. That stuff is really really weird. It's hot and it's cold. It's strange. But it helped to dull the pain enough to fall asleep. Today the pain is gone but it is replaced with the first cold this year. I had a cold last year about this time...suck suck suck. Getting sick is for losers.
Which is certainly how I feel right about now.
I had a good time this weekend, as evidenced by the photos (which means I don't have to say much -- which is even better because I don't feel like it). Pluto went to his first sleepover *sniff* Our little boy is growing up- which I don't have pictures of but you should know that anyway.
Look at this! This means your bike can be stolen with a lousy bic pen! That sucks. I am going to go out and try to pick my lock later to see if it really works. Biker's beware!
Rain = tired. I got up this morning to fight with Tim over the quality of 'soft clothes' in the house before finally finding him a slip of cloth I had gotten to clean my glasses some time ago. Thank goodness I keep all these stuff. So I had to delint it with my special delinting thing because the twit at Lenscrafters has Tim paranoid that secret fibers are embedding themselves everywhere and just waiting to scratch the anti-reflective coating on his new glasses. Once it was skinned of unneccessary fibers I found a small bottle of cleaning solution for "all Lens Types." Very important that it said that because otherwise paranoid boy would start bitching about how it might not be the rightest solution for him.
My neighbors gave me three tomato's and a cucumber. Cool. [pun...get it? ha ha ha] Right now I am washing a load of laundry and my uniform. I forgot to wash it over the weekend and had to wear it last night and almost caused myself to pass out. Ugh...and no matter how many times I do it, I never seem to learn the lesson -- spraying freshner on it will not make the smell go away. It just makes it worse. I just don't want to smell like semen dude. Yeah, I know you wanted that imagery.
Now taking applications for a stayover with Pluto. Anyone? I sent and email to Jack's family asking if they were available this weekend to watch Pluto -- but it would be nice to know if anyone would watch the hound.
I think I will take some photos this weekend. It's been awhile. I can't completely abandon my idea either. Yesterday I made a punching bag! It's awesome and heavy, and hangs just right and now all I need to get is those bandage thingies to protect my knuckles. All I have are those slightly stretchy bandages...I don't want to cut circulation off to my hands. Is there some other kind of bandage I should know about? Like a straight bandage or something?
Oh today is kind of just there. I finished my letter to Scifi Kim, wrote a bit, read some Time magazine, ate lunch and now I am going to go to Walgreen's to get some Walatrin for my darling and his allergies. I talked to the neighbor and admired the squash, dumped some stuff in our compost bin and played with Pluto. Then later I have to go get kicked in the head and then watch Matt rock in his first live show at the Inferno.
Damn it! I wrote a great post, but something happened and it disappeared forever. The only thing that is left is the part that I copied out to spell check, but that was only a paragraph. Argh. I have half a mind to just let it all go and pout. But that isn't really fair to my future self who will no doubt wonder what I did this past week.
Super busy week! Tuesday night we went and had sushi with Ned and walked the length of State Street to look at all the youngun's reveling in their newfound freedom. I remember how great it was to finally be out on my own and have my own place to retire too...that was fun. You could actually taste the fruit of possiblity.